The reason the mugs from commo section are much bigger is because there were more troops in commo section than in a team. The truth of the matter is, size makes no difference. Large or small, all Lerps present would get their fair share of the spoils. Being from both the commo section and the team LRRPS, I can attest to the reasoning for the size of the mugs.

Large Mugs - Commo Section: The reason for the large mug is so we could find the damn thing when the lights went out in the commo van. Or when on radio shift, we could use it to recycle beer when one was in the middle of taking a message from a poor team that was getting thrown out of a Gasthaus and we couldn't get out of the van to take a whizz. It was also easier to spit your false teeth into and claim a full mug of beer from the rest of the section. This was known to have been done by several LRRPs at more than one Octoberfest. A great deal of money was saved this way to buy food. And we salvaged a lot of still drinkable beer. Larger mugs were easier to use in self-defense up on the Hill or other gasthauses in the area.

Small Mugs - Teams: Small mugs were easier to hide in a Ruck. Small mugs did not break as easily as large mugs and hurt more when hit with them. This was a blessing when there were only four of you to hold off a whole gasthaus of pissed krauts. I know, as I was used by many in Germany to test the breaking ability of both large and small mugs. I prefered to get hit with the large mug. They made more noise, covered more area, and were usually empty. Also, it was easier to see the large handle that was left dangling in the poor Legs hand that had just made a big mistake. Small mugs seemed to be more solid and almost always had beer in them. Small mugs were used by LRRPs who were broke and didn't want anyone to know it. So they would buy one small mug, then steal beer from Legs who left their mugs unattended for a second or two. Thus improving on the team's resourcefulness.

This is my small contribution of the way it was.

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