Welcome to the Hybrid Theory EP Fanlisting.

This is the official fanlisting for the album "Hybrid Theory EP" by Linkin Park, back when they were called "Hybrid Theory".

Opened: 29th July 2003
Approved: 28th July, 2003 by
Listed at: TheFanlistings.org
Run by: KayKay

Members: 46

Want to affiliate?
Email me at [email protected].

22nd April: Added three people.
12th April: Added one person.
7th April: Added two people!
5th April: Added one person! I've deleted some of the emails i got wanting to get in because you dont read the rules, people!
31st March: Added three people!
27th March: Added three people!
21th March: Added four people!
20th March: Added two people, yay!
19th March: Added one person, hehe sensing a pattern?
12th March: Added one person. :D
10th March: Added one person.
6th March: Added one person.
26th February: Added two people and two affiliates in the Extra section.
24th February: Important! Fanlisting is UP AND RUNNING now. So sorry for the inconvience. Reapply again as I am starting over as of today..
15th August: Added 16 members! Rock on!
30th July: Added one member, thanks for joining :D
29th July: Opened this fanlisting, and already added 4 members! Join if you love the Hybrid Theory EP!

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