Vincent hurt by fan's beach tackle
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ST GEORGES, Grenada: New Zealand opener Lou Vincent is battling to be fit for the second Test against West Indies on Friday after he suffered a knee injury in being 'playfully' rugby-tackled by a Kiwi fan.

Vincent was relaxing with several team mates in a beach bar in Barbados on Monday, just hours after New Zealand's historic first ever Test win in the Caribbean, when the incident occurred.

The fan spotted Vincent and leapt across the sand to flatten the opener with a tackle worthy of an All Black forward.

"The next day I could not feel my knee. I have strained my ligament and I am only 50-50 for Friday," said Vincent, shortly after arriving in Grenada on Wednesday.
According to Vincent, the fan called him at his hotel in Barbados the next day to apologise for his over-enthusiastic celebrations.

"I told him, my body is my whole career. You just can't do things like that," Vincent said. Vincent played a fairly peripheral role for New Zealand at the Kensington Oval, scoring just 16 runs in his two innings.

New Zealand won the Barbados Test by 204 runs for their first ever win in 11 previous attempts in the West Indies.
Despite his indifferent scoring in Barbados, the loss of Vincent would be a major blow for the tourists.

His aggressive batting and sharp work in the field earned him the nod over the more experienced Matthew Horne in the game.


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