Upcoming Books







New Jedi Order

·        New Jedi Order #11 - Enemy Lines I - Rebel Dream

§         The New Republic Council has lost hope for victory, ordering Wedge Antilles

to take control of the military to cover their retreat. Not willing to accept defeat,

Luke, Mara, Han, Leia and Lando establish a Resistance... just like old times.


·        New Jedi Order #12 - Enemy Lines II - Rebel Stand

§         Luke Skywalker’s daring mission to halt the Yuuzhan Vong’s nefarious plot

is struggling on all fronts. And time is slipping away for Han and Leia Organa Solo,

trapped on a small planet whose rulers are about to yield to Yuuzhan Vong pressure

to give up the Jedi rebels.



Jedi Quest

·        Jedi Quest #1 - The Way of the Apprentice

§        Fourteen-year old Anakin has proven his affinity for the Force, and his

 amazing reflexes and physical skills, but he still has much to learn. It is up to

Obi-Wan Kenobi to mold the possible Chosen One into a great Jedi Knight.

On a mission to a world poisoned by a toxic disaster, Master and Padawan are

separated. Anakin and three other young apprentices -- including Anakin's rival –

must work together to survive. Anakin's competitive instincts may be his undoing.


·        Jedi Quest #2 - The Trail of the Jedi

§        Anakin begins to question his Master's commitment. He knows Obi-Wan

never chose him as his apprentice, but rather it was the dying wish of the late

Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan, too, has his doubts. The two had best not concentrate on

their anxieties, and instead focus on a deadly group of bounty hunters out to

capture the Jedi.

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