To all former members of VII Corps LRRP Co (ABN), C/58th Inf. LRP. and B/75th Rangers:

Gentlemen                                                                                                              September 11, 2002

In this, only our third year of existance, we have grown from an association of a handful of known ex-Lurps to almost eighty-five known and located former members of this wonderful little elite U.S. Army outfit. Since the inception of the original company in June, 1961, at Nellingen, GER. then under the command of Maj. Edward V. Maltese and through its genesis into C/58th Inf. and now, B/Co 75th Rangers, many hundreds of soldiers have proudly served their country as a member of one of these units.

We wish to recognize and thank all of you who became members and supporters during our humble beginnings in 1999. Our first reunion in Savannah, GA in tandem with the 75th Ranger Regiment Association (RRA), in July 2000 was a great success with over forty former Lurps, along with several wives and girlfriends, in attendance. It also marked our auspicious premier as a Unit of, and with, the 75th RRA.

In September, 2001 following the diabolical attack on our great nation, we held our second successful reunion at Ft. Bragg, NC. This time, we had over fifty former Lurps attend, along with several more wives and girlfriends. Two Lurps were accompanied by their respective sons, who also joined their dads and us at Raeford Airfield where eighteen "Lurps a leaping" made a jump. For many, this was their first jump since their days in Nellingen. All managed to safely find terra firma; well, most of them did.

This past July, 2002 we held our third reunion, again with the 75th RRA, at Ft. Benning, GA. We had another good turnout with several new-found former Lurps joining us, and several wives also.This reunion marked a turning point for our association. Because of our rapid growth, it was decided among those attending, we should begin to organize ourselves more formally. We established a steering committee of four members who will develop bylaws, plan reunions, pursue membership, publish a newsletter, and other designated functions. We already established positions of President, Unit Director, and Treasurer. Additionally, we have established a women's auxillary to encourage wives and girlfriends to fell both warmly invited and enthusiastically welcomed at our reunions. You, fellow Lurp, are also invited to make a jump with us. We did it again this year and plan to jump at future reunions.

On behalf of all of our present members, you are invited to join with us in good fellowship and brotherhood. We promise you a good time, lots of laughs, and wonderfully recalled memories. "There was no better outfit in the whole U.S. Army." if the commonly expressed sentiments of every Lurp is to be believed. You were once a proud member of this beloved Company. Won't you please "sign up" with us again?

As a gift to you and all others who become members of the
VII Corps LRRP (Abn) Association, a handsomely designed "Certificate of Service" will be mailed to you as our way of saying "Thank you." Your highest rank, name, and dates of service with the Company (ies) will be hand calligraphed on the certificate, according to the information provided by you along with your membership dues. Dues are $25.00 to be paid annually in January and run through December.

As part of the
75th Ranger Regiment Association's historical lineage, we join with them every second year when they hold their own reunions. The 75th RRA is a wonderful organization. They print a very good quality magazine, PATROLLING, in which they publish the stories and photographs of all of their LRRP, LRP, Ranger, and BDQ Companies that are a part of their association. We are well represented in the pages of their quarterly issues. We greatly encourage you to also take membership in the 75th RRA and subscribing to their magazine. You are also invited to submit articles, stories, and ancedotes to these pages through our Unit Director, Kirk Gibson. He is your voice to tell "your story."

I will close by saying how pleased and honored we would be to serve with you again, our brother.

Joe Chetwynd, President

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