The crowded city street was filled with decay, filth, and vermin.  The red headed girl on the curb caught his eye, and twelve-year-old Zachary Walker Hanson jumped from the still moving limo, driving him and his family into New York City.  Followed by shouts of “come back Zac!” and “no, Zac come back!”  Zachary Walker Hanson race across eight lanes of traffic, dodging vans, cars, and trucks alike he ran to her side.

Reaching the spot on the curb where she sat twelve-year-old Zachary Walker Hanson stopped dead in his tracks.  With a sudden shooting pain he looked down at his chest.  A six inch blade was imbedded  up to the hilt in his chest, exactly over his heart. 

Gurgling he looked at the red headed girl and managed to ask “why?” before the blood began to choke him.  and before the blackness surrounded him he saw her eyes.  Vacant, dull, stoned eyes.  Turning on herself she pulled the knife free of twelve-year-old Zachary Walker Hanson’s chest, and slashed cleanly across both her wrists.

Moments behind two policemen rushed up to the two bodies, and pronounced them both dead.  The limo emptied, and the street became a river of their tears for twelve-year-old Zachary Walker Hanson.



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