

Alone and scared

Scared and alone

What to do?

What to say?

How do I know

What is truly right

And what is truly wrong?

Is there an answer

To the question I have?

Will I ever know

If the choice I am making

Is the choice that is right for me?

Is it the safe route?

The easy way out?

The road less traveled?

Or the choice that everyone else

Wishes me to take?

Who will be there

To hold my hand?

Will YOU be there

To make the tears go away?

Will you be there

To tell me it’s all going to be okay?

Who will I look to

To find that I made the right choice?

Will it be you?

Or the mirror?

If someone has to go

Why can’t it be you?

Why must I suffer

For what everyone else believes?

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