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Clínica Doméstica
The diagnostic method of the future

Iridology is a preventive, diagnostic method that permits the doctors to "read" every hidden disease in the eyes, long before the appearance of the symptoms. The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also of the body. It is possible, with a diagnostic "reading" of the iris (the colored part of the eye), to discover all the weak parts of the organism, the latent tendencies, the crasis of the patient, his vitality, the condition of the organs and many others pathologies in progress. Iridology, as a science, was born in the previous century. Still, the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Chinese had understood the importance of the eye in order to examine the human's health. Hyppocrates said: "Behold the eyes, behold the body". 
Iridology is a simple, painless, without radiation, quick and economic method, that helps the doctor to discover any constitutional weakness long before its clinical outbreak. It is the unique method that allows us to define the degree of stress and it presents the advantage to show the condition of the organism's health, panoramically, only with a look. Consequently, Iridology is precious to the diagnosis. The smartest way to profit by is to follow this method for preventive reasons. However, latest discoveries of Russian scientists promise a certain cure through the iris (irischromotherapy). 

Iridology is not a panacea and it cannot replace the other medical specializations, but it contributes to the diagnosis and the prevention.
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