Season 1 

"Anything You Want" Episode: 0
It's the beginning of the new show.  Simon prays and begs his parents, Annie and Eric, for a dog.  Eric tries to stop his son, Matt from smoking.  Mary asks Matt for suggestions about kissing guys.  Lucy gets upset because she's worried about her period.  Annie's parents come in town and get some shocking news about her mother.

"Family Secrets" Episode: 1
Matt gets grounded for staying out all night with a pregnant friend.  Annie tells Matt the surprising truth about his grandmother.  Lucy has a secret crush on a classmate, Jimmy Moon.  Mary has her first kiss with Jeff.

"In the Blink of an Eye" Episode: 2
Ruthie moves into Simon's room so Annie's parents can sleep in Simon's room when they come for a visit.  Lucy has her first date with Jimmy Moon.  Annie goes to Arizona to see her parents and brings them back to Glen Oak.  The saddest part of all, Annie's mother passes away.

"No Funerals and a Wedding" Episode: 3
Soon after Annie's mother passes away, her family has a funeral for her.  Annie cries all day, not just because she lost her mother, but also, her father left back to home.  Everyone has a party in the house.  Eric helps a couple about marriage problems. 

"The Color of God" Episode: 4
Hamilitons', Camdens' good friends, church gets burned down.   The Camdens helps them to comfort them.  A lot of racism goes on. 

"Saturday" Episode: 5
Mary tells her family that they can't go to her basketball game, which makes them upset.  Simon and Ruthie take their dog, Happy for a walk and gets lost, but Lucy was actually suppose to watch them, but she didn't.

"Halloween" Episode: 6
The family gets ready for the Halloween carnival at the church.  Lucy and Matt learn not judge people by people's appearance.  Simon gets crazy about the pumpkin contest.  Mary stays home all by herself for the night while her family is at the carnival.

"What will People Say?" Episode: 7
Annie and the children see Eric going into a hotel with attractive woman.  Eric actually helps that woman with her problems.   Annie helps Mary's boyfriend with his problems. 

"See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" Episode: 8
The thief steals Annie's wedding rings while she's in the car.  Simon and Ruthie get chicken pox.  Lucy breaks up with Jimmy Moon.  Mary asks her parents for a tattoo.

"Last Call for Aunt Julie" Episode: 9
Aunt Julie comes for a visit.  The Camden's finds out that she has alcoholism and tries to help her. 

"Now You See Me" Episode: 10
Simon is trying to become invisible.  Matt gets a new girlfriend, Tia.  Eric and Annie help Tia's divorcing parents.  Lucy try outs for cheerleading.

"With a Little Help from My Friends" Episode: 11
Matt helps Mrs. Bink.  Eric helps out a church family who lost everything.  Lucy gets angry when her parents told her that she can't have a boy and girl party. but she actually ends up having one.

"Seven is Enough" Episode: 12
Eric's parents come in for a visit.  While they're there, they adopt an orphan boy.  Annie sees her stolen rings worn by a woman in a hardware store.  Matt helps to get it back. 

"America's Most Wanted" Episode: 13
Mary steals a glass from the restaurant.  Lucy copies Mary's old essay for her report.  Eric gets upset when nobody knows the "The Star Spangle Banner" song.

"Happy's Valentine" Episode: 14
Eric and Annie go on a camping trip with Patricia and Morgan Hamliton.  All the kids stays at the Camden's house.   Happy gets hurt by a car.

"Brave New World" Episode: 15
Ruthie starts preschool.  Michael Towner the guy in school makes fun of Mary and Mary ends up dunking him in the toilet.  They both get into trouble.

"Choices" Episode: 16
Mary meets a new friend at the detention.  Simon and Ruthie find a $50 on the sidewalk and buys two ferrets.  Tom Harrison, a former assistant to Eric comes in for a visit.

"Faith, Hope, and the Bottom Line" Episode: 17
Annie becomes a church treasure.  Eric tries to hire a ex-prisoner as a church organist.  Mary tutors Lucy's boyfriend, Jimmy Moon.  Ruthie learns the  emergency phone numbers in school and calls the police, which they end up coming into the house.

"It's About George." Episode: 18
Eric's sister, Julia, is released from the rehab center, where she went to get treated from alcoholism.  Eric finds George's birth father.  Also, Eric's parents comes for a visit.

"Say Good- Bye" Episode: 19
Ruthie's imaginary friend disappears when Simon sits on him.  Annie's divorced friend, Rachel comes in for a visit.  Lucy's best friend announces that she is moving. 

"Dangerous Liaisons" Part One Episode: 20
Annie gets mad when her father brings his new girlfriend.  Matt meets a new girl.
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