"My name is Cherice.  I'm 17 years, 59 days, 21 hours, 7 minutes, and 53 1/2 seconds old.  I lived in London with my mother, father, and sister until I was 12.  Now I live with my grandfather in Tulsa.  I am unable to tell you more, it is classified information and many lives would be in jeopardy, including mine, if I did."

"Why were those men chasing you?  Who are they?  Who are you?" a tall, thin guy, about 20 with soft blond hair framing his face and kind blue eyes asked.

"Why is everything classified?  We won't tell anyone.  You can trust us," a blond with brown, trustworthy eyes, and long hair.  He was about Cherice's age, maybe a little older.

"I'm afraid I cannot trust you.  You may not willingly give away information, but it is too risky for you to know any of my business.  If you would give me the diskman in your hand, which belongs to me, I'll be on my way," Cherice pointed to the diskman, holding her hand out expectantly.

"Tell us what's going on first," the blue eyed blond demanded, holding the diskman out of her reach.

I'm sorry, I didn't catch your names," Cherice said, ignoring the demand.

"I'm Taylor, these are my brothers, Isaac and Zac.  Why were those men chasing after you?" the blond with the diskman questioned again.

"I am not permitted to say.  Please give me the diskman before you are in danger too," Cherice pleaded.

"Why would we be in danger? Taylor asked, keeping the diskman far enough out of her reach so her fingers could just graze the hard surface of the diskman, but couldn't grab it.

"I already said too much.  Please, just trust me."  Taylor looked into the pleading blue-green eyes of the girl before him and slowly moved the diskman toward her.  "Thank you," she said with relief and tightly clutched the diskman to her body.  "Now I must go.  Take care."

"Why'd you give it back?  Now we'll never find out what she was up to," Zac whined as the tree branches swayed slightly, the only evidence Cherice had been there.

"Because," Taylor said, but stopped.  From the other direction came loud thunderous steps.  In front of them, behind them, and to the sides were angry, gun-wheeling men.

"Where is she?" one man asked.

"Who?" Taylor asked.

"Bind them, then continue tracking the girl.  Martin, take these three back to the camp."  Isaac, Taylor, and Zac were bound together by their feet and wrists, and lead away by the man called Martin.  They marched through the dense trees and foliage for hours.  When they finally reached "camp" the moon was on the other side of the sky, setting, and the sun was rising.

"Where are we?" Taylor asked.

"Let us go," Zac demanded.

"Don't you know who we are?" Isaac questioned.

"Of course," Martin said, tiring of their constant whining.  "Why do you think you're still alive?"  The three captives were silenced, for now, and took seats close to a small campfire their six captors had burning.  The smell of roasting meat wafted on the wings of the soft wind, making their hungry stomachs rumble.  The men fed them and alternated watch duty, making sure their prisoners had no opportunity to escape.

"Wake up.  Let's move."  All too early for his liking, Taylor was roused from his sleep.  The boot of one of his captors caught him in the stomach and he let out a hiss of air.

"I'm awake!  Quit kicking me!" Taylor cried.  Stopping the pointed boot that came toward him.  The man released his foot from Taylor and waited as he slowly sat up.

"Let's move," he said, his gun pointed at Taylor's chest, inviting him to make a move.  Taylor rose to his feet in slow movements.

At a fast walk they marched through the thickly populated forest.  Unrelenting in the set pace they continued, briars branches, and thick undergrowth caught their clothes, scratched at their skin, and tripped them.  More than once one of the weary brothers lost his balance and brought the trio crashing to the earth.  Each time that happened they were roughly brought to their feet and forced to keep moving.  Toward sundown they made camp, built a small fire, and ate a meager supper.  For two more days they continued the same routine.

"I need a bath," Taylor stated more than requested.  He heard the moving water from the stream that was near their camp.  The men guarding them looked at each other, and finally Martin nodded his consent.

A young red haired guard, James, led Taylor to the stream, which was more a tiny river than stream.  It stretched about 20 feet from the bank on their side to the opposite bank, with the middle reaching a depth of at least 6 feet.  In position as sentry James watched Taylor strip off his shoes, socks, shirt, and pants warily.  Not testing the water first, Taylor dove into the water.  On the bank another man, Travis, joined James, while Isaac and Zac stripped off all their clothes, save their underwear, and joined Taylor in the water.

"I'm gonna take a leek," Travis told James.  James didn't take his eyes off the three water rats as he nodded.  Once Travis was gone and James was alone Cherice crept slowly out of hiding.  From behind she clubbed James with a rock and he crumpled to the ground with a thud, unconscious.

"Cherice?" Taylor asked.  She didn't answer but swam toward the three in the water.  They watched her, not moving or speaking

"Come on," she hissed when she was in their midst.  "I can't leave you here with them, and there's too much at risk if I'm caught."  She started for the other bank, Isaac, Taylor, and Zac following.

"What about our clothes?" Taylor asked, afraid to get out of the water while he was wearing white boxers with glow-in-the-dark bananas that were wet.

"They're over there," Cherice gestured toward the other bank.  "Go get them if you insist, but I can't wait."  Taylor looked at her, her expression revealing her impatience. 'Zac and Isaac are already on the bank with Cherice in their underwear.  Isaac is in tighty whities, surely they reveal more than my boxers,' Taylor thought to himself.  He shrugged and joined the others.  "Good, let's get out of here."

Taylor walked behind Cherice at a hurried pace.  His feet bare, the sensitive flesh covering them bruised and containing a few cuts and scratches.  With ease Cherice led them through the woods as if it were an open street with nothing to navigate around.

"I need to use a tree," Zac announced from behind Taylor.  Cherice stopped.  Isaac and Zac went in search of the perfect tree while Taylor took a seat on a flat rock.  He leaned his head against a tree behind him and watched his guide.

"What?" Cherice asked without turning around to face Taylor  She knew he was staring at her, he had been since they started out.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Somewhere I feel safe," she said.

"So we'll be safe there?" Taylor asked.  Cherice shook her head and with a sigh turned around to face Taylor.

"I'll be safe.  You won't.  That's why I'm only going to stay long enough to gibe them what I found then I'm going to take you and your brothers to safety."

"Why wouldn't we be safe?"  Cherice didn't answer since they heard people approaching.  Isaac and Zac came into view, picking their way through the trees carefully.

"Let's put as much distance between us and Mitchell's men as we can before dark," Cherice suggested.  She led them at a steady pace.  The sun had long since risen and was making its decent when she led them into a small cave, hidden by the forest.  "We'll make camp here."  Greatfully Isaac, Zac, and Taylor collapsed onto the dirt floor of the cave.  Cherice made a tiny fire using the dry wood in one corner of the cave, reminders that someone else knew of the cave's existence.  Isaac's stomach rumbled, in the silence it sounded like a distant thunder cloud.  Everyone turned their gazes to him and he blushed, embarrassed.

"What?  I'm hungry," he said simply.  "We've been marching for hours and haven't eaten since yesterday night."  Cherice opened her back pack and pulled out some fruits; apples, bananas, oranges, and some strawberries (in a container).

"All the food I've got left.  We'll have to make it last or forage in the forest," she said.  No one was paying any attention to her, they were too busy devouring the food before them.  "Forage it is," she said to herself and watched the others eat.

"You wouldn't happen to have anymore food in that bag of yours would you?" Zac asked, waking Cherice from her thoughts. 

"No, sorry," she said with a slight blush as she realized she'd been staring at Taylor.  He raised an eyebrow in a questioning fashion, causing her to blush even more.

"Well that hit the spot," Isaac said, leaning back against the cave wall.

"Cherice, can I ask you a question?" Zac asked.  She shrugged and he continued.  "What's your last name?"  Cherice's face clouded over for a minute in a mixture of unreadable emotions.

"Don't know," she said with a shrug.

"How do you not know?" Zac asked.

"It doesn't matter.  I don't need one, so I don't have one.  It's simpler that way."

"Surely a last name matters.  What do you tell your friends?" Taylor asked, joining their conversation.

"Nothing.  They understand."

"How do people find you?" Isaac asked.

"They don't."

"How can we find you then?  When this is all over," Taylor asked, his blue eyes betraying his anxiety.

"You don't.  That's the point.  No one can find me.  I'm just a nameless face in the crowd.  It's kept me alive so far hasn't it?   Why mess with something that isn't broken?"  In silence they sat, no one knowing what to say that would ease the tension.  "Maybe we should all get some sleep?" she suggested finally.

"Yeah," Zac agreed with a yawn.  "The sun'll rise before long."  Cherice banked the fire, stirring the ashes to make sure they were out and everyone settled on the ground to sleep.  With the sound of the three steadily breathing sleepers Cherice got up.  From her bag she pulled a bar of soap and a small towel.

At the edge of a small stream, no deeper than 4 feet, she sat.  Quickly she took off her shoes and socks.  Then she set her jeans and shirt with the towel and her shoes.  Soap in hand she waded out toward the middle of the stream.  The clear, quickly moving water was cool to her skin, making her shiver.  Cherice ignored her body's reaction to the cold and began to wash her body and hair.

Then sound of a zipper and someone moving woke Taylor from his shallow slumber.  He saw Cherice leaving the cave and without pausing to think, followed her.  Behind a wide-based oak tree he hid.  From there he saw Cherice pause at the bank and strip off her outer layer of clothes and proceed into the water.  His breath caught as he watched her pale, sleek body submerging into moonlit water.  He stood there for so long, watching her methodically cleaning her body, wishing she'd turn so he could see her face, that his foot fell asleep.  He transferred his weight to his other foot and resumed his watching.

"You do realize you're standing in poison ivy and if you don't wash it off soon, you'll regret it tomorrow?"  Taylor jumped, she knew he was there.  'But how?' he asked himself.  'How did she know I was here?  She didn't turn.  Did she hear me or see me before?'

"Okay," he said simply and without another word joined her in the water.  "So," he said swimming up next to Cherice.  "Think I can use some of your soap?"  Cherice handed it to him after rubbing it over her hands.  With the soap in her hands she washed her hair, while Taylor washed his own hair and body.

"What are you doing still up?" Cherice asked, turning to face Taylor.

"I heard you moving around then leave."  Cherice nodded and rinsed her hair.  Long and dark with water her blonde hair with natural orange highlights hung over her shoulders and down her back.  She started to swim around, working her muscles into exhaustion so she could sleep.  "Taylor?"

"Yeah?" he answered, rinsing his own hair then looking over at Cherice.

"What were you guys doing in the woods?"

"When you stumbled upon us?"  Cherice nodded.  "We were camping."

"Without any gear?"

"With an RV.  We were out hiking.  This is our first camping trip.  We wanted to have a nice quiet, relaxing vacation."

"So much for relaxing," Cherice said with a smile.  "I guess you can't wait to get home."

"Actually," he said, moving closer to Cherice.  "I'm finding camping rather enjoyable.  Good company."  He moved his head, tilting it at an angle so his lips were an inch from hers.  "I think this is the most fun I've had in awhile."  His breath was a warm, sweet wind upon her lips and the desire to kiss him and be kissed by him was almost unbearable.  "This is the part where I kiss you," he said in soft, caressing tones.  His lips connected with hers in a soft inquiring kiss, tentatively searching for a reaction.  Cherice barely knew what her body was doing when she responded to the kiss, deepening it.

With Taylor's hands pressing her closer to him, his fingers running over the small of her back, Cherice felt her skin heating.  Taylor could feel Cherice's hands on his chest and the sensation made him want more, to feel her hands all over his body.  He groaned softly when she pulled away from his lips, his hands still holding her to him.  His blue eyes clouded with desires held in check, stared down at her.

"What?" he asked.

"I've got..." her voice wavered, her pulse racing.  "We should get back and rest.  Day light'll be here before too long and we need to be rested."

"Cherice do you really want to go back?" Taylor asked.  He pulled her to him and brought his lips smoothly to hers.  All thought ran from her head, leaving Cherice free to follow her passions.  Taylor molded her willing body to his and reached the bank.  They left their clothes at the water's edge.  Gently he laid her on the bank and arranged himself over her.  Without saying anything she watched his every move.

Taylor kissed her lips fully before moving on, to her neck he went.  Slowly he made his way down her body.  Nipping here, licking there, kissing everywhere.  He got to know her body intimately.  Cherice ran her hands across his shoulders, over his back and buttocks all the while.  Unable to take his barrage of teasing any longer Cherice brought Taylor's lips back to hers.  He entered her then.  Swiftly, not expecting resistance he plunged into her tight canal. 

"Oh shit!" Taylor said, stopping all movement.  He looked down at Cherice, her eyes were wide open with pain.  "Sorry sweet," he whispered, kissing her nose, forehead, and chin before claiming her lips.  When her tiny body adjusted to him Taylor began the slow thrust and retreat movements that were as old as time.  Slowly, tantalizingly, he brought her to the brink of ecstasy.  Together they reached ultimate pleasure.  Taylor collapsed panting.  He rolled off of Cherice, still inside her, and looked at her.  The moon was shining overhead illuminating her perfect apricot skin.  She looked both fragile and unconquerable to him.  Taylor reached his hand out and brushed a sweaty clump  of hair from her face.  Cherice looked at him with those eyes that reminded him of shimmering aquamarines, and smiled.

"We'd better get back to the others," she said, sitting up.  Taylor watched as she waded back into the stream, quickly washed and dressed.  "Are you planning on staying here?"

"Just till you're done getting dressed," Taylor said.  He stood and followed Cherice's example.  After a quick dip in the cool water and put his boxers back on.  When he finished he noticed he was alone and headed back to the cave where his brothers were asleep and he saw Cherice had placed her things and left again.

"Hey Cherice," Zac said, seeing her in the morning.  She was walking toward the cave with something that looked like apples in her hands.

"Hey Zac," Cherice returned the greeting.  "Hungry?" she asked.  Zac shrugged and she handed him an apple.  "What are you doing up so early?"  Again he shrugged.

"You?" he asked.

"Couldn't sleep," she said, this time she was the one to shrug.

"Cherice where are we going?" he asked, taking a bite of the apple.  The two found seats by a tree and sat with the sun rising behind them as they ate their apples.

"Where I live.  I have to get something to someone."

"What?" Zac asked, curious.

"I have a disk that is extremely important that ave to give to the right people," Cherice said indifferently.

"What's on it?" Zac asked.

"I'm not exactly sure," Cherice admitted,  "I just know what I was told.  I was supposed to be helping Ryan and I failed."

"Who's Ryan?" Taylor asked, coming to join Zac and Cherice, Isaac following.

"Hmm?" Cherice asked, aware for the first time of what she'd said.  "No one.  Hungry?" she asked, handing Taylor and Isaac the leftover apples.  "We'd better get a move on."  Taylor watched her, curious of who this mystery Ryan was.

"So when are we getting back to our lives?" Isaac asked when he was through with his apple. 

"Tonight I should be able to return the disk.  Then a couple more days till you're safe and secure in your old lives," Cherice promised and went back into the cave to pack up her things.  "Let's get going before we're found."

The three brothers followed her, having little to no other choice.  Slowly but steadily the group trekked through the woods, Cherice seeming to know instinctively where to find paths.  As they made their way through the woods Cherice found fruits and berries fro them to eat.  They ate while they walked, all too aware of the dangers around them.

"Can we stop?" Zac asked with the sun half way to the horizon.  "I really need to go to the trees."  Everyone went their own way, to find a secluded area to do what they had to, staying within shouting distance of each other.  Regrouping they continued their march toward a place only Cherice knew.

"Hey Rice," can I ask you something?" Zac asked from where he was walking between Taylor and Isaac.


"This place we're going to.  What's it like?" he asked.  "Can we call home?  I need to get hold of my girlfriend before she gets really worried."

"I might be able to get you a phone, but you can't let anyone inside know you're there.  Do you understand?" Cherice asked, turning to look at them.  They looked confused but nodded anyway.

"Why?" Taylor asked as they started walking again.

"You want to go home, see your friends, family, and girlfriends right?"

"I don't have a girlfriend, but yeah.  So?" Taylor asked, still confused.

If anyone finds out you're there they won't let you leave.  Ever.  It's too dangerous."  Silence ensued and they continued walking.  Some time after dark Cherice snuck Isaac, Taylor, and Zac into the complex she lived in, via secret tunnels.

"Where are we?" Isaac asked when they entered a dark room.  Cherice shut the door and turned on the lights.

"Make yourselves comfortable," Cherice said as she rummaged through her back pack looking for the disk.  "I'll be back.  Lock the door behind me, don't let anyone in unless they know your names, okay?"

"Don't worry about us," Zac said, rummaging in a small refrigerator he found in a corner.  Isaac was looking around the room, inspecting various items as he went.  "Good luck," Zac called as Cherice went out the door and Taylor locked it behind her. 

"Hey look," Isaac said, coming out of a room that was joined to the one Taylor and Zac were in.  "I found another room, and there are clothes in here we can probably fit into."  Taylor and Zac went into the room.  They made sure no one was in it, and found the only access to the room was the door which they came through.

"Who's stuff do you think it is?" Zac asked.  The only personal objects in the room were the clothes, which were nondescript enough to belong to anyone and a picture by the bed.  A picture of Cherice and a tall attractive man of 19 or 20, dark haired, and blue eyed.  Taylor looked at the picture and saw the love the two in the picture felt for each other and knew he couldn't compete with the guy.

Taylor went back to the room he'd come from and sat on the bed.  He wondered idyll if it was Cherice's be he was sitting on.  Gradually he noticed his surroundings and picked up a picture cube that was by the bed.  He saw a duplicate of the picture in the other room, a picture of a smiling couple with a baby in their arms and an older girl, he found a picture of the older girl in a wedding dress standing with a man in a tuxedo, a picture of the same couple with two children, a picture of Cherice and the girl in the wedding dress, another girl, and two guys, and another picture of Cherice with an older man.  He put the cube back on the table vowing to asked Cherice about all the people when she came back.

Taylor was asleep when Cherice came back.  He didn't stir when she re-locked the door.  He didn't move when she looked in the other room and saw Isaac and Zac asleep.  He didn't notice when she shut the door, leaving her and him alone together.  He did however notice when she sat on the edge of the bed and leaned against the wall.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting up.  Cherice opened her eyes and looked at him for a moment, wondering what he would say when he heard what she had to say.

"Everything's wrong," Cherice said finally.

"Tell me about it," he encouraged.  He watched her, waiting to see if she would open up to him.

"I can't you back to Tulsa yet.  I can't send you with anyone else because the only person I could trust to keep you safe until you got there is gone.  Something isn't right, and I can't figure out what it is," she said in a whisper soft voice.

"Why can't you take us back?" Taylor asked in a voice just as soft.

"That's what I can't understand.  I've been ordered to stay here.  I'm not allowed to leave.  I'd send you with someone else, but I don't trust anyone, now."

"I don't understand," Taylor confessed.

"Neither do I," Cherice said.  They sat in silence for a long time before either one spoke.  "I'm sorry Taylor.  I'm really sorry I had to get you, and your brothers involved with this."

"I'm not," Taylor said, reaching out he gently brushed a piece of her silky hair from her face.  His fingers traced her jawbone, their gazes locked.

"Taylor, I--" Taylor stopped her protest with his lips.  Hungrily they pressured her lips to open.  When they did his tongue invaded her mouth, exploring the soft flesh within.  Cherice surrendered to him, she was quickly learning that she couldn't say 'no' when it came to Taylor.  She was also learning that this was more complicated than she'd like it to be.


~          *           ~          *           ~




“Cherice, I need to talk to you,” Taylor said a couple months after they arrived at her home.  Cherice nodded and sat on her bed, waiting for him to continue.  “When can we leave?”

            “I don’t know where my grandfather is.  If—“

            “If Ryan were here you’d let him take us back,” Taylor interrupted bitterly.  He’d been through it all before.  It wasn’t that he wanted to leave Cherice, but he wanted to be home with his family, and Isaac and Zac missed the loves in their lives.

            “Taylor let’s not—“ Cherice stopped, her hand over her mouth she ran to the bathroom.

            “Hey!” Zac cried, sticking his head out of the shower.  Seeing Cherice hugging the toilet he forgot his anger.  “Are you all right?” he asked.  He wrapped a towel around his torso and stepped out of the shower.

            “Fine,” Cherice said, wiping her mouth.  Zac handed her a cool washcloth which she placed on her forehead.

            “Are you sure?  It seems like you’re always sick, lately,” Zac questioned.  Cherice looked at him, startled.  “What?  I’ve seen you turn green and run for the bathroom.  Are you sick or…?”

            “I’m fine.  Just pregnant,” Cherice said with a sigh.  “Don’t say anything, alright?”

            “Sure,” Zac agreed with a shrug.  Cherice got up, threw the washcloth in a basket, and left the room.  “Wow,” Zac said to his reflection.  “Guess she’s really close to that Ryan guy.”

            “Cherice, are you all right?” Taylor asked when she came out of the bathroom.  Cherice ignored him and crawled onto her bed, curled up, and closed her eyes.

            “Taylor can you call home?” Isaac asked his brother.  For a little over two months he and his two brothers had not left the rooms of Cherice’s apartment.  He was beyond cabin fever and well on his way to psychotic killer, his only sanity came from calling Bern, his fiancée.

            “Why don’t you?” Taylor asked, looking at his brother.  “I’m busy.”  He turned away from Isaac and back to Cherice.

            “You promised Mom you would call her,” Isaac reminded him.

            “Alright!  I’ll call her,” Taylor said in defeat.  “Later.  I’m busy right now, so if you don’t mind I’d like to talk to Cherice, alone.”

            “Just don’t forget to call Mom,” Isaac warned and went back to the room he and Zac had been sharing.  Taylor ignored his comment and turned his full attention to Cherice.

            “What’s wrong Cher?” he asked softly.  Cherice looked at him, wondering if she could trust him with her secret without him doing something drastic.

            “I’m worried about my grandfather I guess.  I can’t figure out where he is,” Cherice said, her voice quivering with fear.

            “Maybe he’s visiting family,” Taylor suggested, trying to be helpful.

            “I don’t think so.  I’m all the family he has,” Cherice explained.

            “What about your sisters and brothers?” he asked, referring to the pictures in the cube that she had explained were of her parents, grandfather, Ryan, her sisters, Nancy and Tracy, Tracy’s husband, David, their children, Brad and Laura, and her brothers, Adam and Josh.

            “Josh, Tracy, Nancy, and Adam are adopted.  My parents couldn’t have children.  My grandfather didn’t want anything to do with any of them.  Somehow they managed to conceive me, and I’m the only one my grandfather talks to.  Besides, Tracy would have called me,” Cherice said, her eyes half closed, taking on a dreamy haze.

            “So you keep in touch with your sister?” Taylor asked, thinking there may be a small chance he would be able to keep in contact with Cherice.

            “It’s against all the rules and if I were caught the punishment would be brutal.  I couldn’t just forget about my entire family though.  She calls me every once in awhile to tell me how Brad is doing in school and how much Laura has grown.  She keeps me up to date on how the rest of the family is too.”

            “Do you ever visit?” Taylor asked, his body tensed, waiting for her answer.

            “No, it’s too far away,” Cherice said as she tried to stifle a yawn.  Taylor smiled as he watched her.  She was curled into a ball, almost in the fetal position, her head resting on the pillow, her brilliant eyes nearly closed.

            “Where does she live?” Taylor asked as he climbed onto the bed, next to her.  He put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.  Quickly she relaxed and stretched her body to his.

            “Tracy?  In Idaho,” she whispered.  Her steady, even breathing told Taylor she was asleep.  He reached up, turned off the light and fell asleep himself.

            “Cher?  Cher are you in here?” a voice called softly.  The man belonging to the voice shut the door and turned on a small lamp.  His eyes scanned the scene before him and he had to smile to himself.  “Cher, wake up.  I need to talk to you,” he whispered, shaking her gently.  Cherice opened her eyes slowly.  She didn’t want to wake up.  Sensing something was out of balance she sat up, at once awake, and looked around.

            “Ryan?” she asked not sure she could believe her own eyes.  “Is that you?”

            “Who else would it be?” Ryan joked.  “I came back to get you out of here.  We have to leave.  Now.”

            “I can’t,” Cherice said.  “I need to see my grandfather before I can go.”

            “Cher, now is not the time to argue.  We have to leave,” Ryan insisted.

            “I can’t leave.  They’re keeping me under surveillance.  If I leave they’ll know in the morning.  I’ll be caught, you’ll be caught, the guys’ll be caught.  We’ll be punished.  All of us.  It won’t be fun, I’ve seen it, first hand.  I won’l let that happen to everyone.  If you can do me a favor,” she asked him, looking at him, hoping.

            “Cher you know I’d do anything I can for you.  We have to get out of here.  Soon.  Before anyone knows I’m here,” Ryan said, pleading with his eyes for her to agree.

            “Take my friends back to their home,” Cherice pleaded.  “They live in Tulsa.  Please?”

            “We can take them back together,” Ryan said, solving the problem.

            “Someone’ll know I’m gone,” Cherice said, shaking her head.

            “Cher I don’t want you to worry, but I’m in trouble.  No one knows where I am and I want it to stay that way.  They’ll try to get to me through you and I can’t go away knowing something could be happening to you.  Please, let’s just go,” he pleaded.  Taylor remained where he was, laying on the bed, eyes closed, forcing his breath to remain steady and dream-like.  Although he was awake and listening he didn’t want anyone to know, afraid they’d stop talking.

            “I can’t.  I now understand why they’ve been keeping tabs on me,” Cherice said thoughtfully.  From where she was now sitting on the bed she looked at Taylor, seeing him sleeping so peacefully.   He looked so beautiful and perfect that she wanted to reach out and touch him, to make sure he was real.  “Where are you going to go?” she asked, looking up at Ryan.

            “I don’t know,” he said, the idea finally sinking in that she wasn’t going.

            “If you want to see Idaho I recommend ‘Green Springs.’  Tracy always kept an immaculate house and she loves visitors.  Tell her I sent you,” Cherice offered.  “She’ll love to have you there.”

            “Thanks Cher,” Ryan said, hugging her quickly.  “I think I’ll take you up on the offer.  First I’ll do you that favor, and take your friend home.”

            “Thanks, I’m sure Taylor, Isaac, and Zac’ll appreciate that,” Cherice said.  “Isaac and Zac are in your room, could you wake them up?  Give me a minute to talk to Taylor,” she asked.  Ryan nodded and went into the other room, closing the door behind him, leaving Taylor and Cherice alone.  “Taylor,” she said softly, her fingers resting lightly on his chest.

            “What?” he asked, his voice husky from sleep.  “What’s wrong?” he asked, looking up at her with eyes as blue as the morning sky.  Cherice’s eyes clouded with tears that she blinked away, watching him, laying there so perfect, made her heart ache to know she had to say goodbye and never see him again.

            “You can leave tonight.  Ryan is here.  He promised to take you and your brothers home.  So you’d better get up and get ready,” she said, standing up and waking across the room, her back to him.

            “Are you all right?” Taylor asked, standing and waking over to Cherice.  She shrugged, keeping her back to him, not wanting him to see her teary eyes.  “Cher look at me,” he commanded, gently turning her to face him.  He saw the tears and wiped them away with his thumb.  His stomach knotted up, seeing her so upset made him want to put his arms around her and make all the pain go away.  “Come with me,” he said softly, his hand under her chin tilting her head up so she was looking up at him.

            “I can’t,” Cherice said, looking down, away from his oceanic eyes.

            “Please, we can go away together, just the two of us.  No worries.  No one to bother us,” Taylor suggested, running his thumbs over her low lip.  “Please, I’ll take care of you.”

            “I can’t.  I don’t want you to have to take care of me, I can take care of myself,” Cherice declared, her independent nature flaring to life.  “I don’t need you to pay my way.”

            “I know,” Taylor said, trying to sooth her.  As soon as he’d said it he knew she would be angry at his offer.  “I still want you to come with me.  Don’t you want to see me again?”

            “Taylor it’s not a question of whether I want to be with you or not.  I can’t leave,” Cherice said, trying to make him understand.  “Please, don’t be angry,” she pleaded.

            “Angry?  Why should I be angry?  I only opened my heart to you, offered to enfold you in my life, and you turned me down flat.  Why should I be angry?” Taylor asked, dropping his hands and stepping away from her.  Cherice watched him, knowing it was better this way, if they walked away without any feelings, no one would be hurt any more than necessary.

            “Bye Taylor,” she whispered, the hurt she felt, mirrored in her eyes.  Isaac, Zac, and Ryan came out of the other room, quietly.  Cherice looked up at them, unable to face Taylor anymore.  “I’m sorry that you guys have been confined here.  I hope you know that I never meant for any of this to happen.  If I could have gotten you away any sooner I would have.  I doubt we’ll see each other too much in the future, so I’ll just tell you now that it’s been fun, even if it was all life-threatening.  I’ll never forget you guys,” she said, her eyes drifting back to Taylor as she said the last.  Taylor looked away, not wanting to face her, the girl he was hopelessly in love with who didn’t seem to return his feelings.

            “I’ll miss you Rice, but I’m glad to be going home,” Zac said, not callously, just honestly.  “Why don’t you come with?”

            “She doesn’t want to,” Taylor said, looking at her accusingly.  Zac and Isaac missed the look and Cherice flinching as if she’d been struck, but Ryan didn’t.  He noticed it and contemplated it, the only thing that he could make of it was that Taylor wasn’t happy with Cherice’s decision of staying.  Ryan didn’t blame him, he didn’t want Cherice to stay either, but there was nothing that he could do about it.

            “Bye Cherice,” Isaac said, waving to her from where he was standing next to Zac and Ryan.

            “Cher,” Ryan said, looking at her, pleading with her one last time to come with him. 

            “I’m not going,” she said, shaking her head.  “They would know, you’d be in jeopardy, I’m not going to risk the safety of everyone to disappear.  I haven’t even found my grandfather.”

            “God, why do you have to be so damn stubborn?” Ryan asked her rhetorically.  He hugged her goodbye, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to change her mind, and started explaining to Isaac, Taylor, and Zac the plan to get out.  After fifteen minutes they were ready to go.  Ryan went out first, scouted the way, then came back for the guys.  When they were gone Cherice was surrounded in silence.  Wondering why everything seemed so different.  It was so weird, the fact that in the short time that the guys had been in her life they had left a forever lasting impression.  She knew that for as long as she lived she’d never forget any of them, especially Taylor.  He had left her forever, never to return, carrying her heart with him unknowingly.

            Tired, ill, and thoroughly depressed Cherice laid down on her bed, tears running in rivulets down her cheeks, onto the soft fabric of her pillow case.  She remembered all the times that she had spent with Taylor and every word that they had ever spoken to each other, most clearly the last ones.  In despair she tried to fall asleep, but Taylor’s special smell surrounded her.  It was all over the bed, permanently impressed into the sheets, and she continued to inhale the smell.  The tears came steadier than before.  Eventually she fell asleep, surrounded by Tay’s essence and she dreamed about him.


~          *           ~          *           ~


~          *           ~          *           ~



Part 3


(Six months later)          “Tay, do you want to come with us?” Isaac asked, sticking his head in his younger brother’s room.  “We’re going to the mall,” he said as if that were supposed to entice him to leave his room, where he liked to stay and dwell on his loss of Cherice.

            “No thanks,” Taylor said, moving not an inch.

            “Come on Tay,” Beth, Isaac’s fiancée said, standing next to Isaac, trying to get him to leave his room which he hadn’t, basically, since they got back from their adventurous camping trip.

            “I don’t want to,” Taylor said, his voice muffled from the pillow his face was pressed up against.

            “Tay, phone!  Some girl named Lacey,” Zac said, yelling up the stairs as he ran up them, cordless phone in hand.

            “Tracy?” Taylor asked, hopes rising.

            “No, Lacey,” Zac said, looking at his brother strangely.

            “Tell her I’m not here,” Taylor said, his head hitting the pillow once more.  Zac did as he was asked then joined Isaac and Beth in their curious watch over Taylor.  “What?” Taylor asked, irritated that everyone seemed to find him most interesting when he was so depressed and even more irritated that they pitied him.  “Just leave me alone, please,” he pleaded, closing his eyes so he couldn’t see them and they couldn’t see his eyes which depicted how he felt and every turmoil that was going on in his head.

            “What’s going on Tay?” Isaac asked, concerned.

            “I don’t know,” Taylor said, the sadness in his voice masked by the muffling pillow.

            “Are you still hung up on Rice?” Zac asked, broaching the forbidden subject.  It had been an unspoken rule between Isaac, Taylor, and Zac that the subject of Cherice never came up.

            “Rice?” Beth asked, confused.  “Is that the girl that you met on your camping trip?” she asked, looking at Isaac.

            “Yeah,” Isaac said quietly.  Taylor groaned and rolled onto his back.

            “Can you all just go and leave me alone?” he asked, staring at the ceiling.  In his head he replayed the last things he and Cherice had said to each other.  He just wanted to see her again to hug her and hold her, to tell her how much he loved her and needed her and that he was sorry for the way he had acted.

            “I don’t understand why you are so hung up on her,” Zac said off-handedly as he stood in the doorway.  “She had a boyfriend so what were you to her?  I’m sure that she’s not pining for you.”

            “What do you mean she had a boyfriend?” Taylor asked.  “I know she didn’t.  She told me and I know she wouldn’t lie to me about something like that.”

            “Well how else did she get knocked-up?  She didn’t strike me as the type to just meet someone randomly and fuck them, but hey, maybe my opinion was a little off,” Zac with a shrug as he followed Isaac and Beth who were leaving Taylor to his pity party for one.

            “What did you say?” Taylor said, coming out of his daydream, his eyes pinning Zac to the spot he was standing in.

            “I didn’t mean to imply that she was a slut or anything,” Zac said, trying to sooth Taylor who was obviously displeased with his comment.

            “What did you say Zac!  Damn it!  Just repeat what you said!” Taylor yelled, his heart rate all but stopping along with his breathing rate as he waited to hear what he thought that Zac had said.

            “That Rice had a boyfriend,” Zac said.  Taylor shook his head, knowing that part already.  “That she was pregnant?”

            “Oh god!” Taylor said, his face paling, his stomach doing cartwheels with his breakfast.  Faster than he had moved in many days Tay jumped from his bed and ran to the bathroom where he lost every meal that he had had since leaving Cherice.

            “Tay?  You okay man?” Isaac asked, opening the door to the bathroom but going no closer to his brother.  Taylor hovered over the toilet bowl, not moving to even respond to his brother’s question.  It was obvious that he was not okay so he felt no need to confirm that there was a problem.

            “Tay?” Zac asked, coming after his brothers, stopping outside the bathroom like Isaac.  He could smell the pungent aroma of Taylor’s acidic regurgitation.

            “What’s going on?” Isaac asked, trying to take charge of the situation.  Taylor slowly moved away from the toilet, flushed it, and holding his stomach, trying to sooth away the irritated sick feelings floating around inside he went to the sink to wash his face and rinse out his mouth.

            “Zac are you sure that she was pregnant?” Taylor asked, turning from the mirror, his face pale.

            “Yeah, that’s what she told me.  Why?” Zac asked suspiciously.  It was all starting to make sense he thought.  Taylor and Cherice sleeping in the same room, smiling at each other when they thought no one could see them, the way Taylor wanted her to come with, why he was all depressed since she was gone, his brother was in love with a girl who was having sex.  Who was more than likely having sex with his brother, which meant…  “Oh my god!” he cried, everything was so clear to him now that he actually thought about it.  It made perfect sense!  “She wasn’t sleeping with Ryan was she?  She was sleeping with you!  It’s your baby that she was carrying!”  Taylor stared at Zac, unable to deny or affirm the claim he had made.

More SooN!


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