A Chip Off The Old Block!
Joe Chetwynd with his son, Mark, who is about to be deployed to Iraq
The war in Iraq hits close to home. Army Capt. James F. Adamouski, who was President of his high school class before going on to attend the U. S. Military Academy, is among the latest casualties in Iraq. The 29- year old West Point graduate was one of six soldiers killed when their UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter crashed in central Iraq. Capt. Adamouski was deployed to Kuwait three months ago, just four months after his wedding.

He had been accepted at the Harvard Business School and was to begin classes there in August. Upon completion of his studies, he was to teach economics at West Point.

Capt. Adamouski was Ed Mitchell's nephew. Our condolences go out to Ed and the Adamouski family.
Ed Mitchell & LRRP Friends
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