Arrival in Marseille


The weak winter sun did its best to shine brightly on the Pharaon as she sailed past the Chateau d'If on her way into port at Marseille. She was late and on board the mood was sombre. Captian Leclere had contracted a fever during the voyage and died... the crew was still in mourning and none more so than the young man who had been acting captain ever since, Edmond Dantès.

Dantès was still troubled by the dying man's last request... to go to Elba. He had done so, for who wouldn't as a mark of respect for the late captain; but it had been out of their way when the ship was already behind schedule. Dantès knew that some of the crew had muttered against the detour... his gaze flicked momentarily to Danglars... but that was understandable, for Captain Leclere had sworn him to secrecy. No one save Dantès knew why they had gone to Elba and even Dantès did not know what was in the packet he had been entrusted with. He only had to deliver it... how much trouble could that be?

Dantès barked a few commands at the sailors and the crew moved like clockwork. There he was, acting captain before the age of twenty. Were it not for the tragic circumstances, Dantès would have truly been enjoying himself. Only Danglars seemed to dislike taking orders. Poor Danglars, thought Dantès with infinite compassion, Leclere's death has hit him especially hard.

As usual the townsfolk thronged the harbour to greet the return of one of M. Morrell's sailing ships. Dantès gave a few final orders and the anchor was dropped. He scanned the croud for his father and Mercedes and waved when he spotted them. They would be so proud of him! He was still waving when he caught sight of M. Morrell, who had come aboard and was deep in conversation with Danglars. It did not cross Dantès' mind to wonder what Danglars was saying to their mutual employer. Had he known, the earlier compassion he had felt for the former might have vanished.


A beautiful dark haired girl had stood on the docks of Marseille since the first light of day. She had risen early that morning, hurrying about her small Catalan house. By some kind stroke of fate, she had received word that her fianceé's ship, the Pharon, was in sight of the coast.

How long had it been since she'd seen him? Days, weeks, months? She had kept careful count, but now as she stood anxiously watching the small speck of a ship grow larger by the minute, she found she could not remember! But it did not matter now! Soon, she would see her Edmund again; soon Mercedes(as this beatiful dark haired girl was called) would be able to embrace him.

She had filled the time since his departure in the best way she could. Concentrating on her work, her daily activities had kept her mind of the ache she felt at his departure. And her cousin, dear Fernard, had also done his best to be cheerful with her, and keep her occupied. How thankful she was for his company!

And then? The ship at last entered the port. Was that him? Was that her dear Edmund with the wind blowing his hair, the sea mist soaking his fine, proud features? She squinted and saw a wave. Yes, it was him! Mercedes smiled broadly and waved even as she pushed herself to the front of the crowd. She would be the first to greet him! Oh, if it only didn't take him so long to square away the ship! Wasn't that the Captain's job? What was taking him so long?

She watched the action on the ship's deck eagerly, waiting with racing heart for Edmund to descend to the dock.


He left Danglars talking with M Morrell. There would be time enough to brief his boss on all that had occurred later on. He detailed a handful of men to manage the unloading of the ship's wares onto the harbour and then followed them down the gangplank to supervise. At least that was the official reason, but Dantès knew that these men could unload the Pharaon with their eyes shut. His eyes meanwhile were fixed on the beauty before him... Mercedes! He ran towards her, the pent up passion of so many weeks at sea welling up inside him. God, but she was lovely, with the sunlight catching her hair, he was the luckiest man in Marseille... no, in France! "Mercedes!" he cried joyfully, sweeping her of her feet and spinning her around at arms length before embracing her, "Oh, how I've missed you."


Mercedes ran towards Edmund's outstretched arms. It really was him; back after all this time! She laughed, her head falling back to catch the warmth of the sun as he spun her about in his embrace. Surely, no one could be happier than she!

"Oh, but surely I have missed you more!" Mercedes laughed again and pulled back a bit to gaze upon his fine features. Yes, he was as handsome as she remembered him!

"How was your journey? Successful, I hope? But with you as first mate, how could it not be?" she beamed at him.


While the other men worked in earnest to unload the cargo so that they might quickly be finished and allowed to join their families, Danglars’s eyes searched the dock for the ship’s owner, M. Morrell. It was his intention to speak with him before Dantès clouded the man’s judgment and secured for himself the position, only recently made vacant by the death of the captain. Morrell, too anxious to await the gangplank to be lowered used one of the rope to climb aboard, Danglars seeing an opportunity helped his employer up the last foot and a half.

"Ah, Danglers! What's the matter with the crew? Why have you this air of sadness aboard?"

"A great misfortune, M. Morrel," Danglers informed him, trying to inject some sadness in his tone. "We lost Captain Leclere off Civita Vecchia… but the cargo is safe." He added quickly, anticipating Morrell’s next question. "But poor Captain Leclere! It was most unexpected. He was greatly disturbed after we left Naples and within a day’s time his condition deteriorated into a fever of the brain and he died three days later. We performed the usual burial service, and he is at his rest, sewn up in his hammock with a thirty-six pound shot at his head and his heels, off El Giglio island. But we have managed in his absence as you can see.” Danglers concluded as though he’d performed the deed alone.


"Captain Leclere is dead." said Edmond to his beloved. "I have been acting captain for nearly half the voyage. Oh, Mercedes, would you think me awfully callous if I told you how much I enjoyed it? I miss Leclere terribly... he was like a second father to me... but to command a ship like Pharaon was next to heaven... all that was missing was your presence to make me believe that it was I who'd died and reached those pearly gates!"


"A terrible business," Morrell repeated shaking his head sadly. "I see that young Dantès has managed to keep the crew going…" He watched the crew follow the orders Edmond threw out at them with a touch of pride and amazement, the young man was a natural leader."Yes, scarcely was the captain's breath out of his body when Dantès took command without consulting anyone," said Danglars, shooting hateful looks at Edmond. Morrell could see the jealousy burning in Danglers's eyes. "He caused us to lose a day and a half at the Island of Elba, instead of making for Marseilles direct."

"Dantès's duty as captain's mate is to take command of the Pharaon when Captain Leclere was no longer capable of fulfilling his duties," replied Morrel, "As for losing a day and a half off the Island of Elba… was the vessel in need of repair?"

"No, sir," Danglers straightened his shoulders.

"Then let us ask Dantès his reasons," Morrell said, and turned to see that Edmond was already ashore in the arms of his sweetheart, he recognized her from the countless times she had come to inquire of him the location of the Pharaon. "It seems the lady has placed first dibs on him." Ah, to be so young and so in love again!

<Louis Dantès>

Louis Dantès let Mercédès speed through the crowd gathered on the dock so that she might be the first to welcome Edmond home. Her sweet, young face would be the perfect welcome home for a young man weeks out to sea. He remembered his own youth and long nights spent envision the face of his sweetheart as wave beat relentlessly against the hull. Louis followed at a slower pace slightly weakened from want and deprivation, but the miseries of the pass few weeks, vanished as he gazed proudly on his son and the young woman whom he already considered a daughter.

As he drew nearer, he could see the light of perfect happiness in his son's eyes and Mercédès's and stood back to marvel at this perfect moment. What a joy to see his son receive all that was best and beautiful in the world! If only his mother were there to see.


"Father!" Dantès said, overjoyed to see him again. Somehow he managed to embrace the old man without quite letting go of Mercedes. Quickly he brought his father up to speed on all that had occurred. The only thing he neglected to tell either of his listeners was the reason for the ship's detour to Elba.


Mercedes listened intently, sympathy on her face, as Edmund told of the Captain's death. It must have been horribly sad for the crew and yet, she could not help but feel how lucky they were to have a man like her Edmund to guide them afterwards! "I could never think you callous, my love. Sailing is what you love and although it came at an unfortunate time, your being able to command the ship only proved how you love it. And how very good you are at him, I'm sure." She smiled at him. Oh yes, her Edmund was quite talented! "I am sure Monsieur Morrell will be quite happy with your leadership."

Before she could continue, Mercedes saw Edmund's father approach. Oh, she had nearly forgot that he had stood by her side! The sight of Edmund had cleared all other thoughts from her mind. She was quickly folded into a tight embrace by Edmund who hugged both of them!. She laughed as she was tenderly squeezed by her fianceé. Mercedes waited patiently as Edmund filled his father in on the details.

"Edmund, are we keeping you from anything? You are a captain now, afterall." she beamed at him.


"I should go and inform M Morrell of all that has occurred, though I think Danglars may have beaten me to it. Strange, I didn't think he was that close to the captain, but the man's death has affected him more than anyone."


A dark cloud passed over Danglers face as Morrell defended Dantès. It was clear the owner had a fondness for the young stripling, but how much of Dantès liberties Morrell was willing to tolerate. "Upon my word! He fancies himself about reporting to you first," said Danglars malicously. "I suppose the next ship's captain will have to put him in line, he's acting as though the ship were his. One of the follies of youth, I tell you."

<Louis Dantès>

"Perhaps he is commending your leadership to M. Morrell," Louis said proudly, laying an arm over his son's shoulders in a half hug. "He is probably telling Morrell, 'The crew were in a sad state over the Captain's death, until young Dantès took control. Mark my words, M. Morrell, that young man will make you a fine captain!'" Both Edmond and Mercédès laughed at his impression of Danglars. "Ah, Captain Dantès! Now there's a title I had not expected to hear so soon."


Dantès laughed merrily, "Not so hasty father, I'm not captain yet... M. Morrell may well appoint someone else." But his tone betrayed the hope he nursed that M. Morrell would indeed look no further than Edmond Dantès.


"The 'next ship's captain'?" Morrell echoed quizzically. "I see no see to solicit for a new captain when the ship apparently has a very able one." Danglars jaw dropped for a second before he was able to recover. "Dantès may be young, but he appears to have the skill of a man many years his elder and the respect of the crew... but you are right. I shall have to speak with him about this unnecessary stop at Elba."

Morrell left Danglars to trail after him or do whatever it was that Danglers typically did once they pulled into port. Walking down the now lowered plank, he respectfully halted just short of Dantès' reunion. "When you've a moment, Dantès, I'll have a word with you," he said when he caught the young man's eye, then Morrell once again boarded the ship, this time with the intention of survey it's cargo.


"Duty calls." he said to his father. Then, with a final kiss for Mercedes he ran off in the wake of M Morrell. "I hope you find everything in order Monsieur." he asked as he caught up with his boss.


"Danglars tells me the cargo is in good condition and ready to be unloaded and the crew has been singing your praises," Morrell told him. "But I wished to inquire why you stopped at the Island of Elba? I have been told the ship was in no need to repairs."


"It was a mark of respect to Captain Leclere, sir." said Dantès calmly in a low tone. "On his death bed he handed me a package and asked that I deliver it to Elba. He expressly asked me not to tell the rest of the crew why we were stopping there... I suppose he felt that feelings run high where the inhabitant of Elba is concerned and it might make them restless... but the men didn't seem to mind, sir, and it was only a day out of our course." The one thing Dantès omitted was that on delivering Leclere's package to Elba, he'd been given another to deliver to the mainland. He had no idea what it contained... naive boy!... he was honouring his friend's last wish.


Morrell shook his head gravely. The the young man had no choice but to fulfill the wishes of a dying man. "Yes. Very well, I expect no less of you," he said as he took the boy's arm and drew him aside. "And how is the emperor?"


"He seemed in fine spirits, sir. He complimented the Pharaon... well, who could not admire her?... and when I told him whose ship she is, he said that he had once served in a regiment alongside a man named Morrell. Asked if you were a relation, sir?"


Danglars watched Dantès and Morell as he barked orders at the men. His owner's mannerisms did not suggest that he was reprimanding Dantès, for all that the boy deserved it. Some men had all the luck and this Dantès was one of them. He knew how to work Morell to get what he wanted, to get what he, Danglars, rightly deserved. Men like that should be dropped into the ocean with a weight securely tied to his ankles.


"Ah, yes!" Morrell exclaimed delightedly. "My uncle, Policar Morrel, served in the same regiment as the Emperor when he was in garrison at Valence. My uncle will be delighted to hear that the emperor remembers him." He patted Edmond's shoulder kindly, "Lord bless you, you did right to land at Elba. However, let me warn you, if it were known that you brought a packet to the marshal, or had conversed with the emperor, it might bring you into trouble. I advise you to speak of it as little as possible from now onward."


"I shall be the soul of discretion." Truly he had no intention of breathing a word about the letter he now carried, either before or after he delivered it.


"Very good," Morrell said, clapping Dantès on the shoulder, but his eyes wandered to the docks where a proud father and loving mistress stood watching. "I expect you fulfill your duties right quickly, because I doubt the young lady will keep her patience. She called on my office daily to inquire about the ship and when she should return, but I'll wager you could guess it. Well, carry on." He turned as if about to leave, turned back. "Come see me tomorrow. With Captain Leclere's passing, the ship will need a new captain... and I do believe the crew and your performance has made that choice for me."


Danglars moved as close as he dared without giving away his intention, it didn't seem like Morrel was lecturing Dantès. In fact the man was in good humours from the looks of it. He'd have to approve to Morrel just what a mistake he was making. Dantès didn't deserve the captaincy, he, Danglers, did. He would just have to find a way to prove it.


Edmond's face cracked a huge smile as he read between the lines of those last words. "Aye, aye, sir!" he said and turned back to his crew with renewed enthusiasm. Edmond Dantès, the youngest captain Marseille had seen for many a year! He could hardly wait to tell his father and Mercedes the good news. He was still grinning broadly, without realising it, as he approached Danglars to see how the man was getting on with his tasks.


"I take it you've had pleasant news," Danglars said, hiding the contempt in his voice. Dantès was far too pleased for his taste. "I gather M. Morrell was pleased with your performance?"


"He had no complaints, certainly," answered Dantès, "I have high hopes that tomorrow I shall be Captain Dantès, isn't that good news and cause for celebration? Captain and Madame Dantès... how well that will sound when Mercedes and I are married in two days' time." Poor man, he really couldn't see that Danglars could be anything but happy for him!


"Captain Dantès!" Danglers spat out, then quickly recovered. "Now there something!" Something indeed. That promotion should have been his. He'd put the time in and deserved it more than any other man on board, much less a upstart like Dantès. "It sounds like fortune has smiled upon you, my boy. Let us hope that he continue to fall in her good graces." Danglars clapped him on the back, rather than upside the head like he yearned to do.


The slap on the back hurt slightly, but Dantès put it down to Danglars' enthusiasm in his cogratulations. "I must attend to the cargo on the keyside, Danglars, I shall leave you to unload the last few items here." then to the crew, "Keep up the good work, men! I want the work finished before nightfall." So saying he disappeared back down the gangplank.

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