24th November 2001 - Twelth Man in Tasmania

How’s it bro's? Just got off the phone from the boys back home...Sooty is smashing it everywhere. C’mon boys. Grafton won outright…Drummy might be coming over to replace Tuffis cos of his hammy...then Tama phoned and air, air, air beer.ss ss ss. How’s it bro? He's promised that he and Tim will give up the booze to concentrate on cricket. Hope so, cos those three boys got the heart and skill that could help make NZ a dominating force in world cricket. People don't understand, these boys are match winners, entertainers...No.1!

Cold and raining in Tassy, and the people here are funny. On the way home in our team bus, a ute drove pass with the Dad driving and three boys in the car around 10 yrs old. As they drove past the kids gave us the middle finger with a smile on their faces that were hidden behind yellow and green face paint. Obviously didn't wash off in the rain. Aussie supporters! So we thought, aye? We drove up next to them and let out our 2 days of frustration which had built up over the mammoth 556 runs. In the end some not very nice things were said, but the boys and father, (who was getting his oldest son in the front seat, to hold a box full of empty bourbon bottles), ended up giving us the thumbs up with big smiles on their face of friendship. Really bizarre. The next day, this guy was at the ground and he goes, ‘Gees you guys are good blokes, my boys have never been so happy. Thanks mate’...aye? This guy was dead serious...well anyway,

Sitting in my empty hotel room, again chilling to you know who (Ministry of Sounds chill double). Can of lemonade snuck back from the teams dressing room energising fridge. Yahum...7pm, still raining but a lot of hard work to come for the boys...c’mooonn…home soon.

Tweet man v Australia again...no problems, just keep working hard for that spot. State of mind is important. Staying composed is the key. Rigga mentioned a great point about how the Aussies play their game with both bowling and batting...they probe away time and again down the channel, talking in the background, making it a difficult environment to try and break your 'composure', to bring a mistake. It's a giant game of backyard cricket between two of the best teams from their neighbourhood. The boys taking on the big challenge of being the winners.... The crowd, watching with anxiety and fears, dreaming what the feeling would be like if it was them out there. The shouts of 'yeaaaahhhh!’ the flow of light beer, the warm sun on the half naked bods, their day off to watch the big backyard game of cricket, live. Why would you want to miss out on the spectacular one-handed catch; the pick up and throws making the stumps sweat; the allegiance of class straight out of an MCC coaching manual; the perfection of willows blazing the polished leather upon nature’s beauty of solid kikuyu. All this moulded to the perfect picture enclosed in the pickets of summer and 'the contest’...

The Aussies when they bat, try so hard to make you lose your 'composure'. They keep going, they are positive, they play and miss, but they make you slip off your game plan. Be smart, think of your plan, stay cool and maintain it…think. ‘Catches win matches'. Two hard chances went down, but this level brings the spectators to see the best part of the game. Enjoy the game, do well in the game, get addicted to winning and pushing the pain a little longer...'believe'.

Bondy bro got his first wicket in the test. Bowled up to 143.5 km/hr. Yahum...pinned a few guys, including Langer with the first ball he bowled, got smashed for four the next ball though, but most excitingly was the work over on Steve Waugh. Lbw yahum, maybe a little high, but you deserved it sunshine...go boy! Tower had a dropped catch off his bowling first ball he bowled with the new ball. Bell at point diving to his right, high and hard, but that would have been a huge high for him if he hung onto it…he’s feeling a little low in confidence so something like that hurts even more...just needs to smash a good pull shot off a 140km/hr B Lee bouncer into the Air New Zealand sign at backward square. Back in town, go boy.

I did my sewing today, watching and learning, dreaming hard of being there, wearing the black baggy cap with the silver fern flashing pride of our neighbourhood. Yeah. So in between these thoughts, I fixed my jumper where the V had split a few threads due to Astle being a bully and picking on the small one. I’ll kick his ass.

Well, I’m knackered and bed’s looking good…real good. Hey, I wonder how many beds I sleep in a year. If I collected all the shampoos and conditioner with a few extra sewing kits, I’d be sweet till retirement. But seriously, 60-120 bed I reckon…how am I supposed to have a teddy!

28th November. Selected for my first test.

Wow, here I am, ready to rock’n roll. Walking out for my first test against the number ones. It’s a war, we're off to war...to battle for a series...this could put us in the books for great memories, can we win? Well, now I can be a part of it and do something to help us win. The days in the backyard dreaming, visualising seeing myself in the firing line, this is the test. 19 yrs of study for the big exam. Should be nervous but excitement replaces that. Wow. Good night. Louie

1st December. After test

Hi, wow, what have I done? I feel like a movie director. This is how I want it! This is what I wanted to happen. Is it coincidence, a fairytale, a story that changes people's perceptions and thoughts? It’s like Shaggy''s concert we went to in Adelaide, screaming energised people bouncing and grooving to his control. What power can switch the mood of thousands at one simple action? I believe things happen, nice things, and sad things, to educate and test the human composure. When crisis strikes, like Sept 11, you remember where you were and what you were doing…your thoughts slow down, you become paralysed, and fixed, bemused by the pinch you give yourself to say, 'Is this really happening?'

Geez…you can be influenced, everyone's the same…thousands. But for some, when they are, they realise their dreams. Who they want to be right then and there. They have courage to say ‘hi’ to that girl, but most importantly they believe that what ever their heart is in, they can be the best! Why not? Everyone’s human, we all have pretty much the same brainpower, but the key is that some people use their abilities more than others do. Don’t be lazy. Yes…blob, but achieve first then reward yourself...work hard and save, then spend....

Believe more, then it happens....

Anyway, this has been the biggest five days of my life. We almost won…we almost beat the world champions! Take a picture of that, print 500 copies signed by the players and sell them for $400, cheers Richie...

Couple of close decisions that didn't go our way. Things happen, we just have to keep our composure and move on…that’s mental toughness. Standing out there with all these amazing, idol-like Australians: Waugh twins, Hayden, Langer, Ponting, Martin, Gilchrist, Warne, Lee, Gillespie, McGrath. What a team to play against!!! This is a feeling no-one can explain, you have to trust your composure, that’s what the game is about - you play, practice, sleep and eat cricket from a young age. You have the skills if you're at that level…all you need is the mental composure, know you're capable…and watch the BALL!!!

Batting on the WACA on that first morning in front of 20,000 people - facing Gillespie, Lee, McGrath and Warne was soooo coool! I just loved it, just wanted to enjoy that $2 ride at the theme park and go on and on and on and never get off. It could have ended at any second but I was so determined to make the ride long…as long as possible…to learn and feel and experience the highest possible buzz you can get. When I hit the ball off Gillespie past backward point and saw that I would get 3 minimum, I knew I had a hundred on debut v the Aussies. Everything, at the point of the ball racing past Ponting, turned into complete euphoria…people were on the seats clapping passionately...the roar, not blocking out the 'yes Louie' from skipper Fleming, just behind me...I leapt holding the silver fern with an unexplainable energy of achievement.

I felt a little pressure on in the second dig, but somehow felt even more composed than the first innings. Rig and I got off to a great start and he surprised me by his ‘one’ taking. The Aussies were getting really stuck in to both of us and I think in our minds we didn't want to be on strike so we looked for ones to get to the other end and get away from it. It's pretty scary, these guys are the big boys in the neighbourhood…dominating and intimidating, but keep composed and see what happens...I think the most memorable thing I got from my debut was the togetherness of the team. Ian Smith gave us a talk before this test about how we could beat the Aussies if we played for each other. Well, I felt it. After getting out on a 100, who was first to shake my hand, but Matt Bell. He was happy and stoked for me ‘cos it's for the team, and he knows that when he's next in the test team, he'll believe he can do it better, and when he does well, we'll all be the first to pat him on the back. That’s a team and that’s how you win!!!

We played hard for each other, it was sooo intense you wouldn't believe. I am so mentally sore at the mo…writing helps though, even when they were getting partnerships we worked even harder for each other…we came close, we were very close to making a turn in cricket history. We had the Aussie's under huge pressure, then they fought back and almost stole it from us, but Dan's run out really changed it. Amazing how cricket provides unpredictable entertainment...

After the game we went into their changing rooms…crayfish and prawns on the table, a few beers but plenty of mixing. I sat next to Brett Lee and had a laugh about things that happen in the game. McGrath came over…had a good laugh with him, then Steve Waugh. What a legend, it felt great!!! That was pretty buzzy, a good buzzy... I could go on but I'm a bore at times...

Playing tomorrow against the Prime Ministers XI. We went to John Howard’s home for nibbles, met him and got a congrats from him, had a yarn about the WACA. Pretty cool dude…

Well, I’m keeping tomorrow so better get some sleep.



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