The Outrage

<Mme de Villefort>

It was unfair! Utterly unfair that that unworthy Valentine would receive the inheiritence of both her mother and her mother's parents, and her son luck to receive Noirtier's estates. The problem was that Noirtier favored the girl more than Edward, which was dangerous becaise if the old man shifted the named of the beneficiary Edward would be left with nothing. "There must be some way of assuring his fortune."


"Assuring whose fortune," Villefort asked as he entered the room, adjusting his cuffs and collar. He really cared little for the answer as he was running behind in his schedule and only asked as a matter of courtesy. His wife puffed her cheeks out and exasperation and he guessed at what she was tirading about this time. "Valentine has every right to her mother inheiritance... besides Edward with not be without means."

<Mme de Villefort>

"But Edward is your *son*!" Mdm de Villefort snapped back. "Your Son. And yet that fool father of your would barely look at him. It is all about Valentine, poor Valentine. The girl is far from poor, what about Edward? I see no concern for his estates."


Villefort rolled his eyes in exasperation, all his wife could think of was wealth, inheritances, Edward, and what Edward did not have. She held a clear contempt for the offspring of his first marriage, which was natural, but took it to an unhealthy extend. �Edward will be provided for. Besides there is still sometime before Edward will have to worry about income... and it is a most unlucky topic, for the individuals you seek inheritance from are still very much alive and in relatively good health.� Well, Noirtier was not in such excellent health, but the man had a resolution to live that was outstanding, and Villefort was certain the man had made a pact with Satan himself so that Noirtier would outlive his son, just to make Villefort life miserable.

<Mme de Villefort>

"But your father hates me and Edward," she pouted.


Villefort rolled his eyes in exasperation, the woman had a one track mind! Though on this point she was accurate, but god-forbid he admit it. �He does not hate Edward� or you. Now drop the matter.�

<Mme de Villefort>

"I will not drop the matter!" She shouted. "It is something you should be thinking of as well, after all he is your son! Or don't you care for your son?"

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