Season 2 

"Don't Take My Love Away" Episode: 22
Eric asks Annie to remarry for their 19th Anniversary.  Eric helps a woman who wants to talk to a guy who murdered her husband.  Ruthie scares Simon so he can't move out of her room.  Mary gets afraid to give up crutches from her injured knee. 

"See You in September"Episode: 23
All the kids start school.  Annie and Eric take their day off and spend their day to themselves.  Even thought the day didn't turn out to be perfect, all five kids get into trouble at school.

"I Love You" Episode: 24
Simon and Ruthie sneak into Matt's love letters to his girlfriend, Heather.  Eric accidentally reads one of Matt's letters and gets shocked when he reads about that Heather and Matt are secretly married.  Lucy helps her friend, Laurie, whose mother never said "I Love You." 

"Says Who?" Episode: 25
Simon convinces his family that he is shrinking, but he's actually not.  Lucy tries to find out if her classmate is a bulimic.  Eric helps an elderly woman, Mrs. Bink, to find out why her friend moved into a retirement home. 

"Who Knew?" Episode: 26
Matt brings home marijuana.  Eric actually finds it and tries to find who it is.  Annie tells Eric and Matt her secret, which they never knew before.  Simon teaches Ruthie how to use laundry. 
"Breaking Up Is Hard to Do" Episode: 27
Matt travels to Philadelphia to see Heather.  Simon goes steady for the first time.  Ruthie gets in trouble at school for sexual harassment.  Mary and Wilson break up.

"Girls Just Want to Have Fun" Episode: 28
Simon and his parents try to help his friend Stan, whose sister is in gang.  Stan's sister actually gets threaten by her gang group.  Lucy hangs out at the mall with her friends in "sexy" clothes and her mom catches her. 

"Do Something" Episode: 29
Annie starts a muffin business, but she goes out of the business.  Simon gets into greeting card business.  Ruthie buys Simon's cards to get some profit.  Matt gets a job and loses it on purpose.

"I Hate You" Episode: 30
Simon listens to his neighbor story about when she was in the holocaust, which makes him cry.  Annie's feelings gets hurt when Ruthie says "I hate you!' because she was mad at her for making her to clean her wall that she drew on.  Mary and Lucy talks about how much they hate Matt's new girlfriend, Joann.

"Truth or Dare" Episode: 31
Matt pays a guy to take Mary out on a date.  Mary insists friends of Lucy's to invite Lucy to their party.  Eric gets away with his diet.  Simon teaches Ruthie how to swim in the bathtub.  After all in the end, Annie and Eric's bed collapses onto the floor and they decide to go back on to diet.

"Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way" Episode: 32
Eric's sermon gets to be on TV!  Mary gets jealous of a new girl on her basketball team.  Simon and Ruthie learn some magic tricks.  Eric's father comes in for a visit.  Annie takes over Eric's extra chores.  At the ending, something bad happens.

"Rush to Judgment" Episode: 33
Annie discovers a huge sum of money missing from the church treasury.  Coach Koper gets tough on Matt in his English class, but gives Mary some extra help. 

"Stuck in the Middle with You" Episode: 34
All of a sudden, Lucy ends up having two boyfriends, but she breaks up with both of them.  Eric counsels some young married people.  Annie's father comes in for a visit.

"Red Tape" Episode: 35
Annie works kids' manners with her own children.  Eric works at the food bank and helps a single-parent family with some problems.  Happy gets a credit card, even though he didn't need it!

"Homecoming" Episode: 36
Mary gets nervous about going back into the basketball game.    Lucy gets together with her friend, Suzanne again.  Simon gets worry about his science project because his teacher is mean.  Annie and Ruthie get lost on Ruthie's field trip to the museum.

"It Takes a Village" Episode: 37
It's the Camdens and Hamliton night!  Mary and Lucy go on a date and Lucy gets into trouble.  Matt and John go to a Jazz club.  Eric and Morgan finally meet Patricia's ex-husband!

"Nothing Endures But Change" Episode: 38
Lucy gets invited to a pizza party with two of her friends.  The saddest part, her friends get a car accident and one dies.  Lucy blames for herself for the whole time.  Matt moves into the attic and Simon moves into Matt's old room.

"Time to Leave the Nest" Episode: 39
Simon finds a little girl who is lost and dirty.  Annie and Eric help her and her alcoholic father.  Mary and Lucy get a big fight about their bedroom.

"My Kinda Guy" Episode: 40
The Camdens get an exchange student from France.  Mary and Lucy flirt with him.  Ruthie and Simon get sick when they try his cigarettes.

"Like a Harlot" Episode: 41
Eric takes Ruthie to see Snappy the Stegosaurus.  Ruthie no longer believes in Snappy.  Mary and Lucy trick their way into a date with two guys who they don't know.

"Boyfriends" Episode: 42
Ruthie is mad at Matt for going away for the summer.  Simon trains Happy for the contest.  Eric helps Lucy's ex-boyfriends, Rod and Jimmy, with their career projects.  Annie receives shocking news about Mary.  She's pregnant!

"Girlfriends" Episode: 43
Matt gets a news that he is the class valedictorian.  A man come to the Camdens and convinces that Happy is really his dog and takes it.  Annie and Eric announces the news!  They're going to have a baby!
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