
            Walker Hanson, beloved father and husband bid his family farewell as he went away on a business trip.  While he was gone for two weeks, Diana, his wife, received a phone call from her old friend, Ruby King.  Ruby told Diana that her and her two daughters, Topaz and Opal, were moving to T-town.  The house being built for them was not too far from the Hanson house.  Their dilemma, the house wouldn't be ready for another week, and the King's had no place to stay.  Diana to the rescue!  Diana offered her humble abode to the three and Ruby graciously accepted the kind offer.

            Diana readied her home and children.  She told them Ruby was an old friend of hers and used to be a model.  Now at 43 she was the mother of an 18 year old model, Topaz Sinclaire, and a 12 year old, Opal Louise.  Since Walker was out of town she decided Ruby could share her bed, Taylor and Zac could share a bed, one of the girls could sleep on the couch, the other on Zac's trundle bed.  On the afternoon of January 31, 1999, she anxiously awaited the arrival of the three King's.

            At 2:15 p.m. a taxi pulled up to the house and Ruby, a tall, slender blonde woman with striking blue eyes stepped out of the car.  Close behind another tall, slender, in a sickly manner, brunette with the same striking blue eyes as Ruby got out.  She could only be Topaz, she had her mother's high cheek bones, creamy skin, and bone structure.  Opal was the last out.  In a gawky, awkward manner she got out of the car.  Her body not growing at the same pace as her coordination.  Thick blonde hair was tied up in a bun at the nape of her neck, and her large blue eyes were hidden behind thick, wide rimmed glasses that hid half her face.

            Topaz, Opal, and Ruby stayed in Diana's home, graciously accepting their hospitality, until their own home was finished.  Topaz stayed in Isaac, Taylor, and Zac's bedroom, refusing the couch, because of her posture.  Opal, quiet and reserved, used to her sister's better than everyone attitude took the couch, finding it quite comfortable.  Zac, sharing his room with a perfect stranger who acted like everyone was below her was almost out of his mind by the time the King "house" was complete.  He couldn't stand Topaz, her arrogant manner, her vainness, her contempt for others.  He did, however become fast friends with Opal, who was Topaz's complete opposite.  Taylor on the other hand ignored Opal and concentrated solely on Topaz.  To him she was perfect, and he wanted her to be his.


Chapter 1: Two years later

            "Zac?" Opal asked.  She was sitting across from Zac, in her bedroom, playing Monopoly. Zac picked up the dice and rolled.  He looked up as he moved his piece, the top hat.

            "Hmm?" he answered.

            "Why is Taylor so obsessed with Topey?" she asked, using the nickname she and Zac had for Topaz.  "She's 20 and he's only 18.  She doesn't show the slightest interest in him.  So why bother?"

            "Tay's weird I guess," Zac said with a shrug.  "It's your turn."

            "Why does he like her?  What does he see in her?" Opal asked rolling the dice and moving the thimble.

            "Well it's not her sincerity, kindness, and bubbly personality I can tell you that."  Opal nodded agreement.  "I think he sees a pretty face, nice body, and pair of tits.  That's all Tay cares about," Zac said, his eyes resting affectionately on his best girl friend.  He knew she liked Taylor and that Taylor would never even look at her twice because she was more of a tomboy with glasses, never wore her hair down, no make up, and baggy clothes.

            "Zac come on.  Tay's not like that!  He's sweet and sensitive.  He would never go after a girl just because of her looks.  He must see something in Topey that no one else does," Opal defended.

            "Maybe," Zac shrugged.  "But he only noticed her...special ness because of her looks."

            "Are looks really that important?" she asked, forgetting the game completely and waiting for Zac's answer.

            "Depends," Zac said.  "Sometimes that's what brings you together in the beginning.  Usually they're not the most important thing.  With a lot of people they are though.  Tay's one."

            "Oh," Opal said dejectedly.  She looked at the floor.  Zac wanted to tell her he was lying, but with Taylor it was true, looks were all he cared about.  In that manner he and Topaz deserved each other.

            "You okay?" Zac asked, he moved next to Opal and put his arms around her.  He hugged her and wondered why Taylor was the one Opal felt she would be happy with.

            "Zac?" she asked, sniffling a little.

            "Hmm?" he answered.

            "Can you help me be more like Topaz?" Opal asked looking at him, her blue eyes magnified by her glasses.

            "Do you really want to be like Topaz?" Zac asked, his heart sinking.  What was she thinking?  Just because Taylor couldn't see how beautiful she was on the inside didn't mean no one else could.  Why was she going to change herself for someone who didn't deserve her?

            "Please?" she pleaded.

            "Sure," Zac said, his voice sounding hollow to his own ears.  "But are you sure?  I think you are perfect the way you are.  Are you sure you want to change for Tay?  He doesn't deserve you," he said, his brown eyes waiting for her answer.

            "He doesn't deserve me?  I don't deserve Taylor!  At least the way I am, but I will.  Come on, help me," Opal said standing and waiting for Zac to join her.

            "Okay," Zac said with a heavy sigh.


Chapter 2: Breath taking

            "Put these on," Zac commanded Opal.  He handed her a black skirt, semi-tight silvery-blue t-shirt with a scooped neck, nude colored panty hose and black velvet thick soled dress shoes.  Opal took them and put them on in the bathroom.

            "Now what?" Opal asked coming out of the bathroom.  She was ready for Zac to work some magic on her.

            "Wow!  Opal what a body you have," Zac said with a whistle.  Opal blushed and looked at the floor.  Zac smiled admiring her body.  She truly had an amazing body and she kept it hidden.

            "Come on Zac.  Get serious," Opal said not believing what he said about her.  He was only trying to make her feel better.  "What do we do now?"

            "Have a seat," Zac directed her to her bed.  He took her face in his hands and looked her over.  "Hmm," he said chewing on his bottom lip.  He took her glasses off and nodded.  "Do you have contacts?"

            "Somewhere in the bathroom.  I never use them.  Why?" Opal asked, squinting up at the blurry face of Zac.

            "Go find them," Zac commanded, giving her back her coke bottle glasses.  Opal went into the bathroom, searching for her contacts.  After about 10 minutes she came back wearing her contacts.  "Opal why do you hide behind your glasses and clothes?  You're beautiful and you hide it."

            "Do you think so?" Opal asked in disbelief.  She looked in the mirror and vaguely recognized the face looking back at her.

            "Yes," Zac said standing behind her.  He pulled the tie from her hair and the shiny, healthy hair spilled over her shoulders and down her back.  "I don't think you even need make up," he said admiring her reflection.

            "Zac?" Opal asked, turning to face him.

            "What?" Zac asked, his heart skipping a few beats and pounding furiously to make up for it.  He looked deeply into her eyes.

            "Do you think Taylor will like me?" Opal asked quietly.

            "Yeah," Zac said brushing her hair behind her ear.  "Who wouldn't?" Desperately he wanted to kiss her, always had, but resisted the urge.

            "Thank you," Opal said, her voice shy and quiet.  She threw her arms around him in a grateful hug.  "I owe you big time for this."

            "No you don't," Zac mumbled, he reluctantly put his own arms around her.  "Don't do this," he whispered.

            "What?" Opal asked, unable to hear him.

            "Nothing," Zac said pulling away.  "Come on.  Let's find you the perfect guy."

            "Taylor is perfect isn't he?" Opal asked smiling.  Zac shrugged.  He couldn't see Opal with Taylor.  They were totally opposite.  Taylor didn't deserve someone like Opal.

            "I'd prefer not to answer that question," Zac said leading the way down to the King's living room.

            "Mommy, look," Opal said seeing her mom.  Ruby looked at Opal and Zac.  Ruby smiled and got out of her chair.  She put her arms around Opal.

            "Honey you look beautiful," Ruby told her.  "Did you do this yourself?"

            "No," Opal said.  "Zac helped me.  I asked him to."

            "Well you truly look amazing," Ruby said sounding extremely proud.

            "Thank you," Opal said.  "Come on Zac, you have to help me with Taylor."

            "Sure if that's really what you want," Zac said.  He wasn't too thrilled with the idea.  Ruby watched the two leave, shaking her head.


Chapter 3: Drive-in?

            "Stop fidgeting!  You look great," Zac assured Opal.  Opal smiled, grateful for his support.  "Come on.  I don't even know if Tay's home," he said opening his front door.

            "Zac, who's your friend?" Diana asked, not recognizing Opal, even though she was over at their house almost every day.  Zac smiled and pulled Opal through the house.

            "Come on," Zac whispered to Opal.  "Wait in here.  I'll find Tay," he said opening his bedroom door.  Opal went inside and stood by the window, her back to the door.  Zac watched her for a minute then with a ragged breath he shut the door.

            "Hey Zac," Taylor said coming up the stairs.  "Mom says you brought some girl home.  I thought you were hanging out with Opal today."

            "I am," Zac said growing irritated with the whole situation.  "Come on, she wants you to see her." Taylor gave Zac a confused look and followed him to his bedroom.  "Tay remember Opal?" he asked as Opal turned around and faced the two of them.

            "Opal?  This is Opal?" Taylor asked advancing toward her.  Opal smiled, thrilled with Taylor's reaction to her.  Neither she nor Taylor noticed Zac's departure.  "Wow!"

            "Do you like?" Opal asked biting her bottom lip.

            "Yeah," Taylor said nodding.  "A lot.  I was just going to go to the movies.  Do you want to join me?"

            "Sure, sounds like fun.  What movie?" Opal asked.

            "Who cares?" Taylor asked, extending his arm to her.  Opal hooked arms with him and they descended the stairs arm in arm.  They went out the door and Taylor opened the passenger door to his car for Opal.

            "Thank you," Opal said with a smile as Taylor shut the door.  Taylor jumped into the driver seat of his red corvette convertible.  He turned the key in the ignition and pulled out of the driveway.

            "Drive-in?" Taylor asked at a red light.

            "Sure," Opal agreed.  Taylor shifted gears as Opal watched out the window and sped down the road.  His hand lingered near her knee.  He thought better of the idea and put both his hands on the steering wheel.

            "Would you like to have something to eat first?" Taylor asked.  Opal shrugged, indifferent to the idea.  "Alright drive-in then."  Taylor paid for the two of them at the drive-in and found a place to park.  He turned off the car and looked over at Opal.  'Psycho' was playing and Taylor yawned, stretching his arm out behind Opal.  To herself Opal smiled at the measured moves he was using.  She moved closer to him and rested her head against his shoulder.  Taylor's hand rested on her shoulder and he smiled to himself.

            “So…” Opal said, sitting up straight.  Taylor had his left hand on her upper thigh, his right on her shoulder.

            “So?” Taylor asked, moving closer to her.

            “What are you doing?” Opal asked, moving toward her door.  Taylor lifted some of her hair and smelled it, the scent of her hair driving him wild.  Taylor softly kissed her neck, sucking on it.  “Don’t do anything that will leave marks, please.”  Taylor backed away, giving her an innocent face.

            “I won’t,” he promised, Opal smiled, relieved and Taylor went back to kissing her neck, part of it already red.  He moved his lips to hers and softly kissed her.  He waited for her reaction, she only smiled, Taylor decided that was a good sign and kissed her again.

            “Taylor the movie’s over,” Opal observed some time later.  “We should go.”  Taylor looked around and saw the parking lot was empty.

            “Missed that,” Taylor said, starting the car.  Taylor drove to a deserted spot over-looking part of T-town.  “How was the movie?” he asked, turning off the car.

            “I don’t know.  I didn’t see much of it,” Opal confessed.  Taylor smiled and leaned toward her.  He kissed her softly.  Quickly it became more passionate, with tongues and touching.  “What time is it?” she asked, moving away from him.

            “Almost ten thirty, why?” Taylor asked, looking at his watch.  “Do you have to be home?” he asked, remembering she was almost 15.

            “Yeah,” Opal said, waiting for him to start the car.  Taylor accepted that she had to go and started the car.

            “So you wanna go out again sometime?” Taylor asked as Opal got out of the car.

            “Really?” Opal asked, her smile wide.

            “Yeah.  Wanna?” Taylor asked.

            “Sure.  Give me a call,” Opal said and shut the door.  In a stately manner she walked to the door and went inside.  Ten stories high she walked on air, floating to her room.  Without turning on the lights she went into her bathroom, took out her contacts and changed for bed.


Chapter 4:  He doesn’t deserve you

            “Opal,” Zac said softly.  He was sitting on her bed, had been since she left with Taylor.

            “What?” Opal asked, startled.  She sat on the bed next to him, leaning against the headboard.

            “Did you have fun?” he asked quietly, afraid his emotions would show.  “I mean Taylor didn’t try anything did he?”

            “It was great.  For the first time Taylor actually paid attention to me.  It was amazing.  You don’t know what it’s like to be in love with someone who doesn’t know you exist.  To feel like you’re not worth knowing.  Zac thank you,” Opal said hugging him.

            “Opal don’t say that!  You’re the greatest person I know.  You’re wonderful, smart, kind, sweet.  You are so much better than me and Taylor,” Zac said, holding Opal in his arms.

            “Come on Zac.  You know it’s a miracle that Taylor could even want to be seen with someone like me,” she said, looking at Zac in the dark.

            “That’s not true!  He’s lucky that you would even look twice at him.  Don’t you see how special you are?  You don’t need a new look and wardrobe for me to see that.  Opal I don’t want you to go out with Taylor anymore,” Zac said.

            “What?” Opal asked in disbelief.  How could Zac ask her not to go out with Taylor?  “How can you say that?  Finally Taylor is giving me a second glance and I’m happy.  Now you’re trying to make me miserable?  Aren’t you supposed to be my friend?”

            “I am your friend,” Zac insisted.  “Have you ever thought about how Taylor never thought to ask you out until you didn’t look like Opal any longer?  He doesn’t like you, he likes the way you look now.”

            “Leave!” Opal said, calmly and forcefully.  “I don’t want you in here.”

            “Fine,” Zac said, going over to the window.  “He doesn’t love you.  I do.”

            “How convenient.  You say that now, when I look the way I do.  What a hypocrite.  You say Taylor’s bad but you’re doing exactly what you said he is.  Why?” Opal accused.

            “Would you have listened?  So wrapped up in Taylor you wouldn’t have even heard me.  If you remember I never wanted to change you.  I said you were perfect the way you were.  I was right, but you’ve changed.  You’re not Opal, you’re someone else.  Someone I’m not sure I want to know,” Zac said and disappeared into the dark.


Chapter 5: Does he or doesn’t he?

            “Goodbye!” Opal said angrily, slamming the window behind him.  In her room she lay awake, thinking.  She couldn’t sleep, her thoughts on Zac.  ‘How could he say those things?  How can he even expect me to believe him when he says he loves me?  First of all he’s only 15, he has no clue what love is.  Second he’s my…was my best friend.  Third, if he loves me why did he wait to say so?  He conveniently waited until I was beautiful to say anything.  He doesn’t’ love me.  He can’t!’ she thought to herself.  Satisfactorily convinced she fell asleep.

            “Opal!  Phone!” Ruby called around 10 in the morning.  She hopped out of bed and picked up the hall phone.

            “Hello?” Opal answered, still groggy.

            “Opal, it’s me, Taylor.  How are you this fine morning?” Taylor greeted cheerfully.

            “All right,” Opal said with a shrug.

            “So what are you doing today?” Taylor asked, not noticing her distant tone.

            “Nothing much,” she answered.

            “So want to go out?  Picnic by the lake maybe?” Taylor suggested.

            “Sounds okay,” Opal said, her enthusiasm growing.

            “Cool.  Then I’ll pick you up in a half hour.  Be ready,” Taylor said and hung up.

            “Half hour?  I’ve gotta hurry,” Opal said after hanging up the phone and running into her room.  She looked through her closet and stuck her tongue out at her choices in wardrobe.  Finally picking shorts and a semi-loose t-shirt she jumped in the shower.

            “Opal, I’m going to the store.  Do you wanna come?” Ruby asked, sticking her head in the bathroom.

            “No, I’m going out,” Opal said, rinsing soap from her hair.  “Thanks for the invite.”

            “Where are you and Zac off to?” Ruby asked, growing interested.

            “What makes you think I’m goin gout with Zac?” Opal asked, ignoring the water running over her back.

            “The way he’s always looking at you it’s obvious he likes you.  You two are always doing something together, talking, and joking.  You make a cute couple,” Ruby said with a smile.  “Maybe one day Diana and I will be in-laws.”

            “Mom, don’t plan on a marriage just yet.  Zac and I aren’t even talking,” Opal said, remembering all the harsh things she and Zac said.

            “Oh.  Then who are you going out with?” Ruby asked, now concerned.

            “Taylor,” Opal said, something deep inside of her hoping for her mother to say she couldn’t go.

            “Oh.  Well be careful.  Have fun,” Ruby said, sounding somewhat flustered, the whole thing a shock to her.  “I’m sure you and Zac will mend your differences soon.”

            “Thanks,” Opal said and heard her mother close the door.  “But Zac was so out of line,” she mumbled to herself.  She turned off the shower and dried off with a fluffy towel.  A towel in her hair and another around her body she stood before the mirror, looking at herself.  With her hand she wiped the steamy mirror, her hand brushing against her glasses.  Her eyes shifted to her glasses, sitting next to her contacts.  “Zac could not have been telling the truth!  He just couldn’t.  Tay’s sweet and caring.  He likes me for who I am, not what I look like.  I know he does,” she tried to convince her reflection.  The opal in the mirror didn’t look convinced.  She seemed to be shaking her head saying, “does he?  How do you know?  Did he ever pay attention to you before?” she pushed all thoughts from her head and dressed.

            “Hey,” Taylor greeted when Ruby opened the door.

            “Opal will be down in a few minutes.  Where are the two of you going?” Ruby asked, letting him into the house.  Taylor took a seat on the living room couch.

            “Picnic in the park,” Taylor said, his eyes looking up at Ruby.

            “You do realize Opal is only 14?” Ruby asked, sitting in a chair across from Taylor.

            “She’ll be 15, in October,” Taylor said with an innocent smile.  Ruby heard Opal coming down the stairs and shut her mouth.

            “Hey Opal,” Taylor said, seeing her standing in the hall, waiting for him.  “Ready?”  She nodded and he rose to meet her.  “Nice talking to you Ms. King,” he said and left with Opal.  In the car he watched her pull on her old coke bottle glasses with a deep breath.  “What’s wrong?  Forget your contacts?”

            “No.  I didn’t want to wear them.  Why?” Opal asked.

            “No reason.  You look…different,” Taylor said, his eyes looking at her oddly.  “I guess I just thought,” he said, his voice trailing off.

            “Thought what?  Zac was right wasn’t he?  You only like me because of what I look like.  Don’t you?” Opal asked before Taylor could start the car.

            “Of course not,” Taylor said starting the car, not looking at her he liked.

            “Bye Taylor,” Opal said, getting out of the car.  Taylor looked around to be sure no one saw her leaving in such a hurry.


Chapter 6:  Forgive or forget.

            “Opal, honey?  Are you all right?” Diana asked, seeing Opal standing on her front door step, tears streaming down her face, her hair a matted mess, her clothes clinging to her as if she had been running.

            “Zac…is he…here?” she gasped, between deep, shuddering breaths.

            “In his room,” Diana nodded, shutting the door.  “Are you sure you’re all right?” she asked but Opal was already halfway up the stairs.  She opened Zac’s door, not knocking, and stood over the bed, waiting for him to acknowledge her presence.

            “Opal?” he asked, shocked at her appearance.

            “Zac,” she sobbed, crawling onto his bed and curling up in his arms as she cried.

            “What happened?  What did Taylor do to you?” Zac asked, his arms positioned protectively around her.

            “You were right.  He didn’t like me for me,” Opal whispered into his chest.  Zac kissed the top of her head tenderly.

            “I’m so sorry,” he apologized, wanting her to be happy.  Opal looked up at him, teary eyed and sniffling.

            “No, I’m sorry.  You were telling the truth and I jumped down your throat about it.  I’m such a bad friend,” she said, beginning to cry again.

            “You’re a great friend Opal.  Please, stop putting yourself down.  I hate it when you do that,” Zac pleaded.  Diana opened the door to see if the two were all right, she was worried about Opal, and smiled at the sweet innocence of the two.

            “Zac?” Opal asked, sitting up.

            “What?” Zac asked sitting up too.

            “Wanna go out?” she asked.  “To a movie or a diner?”

            “When?” Zac asked with a smile of anticipation.

            “Now?” Opal asked.  Zac nodded and stood up.  Opal grabbed her purse and stood with him.

            “Opal?” Zac asked stopping her.


            “Do you want to wash your face?  Your eyes are red and your hairs a bit out of whack,” he said honestly. 

            “Would you still go out with me, in publick, if I said no?” Opal asked.

            “Sure,” Zac said.  “Let’s go,” he took her hand and led the way to a plain yet fancy restaurant.  “Two please,” he told the hostess.  She led them to a small table near the middle of the dining area.

            “Would you like to order drinks?” a waitress asked.

            “Coke,” Zac said and waited for Opal to answer.

            “Same please,” Opal said and looked at her menu.  The waitress brought their drinks and took their orders.  “Would you excuse me? “ she asked Zac.  He nodded and watched as she went toward the bathroom.  Before she had walked more than three tables away a man around 20 leaned toward Zac ans whispered loudly to him.

            “Did you lose a bet or something?”

            “Excuse me?” Zac asked, standing up, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.

            “That chick you’re with.  You’re an attractive man, why are you with her?  Does she put out?” the guy asked.

            “What right do you have?  Why are you talking trash about her?  That’s the woman I love!” Zac defended, Opal standing by his side, the shouting pulled her back.  He turned to her and kissed her infront of everyone.  “Let’s go.  I’m not hungry anymore.”

            “Wait, I want to powder my nose,” Opal said and went into the bathroom.  She removed her glasses, put in her contacts, brushed her hair, and washed her face.  “There,” she said, sounding like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.  Zac passed the test.  He honestly loved her the way she was.

            “Opal?” Zac asked amazed yet again by the transformation.  She smiled at his reaction.  “Why are you wearing your contacts?”

            “I feel more confident when I look better.  Thanks to you I realized I’m worthy of love.  Zac…” Opal said as he paid the bill.  “I love you,” she whispered.

            “Thank you God,” Zac whispered to the heavens and kissed her sweetly.  “You’re doing this for yourself right?” he gestured to her face.  “Because I think you’re beautiful just the way you were, and will love you no matter what.”

            “I know.  And I love you,” Opal said walking out of the restaurant arm-in-arm with him.


The End.

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