
Shannon began to say goodbye to her parents before she realized they were not there.  Wearing a soft pale green sweater and ripped blue jeans she boarded the already crowded bus.  Sitting by herself by the tinted window Shannon pulled a book out of her purple jansport bag.  As the big greyhound bus pulled out of the station she read the book.  

Arriving three days later in Oklahoma City Shannon packed up her bag and got her suitcase out of the luggage compartment under the bus.  A sign with her name on it drew her to a pair of teens a little older than her.  A girl with curly red hair, brown eyes, about 5'6" in cargo pants and a blue animee shirt.  She introduced herself as Renee and was 18.  The other teen was a black haired, 5'9" boy with green eyes introduced himself as Matthew, was 16, and came from the same area as Shannon.

Renee drove Shannon to the halfway house for teens with problems.  There were councilors on hand 24 hours a day, the teens had schooling , did chores to earn money, and stayed in the building until they had permission to leave.  Shannon set her bags in her small, white walled room, and followed Renee and Matt to the office of the woman in charge, Debra Hanson.

"Could you leave us please?" Debra asked Renee and Matt.  They left and shut the door behind them leaving Debra and Shannon together.  "Have a seat," Debra invited.  Shannon sat in the high, straight backed wooden chair.  "So tell me about yourself," Debra said placing her hands on the desk top.

"Um, I'm 15, my name's Shannon Anne Renalds.  What else do you want to know?" Shannon asked looking at Debra.

"Well why don't you start with why you're here," Debra suggested.

"Because my parents sent me here.  They can't handle my situation."

"And would you like to tell me what your situation is?"

"Don't you already know?" Shannon asked.

"I'd like to hear your side of things."

"My side? I'm pregnant and my parents can't deal with it.  They're ashamed of me, wanted me out of the way so no one would know.  That's why I'm here," Shannon said angrily.

"Now Shannon that's not true," Debra told her.  

"Oh really, then why did they send me half way across the country?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure they had their reasons," Debra said.  "I want you to talk to my sister-in-law.  She knows a lot about having children, and I think she'd be a good person to talk to."  Debra handed her a piece of paper with an address on it.  "Have Renee or Matt take you, they'll be right outside the door."

Shannon took the address and opened the door to find Matt and Renee waiting in the hall.  They smiled when Shannon opened the door.  Matt took the address from her hands and waited for Shannon to put her arm through his and they went out the door toward the van.

"So that's why you're here?" Matt asked driving down the road toward the address.

"You heard?" Shannon asked sitting indian syle in the seat.

"Yeah, sorry.  Renee and I were listening.  If you want I'll tell you why I'm here," Matt offered.

"It's your call," Shannon said with a shrug.  Watching out the window she saw the mall pass by and a grocery store.  The scenery passed and Matt pulled up to the gates of a large mansion-type house.  The doors opened and Matt pulled into the driveway.

"Call when you're ready to come back," Matt said as Shannon got out.  He pulled away and Shannon waved.  The front door opened and a woman with extremely long blonde hair came out to greet her.

"You must be Shannon, Debra said you were coming," the woman said putting her arm around Shannon and pulling her into the large house.  "I'm Diana," she said gesturing to a chair at the table.  "Would you like something to drink or eat?"

"Milk please," Shannon said politely.  Diana got a glass out for her and poured her some milk.

"I'll have to get more milk soon, that seems to be the popular choice around here," Diana said with a laugh.  Handing the glass to Shannon she sat across from her.  "So tell me about yourself," Diana said looking at Shannon, taking in her clothes, a pair of flairs with worn bottoms, blue sketchers, a blue long sleeved t-shirt with a shiny dragonfly in the center, and her long, down to her hips, brown, tightly curled hair.  She kept her bright, vivid green eyes downcast and her hands were wrapped around the cup.

"What do you want to know?" Shannon asked as the phone rang.

"Tell me about your family," Diana said, dismissing the ringing phone.

"Well..."Shannon began.

"Mom!" a voice screamed down the stairs.  "Telephone!"

"Excuse me," Diana said leaving the table and the room to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" Diana said picking up the phone.

"Di, it's me Deb.  I was doing some research, and I found something interesting about Shannon."

"What?" Diana asked.

"Well she was raped.  She went to the police, but never told her parents," Debra said twirling her finger around the phone cord.

"Hmm, I wonder why?" Diana asked herself.  

"I don't know, but maybe you can find out," Debra said with a smile.

"I'll try," Diana agreed and hung up the phone.  As she was walking out of the living room Diana heard Zoë crying in her room upstairs.  "Come on, you need some practice," Diana said going upstairs with Shannon following her.

"Zoë what's the matter?" Diana said picking up her small daughter.  "Here, hold her for a minute," Diana said handing Zoë to Shannon, who was trying to back away.

"But-" Shannon said trying to back away.

"She's just a baby, she won't bite," Diana said leaving the room and going downstairs.

Shannon looked skeptically at Zoë and tried to put her back in the crib.  The minute Zoë was laying in her crib she began to cry once again.  "Shh," Shannon whispered, holding her finger to her lips.  "Zoë please don't cry," she said pleading with the young child.  "Here's Mr. Bunny," she said in a condesending voice as she shook the blue and pink rabbit with a rattle in its belly.  "Fine," Shannon said and picked Zoë up.  Immediately she stopped crying.  

"Zoë what's-" a male voice said, coming in the room and stopping when he saw Shannon standing there, her back to him and the door.  "Who are you and what are you doing with my sister?" he demanded, startling Shannon.

"I, I-" Shannon started, unable to talk or defend herself.

"She was holding Zoë for me," Diana said coming in with a bottle of juice for Zoë.

"Oh, sorry," he said blushing with embarrassment.

"Taylor this is Shannon, Shannon, my son Taylor," Diana introduced, taking Zoë and laying her in her crib with the bottle.

"Hi," Taylor said taking Shannon's small, soft hand in his and shaking it.  Shannon smiled and felt a tingle run up her arm before she pulled her hand away.

"Shannon come on, we should talk," Diana said turning from Zoë.  Shannon nodded slightly and followed Diana out of the room.  "Let's walk outside.  It's such a beautiful day," Diana said leading the way out the back door.

"It's beautiful out here," Shannon said looking around the enclosed backyard at the bushes, trees, and flowers in different arrangements.  Crossing to the middle of a small bridge over a babbling brook, Diana sat down.  Shannon sat down beside her and watched the small fish swimming around in the water.

"So what is your family like?" Diana asked trying to understand Shannon, who was sitting there looking so small and scared.

"Messed up," Shannon said leaning against the verticle pole attached to the handrail.  "My parents can't stand being apart.  They follow each other everywhere they can.  My mom's terrified that my dad will have an affair.  My older sister, Lydia, is 21, and has 3 children.  Alex lives with my ex-brother-in-law's parents.  Tim lives with his father, Bill, and Gina lives with her Aunt Robin.  Lydia and her new husband Warren are in Las Vegas, gambling.  My older brother, Bobby, is into pot and drinking.  He's the only sane one, besides me, in my family, and I just adore him.  He's the manager at my parents hotel.  That's where I grew up in the penthouse of a fancy 4-star hotel.  I grew up among strangers, never really seeing my parents.  Then there's my little sister, Alexis, she's 13, a slut, a drug user and 24-hour-a-day drinker.  That's my family," Shannon said with her eyes closed against the sunlight.

"Interesting," Diana said, nothing more, just that.  Shannon opened her eyes and looked at Diana.  "Tell me about yourself," Diana said picking up Shannon's hand and squeezing it.  Shannon felt safe and somehow loved, and even though she didn't know her well, she felt a bond with Diana.  Somehow this woman made her feel like everything was going to be alright and that she wouldn't be alone to face it all.  Smiling gratefully at her Shannon returned the squeeze and closed her eyes against the sunlight again.  

"Well, like I said I grew up in a hotel.  When I was about 13, I started working for my parents. I helped clean the rooms, served food in the dining hall, and so on.  My older sister never did; she didn't want to have anything to do with the hotel.  Alexis is never home.  I went to this all girls private school and excelled.  Not to brag or anything, but I'm graduating this year, or I was," Shannon said, a tear trickling out the corner of her eye.
"Don't worry, Debra makes everyone go to school, whether they want to or not," Diana said with a small laugh.  Shannon smiled and had this uncontrollable urge to hug Diana.  Diana hugged her back.  "So how did a smart girl like yourself get into this mess?"

"By being stupid," Shannon said.  "I was waiting tables and met this guy, he was older, and really sweet.  He was waiting for someone and we started talking. After a while he asked me to a movie, and I didn't see any harm in a movie, so  I got off work early to get ready.  I was wearing this new dress.  It was red, with spaghetti straps, and it went to about there," Shannon said pointing to mid-thigh.  "I guess it was the wrong thing to wear because when he came to the door he wasn't the sweet guy I had met earlier.  It was weird, like he was a totally different person."  Shannon vividly remembered that night, and the tears came unavoidably.  "He came at me like an animal, and no one was home to help, they were all somewhere else.  I repeatedly told him to stop.  I begged, I pleaded, but nothing helped, I even screamed.  When it was over he left and I went to the police.  They did tests and things and asked me who he was, but I didn't know much about him.  I told them everything I knew about him but it wasn't enough," Shannon said, the tears coming nonstop.

"It's okay," Diana said, pulling her into a hug.  Shannon  leaned on her shoulder and cried.  "How come you didn't tell your parents about what happend?"

"How did you know?" Shannon asked looking at Diana.

"Deb found out and called me," Diana said.

"So she was spying on me?" Shannon asked, suddenly feeling angry, hurt, and betrayed.

"She's just trying to help," Diana said.

"Help?" Shannon asked standing up and backing away from Diana.  "Invading someone's privacy is helping?"

"Calm down," Diana said, "She didn't, and I didn't, mean to pry."

"Then why did you?  You had no right to butt into my life!" Shannon said backing into something.  Wiping her eyes she turned to leave but was stopped.

"Mom, telephone, it's Aunt Debra," Taylor said, smiling down at Shannon.

"Can you keep an eye on Shannon?  Make sure she doesn't leave?" Diana asked Taylor and went inside, not waiting for his response.

"What's wrong?" he asked seeing the tears on Shannon's face.

"Nothing," Shannon said moving away from him.  Sitting against a tree trunk, she rested her forehead on her arms and looked down at the ground.

"Hey what's going on?" a male voice asked Taylor.

"I don't know.  Mom told me to watch her, make sure she doesn't run away," Taylor said with a shrug.

"Oh, well Dan's here to see you," he said squinting against the sun at Shannon.


"I'll watch her," he promised as Taylor walked away toward the door.

"Hey, I'm Isaac," he said kneeling down in front of Shannon.  Shannon looked up and nearly fainted at the sight of his face.

"Oh God, get away from me!" Shannon pleaded, backing up against the tree until she was standing with her back against it.

"Shannon, right?" he asked, standing in front of her, trapping her against the tree.  "Now I never thought I'd see you again.  This is a suprise," he said looking down at her.

"Please just let me go," Shannon begged.

"What have you been telling my mother?" Isaac asked pinning both her wrists above her head, against the tree with one hand while the other rested on her hip.

"Nothing. I didn't even know she was your mom.  I swear I didn't.  Please let me go," Shannon begged, tears coming down her cheeks as his hand traveled across her stomach and up her chest.

"This is too weird.  You had some plan, some motive," Isaac insisted.

"Do you think I would have come here if I had known you were here?  I don't want you anywhere near me," Shannon said spitting on him.  Isaac drew his hand back and slapped her across the face.

"Get out of here, get away from my family, and don't ever come back," Isaac threatened.

"Isaac!" Diana yelled as Taylor tackled him.  Taylor and Isaac punched and kicked at each other.  Quickly, Isaac had Taylor on the ground, with himself on top, and was punching him mercilessly.

"Isaac!  Stop it!  That's your brother, get off him!" Diana shrieked, running to the two boys. Taylor was only able to stop one out of every three punches.  Isaac finally stopped and got up.  Running to his car he started it and sped away.

"Oh Taylor, honey are you okay?" Diana asked, looking at his puffy face covered in blood.  Taylor groaned and tried to stand up.  Diana and Shannon were at his side and helped him to his feet.

"Sit down baby.  I'll be right back with something for your face," Diana told Taylor.  Taylor sat at the kitchen table with Shannon dabbing at the cuts on his face with a wet paper towel.  

"How do you know my brother?" Taylor asked Shannon.

"Well I was working at my parents' hotel, waiting tables......"

(Two Months Earlier)
......"Can I get you something?"

"Milk please."

"Coming right up," Shannon said with a smile as she tucked her hair behind her ear.  Coming back with the milk, Shannon set it before Isaac.

"Can I ask you a question?" Isaac asked looking up from his seat at Shannon.

"Sure, what?" Shannon asked with a shrug.

"Would you like to go out with me to a movie sometime?"

"I don't even know your name," Shannon said with a laugh (sounding like silver bells to Isaac).

"I'm Clarke Hanson, have you ever heard of the group Hanson?" Shannon shook her head no.  "Really?  This is a first, well I'm Clarke Hanson," he said with a hand extended to her.

"Shannon Renalds," Shannon said taking his hand and shaking it.

"So will you have dinner with me?" he asked with a smile.

"I guess dinner's harmless," Shannon agreed.  "Alright, I'm in Penthouse B, pick me up at 8," she said and went back to work.

Shannon floated the rest of the way through the day.  Her head in the clouds, her feet on air.  At six thirty she checked out of work and went to her room.  Taking a shower she blow-dried her hair and let it hang over her shoulders half dry.  In a blue bathrobe she searched through her entire wardrobe for something to wear to dinner.  Selecting her new, never-been-worn, red dress she got ready and looked in the mirror.  Putting on matching platforms, she added to her 5'6" frame, and sprayed some perfume on.

"Coming!" she called when the doorbell rang at 8, on the dot.  "Clarke, hi," Shannon said opening the white door to the hall.  "Hold on, just let me get my coat," she said leaving the doorway to get her jacket and purse.

"Nice place," Isaac said, coming in and looking around at the furniture and decore.

"Thanks, my mom did the decorating," Shannon said, putting her coat on and picking up her purse.  "Alright, I'm ready," she said as Isaac continued to look around.

"No one home?" he asked coming back to stand by Shannon.

"No, are you ready?" Shannon asked moving toward the door.

"Why don't we hang out here for a little while?" Isaac suggested.

"I don't-"

"Come on, what do you think is gonna happen?" Isaac asked with a laugh.

"I don't know, I just don't think-"

"Come on Shannon," Isaac said putting his arms around her and turning her toward him.  "Don't be such a baby," he said in a condesending fashion.

Isaac pulled Shannon into the first bedroom he saw, her own, and forced her onto the bed.  Pulling her coat off, the rest of their clothes were soon on the floor and Isaac was on top of her.

"Get off of me!  Please just stop!" Shannon cried, tears on her cheeks.....

......"He left and I was left with all these conflicting emotions.  I went to the police right away and reported it.  There were these tests and questions, but they couldn't do anything without my parents' permission.  I went home to my parents to tell them and ask them to go to the police station.  They were there when I got back and saw the aftermath of what happened.  I tried to explain what happened but they wouldn't listen to me.

"My parents think their kids should be perfect and anything less than perfection is taken as a personal insult.  My sister, who has three kids, none of which live with her, has already disappointed them.  My brother and little sister are into drinking and drugs and my sister if VERY promiscuous.  I was the child they demanded be perfect.  Somehow I got put on this pedestal and through no fault of my own was knocked off.  
"When I found out I was pregnant, I told them.  They freaked out and sent me here to deal with everything, alone.  That's how I know your brother."  Shannon looked down at the table, unable to look at Taylor any longer.

"So you're pregnant?" Taylor asked, "have you ever thought of having an abortion or adoption or something?"

"How can you say that?  No matter what the circumstances, it's still part of me!  How would you feel if it were you?  Would you just give up your child or kill it?  The child never asked to be born, you have a responsibility to do the best you can for your children!" Shannon said, her eyes changing to a blue-green color from her anger.

"Sorry. It's just that your life is going to change, and you're only a kid yourself.  As you said, the child didn't ask to be born, and it didn't ask to be born into poverty.  How do you plan on supporting a child?" Taylor asked, his cheeks flushing scarlet in rage.

"I never said I didn't have a plan.  I have money set aside in a bank account and I will probably do some sort of home-schooling for college and maybe work at a daycare so I can watch the baby at the same time."

"What are you planning to do in the mean time?  Live off your savings?" Taylor asked, anger in his voice.

"I'm graduating this spring," Shannon shot back, her eyes nearly blue with all her anger at him for being so pigheaded.

"How old are you?" Taylor asked looking at her in suprise, reevaluating her.

"15," she said. "For someone who's supposed to be so smart, I'm pretty stupid," she added, bringing her knees up to her chin.

"How come you didn't open up like that for me?" Diana asked, coming in with ointments , salves, and bandages.  Shannon turned to look at Diana standing in the doorway.

"Because you think you can just magically fix everything, you abused my trust, and I would have if you hadn't," Shannon said, watching her enter and pull up a chair next to Taylor's.

"I'm sorry for breaking your trust.  I honestly didn't mean to.  I talked to Debra again," Diana said,  taking a cotton ball with witch hazel and dabbing it on Taylor's face.  Shannon took up a cotton ball and did the same as she sat indian style in the chair in front of Taylor.  "She said the name of the guy was Clarke Hanson, and I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but by the way you both reacted, I'd say you knew each other," Diana said watching Shannon out of the corner of her eye.

"So what, you don't believe me?  Well that's fine!  I didn't know this was where he lived, or I sure as hell wouldn't have come, but I can't change the past!  I don't need any more problems right now and I can deal without your doubt too!  I never did anything to make you doubt my word but if you want to believe your son that's fine.  He is your son and you just met me, but don't patronize me.  Don't look at me like some piece of trash you can just throw away and forget about!  I don't need anything from you so..."

"Please refrain from cursing.  I do have children in this house," Diana said dabbing more forcefully at Taylor's face.

"Why should I?  You don't even believe me!" Shannon asked, rubbing harshly at Taylor's face.

"Don't talk to my mom like that!" Taylor defended Diana.

"Taylor, I can handle this," Diana said, locked stare for stare, blink for blink with Shannon.

"As I was going to say," Diana said, giving Taylor a look as he moved in his seat.  "I do believe you.  If you didn't just assume everyone was against you, you might find a friend or two,"  Diana said, not watching what she was doing to Taylor's face.

"Oww Mom, Shannon!"  Taylor said stopping both their hands.

"Shut up!" Shannon and Diana said at the same time.

"Why would you believe me over your own son?" Shannon asked, suprised, her eyes starting to change back to their normal emerald green shade.

"Because from what I saw today, I don't think I know my son.  I never would have thought he would attack his brother like that.  Don't get me wrong, I love my son and nothing will ever change that, but I don't think I know him anymore.  Besides, you're part of this family now," Diana said with a smile as she set the cotton ball on the table.

"What?" Shannon asked looking at Diana in suprise and wonder.

"Well it's not much, I know, but it's the least I can do.  After what happened, I think we can all welcome you with open arms into the family," Diana said, watching her reaction.  Shannon sat in shock, unable to move, afraid any movement would shatter what she had heard.  Slowly, a smile spread across her face as she let it all sink in.

"You mean whenever I need to talk I can come to you, and you'll listen?" Shannon asked biting her bottom lip in anticipation.

"Oh of course," Diana said.  "I would invite you to stay here, but with Isaac here, you know," Diana said stumbling over her words.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to live here anyway.  Not that your home isn't lovely and your family is great, but well, you know," Shannon said putting her own foot in her mouth.  Diana nodded and remembered Taylor suddenly.

"Oh honey, I forgot about you, sorry," she apologized.  Quickly Diana and Shannon had ointments on his cuts and had him in his bed resting.

"Shannon, what are you planning to do?  I mean when the baby is born?  Or are you going to have an abortion?  What are your plans?" Diana asked, the two of them sitting in the unoccupied den on a foam stuffed couch with hunting-type scenes on it; ducks,deer, trees, and such in browns and tans.

"I'm definitely not going to have an abortion, that's the first thing my parents told me to do.  I just couldn't live with myself.  I mean granted I didn't ask for this to happen, this child is still part of me," Shannon said unconsciously rubbing her stomach.   "I was planning on finishing this last year of school as quickly as possible and doing at-home college and maybe working at a daycare or something.  I don't know though.  Maybe Taylor was right when he said the baby didn't ask for this.  Maybe I shouldn't be a mother.  What can I offer the baby? The only thing I can give it for certain is my love and promise that I'll do everything  I can to support it, but that's not enough."  Shannon looked out the window and blinked back the tears as she waged a silent war with her emotions.

"I'll make you a deal," Diana said putting her hand on Shannon's knee.  "You go to school, work hard, love this child, and do everything you can for it, and Walker and I will help you in any way you need.  A babysitter, a place to stay, money, anything you name it, and all you have to do is get a good education and one day get a great job so you can support both of you," Diana said.

"I want to thank you," Shannon began, tears coming down her cheeks as she looked at Diana, who was giving her an easy way out.  All she had to do was accept, but she couldn't.  "But I can't.   I can't take that offer, it's too much like charity and I have too much pride to take charity, especially from you or your family," Shannon said shaking her head.

"Well then don't think of it as charity, think of it as a loan.  As soon as you get on your feet you can pay us back," Diana said.

"That I can accept," Shannon said shaking Diana's hand to make the deal official.  "Thank you, you've done so much for me, more than you know," Shannon said hugging Diana.

"I know," Diana whispered, hugging Shannon back.

"I'd better call Matt and get a ride," Shannon said standing up.

"There's a phone in the kitchen.  The number's on speed dial, just hit the first one," Diana directed, and Shannon left the room to call.  Diana sat against the couch and sighed.  "Nothing's ever as simple or peaceful as it seems," she said, then heard Zoë crying.  Leaving the den, Diana went up to check on her.

Finding Diana gone, shannon went outside to wait for Matt.  Sitting on the steps, she watched as another long haired blond boy approached her tossing a baseball in the air and catching it in his glove.  Approaching, he squinted at her against the now-setting sun and slowed his approach.
"Who are you?" he asked cautiously, afraid it was some crazed fan who had jumped the fence.

"Shannon," she said, making no move to maul him or do any other harm.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, taking a step toward her.

"I was talking to Diana," Shannon said, wondering about the game of "Twenty Questions" when she saw Matt pull up to the gate with the van.  Getting up, Shannon jogged to the gate before he could pull in the driveway.

As soon as she came towards him, the boy with the baseball dropped it and ran around to the other side of the house.  Shaking her head and smiling, Shannon wondered what was with him.  Opening the door, she got in and buckled up while Matt waited.  Once ready, he backed out of the driveway and they were headed back to the half-way house-type organization.

"So did you have a nice visit?" Matt asked, making conversation.

"Yes and no," Shannon said looking out the window and thinking.  Thinking about the future and how indefinite it is.  How every choice you make, person you meet, changes your future, makes it better or worse without even trying.  How life is an ever-changing game of chance that you can't afford to mess up.  That every mistake you make doesn't only affect you, but those around you, even those you can't see.

"Diana," Walker called, walking into Zoë's room to find Diana standing over Zoë's crib where she was peacefully sleeping.  "What's wrong honey?  You've got that look on your face.  What happened?" he asked, standing next to her.

"Your sister sent a girl to talk to me.  A 15-year-old girl, who's pregnant.  She was raped," Diana began and paused to swallow her heart in her throat.  "I talked to her and she's so smart and it's a real shame.  I got to know her, she's the sweetest girl with a quick temper."

"Sounds like you like her," Walker said smiling.

"I do, but there's more.  She was raped by..."

"Diana?" Walker said, looking at her as tears came from her eyes.  Pulling her into a hug, Walker smoothed her long blonde hair trying to calm her.  "What is it?  It can't be worth all this fuss.  Whatever it is we'll get through it, together like we always do, as a family."

"Walker, Isaac's the father," Diana sobbed.  Her knees buckled, pulling Walker and herself down to the floor.

"It can't be, tell me it's not true," Walker begged.

"I wish I could, but I just know she wasn't lying.  She didn't even know Isaac lived here."

"She could be a good actress," Walker said, making excuses for his accused son.

"Debra called and told me that when the unfiled report was made, Shannon identified Clarke Hanson as her attacker," Diana said, displaying her evidence to her husband, who was trying to grasp at his fleeting hope that Isaac was innocent of all charges.

"So maybe she's trying to get money from us," he said.

"She didn't ask for any money, and if you need any further proob, look at Taylor.  He tried to get Isaac off Shannon and Isaac beat him up!  His entire face is black and blue!  I thought he was going to kill him!"

"Does Isaac know?" Walker asked, accepting the truth with stone-hard resolve.

"No, none of them do except Taylor," Diana said, still holding onto her husband.

"Where's Ike?" Walker asked, looking down at his wife, so fragile, yet so strong.

"I don't know.  He took off.  What are we gonna do?" Diana asked, looking up into Walker's eyes to find the answers she needed.

"I guess we might as well tell the kids that they're gonna be aunts and uncles.  Of course, they don't need to know any more than that.  Maybe Zac," Walker said thoughtfully.  "Then we'll go looking for Isaac.  He should be the first to konw, but he's not here."

"What would I do without you?" Diana asked as Walker helped her to her feet.

"I don't even want to think about it," Walker said as they walked out into the hall, closing Zoë's door behind them.  Going into each of the upstairs rooms, they found four of the five kids they were looking for and by the noise, found Zac downstairs.

"Family meeting," Walker said going into the den, where Diana and Shannon had been sitting, and waited as most of his children assembled around him.  "Your mother and I," he began in a lecturing tone, "have an announcement to make."  He held onto Diana's hand as the eyes of five children fixed upon him with their full and undivided attention.  "You're all going to be aunts and uncles.  Soon you'll have a baby niece or nephew to play with."
"What's a niece?" Mackie asked, looking up at Walker with wide, innocent eyes.

"Well, it's like a nephew, only it's a girl," Walker explained, looking down at Mackie with a smile.

"Oh," Mackie said with a smile.  "Mommy, what's a nephew?" he asked a few seconds later.

"It's a cross between a little brother and a cousin," Diana said, picking up the blond child.

"Oh," Mackie said again, apparently satisfied with that answer.  Jessie and Avery continued to ask questions for minutes until their curiousity was finally laid to rest.  Zac and Taylor sat in the kitchen with glasses of milk, waiting to talk to their parents when they came.
"Taylor, your face, Ike did that?" Walker asked, looking at the cut and pruple face of his son.

"Ike?" Zac asked, looking from one face to another around the room.  "What's going on here?  I leave for one game of baseball and the world turns on its axis," he mumbled, looking up at the kitchen ceiling.

"What's gonna happen?" Taylor asked, such a simple question that neither Diana nor Walker could answer.  The answer came with the slamming of the door.  All four heads turned to see Isaac walk into the kitchen.  

"What's going on?" Isaac asked, calmer since that afternoon.

"Isaac sit down," Walker said, pulling a chair out from the table.  Isaac sat looking from one parent to the other, unsure of what was going on.
"Ike, your behavior today was unacceptable.  You had no right to hit your brother, or to attack Shannon.  She was here to talk to me, not start any trouble."  Isaac looked at his mother as she spoke, then looked at Taylor's face.  

"Geez man, I'm sorry," he said, shocked to see his face looking so bad.  Taylor looked away from him and Isaac sighed.

"Isaac, what happened?  With Shannon, and don't lie," Walker warned.

"Well I met her at a hotel we were staying at, she was waiting tables.  We were flirting and I asked her out.  She said yes and gave me her room munber.  I went up at the appointed time and she was in this dress that was shrot, tight, and barely hid anything.  She invited me in, and no one was home, so I figured out what she had planned and the rest you can figure out," Isaac said, looking from one parent to the other.  "Why?"

"Did you rape her?" Diana asked, and Zac's eyes widened almost as much as Isaac's.

"No, of course not," he said quickly.  "Is that what she told you?  And you believed her?" he asked, hurt.

"Isaac, there are medical reports saying you raped her, now tell the truth," Diana demanded.

"I didn't do anything she didn't want!" Isaac swore.

"I can't deal with this.  I'm leaving.  Walker, you talk to your son," Diana said.  "Taylor, Zac, are you coming with me?" she asked, grabbing her car keys and purse off the counter.  Taylor and Zac followed their mother, leaving Isaac and Walker alone to talk.

"Where are we going?" Taylor asked from the passenger's seat as they pulled into a McDonald's drive-through line.

"I don't know," Diana said, looking at the menu board.  "What do you boys want?" she asked, looking at Taylor and Zac.

"I want a large strawberry shake, large fried, an apple pie, and a double quarter pounder with cheese," Taylor said, licking his awaiting lips.

"And I'll have a rasberry danish, a super sized big mac meal with a chocolate shake," Zac said, rubbing his growling stomach.  Diana recited their orders and added her own, a large vanilla shake, another large shake, two large fries, a fish fillet, and a cheeseburger.

"How much are you eating?" Taylor asked, taking a large bite out of his sandwich.  Diana pulled into the parking lot of Debra's building.

"Some of it is for Shannon," Diana said, turning off the car.  "I'm gonna talk to Deb for a while, so why don't you boys take the food and find

Shannon?" Diana asked, walking across the parking lot.  Immediately they went to the directory board and found Shannon's room.  Coming to the white door, Taylor knocked.

Shannon looked up from her math book and smelled fast food.  Her stomach growled, reminding her she hadn't eaten since breakfast.  "Yeah?" she called, waiting for the door to open or a response to come.

"We brought food," Taylor said, holding up the food as a smile spread across his face.

"You look terrible," Shannon said seriously.

"Thank you, so much," Taylor said with a frown.

"I'm sorry, but you do," Shannon said, looking at the younger boy and remembering him from the yard with the baseball.

"Shannon, I don't think you met my little brother Zac," Taylor said.  "Zac, this is Shannon."

"The girl who's pregnant?" Zac asked, his cheeks red with embarrassment as soon as the question left his lips.

"Pleased to meet you," Shannon said, politely extending her hand to him.  Zac took it and shook it, then jumped onto the bed Shannon was still sitting on and looked at her math book.

"What is this?" Zac asked, flipping through the pages.

"A.P. Calc," Shannon said, closing the book and setting it with her notebook beside her on her night stand.  "See I'm already starting my college courses," she said, looking at Taylor.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Taylor said, pulling food out of bags, "you're so smart."  He handed her some french fries.

"I know," Shannon said, eating a french fry.  Zac finished his sandwich and started on his fries.

"Here," Taylor said, handing her the cheeseburger and other strawberry shake.  Shannon accepted them and set them on her night stand as the door opened to reveal Matt and Renee.

"Oh, you have company.  We'll leave you alone," Renee said, pulling the door shut.

"Wait, you don't have to leave," Shannon said quickly before the door shut all the way.  Renee came back in with Matt behind her.  "Taylor, Zac, meet Renee and Matt," Shannon sasid, introducing them.

"Oh wow you're Taylor Hanson!  How strange to see you here.  Is your brother here?" Renee asked, looking around for him.

"Which one?" Zac asked, kicking his shoes off and leaning back agains the wall.

"That hunky Isaac," Renee said, sitting on the floor.  Shannon rolled her eyes and Taylor touched his face gingerly.

"No," Zac said somewhat angrily.

"So you know the infamous Hanson brothers?" Matt asked Shannon as he picked up her pink sparkly hairbrush and turned it in his hands.  Shannon shrugged and continued to eat her french fries.

"Can I have some?" Renee asked, looking at Shannon's french fries.

"Sure," Shannon said, moving on the bed so Renee could sit there too.

"Shouldn't you eat all you can?" Taylor asked, looking at Shannon sharing her fries with Renee.  Shannon picked a soft brown fry from the box and threw it at Taylor.  "What did I say?" he asked, brushing the fry from his hair.

"Nothing," Shannon said with a smile as she and Renee finished the fries.  "Want half the cheeseburger?" Shannon asked Renee.

"Are you sure?" Renee asked, her stomach growling as Shannon got up and threw the fry container away.  Shannon split the sandwich in half and gave the bigger half to Renee.  "So how do you know each other?" Renee asked.

"Uh," Shannon said, looking at Taylor and Zac.  The door opened, saving them from answering.  A little boy with black hair and blue eyes walked in and ran to Renee.

"Mommy!" he yelled, running to her.  Renee picked him up and spun him around through the air.

"Why aren't you in bed, little man?" Renee asked, tickling his stomach.

"You and Daddy didn't tuck me in," he said, hugging Renee and then looking around at all the people in the small room.

"Oh I'm sorry.  We'll come now," Renee said, pulling Matt with her and waving as they went out the door.

"That was weird," Shannon said and leaned her back against the wall with a sigh.

The door opened again about an hour later and Diana came in with Debra.  She smiled at the kids all laying half on and half off the bed asleep.

"How cute," Debra told Diana and they went back out the door.

"Hmm, can they stay here tonight?  Then you could bring them with you when you come to lunch tomorrow," Diana suggested, looking at Debra.

"Sure," Debra agreed and walked Diana to her van, then headed back in to her own room where she quickly got ready and went to bed.  In the morning, at her regular time, 6 o'clock, she woke up, got a shower, and went to check on Shannon, Taylor, and Zac.

"What are you doing up so early?" Debra whispered, seeing Shannon sitting at her desk working on math problems by the light of a desk lamp.  Shannon jumped and looked up at Debra.

"I never sleep much when I'm in a new bed," Shannon said with a shrug.  "Besides, I wanted to work on some math."

"I'm the same way, about the bed anyway," Debra explained.  "Just doesn't feel the same," she said, looking at Taylor and Zac.  Smiling, she shut the door and Shannon frowned momentarily until she went back to her math.  Finished, she closed her book and rummaged around for some clothes.  Finding a bathroom, Shannon entered it and took a quick shower.  Coming back to her room, Shannon found both Taylor and Zac awake.

"Mornin' farmer Jane," Zac said, looking at Shannon's baggy overalls and red baby tee with white around the neck and sleeves.  Shannon smiled, threw her clothes in a corner, and picked up her brush.  Brushing her hair and parting it, Shannon quickly had it in two french braids, one down each side.  "Are you trying to be a farmer today?" Zac asked, looking at her braids and clothes.

"What's wrong with it?" Shannon asked.  "It's comfortable, what else matters as long as they're clean and don't have holes?"

"Nothing.  You just look like a farmer," Zac said, pulling on one of her braids.

"You look cute," Taylor said, trying to help.  "Kinda like a six year old, but cute," he said, teasing her.

"Fine," Shannon said, pulling the braids out and putting her hair into a messy bun in the back of her head.  Zac shook his head and laughed, causing all of them to start laughing.  Debra came in to find them all laughing.

"Glad you kids are getting along," Debra said.  "Breakfast is being served.  Come and eat," she said, and left the room.  Shannon, Zac, and Taylor got up at the same time to get food and they too left the room.

"Hey Renee, Matt," Shannon said, sitting with them in the lunch room.  Renee nodded and Matt smiled.

"Daddy, I need to use the potty," the little boy told Matt in a loud whisper.  Matt got up, took him by the hand, and left for the bathroom.  Renee watched them leave for a minute, then turned with a sigh back to Shannon, Taylor, and Zac.

"What's wrong?" Shannon asked over a glass of milk.

"Nothing.  It's just going to be hard leaving him," Renee said, looking down at her scrambled eggs.

"I don't understand," Shannon said, confused and curious.

"They found people to adopt Tucker and it's going to be hard to leave him.  I know I cannot possibly take care of him, but I don't want to lose him either," Renee said, looking back at the door.

"Isn't there anything you can do?" Shannon asked, not feeling hungry.

"I already signed the papers," Renee said, looking at her hands as if she could see the ink on them.

"What about Matt?  Doesn't he have anything to say?" Shannon asked.

"Not really.  He's not the father.  He's just been here through a lot and Tuck thinks of him as Daddy," Renee said shrugging.  Shannon nodded and put her napkin on the table, finished without even touching her food.  Renee left a short time later to see what was taking Matt and Tucker so long.  
"Aren't you hungry?" Taylor asked, looking at her uneaten food.  Shannon looked at him, startled, and shook her head "no."

"Can I have it then?" Zac asked, taking her plate and dumping it onto his own.

"Sure, eat away," Shannon said as he started eating.  Zac smiled and continued to eat.  After breakfast, Zac and Taylor went off to find their Aunt Debra and Shannon went to find Renee.  Walking into an enclosed back yard, Shannon found Renee and Matt holding onto each other and crying.  Figuring what happened, Shannon left them by themselves and wandered around in the yard.

"Hey watch it!" a blonde-haired girl said with a snarl as Shannon nearly walked on the corner of her blanket.

"Sorry," Shannon said, walking around the blanket and hurrying inside.  Passing small bunches of people, she went into her room and collapsed onto her bed.  A knock came a few hours later and Renee came in.

"Hey, can we talk?" she asked, closing the door.  Shannon nodded and sat up, leaving room for Renee to sit.  "Ik now you and I don't know each other too well, but....I feel like we have a sort of bond.  I don't know, maybe it's the mother thing, anyway, they took Tucker.  I've lost my son.  God, I never thought I'd feel this bad about it!" Renee said, standing up and pacing back and forth, wringing her hands as she went.  "I don't know what to do, I feel empty.  God, Shann, I never thought it would turn out like this.  I just want my son back," Renee cried, sobbing on Shannon's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Renee, I wish I knew what to say, but I don't," Shannon said, patting her back as Renee cried.

"I just need someone to listen to me.  You don't have to say anything.  Matt's upset too, but he doesn't understand what I'm going through.  He's trying to fix my problems, but he can't and he doesn't have the power to do that."

"I wish I could say it will get better, but I can't.  But I'll be here to listen," Shannon promised, hugging her tightly, trying to take all her troubles away.
"Thank you," Renee said, wiping her eyes.  "I need friends," she said, trying to smile.

"I know," Shannon said, squeezing her hand gently.  "I'm here for you," she promised as the door opened and Debra, Taylor, and Zac came in.

"Shannon, Diana wants you to come to lunch," Debra said, looking at the two girls.  "What's going on?  Is everything alright?" she asked, not sure she wanted to have to deal with any problems before lunch.  Renee quickly wiped her eyes and tried to smile.  With a sniff, she left and Shannon was left to watch her leave, unable to do anything to stop her.

"You alright?" Taylor asked, seeing her struggle with herself.  Shannon nodded.

"Good.  Let's go," Debra said before anything else could be said.  Shannon sat in the back of Debra's car looking out the window, tapping her feet, anything to keep her mind occupied.

"Stop," Taylor said, putting his hand on her knee so she couldn't tap her foot any longer.  Shannon looked at him and smiled, then went back to looking out the window.  Sinking down in the seat, Shannon kept moving around.

"What's the problem?" Debra asked, looking throught the rearview mirror.

"I can't stop thinking about Renee.  I wish there was something I could do to make her feel better.  Sorry, I just can't sit still when I'm worried," Shannon apologized.  Debra pulled into the Hansons' driveway and parked the car.  Shannon, Taylor, Zac, and Debra got out and went into the house.

"Hey Shannon," Diana greeted.  "Will you go into the den?" she asked.  Shannon shrugged and went into the den.  Stopping in her tracks, Shannon looked at Isaac, who immediately stood up when she came in.

"We need to talk," he said simply.  Shannon nodded and watched him shut the door to give them privacy.  "Dad said you're pregnant, and that...that it's...mine," Isaac said, stumbling over what words to use and how to say it.  Shannon just nodded, not saying anything.

"You're not going to say anything?  Well that's fine.  I just want you to know you're having an abortion," Isaac said, putting his hand on the door knob and turning it.

"Excuse me?  Did you just tell me that I'm having an abortion?  You don't actually believe you can tell me what to do, do you?" Shannon asked, looking at Isaac, her eyes turning in a swirl of colors to an angry sea green color.  "I'm not having an abortion."

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Fine, but if you plan to keep this child, then do NOT expect me to have anything to do with it.  I'm not going to pay for it, see it, talk to it, take responsibility for it!  Nothing!" Isaac warned.

"Good!" Shannon shot back, her eyes an icy blue.  "I really don't want you to have anything to do with MY child."

"And don't expect my family to have anything to do with it!" Isaac said, trying to win the argument.

"They already expressed interest.  They want to be part of the baby's life.  And they have right.  So do you, but I'm glad you don't want anything to do with MY baby!" Shannon said, breezing past him and out the door.  Walking into the kitchen, she saw Debra and Diana.

"What did he say?" Diana asked, hoping her son wasn't a total ass.

"He doesn't want anything to do with it, but that's fine.  I don't really want him in my life either," Shannon said, sitting at the table.

"Don't worry, we're here," Diana said, squeezing Shannon's shoulder.  "Just remember, whatever you need." Shannon smiled slightly and was lost in thought through the rest of the afternoon.  Around two o'clock the phone rang.

"Hello?" Zac asked, answering the phone in the kitchen.  "Yeah, hold on," he said, turning to Debra.  "Phone Aunt Debra," he said, holding the phone out to her.

"Hello?" Debra said, taking the phone from Zac.  "What?  Oh God!  I'll be right down," she said, hanging up the phone.  Turning to look at the others still at the table, she quickly apologized and grabbed her things to go.  "Di, can you drive Shannon back later?" she asked, not looking at Shannon.  Shannon stood up to follow Debra.  "Stay here," Debra told her.

"No," Shannon said simply.  Shannon followed Debra out to her car, and Debra drove to the half-way house.  Outside there were tons of police and an ambulance.  Debra ran inside and Shannon slowly followed.  She saw people running in all directions hurriedly.  A pair of medics wheeled a covered body out into the ambulance.

Standing dazed, Shannon looked around watching as the flashing lights disappeared down the road.  Turning finally, Shannon went inside to find out what had happened.  No one was around.  Shannon couldn't find anyone to talk to, so she went to her room.  Closing her door, she found a letter on her bed.  Picking it up, she unfolded it and silently read it:

                                      Thanks for listening to me, I needed it, but I can't deal with this.
                             Sorry to do this to you, I know you're going through things too.  I
                             hope you understand.
                             P.S.  Please find a way to give the letter I wrote for Tucker to him.

Shannon took the other letter and opened it, reading that one too:

                             My dearest son, Tucker,
                                    My name is Renee W. Tyler, and I am your mother.  I hope you
                             remember me, always.  I love you so much and I can't bear to lose you.
                             I know it is selfish of one, but I can't.  You mean so much to me,
                             remember that.  I hope you're happy and are being the good, smart,
                             kind, and caring boy I know and love.  I'll never see you grow, but I
                             know in my heart you will be a wonderful man, and I'm sorry I won't be
                             able to see it.  I love you Tucker, no matter what.
                                        Love always,

Shannon refolded the letter and tucked it safely away in her desk.  Taking out a book she started to read, trying to keep her mind off of Renee.  At 5:00, Debra came in to talk to her and tell her supper was ready, but she found Shannon asleep.  Closing the door again, she went back to her office where she had plenty of phone calls to make.

"Guess what!" Taylor said, walking in Shannon's room a few months later.  Shannon shrugged.  "I got my license!  Isn't that great?" he asked, excited by the freedom that that brought.

"That's wonderful," Shannon said with a smile, knowing how much it meant to Taylor that he wasn't depending on anyone else to take him anywhere, and that he had an easy escape from Isaac, who he had troubled relations with.

"So now I need to get a car, but I don't know what kind," Taylor said, sitting on Shannon's bed looking at her as she sat at her desk.  Shannon just shrugged.

"I don't know anything about cars," Shannon said with a small smile.

"That's my problem too," Taylor said, "but I have the van.  So you coming to supper?"

"Actually, I promised Matt we'd have a talk tonight.  I can't," Shannon said with a frown as she thought of her emotionally shaken friend.  

"Oh," Taylor said.  "That's okay, I just thought I'd tell you about my license."  Taylor stood up and went to the door.

"You don't have to leave, we can talk," Shannon said, feeling bad.

"No it's okay, I promised I wouldn't be out too long," Taylor said and left.  Shannon stared at the door after it closed and wondered about her life.  In the past few months, Taylor and her had become friends.  He helped her with her problems and she helped him with his.  Matt had come to depend on her supportive shoulder, and she had come to love and know the Hansons.

The door to Shannon's room opened and Taylor came in with some flowers.  Shannon rubbed her eyes and smiled.  "What's wrong?" she asked, knowing the look on his face.

"Brought you flowers," Taylor said handing her the flowers.

"What's wrong?" she asked, taking the flowers and smelling them.

"Oh it's just everything.  I can't stand to be in the same room as Isaac.  I'm still afraid of him.  He beat me up once, he can easily do it again.  What's stopping him?" Taylor said with a sigh.

"Do you want to sleep on the floor?" Shannon asked, looking at the thick carpeted floor.  Taylor nodded.  

"Could I?" he asked.

"Sure," Shannon said, pulling half her blankets from her bed.  Handing them to Taylor, she watched him make up his bed.  Getting up, Shannon went down the hall to the bathroom to change.  Coming back, she found Taylor stripped down to his blue and red boxers.

"You're so skinny!" Shannon said amazed.  Taylor looked at himself in the mirror then shrugged.  He had become comfortable being only half dressed around Shannon from all the times he'd slept over.  Taylor stood next to Shannon in the view of the mirror and compared.

"You're not that fat," he said with a smile.

"Oh, not THAT fat," Shannon said, poking him in the stomach.  Taylor laughed and crawled into his make-shift bed.  Shannon turned out the light and went to sleep.  A few hours later, about six, Debra came in and woke Shannon up accidentally.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.  Diana called and was looking for Tay," Debra explained.

"Oh, he's right there," Shannon said, pointing to Taylor in the corner, sound asleep.

"Yeah, I saw.  Since you're up, I'll tell you.  Diana wantes you to go over today if you're not too busy," Debra said with a smile.

"I'll get a ride with Tay," Shannon said, curling back under her blankets.  Debra closed the door and Shannon went back to sleep.

Hearing movement, Shannon opened her eyes and found Taylor pulling his pants on.  Turning his head at the sound of her moving, Taylor smiled.  Shannon smiled back and sighed a content sigh.

"I have to go, Mom'll be wondering," Taylor said, pulling his shirt over his head.  Shannon sat up.

"She called.  Can you give me a lift?" Shannon asked.

"Sure, if you get moving," Taylor said smiling.  Shannon got out of bed and grabbed some clothes.  Coming back a few minutes later, she put her hair in a pony tail and put on shoes.

"Okay, are you ready?" Shannon asked, looking at Taylor, who was sitting on her bed watching her.  He stood up and they left.  Reaching the Hanson house, the two went in together and found Diana in the kitchen.

"Hey Shannon, you came!" Diana said with a smile.  "I thought we could go shopping for baby clothes and furniture," Diana said.

"But," Shannon began.

"No.  I want to buy my grandchild some things, and you were talking about moving into an apartment when you go to college in a few months," Diana said.

"Well yeah, but..."

"No buts about it.  I want to," Diana said with a smile.  "And Taylor can watch the kids," she said, looking at him.  Taylor nodded and agreed silently.
"What about this?" Diana asked, hoding up a Looney Tunes comforter.  Shannon looked at it.

"It's cute, and so soft," she said in awe at the sight of so many beautiful baby things.

"So have you given any thought to breast feeding or not?" Diana asked, looking at socks and bibs.

"Yeah, I was thinking about trying to breast feed.  It's more natural and healthier for the baby," Shannon said, picking out some pale multi-colored onesies.  Diana nodded and continued to pick out baby items until the cart was full of items and Shannon was shocked at how much they had picked out.

"Wow," Shannon said, looking at everything.  Diana smiled and gave her a one-armed hug.

"Don't worry about it," she said.  "So did you pick names?" Diana asked as the cashier checked things out.

"I can't decide.  There are so many I like," Shannon said, playing with a rattle.

"Yeah, it's hard to pick a name, but one will come to you when the time comes," Diana said.  Shannon smiled and put her hand on her stomach.

"I think...the time...has come," she said in hurried phrases.  Diana looked at her and her eyes widened in surprise.  After rushing to the hospital, Shannon was dressed in a gown and put in a room while Diana called home to tell them what was happening.

Leaving Zac in charge of watching the little ones, Taylor took off for the hospital.  Diana and Taylor both held Shannon's hands during the delivery and saw the baby when it was born.

"Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl," the doctor said, handing the crying baby to a nurse.  "Would you like to cut the cord?" he asked Taylor.  Taylor shrugged and did what the doctor directed him to do.

The nurse bathed the baby and soon Shannon was put into her own room.  A few hours later a nurse came to Shannon to fill out the birth certificate.  Shannon filled it out leaving the name blank.

"So what's my niece's name?" Taylor asked, watching Shannon fill out the certificate.  Shannon wrote in a name in pen, the first name that came to mind, and showed it to Diana and Taylor.  They read the name, Jordan Roberta Renee Renalds, and nodded.  "She's named after me?" Taylor asked, surprised.

"And my brother and Renee," Shannon said.

"Little Bobbie?" Diana asked, looking at Shannon for her reaction.

"Perfect," Shannon said as a nurse rolled Bobbie in to Shannon.

Two years later Shannon decided to move in with Matt in an apartment.  During the day, she went to college double time, and Diana watched Bobbie in bonding time.  Graduating with a degree, Shannon was excited and told Taylor about it over the phone.

"I can't believe I'm graduating soon," Shannon said smiling as Bobbie played with blocks on the floor.

"Yeah, you're graduating college and I'm just a senior," Taylor said with a laugh.

"I know.  Isn't it strange?" she asked.

"Yeah.  Did I tell you we we're going away for a month?" Taylor asked.

"No, where are you going?" Shannon asked.

"Australia," Taylor said.  "Right after you graduate."

"Sounds fun," Shannon said, watching Bobbie.

"Yeah, I hope it will be," Taylor said.  Shannon and Taylor continued to talk until Matt came home slamming the door behind him.

"I'd better go.  Bobbie's got to go to bed and Matt's not in a good mood," Shannon told Taylor.  They hung up and Shannon took Bobbie into the bathroom to give her a bath.  Putting her to bed, Shannon came back into the common area of the apartment to find Matt laying on the couch watching TV.

"So who was on the phone?" Matt asked, not looking up at Shannon.

"Tay," Shannon said, sitting in the chair by the couch.  Matt got up and went to his room.  Shannon watched him go and stared at the door for a while, then shook her head and looked back at the TV.

A few weeks later, Shannon graduated from college and the Hanson clan was off to Australia.  Shannon and Bobbie came back after seeing everyone off and found Matt waiting for them.

"So you were with Taylor?" Matt asked.  Shannon looked at him curiously, wondering what had gotten into him.

"We were seeing them off," Shannon said, hanging up her's and Bobbie's coats.

"Why do you spend so much time with him?" Matt asked.

"Because he's my friend and he's Bobbie's uncle," Shannon said as Bobbie went into her room to play.

"Are you fucking him?" Matt asked.

"Do you need to use that language around my daughter?  She can hear you even though she's in her room."

"Answer the question!" Matt demanded.

"It's none of your business, but no," Shannon said.

"It is so my business, you live with me.  That makes it my business.  You belong to me," Matt told Shannon.

Shannon looked at him.  "You do not own me.  No one owns a person," she told him, her eyes turning a dangerous shade of blue.

"You are mine," he said, grabbing her arm.  "I don't want you to talk to those Hansons any more!"

Shannon pulled her arm free.  "I'm leaving!" she announced, going into Bobbie's room to get clothes and Bobbie.  Putting her money and some

clothes in a bag, Shannon and Bobbie ran out of the apartment with Matt chasing them.



Chapter 1

Shannon ran down the street with Bobbie in her arms and Matt chasing behind them. Running down an alley, Shannon lost Matt and made her way cautiously to the airport. Buying two tickets to New York, Shannon waited with Bobbie until the plane was boarding.

"Flight 7-14 is now boarding," a woman said over a loud speaker.

"Come on sweetie," Shannon said, holding Bobbie's hand and taking her to the plane. Handing their tickets to the steward, Shannon boarded the plane. She buckled Bobbie into her seat, and gave her a book to read, well, look at.

The plane filled up quickly and Shannon kept looking around to make sure Matt wasn't there. Somehow she was sure he could read her mind and would know where to find her. The plane took off and Shannon began to relax.

"Mommy," Bobbie said, tapping Shannon on the shoulder. Shannon looked at her and smiled. "Clouds," Bobbie said, amazed looking out the window.

"Yeah, pretty clouds," Shannon told her. Bobbie nodded in agreement. She went back to looking out her window and "reading" her book and Shannon rested her head on the headrest on the plane seat. After getting off, Shannon got them a taxi and went to her parents' hotel.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" a girl at the counter asked. She looked at Shannon and Bobbie, wondering why they were there and how they expected to pay for rooms.

"Yeah, I'm looking for Vivian and Frank Renalds," Shannon said, picking up Bobbie as she started to wander away.

"I'm sorry, they're not here," the girl said with a smile.

"Where are they?" Shannon asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can give that information out to strangers."

"Well then is Robert Renalds in?" Shannon asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

"No, he's out too," she said as the elevator door opened and Bobby stepped out with a blonde girl on his arm.

"Shannon?" he asked, not recognizing her. "Is that you?"

"Bobby!" Shannon said, hugging him with Bobbie in the middle of them.

"How have you been?" Bobby asked, forgetting his blonde friend.

"Good," Shannon said, looking over at the Blonde woman. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh. This is my fiancé, Marti," he introduced. Shannon smiled and shook Marti's hand. "Mart, this is my sister Shannon, and…" Bobby stopped, not knowing Bobbie's name.

"Oh, sorry," Shannon apologized with a smile. "This is my daughter, Bobbie," Shannon said with Bobbie burying her head shyly in Shannon's shoulder.

"My little niece is named after me?" Bobby asked, picking her up from Shannon's arms. Bobbie reached for Shannon crying, "Mommy," in a scared voice.

"It's okay Bobbie, this is your uncle Bobby," Shannon tried to explain.

"Zacky, Mackie, and Tay-Tay. No Bobby!" she said, grabbing Shannon's neck.

"She just doesn't know me," Bobby said, releasing her to Shannon. "So what's been happening?" Bobby asked, leading the four of them into a conference room.

"Not much. I graduated college," Shannon said. "You?"

"Well, Marti and me are getting married in four months. What else?" he asked, looking at Marti. "Oh, I'm in charge of the hotel while Mom and Dad are out searching for new locations. They want to open another resort in Florida or Hawaii, somewhere warm," he said.

"So are you going to run one?" Shannon asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's our wedding present," Marti said in a sweet voice.

"That's good," Shannon said. "You deserve it," Shannon told Bobby.

"Thank you. You will come right? We have an invitation for you, we just had no address," Bobby told her.

"I'll try," Shannon said. "I'm not sure where I'll be," she said.

"Do you need a place to stay?" Marti asked, very alert even though she didn't look it with her brown eyes nearly closed.

"Actually, yeah. I'll pay for it, of course, but yeah. I'm trying to let some things blow over," Shannon said, vaguely explaining why she was there.

"Don't worry about it," Marti said, taking Shannon and Bobbie out of the conference room and into the lobby. Pulling out the guest book, she signed Shannon into the penthouse room and pulled the keys from behind the desk. "Come on," Marti said, leading the way into the elevator. Shannon followed, still holding Bobbie, who was asleep. "Your brother's a great guy," she said as the elevator rose.

"I know," Shannon assured her. "I'm sure you two will be very happy together."

"I hope so, but…he talks about you a lot. I don't know what happened or why, but I know he wants you in his life. We all do; Lydia, Alexis, Bobby, and me. We don't want to lose you and little Bobbie," she said. "I know I'm not even from your family, but it would make my honey happy, so it'll make me happy too," she said, unlocking the door. Shannon put Bobbie in the bedroom on the large double bed and shut the door.

"Well I don't know how long I'll be here, but I promise to keep in touch wherever I am," Shannon said, smiling at Marti.

"Will you stay for the wedding at least? It would mean a lot to Bob, a lot to both of us really," Marti said. "Besides, I need someone near me I can talk to. Lydia is so…"

"Egotistical?" Shannon said, filling in for Marti.

"Exactly. And Alexis is more wrapped up in her life than in anything else. I need someone to have girl talk with," Marti said, looking at Shannon.

"I know how you feel. I'm around girls older and younger than me all the time. Never anyone just a year or two older," Shannon said, getting a glass out of the cabinet and getting some water.

"So what have you been up to?" Marti asked as she and Shannon sat around the small, four-person table. A knock at the door made Shannon jump and look around quickly before she could control herself and answer the door. Bobby came in with Alexis behind him.

"Hey, look who I found, and I called Lydia. We're all going to have dinner tonight at 7:30," Bobby said, coming past Shannon and sitting next to Marti at the table. Alexis came in and she and Shannon greeted each other with a hug.

"How are you?" Shannon asked Alexis as they all sat at the table.

"Fine," Alexis said, snapping her gum and twirling it around her fingers. "My boyfriend and I are planning to get married," she said with a smile as she held up a ring on her left hand ring finger.

"Really? How long have you been dating?" Shannon asked, quickly looking at the ring while Bobby shook his head and Marti hid her smile behind her hand.

"A week," Alexis said, admiring her ring in the sunlight.

"Oh, that's wonderful," Shannon said, her eyebrows rising in surprise as Bobbie came into the room. "Hey Sweetie," she said, picking her up and setting her on her lap. "Remember Uncle Bobby and soon-to-be Aunt Marti? Well, this is your Aunt Alexis," Shannon told her.

"Mommy, I want Tay-Tay," Bobbie said, leaning back on Shannon.

"Want me to call him for you?" Shannon asked Bobbie, who nodded as she watched Alexis, Marti, and Bobby. "Excuse me," Shannon said and stood up with Bobbie. Going to the couch, Shannon dialed Taylor's cell phone number.

"Hello," Taylor answered while on rehearsal break in the Australian studio.

"Hey, what's up?" Shannon asked.

"Where have you been? I've been trying to call you for the longest time! Matt doesn't know where you are, no one does!" he said, concerned.

"Oh, good!" Shannon said, relieved.

"What?" Taylor asked.

"I don't want him to know. Anyway, we're fine. We're in New York, and your niece wants to talk to you," Shannon said.

"I feel so loved," Taylor said with a smile as Isaac walked by. "So where's my little namesake?" he asked.

"Right here, hold on," Shannon said and handed the receiver to Bobbie.

"Hello," Bobbie said into the phone.

"Hey Bobbie baby," Taylor said.

"Tay-Tay!" Bobbie squealed happily.

"How are you?" Taylor asked. "And how is Mommy?"

"Ok, Mommy?" Bobbie asked, confused. Shannon looked at her and realized she wasn't talking to her.

"Well, Bobbie, I have to go. Can I talk to Mommy?" Taylor asked, seeing Zac motioning him to rejoin the band. Bobbie handed the phone to Shannon and watched her talk to Taylor.

"Yeah?" Shannon asked.

"You ok? I mean, there has to be a reason you left and don't want anyone to know where you are," Taylor said, holding his breath.

"Yeah," Shannon assured him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Shannon said with a smile.

"Good. When will you be back in Oklahoma?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. My brother is getting married and I'm invited to the wedding, so I don't know," Shannon said.

"Well, can you call me back tomorrow?" Taylor asked.

"Sure," Shannon promised, and they hung up.

"So was that your boyfriend?" Marti asked when Shannon returned to the table with Bobbie reading her book.

"No, a friend," Shannon said quickly. "Tay's definitely just a friend," she said, trying to stop the sigh that came after she said his name.

"Are you two doing it?" Alexis asked, picking at her nails.

"No!…God no!…Can we talk about something else please?" Shannon asked. Alexis' pager went off.

"I've got to go," she said, leaving the table. "Later," she called over her shoulder.

"Don't forget, tonight, 7:30," Bobby said as she reached the door.

"Whatever," she called and went out the door. Shannon watched her leave and saw another piece of her life crumble. Being away for two years, over, had changed everything, not just her. Alexis was no longer little Alexis who wanted to try everything and anything. She was now loner Alexis who didn't want her family around. She shut people out, which was unhealthy, yet that was what she was doing.

Shannon sighed and turned away from the door. "Can't live in the past," she mumbled, and Marti nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'd better go too," Bobby said, standing up. After kissing Marti lightly, he left, leaving the three girls; Marti, Shannon, and Bobbie.

"So," Shannon said, looking around for something to start a conversation on.

"So, who's this Taylor?" Marti asked. Bobbie looked up from her book and watched them for a minute.

"He's a friend. Actually, he's one of Bobbie's Uncles," Shannon said.

"Oh, how many does she have?" Marti asked, looking over at Bobbie, who was once again absorbed in her book.

"Well there's Bobby, of course, Tay," she said with a quickly covered sigh, "Zac, and Mackie."

"And you named her after your brother?"

"Yeah, well her full name is Jordan Roberta Renee," Shannon told Marti. "She's named after Bobby, Taylor, and a friend of mine, Renee. She died."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Marti said.

"It's alright. It happened a long time ago," Shannon said, looking at her watch. It read one-fifteen. "Did you have lunch?" she asked Marti, who shook her head no. "Wanna go to lunch?" she asked.

"Sure, I'll buy," Marti said.

"It's okay. You don't have to do that," Shannon said.

"I know, but I want to," she insisted.

"Alright," Shannon relented. "Bobbie, come on. We're gonna eat," she said, getting their coats. Bobbie got up and put on her coat, with Shannon's help.

"I know this great restaurant down the street a ways," Marti said making it both statement and question.

"Sounds nice," Shannon said, holding Bobbie's hand, unsure of what to say. Marti smiled and led them to her place of choice. Waiting for a table, Shannon took Bobbie into the bathroom and came back to see Marti following a black-haired waitress to a table in the corner.

"Perfect timing," Marti joked as they sat down. Shannon helped Bobbie with her coat and nodded. They ordered their drinks, then food, and in a half an hour the food came. With minimal conversation, they ate.

"Well, thank you," Shannon said when they were standing on the sidewalk waiting for a taxi.

"Do you want to share a taxi?" Marti asked as one pulled up.

"Thanks, but I'm going to do a little shopping before I go back," Shannon said as Marti got in the cab. Marti waved and the cabby drove away.

"Come on, let's do some shopping," Shannon said, holding Bobbie's hand and walking into a nearby children's clothing store. Shannon and Bobbie looked through the clothes, finding some things they both liked; a pink frilly dress with dark pink roses printed on it, an overall outfit with Kermit the Frog on the front pocket and a matching green turtle neck, a blue and white sweater in a snowflake pattern, a couple pairs of sweat shirts, a green one, blue one, and yellow one, colored socks, a pair of black shiny tap shoes, a pair of white sneakers, a bunch of colored t-shirts, and three pairs of stretch pants in black, pink, and blue.

"Mommy, look!" Bobbie said, pointing to a beautiful white dress with lace trim, ruffles, and made of satin.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Shannon said, feeling it. "Do you like it?" she asked, looking at the price tag.

"Yes," Bobbie said, nodding her head.

"Do you think we should get it? Then you can wear it to Uncle Bobby's wedding," Shannon asked, looking down at the small blonde child with her finger to her lips in thought.

"Mmm, yeah," she said after a while. Shannon smiled and pulled one off the rack in Bobbie's size. Setting their things on the counter for them to pay for, Shannon took Bobbie to try on the dress. Shannon helped her change into the dress and admired her appearance. "Can I see?" Bobbie asked, looking for a mirror to see herself in. Shannon opened the dressing room door and took Bobbie to the mirror. Bobbie's face lit up when she saw herself. "I'm pretty!" she said, looking at Shannon. Shannon picked her up and hugged her.

"Yes, you are," Shannon said with a smile. "I guess that means you want the dress," she said, looking at Bobbie. Bobbie looked at her shyly and nodded. "Okay," Shannon said and took Bobbie back into the dressing room to change. Coming out, they ran into a tall, brown-haired man in a tan suit with a blue shirt and deep blue eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were there," Shannon apologized, backing away from him a few steps.

"That's okay. I'm Bryan Green," he said, handing Shannon a card with his name and number on it. "I was watching the two of you and I think you two would be perfect for a commercial that I'm shooting. If you're interested, call me tomorrow around ten," he said with a warm smile as he looked at Shannon, then looked at Bobbie hiding behind Shannon. "Don't forget, ten," he said, leaving the store.

Shannon went to the register to pay for everything and wrote out a check.

"Can I see some ID?" the short, white-haired, balding man with glasses asked Shannon. Shannon pulled out her license and handed it to him. He squinted at it, and then finally wrote down the number. "Would you like to take them with you or have them delivered?"

"Delivered please," Shannon said, taking her license back and putting it back in her wallet.

"Write your address down here," he said, pushing a piece of paper towards her. She filled it out quickly and picked up Bobbie, whose legs hurt, and set up a delivery time. Leaving the store, Shannon and Bobbie went into another store. Buying some clothes for herself, Shannon again set up a delivery date and Bobbie had begun to whine.

"One more store. I promise," Shannon said, flagging down a taxi. Bobbie leaned on Shannon and quickly fell asleep. Shannon paid the cab driver and got out, carrying Bobbie into the grocery store. She laid Bobbie in the buggy and picked up a few items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, cereal, milk, juice, soup, hot dogs, bread, cheese, lunchmeat, mayonnaise, and meats for Bobbie. Ready to leave, Shannon passed an aisle with toys and picked up a couple dolls, books, and coloring books for Bobbie, along with a set of jumbo crayons. After paying for everything, Shannon picked up Bobbie, and the four plastic bags, and walked the half a block to the hotel. Shannon went up to their room, set Bobbie on one of the beds, then put away the things she'd bought. She looked at her watch and sighed. It was 6:30.

Shannon bolted the door, went into the bathroom, and got a shower. Coming out of the bathroom, she checked on Bobbie, and then quickly got dressed. The doorbell rang a little later and Shannon opened it.

"Hey, wasn't sure you'd still be here or if you'd be downstairs already," Marti said, standing in the hall.

"Oh yeah, about that, Bobbie's sleeping. She'll be cranky if I wake her, so can you tell everyone I won't be able to attend tonight?" Shannon asked.

"Sure," Marti said, "We'll have to try again some other time." Shannon smiled, they said goodbye to each other, then, as Marti walked away down the hall, she shut the door. She locked the door, went into the bedroom, and fell asleep on the other bed.

Waking up early, Shannon picked up the phone and called Taylor from the living room. "Hello?" Taylor answered groggily.

"Tay, hey," Shannon said cheerfully.

"Hey Shann, do you realize what time it is?" Taylor asked with a yawn that he tried to cover and stop.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry! I forgot about the time difference! I can call back," Shannon apologized.

"It's okay, I'm up now," Taylor said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Shannon asked, feeling bad about waking him.

"Yeah, I'm awake and I think I woke Zac too," Taylor said watching Zac roll over and turn on the lamp beside his bed.

"What's going on?" he asked, squinting in the sudden brightness.

"Nothing. Go back to bed," Taylor told Zac. Zac nodded and rolled over.

"Tell Shannon I said hi and to give Bobbie a hug and kiss," he mumbled with his back to Taylor.

"Did you hear that?" Taylor asked Shannon.

"Yeah," she said with a smile. "I'll be sure to give her a kiss and hug and she'll be happy to know it's from Zac."

"Well then what would she say to a hug and kiss from me?" Taylor asked, chewing on his bottom lip.

"From her Tay-Tay? You know that's all she talks about. If anything ever happened to you, she'd be devastated," Shannon said, turning on the TV and flipping through the channels.

"What about you?" Taylor asked, his heart rate increasing.

"Well if something happened to me, I think she might be a little upset," Shannon said, turning off the TV and tossing the remote on the couch.

"That's not what I meant," Taylor said, leaning his head against the wall.

"I know," Shannon said. "I'd miss you. I love talking with you."

"You love talking to me? And I thought you hung out with me because of my rugged good looks and all together irresistibility," Taylor said.

"Taylor Hanson, teen heartthrob, how modest you are," Shannon said as Bobbie came out of the bedroom rubbing at her sleepy eyes, her hair tousled.

"Tay-Tay?!?" she asked, running to the phone. "I can talk?" she asked reaching for the phone. Shannon handed the phone to Bobbie and took two bowls out of the cabinet while Bobbie and Taylor talked.

"How's my favorite girl?" Taylor asked Bobbie.

"Ok," she answered.

"How do you like New York? Your family?" Taylor asked.

"Ok, ok," Bobbie said. "Marti says 'Taylor? Your boyfriend?' to Mommy, and 'Lexis says 'You doing it?' What's that mean?" Bobbie asked Taylor.

"Uh, I'm not sure," Taylor said. "What did Mommy say to that?"

"Um," Bobbie thought, "ahh," she sighed.

"Is that what she said?" Taylor asked, trying not to smile.

"Um-hmm," Bobbie said, nodding her head.

"Okay Bobbie, that's enough," Shannon said, taking the phone away from her. "Go play with the new toys I bought you yesterday. They're on the table," Shannon said, pointing to the table. Bobbie went to the table and laid on the floor, playing with the dolls. Taking a deep breath, Shannon put the phone to her ear.

"Taylor? Sorry about that," she apologized.

"You really need to watch what you say, or should I say how you sigh around my niece. She's very impressionable. She might get the wrong idea," he told her.

"Maybe I should tell you to get back to sleep. You must be really tired from all the traveling you've been doing. I'll leave the hotel number and talk to you later," Shannon said. "Do you have a pen?"

"Yeah, hold on," Taylor said, setting the phone down on the nightstand between his and Zac's beds.

"Tay, why don't you just ask her out? If she says no, then you can deal with it, and if she doesn't, you won't spend nights alone and-" Zac said, looking at Taylor. Taylor looked at Zac with a glare and got a pen and paper from his bag.

"Shann, I got a pen and paper," Taylor said, sitting on his bed.

"1-778-977-1131," Shannon said quickly, looking down at the phone to see the number on it. "Well…goodnight," she said.

"You know, I'm up. We can talk for a while," Taylor said.

"Oh," Shannon said, looking at her watch. 7:00. "Well okay. What have you been doing?"

"Concerts, rehearsals, photo shoots," Taylor said, summing up his trip. "You?"

"Not much…sort of got offered a job, but that's about it," Shannon said.

"A job, really? Where? What? When? By who?" Taylor asked before Shannon could open her mouth to answer.

"I don't know. I was in the store getting some things for Bobbie, and this guy gave me a card and told me to call him today about some commercial or something."

"What? You're not going to meet him or anything are you?" Taylor asked, sitting up straight and tapping the pen on his knee.

"I don't know. I'm not calling till ten. I guess I'll know then," she said. "Why?"

"Well I'm coming back today. Don't meet him until I get there, alright?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, I guess," Shannon said with a shrug.


"Yeah. What's the big deal?" Shannon asked.

"You don't know anything about this guy. He could be a psychotic killer or a million other things," Taylor said. "I don't want you meeting him, anywhere, without me," Taylor said. "You understand what I'm saying?"

"He could be like Isaac or worse? Thank you, you've saved me yet again from my stupidity," Shannon said, sitting heavily on the couch.

"Well, we make a good team," Taylor said. Shannon smiled, they said goodbye, then hung up the phone. Taylor jumped up, threw on some pants and a shirt, and called a taxi.

"Where are you going?" Zac asked, looking over at Taylor, who was shoving clothes into a bag along with his brush, deodorant, toothbrush, and other items.

"New York," Taylor said, picking up the phone again and calling the airport. Booking a seat on the next flight, Taylor put his wallet in his pocket and the phone in his bag. "Need to reach me, call," Taylor said, and was out the door. Zac nodded and watched him go. Hearing the door shut, he got up and rebolted it, then went back to bed. The morning would be soon enough to deal with Taylor's disappearance.

Shannon stood up and went back into the kitchen. "Hungry?" Shannon asked Bobbie. Bobbie nodded and sat at the table, setting her dolls on the chair next to her. Shannon set a bowl of dry Cheerio's in front of Bobbie and sat across from her with her own bowl, with milk.

"Who's Daddy?" Bobbie asked, causing Shannon to cough.

"You mean who's your Dad? Gram showed you a picture, remember?" Shannon asked.

"I want Tay-Tay to be Daddy," she said, looking at Shannon with her big brown eyes looking up at Shannon, the hint of tears in them.

"That's something Tay-Tay would have to decide. Don't get your hopes up," Shannon said, looking down at her bowl, unable to look at Bobbie. Bobbie ate her cereal and played with her dolls as she watched TV. The doorbell rang and Shannon opened it to find Marti. "Hey Marti, what's up?" Shannon asked, moving aside to let her in. Marti stepped in and Shannon shut the door.

"I have the day off and was wondering what you two were doing," Marti said, going over to say hello to Bobbie and to give her a white plastic tea set with pink silverware and pink roses on the cups, saucers, tea pot, cream pot, and sugar container. Bobbie smiled and ripped open the plastic.

"What do you say?" Shannon asked.

"Thank you," Bobbie said shyly.

"You're welcome," Marti said with a smile, and came back to the table. "She's adorable."

"Thank you," Shannon said. "Can I get you anything? We have milk, water, and juice," Shannon offered.

"I'll have some juice," Marti accepted.

"So how was supper?" Shannon asked, sitting down at the table, a cup before her and Marti.

"It was alright. Are you free tonight? Around five?" Marti asked.

"I think so, yeah," Shannon said after a moment of quick thought.

"Okay, Bob said he'd call you this afternoon to set up a time and place." Shannon nodded and they continued to talk, girl talk and gossip mostly, for a couple of hours while Bobbie played tea party and watched Barney.

"Excuse me," Marti said, getting up and going into the bathroom. Shannon took the opportunity to get up and call Bryan.

"Hello?" a woman asked in a husky voice.

"I'm looking for Bryan Green," Shannon said.

"Just a minute please," the woman said and put Shannon on hold.

"Hello, Bryan Green," Bryan said into the phone.

"Um, hello, this is Shannon. I met you last night in the kids' outlet. You said to call," Shannon said, trying to explain who she was.

"Oh yes. Did you think about it? It's a commercial for a restaurant, a family thing. Just a scene of people eating and smiling at the food's taste and saying how great it is."

"Sounds simple enough," Shannon said.

"Great. There's a screening tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock at 52nd and 7th," Bryan said, and Shannon wrote it down.

"See you then," Shannon said.

"Ok," Bryan said, and hung up. Shannon hung up the phone and sat back at the table. Marti came out of the bathroom and started to smile.

"What?" Shannon asked.

"Oh I was just thinking about the wedding. I can't wait," Marti said, her eyes distant as she thought about the day.

"I'm happy for you," Shannon said.

"It's going to be wonderful. My parents are paying for everything, like in the old days. I'm going to wear this long, full, white dress with lace and a long train and veil. My flowers are going to be white carnations and blue roses. There are going to be decorations in our wedding colors, dark blue and silver, at the reception hall my parents rented. There's going to be a DJ and a band, a six-layer wedding cake, and catering. We're having sirloin steak, chicken cordon bleu, and shrimp as the main dishes. Speaking of which, you'll have to pick which you want. There are also chicken fingers for the kids. Bob's going to wear this black tuxedo and it's going to be in a huge church. I'm so excited," Marti said, her smile broadening with each detail she mentioned. "Oh, by the way, here's the invitation," she said, taking the card and envelope out of her purse. Shannon took it and opened the manila envelope. Taking out the matching card printed in dark blue, Shannon read it and filled out the reply card.

"Here you go," she said, handing it back to Marti.

"Just the two of you?" Marti asked. "You don't want to ask anyone?"

"No," Shannon said with a shrug. "Maybe Prince Charming will be at the wedding," she laughed. "Are you hungry?" Shannon asked. "I don't have any snack items, but I have hot dogs and lunch meat."

"I'll have a sandwich," Marti said. "I'll be right back," she said, leaving the room.

"Bobbie, want a sandwich?" Shannon asked.

"Yeah," Bobbie said, jumping up from her tea party and standing with Shannon in the kitchen. Marti came back with pretzels, three types of chips, and cheese curls, then went into the kitchen to help. Shannon set Bobbie's half of sandwich on the table on a paper towel and put a few cheese curls on the paper towel. Marti took her sandwich and left Shannon in the kitchen. The doorbell rang and Marti offered to get it.

"Can I help you?" Marti asked the man at the door.

"Um, I'm looking for Shannon Renalds," he said, looking lost.

"Oh, come on in," Marti said, moving aside. "Shannon! Someone to see you!" Marti called as she shut the door. Shannon came out of the kitchen with her sandwich on a paper towel and stopped.

"Wow, you go there quickly," she said, looking at Taylor. Taylor put his bag in the corner and smiled.

"Glad to see you too," he said with a laugh. Bobbie came running at the sound of his voice and Taylor picked her up as she ran to him.

"Tay-Tay!" she exclaimed excitedly, her face lighting up in delight.

"How's my favorite girl?" he asked, tickling her.

"Ok," Bobbie said, laughing.

"Are you finished eating?" Shannon asked Bobbie.

"No," Bobbie answered. Taylor set her down and Bobbie went back to the table to eat.

"Marti, this is Taylor, Tay, Marti," Shannon introduced.

"I've heard about you," Marti said, shaking his hand and smiling approvingly at him.

"Really?" Taylor asked, remembering his conversation with Bobbie. Shannon ushered everyone to the table and gave Taylor her sandwich.

"Drinks?" she asked everyone. Marti gave her her cup to refill and Bobbie and Taylor asked for milk. Shannon poured the drinks and brought them back to the table. Taylor's phone rang and he got up to get it from his bag.

"Here, you talk to them," Taylor said, handing the phone to Shannon. "I'm too tired to deal with them," he said sitting back down and eating.

"Hello," Shannon said, twirling a piece of hair around her finger.

"Hey Shannon. I guess that answers my question," Zac said with a laugh. "Where's Tay?"

"Right here. Wanna talk to him?" Shannon asked.

"Please," Zac said.

"Hold on." She handed the phone to Taylor. "It's Zac," she informed him. Taylor took the phone and Marti covered her mouth, her face going white.
"What's the matter?" Shannon asked quickly, looking at her face.

"It's Taylor Hanson!" Marti said, covering her mouth so she wouldn't scream. "I've had the hugest crush on them since…forever," she told Shannon.

"Really? I can't see why, except for maybe Zac or Mackie. They're both adorable." Taylor rolled his eyes at Shannon and smiled as he shook his head.

"You know them? Like, the whole family?" Marti asked, surprised.

"Yeah," Shannon said, "what's the big deal? They're just people," she said, not seeing the big deal about the family.

"The big deal? The big deal is Isaac Hanson, the dreamiest guy on the planet is part of the family," Marti said dreamily, her eyes far away. Shannon shook her head to stop Marti from talking, but she didn't see. "His curly hair, those big brown eyes, I bet he's a good kisser. Don't you wish you had someone like that to be Bobbie's daddy?"

"No!" Bobbie yelled, running to Shannon with tears coming down her cheeks. "He's not Daddy!" she insisted, burying her face in Shannon's shoulder as Shannon rocked her back and forth.

"Oh wait. If Taylor and Zac are her uncles…Oh God. Shannon, I'm sorry. I didn't know," Marti apologized.

"I know, don't worry about it," Shannon said, brushing Bobbie's hair back from her face. Taylor looked up from the phone and told Zac he'd call him back.

"What's wrong?" he asked, coming over and kneeling beside Shannon.

"Nothing. It's just that she's afraid that if Isaac's her father, she'll lose you," Shannon said, her green eyes locking with Taylor's blue ones.

"He's not my Daddy!" Bobbie repeated insistently. "I want Tay-Tay to be Daddy!" she cried into Shannon's shoulder.

"Hey Bobbie," Taylor said, leaning over as she turned her face. "I'm not going anywhere. You're my girl, why would I leave?"

"But he's not my Daddy!" she said once again.

"Of course not, he's your dad," Taylor said, placing his hand on her back.

"Will you be Daddy?" Bobbie asked looking at him with large brown eyes.

"Sure," he said, unable to resist her plea and the fact that it felt right. It felt like that was the way it was supposed to be all along.

"Then you and Mommy will get married?" she asked, clinging to Shannon's shirt as she bit her lip waiting for Taylor's answer.

"Uh," Taylor said, looking up at Shannon, who refused to look at him. "If Mommy wants to," he finally said. Bobbie and Taylor looked up at Shannon, waiting for her reply. The doorbell rang, saving Shannon. Quickly, she stood up and set Bobbie on the chair.

"Shannon Renalds?" a deep voice asked, looking at Shannon with beady black eyes peeking out under a dirty yellow cap.

"Yeah," Shannon said slowly.

"Sign here," he said, handing her a clipboard with a paper on it and a pen. Shannon signed the paper at the X and he and another man brought in boxes from the children's store.

"Thank you," Shannon said after tipping the men, then shut the door. Turning around, Shannon found Taylor and Bobbie kneeling before her.

"Will you marry me?" Taylor asked, the words easily leaving his lips.

"Please?" Bobbie added as Taylor pulled a ring out of his pocket. Shannon looked at him in surprise, not sure whether he was joking or serious. Marti came up next to Shannon and held Shannon's hand out to Taylor. The ring easily glided onto her finger in the perfect fit. Taylor stood up and looked down into Shannon's upturned face. Leaning down, his lips met hers in their first ever embrace.

"Does that mean yes?" Taylor asked, looking at Shannon with a smile.

"Sure," Shannon said, going along with the joke, or whatever, Taylor was setting up.

"Yes!" Bobbie cried, smiling brightly. Shannon picked her up and kissed her cheek. Taylor tousled her hair and put his arm around Shannon's waist.

"Should I leave?" Marti asked.

"No, of course not," Shannon said, looking at Marti. "Besides, we're not done with lunch."

"Well I've gotta go anyway," Marti said, going to the door and opening it. Hand to the bell was a delivery man.

"Shannon Renalds?" he asked Marti.

"Yeah," Shannon said, breaking away from Taylor and taking Bobbie with her to the door.

"Sign here please," he said, handing a clipboard to Shannon. She signed and he brought in packages. Shannon tipped him and both he and Marti left.
"So what'd you buy?" Taylor asked, looking at all the packages.

"Clothes. We needed new clothes," Shannon said, opening one box to find the dress that Bobbie was going to wear at the wedding. "See," Shannon said, holding it up so Taylor could see. "Okay sweetie, I want you to take a nap because we're going out to supper tonight," Shannon told Bobbie as she took her into the bedroom.

"Daddy too?" Bobbie asked, lying on the bed holding her baby.

"Yeah," Shannon said, kissing Bobbie's forehead. "I love you, now go to sleep," she said, standing up and looking down at Bobbie with a smile.

"Love you Mommy," Bobbie said as Shannon shut the door.

"Shannon," Taylor began when the door was shut.

"I know, we have to figure out a way to tell Bobbie the truth. The thing is, it's going to crush her. She's already calling you Daddy," Shannon said with a sigh as she tried to think.

"Why don't we just keep pretending? In the mean time, we can maybe date and who knows, maybe we will get married," Taylor suggested with a smile.

"Tay, you're crazy," Shannon said. "That would never work." Taylor sat on the end of the couch moodily. "Tay, come on. You can't be mad at me for pointing out the obvious," Shannon pleaded.

"I'm not mad about that. It'd just be nice if you'd put some faith into me. It think we'd make a great team," Taylor said, looking at Shannon. She sat on the couch with her knees up, watching him. "I mean, we both love Bobbie, I think she likes me," he said with a smile. "I know we can get through anything together, we already have. You're my best friend, I tell you everything, and…Shannon, I,… I, Shannon, I love you," Taylor said, waiting for Shannon to say something.

"Are you serious?" Shannon asked, looking at Taylor curiously, a smile on her face that she covered with her hand.

"Yes," Taylor said, shifting uncomfortably.

"Interesting," she said, sitting up.

"What is?"

"I was just thinking the same thing," she said, leaning over and kissing him. Taylor looked at Shannon, her eyes shut tightly, and smiled as their lips met in a tantalizing dance. Taylor wanted more. His lips moved to a faster beat, Shannon's barely keeping up. His hands traveled over her body and his lips traced her neck. Shannon's right hand was weaved into Taylor's trademark long, blond hair while the other was pressed to his chest so he couldn't go anywhere in any direction. The phone rang and Shannon moved away, and, lying on the couch with her knees up, she picked up the phone. "Hello?" she asked, breathing hard.

"Hey Shannon, what's going on?" Bobby asked, concerned.

"Nothing, I was just, rushing to get the phone," Shannon lied, biting her lip. "So what did you want?" she asked as Taylor pulled her legs out straight and half laid on top of her. Kissing her hand, he looked up at Shannon, who was smiling and trying to concentrate on the phone call. Moving to her stomach, he kissed it softly and unbuttoned the bottom button of her shirt. Slowly, he made his way up, kiss then button, again and again.

"Shannon? …You there?" Bobby asked, getting her attention.

"Yeah, what?" she asked, trying to brush Taylor away with a hand.

"Do you remember that little Italian restaurant Mom and Dad used to take us to?" he asked, growing impatient.

"Yeah, is that where we're meeting?" Shannon asked, laughing as Taylor's skilled fingers softly brushed her ribs. Taylor smiled and continued to make his way up to the top button.

"Yeah, at 5, and this time you'll be there, right?" Bobby asked as Taylor reached the last button.

"Yeah, 5," Shannon repeated as Taylor took the phone from her hand.

"See you at 5, bye," he said, hanging up the phone on Bobby.

"That was rude," Shannon said, watching him. Taylor smiled.

"But wasn't it rude of him to call at such an awkward time?" he asked, burying his face in her soft, warm neck.

"Tay," Shannon said, unable to keep the sigh out of it. "Tay, we can't," she said, looking into his pained eyes.

"I know," Taylor said with a sigh and rested his head on Shannon's chest below her breasts, watching the TV while Shannon ran her hand over his soft, golden hair.

"So what are you doing tomorrow for lunch?" Shannon asked Taylor, twirling his hair around her fingers.

"Do my ears deceive me, or are you asking me on a date?" Taylor asked, leaning on his elbow as he played with Shannon's bellybutton.

"Is that what you think this is?" Shannon asked. "I was merely trying to be nice. You came all this way, so I thought you might like to eat lunch."

"Oh, so it's like a business deal?" Taylor asked, looking up at her with deep crimson cheeks.

"Of course. Business, nothing more," Shannon said, her heartbeat quickening when she looked into his eyes; eyes filled with hunger. Taylor's eyes were full of hunger for human flesh, her flesh. Passion exploded in his eyes and Shannon had to look away before she was consumed by the blue fires in his eyes. *(the blue fires in his eyes consumed her)*

"What time?" Taylor asked, turning her face so she was looking at him. Her eyes startled him. They were the richest, purest, brightest green he could imagine and they were filled with desire. Surprised, he realized that Shannon wanted him and his heart beat faster and his cheeks heated more.

"Before 3. The interview's at 3," Shannon said, looking away.

"Um, do you want anything from the store?" Taylor asked, standing up.

"Yeah, but I'll go," Shannon said, standing up quickly and buttoning her shirt.

"No, just tell me what you need and I'll get it. I saw a store just down the street," Taylor said, clearing his throat.

"No, I don't think you will want to get what I need. Besides, I don't need it today, I can get it next week or so," Shannon insisted.

"What do you need?" Taylor asked, putting on his jacket. "Whatever it is, just say."

"Tampons?" Shannon said with half a smile.

"Oh," Taylor said, suddenly unsure. "Well maybe people will think I have a girlfriend," he said thoughtfully. Shannon smiled and Taylor left the hotel room. Shannon sat down on the couch with a ragged sigh. Standing up, she went into the bathroom to take a shower. Turning on the cold water, she opened the glass door and stepped inside.

"Excuse me, aren't you Taylor Hanson?" a woman in her thirties with a camera asked.

"No, you must have the wrong guy," Taylor said, walking away with a six pack of soda, a box of condoms, the tampons Shannon asked for, and some iced animal cookies for Bobbie.

"Are you sure you're not Taylor Hanson?" she asked, following Taylor to the register.

"For your girl?" the teenage girl asked, looking at Taylor curiously.

"Yeah, my fiancé," Taylor said with a smile.

"Oh, that's nice. That'll be $13.76," the girl said. Taylor took out his wallet and handed her a twenty. While he had his wallet out, the woman behind him grabbed it and took out his license.

"Ah ha! I knew it!" she said, handing back his wallet and license.

"What do you want?" Taylor asked with an aggravated sigh.

"To know where you're staying, why you're here instead of Australia, and who's this fiancé?" the woman said as Taylor took his change and his bag.

"Get away from me!" Taylor said, leaving the store. The woman followed Taylor to the hotel, quickly stepping into an elevator. With the doors shutting behind him, Taylor lost the woman and stopped the elevator two floors below the penthouse. Running up the last two flights of stairs, Taylor ran into the room, locking and bolting the door behind him.

"Shannon?!" he called, setting the bag on the table. Looking around, he sighed and paced the length of the living room. Finally, he opened the bathroom door with his hand over his eyes and went in. "Shannon?"

"What are you doing in here?" Shannon asked, covering herself with a washcloth.

"Shannon, I need to talk to you," Taylor asked in a pleading tone.

"Can't it wait until I'm dressed or at least not in the shower?" Shannon asked, blushing.

"Shannon, this is serious! I was in the store and this woman kept following me. She kept asking if I was Taylor Hanson and, of course, I said no, but then the girl at the counter asked if the stuff was for my girl and I said it was for my fiancé."


"I know, but it gets worse!" Taylor said, standing and pacing back and forth. "Here," he said, handing a towel over the glass to Shannon. She turned off the water and wrapped herself in the towel.

"What happened?" Shannon asked, stepping out of the shower. Taylor's mouth dropped open as he looked at her; her wet hair drying in curls and water beaded on her bare arms and legs. "Tay, what happened?" she asked, worried.

"Nothing. You look beautiful," he said in awe. "God, I never realized how beautiful you are."

"Tay, what happened?" Shannon repeated once again, stopping him.

"The woman took my wallet and found out who I am. Let's make love," Taylor said, moving toward Shannon. Moving back, Shannon crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him.

"Tay, I'm not having sex with you, and if I did, it wouldn't be on a bathroom floor!" Shannon said sternly. Taylor shook his head and cleared it.

"She followed me to the hotel, but I lost her. Do you realize what this means if it would get out?" he asked, looking at her, his eyes wide with fear at the possibility.

"That you'd get bad publicity?" Shannon asked with a shrug.

"If they found out I lied, there'd be no end in sight. Fans would never trust me again!" Taylor said, sitting on the lid of the toilet with his hands over his face.

"What are you going to do?" Shannon asked.

"I don't know! Will you be my fiancé? Then they can't say I was lying and for denying I was trying to have a little privacy!" Taylor said, looking down at the floor.

"Tay, I want to marry for love. I can't," Shannon said in an apologetic voice.

"Then marry me for love! I love you! I said it before and I meant it both times. Don't do it for me, do it for you! Do it for Bobbie! You said you'd go along with it before!" Taylor said, looking at Shannon.

"Tay, I can't make you do that and I can't make myself!" Shannon said, kneeling before him, desperation in her eyes. "I was caught up in the moment, I'm sorry!"

"So you won't marry me?" Taylor asked.

"I am not going to make you marry me! Bobbie is my daughter. I can handle it. I'll make her understand, don't worry about it," Shannon said, putting her hands on his knees.


"Here," Shannon said, taking the ring off her finger and holding it out to Taylor.


"I just can't," she said, standing up and going to the door. Taylor looked at the ring and jumped up, pushing the door shut as Shannon opened it.

"Listen to me! Don't talk," he said as she opened her mouth to protest. "I didn't ask because of Bobbie, and I know you don't need any help. I do love you! I do want to marry you. How many times do I have to tell you?!? Shannon Anne Renalds, answer me once and for all: Will you marry me? I'm not going to ask again, so think about it carefully," he directed.

"You're serious," Shannon said, surprised.

"And you're the genius!" Taylor said, throwing his hands up. "So what do you say? Will you be Mrs. Taylor Hanson?"

"Hmm, Shannon Anne Hanson? Sounds good to me," Shannon said with a smile.

"Oh, I love you so much!" Taylor said, lifting her up so she was at least a foot off the ground. Shannon smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"But what will your parents think?" she asked, a frown on her face.

"They already think of you as a daughter. They won't care!" Taylor said. Shannon smiled and hugged him again.

"Now we have to get you and my parents together," Shannon said.

"Oh," Taylor said, his face falling.

"Don't worry, you don't have to like them," Shannon said, winking at him. Taylor smiled and kissed her. A knock sounded at the bathroom door and Taylor set Shannon on the ground.

"Mommy, I'm hungry!" Bobbie said, looking at Shannon and Taylor.

"Alright," Shannon said. "Let me get dressed and we can go. Why don't you use the potty?" Bobbie went into the bathroom and waited for Shannon and Taylor to leave. Shutting the door, Shannon smiled and went to the bedroom, Taylor following.

"What are you doing?" Shannon asked, looking at him with a smile.

"Helping you pick out an outfit?" he asked, jumping onto one of the beds. Shannon laughed and pointed to the door. Taylor got up and left the room, pulling the door closed behind him. Shannon shook her head and quickly got dressed.

"Cookies!" Bobbie said, holding up a cookie when Shannon came out of the bedroom.

"How many cookies has she had?" Shannon asked, looking at Taylor.

"Relax, I only gave her two," Taylor said, shaking his head. "I do know a few things about kids."

"I know, I'm sorry," Shannon said, looking at the clock. 4:47. "We'd better go." After washing Bobbie's face and hands, Shannon picked up her purse and coat and Taylor helped Bobbie with her coat. "Thank you," Shannon said as she put on her own coat. Taylor nodded and put on his coat as Shannon picked up the key to the room. In the hall, Taylor picked up Bobbie and waited for Shannon to lock the door.

In the elevator, Taylor pushed the lobby button and the doors closed. Alone, he smiled and looked at Shannon. Standing on tiptoes, their lips met and the doors opened two floors down. The flash of a camera broke them apart and the woman from the store smiled and waved as the door closed and she vanished from sight.

"Well that's not so good, now is it?" Shannon asked, leaning on Taylor.

"We'll deal with that bridge when we come to it!" he said as they stepped off the elevator into the lobby. Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the appointed restaurant and found Bobby, Marti, Lydia, and Alexis waiting for them at a large table.

"Hey, sorry we're late," Shannon said, hugging Lydia. "Everyone, this is Tay and Lyd, this is Bobbie. Tay, my sisters Lydia and Alexis, you know Marti, and my brother Bobby," Shannon introduced as they took off their coats and sat down.

"Do you know who that is?" Alexis asked into Shannon's ear.

"Yeah, Tay," Shannon said, sitting up straight.

"Shannon, your daughter is just adorable," Lydia said, pinching her cheek.

"Thanks," Shannon said, smelling the liquor on her breath from across the table.

"Daddy," Bobbie said, pulling on Taylor's sleeve. "Hold you?" she asked, moving away from Lydia. Taylor smiled and set her on his lap.

"Taylor Hanson is your daughter's father?" Alexis asked in surprise.

"Not exactly," Shannon said, picking up her water glass.

"Oh-my-God!" Alexis said, picking up her hand and looking closely at the ring Taylor had given her. "Are you two engaged?" she asked. Shannon looked at Taylor and he shrugged.

"Yeah," Shannon said with a smile.

"Would you like to order drinks?" a waiter asked, looking at everyone.




"Cherry coke."


"Do you have milk?" Shannon asked, looking at the waiter.

"Yeah. Chocolate or 1%?" he asked, winking at Shannon.

"1%," Shannon said, "and a sprite."

"Right away," he said with another wink and smile for Shannon. Shannon shook her head and looked at the menu. Taylor looked at Shannon and glared at the waiter's retreating back. Marti looked from the waiter to Shannon to Taylor and then down at her menu.

A few minutes later, the waiter returned and handed out the drinks. "Sprite," he said, leaning over Shannon to set her drink before her, "and milk," he said with a smile at Shannon as he set it before Bobbie.

"Um, excuse me, where's my drink?" Taylor asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, what did you order?" the waiter asked, smiling with a mouth full of alabaster white teeth.

"I," Taylor began, taking a deep breath to control himself, "I ordered a coke," he said, smiling with cold eyes.

"Tay, here, we can share," Shannon said before the waiter was out of earshot. The waiter turned around in time to see Taylor lean over and brush Shannon's lips with his own.

"Look," Bobbie said, blowing bubbles in her milk with a straw.

"Bobbie," Shannon said, looking at her with a frown. Bobbie smiled innocently up at Shannon and crawled onto her lap to look up at her with her big brown eyes. A few minutes later, the waiter came back with Taylor's drink and took their orders.

"Shannon, since you know Taylor, then you know Zac, right?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah," Shannon said.

"Zac's cool!" Bobbie told Alexis with a thumbs up.

"Do you think you can introduce us?" Alexis asked, playing with her gum.

"Maybe," Shannon said, watching as the waiter approached with half the food. He placed food before Lydia, Alexis, and Marti, then left to get the rest. With a smile, he put Shannon's and Bobbie's down, then Bobby's, and turned to Taylor, spilling his salad down over his chest onto his lap, and set his steak on the table.

"I'm so sorry sir, I'll help you clean that," he said, pouring ice water on him. Taylor jumped up from the shock and turned to the waiter. Shannon put her hands over Taylor's. Looking at her, he sighed and let the waiter go.

"Can I have the key?" he asked, his cheeks red with anger. Shannon gave him the key and watched him go with a heavy heart.

"Mommy, I wanna go home," Bobbie said, watching Taylor go.

"I know," Shannon said, turning back to the table.

"Go after him," Marti said with an encouraging smile. "I'll watch Bobbie. She can stay in our room tonight," she said with a wink.

"Bobbie, wanna stay with Uncle Bobby and Aunt Marti?" Shannon asked, brushing Bobbie's hair back. "Then Mommy and Tay can talk?" Shannon asked.

Bobbie looked at Shannon and the pleading look on her face, then at Marti with her warm smile as she sat next to her. "Ok," she said with a shrug.
"Thank you," Shannon said, kissing her forehead. "Be a good girl, don't get into anything, and listen to Aunt Marti and Uncle Bobby," she instructed Bobbie as she ate a chicken finger. "Thank you Marti," she said, hugging her. "Sorry about supper everyone," she said, picking up her purse and coat. Hailing a cab, she rode the four blocks to the hotel and rushed to the penthouse. Opening the door, she locked it and threw her things on the table.
"Tay!" she said, looking around. "Tay!" she called, opening the bathroom door.

"Go away. I don't want to talk about it! Just leave me alone!" he said angrily. Shannon stepped inside and slammed the door behind her.

"I can understand being mad at the waiter and wanting to be alone, but what did I do?" Shannon asked, clenching her fists and teeth in anger.

"Get out! I don't want to talk about it!" Taylor said from in the shower.

"What crawled up your fuckin' shorts!" Shannon demanded, opening the shower door to Taylor's surprise.

"God! At least I gave you a towel!" he said, covering himself with a body puff. "Could you just go?" he asked, the red in his cheeks more embarrassment than anger.

"Ni! I wanna know what your problem is!" Shannon said, her eyes cold blue.

"You!" Taylor growled, anger taking over again. "That guy was flirting with you and you just let him!"

"What was I supposed to do? Say 'excuse me, my big-egoed fiancé doesn't want you looking at me? He thinks he owns me and has the right to decide who can and can't look at me?!'" Shannon demanded, slamming the door shut in his face.

"Shannon! Wait! Ok, let's talk!" Taylor pleaded, turning off the water and running out of the bathroom. "Shannon, please talk to me! I'm sorry! I was jealous, I admit it!" he said, knocking on the bedroom door. "I don't know what came over me. I just kept thinking you'd like him better and you'd leave me! I just…I don't want to lose you! I love you!" he said, turning away as Shannon opened the door.

"Will you forgive me?" he asked, forgetting he only had a small body puff covering him.

"With an apology like that, who can resist?" she asked, not at all looking at his face. Taylor blushed and looked around. "She's staying at Marti and my brother's," Shannon said, noticing his looking around worriedly.

"Oh," Taylor said, dropping the puff and approaching her.

"Tay, stop!" Shannon said, closing the door some. "No matter how much I love my daughter, and said I'd marry you, I'm not putting myself in that position again. I'm not ready for that," she said, shutting the door almost all the way, except for a crack.

"Is that all?" he asked with a smile and went to the table to the bag he left there. Dumping everything on the table, he searched through it all and threw his hands down on the table.

"Looking for something?" Shannon asked, holding up the box of condoms he was looking for. Taylor shook his head and smiled at Shannon. Moving away from the door, Shannon waited for him.

"Sneaky…I like that," he said with a smile. Shannon laughed as he pushed her onto the bed. Taylor took the box from her hand as he lay on top of her, kissing her neck.

"Tay," Shannon said quietly. Taylor looked up at her, gently running his fingers over her hand. "I love you," she whispered. Their eyes locked.

"Can you say that again?" Taylor asked.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" Shannon said quickly. Taylor smiled and leaned down so their lips met. Shannon opened her eyes and saw in Taylor's place, Isaac. "Tay, Tay I can't. I'm sorry," Shannon apologized, pushing him aside and leaving the room. Taylor sighed, pulled on some boxers, and soon fell asleep.

Shannon went into the living room and fell asleep on the couch. She tossed and turned all night in a disturbed sleep. Waking early, Shannon went into the bathroom and turned on the water so it filled the shower with steam. Stepping into the shower, she absorbed the warmth and let all her troubles wash down the drain.

Taylor woke up still half asleep. His dreams were troubling and he didn't get much sleep. Yawning, he walked with half-closed eyes into the bathroom. Opening the shower door, the steam hit him in the face and uncomprehendingly, he stood there watching Shannon.

"Tay!" Shannon squeaked, looking at him, shocked. Taylor shook his head and blushed, but continued to stand there. "Tay, you're making me self-conscious," Shannon said, backing away some.

"I'm just admiring nature's perfect creation," he said with a smile.

"Yeah right," Shannon said, tapping her foot.

"You are," he admitted. "You're beautiful. 'When I think about you I touch myself,'" he said, licking his finger and running it down his chest.

"Tay!" Shannon said sternly, crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

"Yes?" he asked innocently.

"Join me," she said, moving toward him and kissing him passionately. Their tongues touched, sending tingles down her spine. Taylor's hands moved down her arms, around to her back, and down to her hips. His touch set her skin on fire and out-of-control blazes were lit in both of them. Shannon's skilled and gentle fingers ran over his muscled arms, over his chest, and to his soaked boxers. She pulled her lips away from Taylor's and traveled down to his chest. A trail of kisses ran down to the top of his plaid boxers. Kneeling before him, Shannon looked up at him with her hands pulling gently on the bottom of his boxers. Taylor nodded slightly and Shannon swiftly pulled, leaving the boxers down around his ankles. Running her hand up the outside of his leg, she slowly got to her feet. Their lips met and the hot, steamy water beat against their skin.

"Shannon, I think I heard the doorbell," Taylor said with a sigh.

"I did too," Shannon said, leaning against him for a moment. Getting out of the shower, she put on a bathrobe and turned on the cold water. "Take a cold shower," she told Taylor with a wink and went to answer the door.

"Hey Shannon. I didn't know when you wanted Bobbie back," Marti said as Shannon opened the door. "She wanted to come home, so I brought her over."

"Well, thank you for taking her," Shannon said, covering a yawn with her hand. "Was she good?" she asked, shutting the door behind Marti.

"Oh yeah, a little angel," Marti answered fondly. "You know, Bob and I are thinking of starting a family. He makes enough to support a small family," Marti said proudly.

"That's great. How many do you plan on having?" Shannon asked, pouring herself some cereal and offering some to Marti. Marti shook her head to the cereal and sat at the table waiting for Shannon.

"I want at least two, a girl and a boy. Bob wants just one; a boy to carry on the name. But having a little girl would be nice. I'd have someone to hand family items down to," Marti said.

"You only want two?" Shannon asked, eating her cereal while Bobbie took a seat next to her, playing with her dolls.

"Well, it was just me and my sister Judy, so I had a small family. How many do you want?" Marti asked as Taylor came out of the bathroom in a robe.

"Never really thought about it," Shannon admitted. "Besides, I don't think I'm ever having more kids! Every time I am close to s-e-x, something happens. Someone knocks, the bell rings, I start having terrible flashbacks, there's always something," Shannon said, eating her cereal.

"Flashbacks?" Marti asked, curious.

"Just something that happened a long time ago, but it didn't help to see it again. I mean, Tay's perfect, and I love him, but I just can't have s-e-x with him when images of I-S-A-A-C are floating in my head," Shannon said, unaware of Taylor behind her leaning against the wall.

"You mean, you pictured you were," she said, pausing to look at Bobbie, "with him when Taylor was right there?"

"Trust me, it was not a pleasant memory," Shannon said, looking at Bobbie with a shiver running down her spine.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Taylor asked, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Because I didn't know what you'd do," Shannon admitted, looking up at him. "The last time we were together, your face looked horrible. Do you remember? And you have to go back soon. I just don't want anything to happen between you two," Shannon said.

"No matter what happens, we'll deal with it together. So you have to tell me when something's wrong," Taylor said, concern in his eyes. Shannon smiled and Taylor smiled back.

"Daddy!" Bobbie cried, realizing he was there. Taylor smiled and picked her up. They danced around the room, Taylor singing softly to her. Shannon watched them for a little while and turned back to Marti.

"Wish Bob and I got along that well," Marti said amazed.

"What do you mean? You guys are always smiling when I see you together. Are you having problems?" Shannon asked.

"No, it's just little things that start little arguments. We get along most of the time," Marti said.

"Are you sure you want to get married if you're not happy?" Shannon asked, forgetting her cereal.

"We are happy," Marti said quickly. "We just argue sometimes."

"Oh," Shannon said. "I'm sorry I just assumed. I," Shannon paused, searching for something to say.

"Shann, don't you have that interview this morning?" Taylor asked, saving her.

"Oh yeah," Shannon said, looking at the clock; almost 9. "I'm sorry, I have to get ready. I have this job interview," Shannon apologized, standing up and putting her bowl of soggy cereal in the sink.

"That's alright, I have to get to work," Marti said, getting up and going to the door.

"Well, I'll see you later," Shannon said. "Oh, how much do I owe you for watching Bobbie?"

"No charge, we're family," Marti said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Shannon asked.

"Yeah, and good luck at the interview," Marti said, walking down the hall to the elevators.

"Thank you," Shannon said, grateful. Taylor smiled and set Bobbie down. "Come on, kid. You need a bath," Shannon said, taking Bobbie's hand and going into the bathroom. Taylor went into the bedroom and pulled on boxers and a pair of pants when the doorbell rang.

Opening the door, he found Zac staring back at him. "What are you doing here?" Taylor asked, letting him in. Zac smiled one of his innocent smiles and shut the door. "Well, we had to cancel the appearances since you left, and I kept getting bitched at because I let you go, so I figured, hey, if Tay can do it, so can I," he said.

"I'm sorry I got you into trouble with Mom and Dad," Taylor apologized. "I didn't mean to."

"I know, but it's not them. Mom and Dad are cool with it; it's Ike. He's being a dick about it and won't get off my back about it. Don't worry though, I put a laxative in his drink and left. He won't be out of the bathroom anytime soon," Zac said with a smile. "Speaking of bathrooms," he said, watching Bobbie run out of the bathroom, a towel around her that trailed on the floor behind her.

"Zacky!" she squealed in delight as he scooped her up in his arms. "Tay-Tay's my Daddy," she told him in a whisper as Shannon came out of the bathroom carrying Bobbie's dirty clothes.

"Oh," Zac said, looking at Taylor as Shannon took Bobbie.

"Hey Zac," she said, kissing his cheek. Taking Bobbie over to the bedroom, she helped her get dressed.

"Look!" Bobbie said, coming out in the new Kermit the Frog jumper that she had gotten.

"You look pretty," Zac said, looking over at her, then going back to his talk with Taylor.

Shannon dressed in beige cargo pants and a hot pink bra, then looked for the new shirt she knew she'd bought. "Damn," she whispered when she realized it was still out in the box with half her other new clothes. Opening the door, she went into the small hallway to find the shirt she wanted.
"Shannon, what are you doing?" Taylor asked, curious as he and Zac watched her open boxes and rummage through them.

"Looking for something," she said without turning.

"Well don't you think you should have a shirt on?" Taylor asked.

"Well, that's what I'm looking for. Besides, people wear bathing suits to the beach all the time and if you think about it, what's a bathing suit? It's just underwear and a bra, so what's the big deal?" Shannon said logically.

"But this isn't a beach and you are in a bra," Zac said, then closed his mouth firmly.

"Mommy's pretty," Bobbie said, coming over to Shannon.

"Thank you," Shannon said, kissing her cheek. "Wanna help Mommy look for a shirt?" Bobbie shrugged and looked through boxes with Shannon as they both sat on the floor.

"Here, mommy," Bobbie said, holding up a tiger-striped bra.

"Gee Shannon, what are you teaching your daughter?" Taylor asked, standing over her.

"Oh shut up!" Shannon said with a smile as she put the lid back on Bobbie's box. Finding the shirt, a pink, long-sleeved tee with a darker pink butterfly outline in the center, she put it on and stood up. "Tah-dah!" she said with a smile. "Better?"

"Could I see the other one again?" Zac asked, still at the table. Shannon smiled and tousled his hair as she walked by.

"So what brings you to New York?" she asked, sitting at the table.

"Wanted a vacation," Zac said simply.

"So how'd you find us?" Shannon asked, opening a can of soda.

"Tay said you were in New York, so I used logic to figure you were near your family. So I called Aunt Debra. She gave me the name, then I asked the lady at the desk. She saw who I was and immediately sent me up. I didn't even have to mention your name," Zac said, amazed.

"Must have been Marti," Shannon said with a smile. "Which reminds me, I told her this morning. So are you two staying here or what?" Shannon asked. Taylor looked at Zac, who shrugged.

"Sure," Taylor said, getting up and putting on socks, shoes, and a shirt. Shannon got shoes and socks and her coat and Bobbie's.

Around two, Shannon and Bobbie decided to stop for ice cream while Taylor and Zac walked further behind talking. Sitting on a bench, Shannon and Bobbie ate their ice creams, both in plastic dishes, and Taylor and Zac joined them.

"Do you want to share with Zac?" Shannon asked Bobbie.

"No! Daddy!" Bobbie insisted. Taylor sat next to her and picked up one of the two spoons.

"Hey Zac, have some ice cream," Shannon said, sharing her ice cream. Zac looked at the chocolate/vanilla mix, picked up a spoon, and soon devoured the chocolate. "Gee, save some of the chocolate," Shannon joked. Zac smiled and looked at Bobbie and Taylor.

"She's gonna be a lefty," he said, gesturing to Bobbie with his spoon. Shannon nodded.

"She's surrounded by them," she said, looking at Taylor, Zac, and herself. "Besides, lefties rule!" she joked.

"Yeah, that's why Ike's not a lefty!" Zac told Taylor. Shannon shook her head and looked at her watch. 2:25.

"Whatever you two are doing, Bobbie and I have to go," she said, giving Zac the ice cream and cleaning Bobbie's face.

"Alright, let's go," Taylor said, throwing away the ice cream container. Zac did the same and quickly caught up. Getting a cab, they were soon all standing together outside the studio. Walking in, they saw a lot of people standing or sitting in a larger room.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Green?" Shannon said, tapping a man on the arm. "Oh, hello. I'm Shannon," she said, seeing that the man was Mr. Green.

"Oh yes. I have some bad news and some good news. Bad news is I don't need you for the commercial. Good news, a friend of mine is in town taping a scene for his TV series with some of his cast members and he wants a new face. I think you'd be perfect and he wants to meet you," Mr. Green told her.

"Ok," Shannon said, surprised. Mr. Green led them into a white room with some chairs and a long mirror. Leaving them to wait for his friend, he shut the door.

"So you've finally cracked," Zac said, taking a chair while Shannon and Bobbie sat on the floor.

"What?" Shannon asked, looking up at him as Bobbie crawled into her lap.

"You've seen our fame and you can't stand it any longer, right?" Zac asked with a smile.

"Sure Zac," Shannon said with a smile as Taylor sat down next to her across from the mirror. "It's creepy in here," she said with a shiver. Taylor put his arms around her shoulders and leaned his chin on her head.

"What's going on between you two?" Zac asked, watching them. Taylor shrugged and Shannon just smiled. "You know, the less I know, the better off I am," Zac said.

"Yeah," Taylor said, kissing the top of Shannon's head.

"Hello, I'm Kevin," a man said, coming into the room and extending his hand to Shannon.

"Shannon," she said, standing and shaking his hand. "And this is Bobbie, Tay, and Zac," she introduced.

"Taylor and Zachary Hanson?" he asked, looking at them curiously.

"Yeah," Zac said, shaking his hand. Bobbie hid behind Shannon, looking up at the man shyly.

"Bryan seems to think you'd be a good choice for my show," he said, looking at Shannon. "What do you think?"

"I don't know. It's your show, you're choice, and I don't even know what show it is," Shannon said.

"Well, it's about a teen mom who runs away from home and meets this prostitute. She's turned to that life, but wants to turn her life around for her child. It continues from there, escalating to an almost Melrosian degree," he explained. "You don't have a problem getting naked do you?" he asked.

"Actually, I have a huge problem with that," Shannon said, putting on her coat. "Thanks anyway," she said, putting on Bobbie's coat and heading to the door.

"Your loss," he said, watching her go.

"No, your loss!" Taylor said, punching him in the nose, which laid him on his back. Zac applauded Taylor and they all went out the door.

"You were right Tay. Thank you for coming and being here," Shannon said as they got a taxi.

"I'll never let anything happen to you," Taylor promised. Shannon smiled and Zac shook his head.

"Now I know something's going on between you two. What's with you?" he asked as they got into a taxi.

"I'm hungry," Bobbie complained as the door was shut and the cab pulled away. Zac let the subject drop and they sat in quiet as they went back to the hotel.

"Shannon!" Alexis said, running to her and pulling her aside as soon as she came in the hotel. "Mom and Dad are back. No one told them you were here, and we thought it might be better if you surprised them," she said, biting her lip. Shannon cringed a little and Alexis understood.

"I guess I'll go talk to them," she said. Alexis nodded and they walked back to Taylor, Zac, and Bobbie together.

"Can you get Bobbie some food?" Shannon asked, getting the room key from her pocket.

"Sure, what's going on?" Taylor asked. Shannon shook her head and gave him the key. Alexis, Zac, Taylor, and Bobbie went off to supper while Shannon went to confront her parents for the first time in over two years.

Slowly approaching the white door with gold letters, Shannon paused, her hand raised to the bell. With a deep, calming breath, she rang the bell. She waited while no one came, then turned to leave. Walking down the hall, Shannon was turning the corner when the door opened.

"Shannon?" Vivian asked in a whisper and holding onto the doorframe, her knuckles turning white. Shannon turned around and stared at her mother. Vivian ran to her daughter and hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go.

"I love you Mom," Shannon whispered, hugging her back just as tightly.

"Oh honey," Vivian said, hugging her even tighter as the tears flowed down her cheeks. After hugging for minutes longer, they finally walked into the room and Shannon saw her father, asleep on the couch.

"Oh how are you? You look wonderful! It's been so long," Vivian said, inviting Shannon to have a seat at the familiar kitchen table.

"I'm fine," Shannon said quietly, watching her mom move around the room. Quickly looking toward her old room, Shannon sighed in relief that the door was closed.

"So why are you here? Not that I'm not happy that you are," Vivian said quickly.

"Why haven't you come to visit? Call? Write? Anything?" Shannon asked.

"Why haven't you?" Vivian asked.

"I wrote, no one responded! I called, no one answered!" Shannon shot back. "You have never seen your granddaughter! Doesn't that bother you?"

"Not really," Vivian angrily stated. Shannon calmly stood up and walked out the door. Standing by her locked door, Shannon sat down, leaning her head against it. Closing her eyes, she sat there, slowly calming her quiet rage.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where the elevator is?" a man dressed in a white, terry-cloth robe and brown suede slippers asked Shannon. Shannon pointed without opening her eyes. "Thank you," he said and hurried off with a happy skip to his step. Minutes later, he came back, rushing down the hall, and tripped over Shannon's feet. "Oh, sorry," he quickly apologized, getting to his feet. "You never saw me," he said, quickly dashing down the hall and into one of the rooms.

"Excuse me," the woman who Taylor met at the store and took the picture of them said to Shannon. "Have you seen a man with dark hair in a bath robe?" she asked, looking around the hall.

"I haven't seen anyone but you," Shannon lied with a sincere smile.

"Ok," the woman said, going back down the hall the way she came from.

"Thank you," the man said, coming out of the room. "I'm Charles," he said, extending his hand to her. Shannon looked at his chipmunk face, his buckteeth, small mouth, dominant nose, small blue eyes, and pointy ears, and took his hand. His hand was wrinkled, dry, and cold.

"Shannon," she said with a smile, wondering why the woman wanted him.

"She's from the National Enquirer," he said, and Shannon realized she had spoken her question aloud. "I'm Charles Martial, the fashion designer," he explained.

"Oh," Shannon said, recognizing the name of the man who designed some of the most well-known fashions for teen girls and women.

"So you've heard of me," he said with a smile. "I'm looking for a new model. Are you interested?" he asked. "One good deed deserves another," he said with a smile that made him look even less attractive.

"I don't know, I just had a bad experience like that," Shannon said.

"Well, I'll call my secretary, have her fax over the needed forms and contracts, and you can decide," he said. "You're in this suite, right?" he asked, looking at the letter on the door.

"Yeah," Shannon said slowly as Taylor, Zac, and Bobbie came down the hall.

"Well I'll stop over with the papers," Charles said with another smile, and went into his room.

"Who was that?" Taylor asked.

"Charles Martial," Shannon said, standing.

"And who's Charles Martial?" Taylor asked.

"A famous fashion designer," Shannon said, walking into the room. "Well I don't know if that was him, but the real Charles Martial is. Hey sweetie, how was supper?" she asked Bobbie.

"Fine," Taylor said before he realized she was talking to Bobbie.

"I had a hot dog," she said happily. "With cheese!"

"Mm, sounds good," Shannon said with a smile. Bobbie nodded and ran to the TV.

"Well I'm gonna go meet Alexis," Zac said. "Don't worry about leaving the door unlocked, I'll find a place to stay," he said with a sly look to Taylor that he thought Shannon missed. Shannon went into the bedroom and came back a few seconds later.

"Here," she said, handing him the unopened box of condoms. "You're going to experiment if you can, but be careful," she said. Zac looked at the box in his hand and curiously looked from Shannon to Taylor.

'Well are you sure you don't need them?" he asked.

"I think you'd better take them," Shannon said, Taylor looking at her with his mouth hanging open.

"But," Taylor protested.

"Now let's all be big boys and girls," Shannon said sarcastically.

"Aw, I don't wanna," Taylor whined.

"Knock it off," Shannon commanded. "Zac, are you sure you want to do that? I mean, you can't possibly love her."

"I probably don't, but I'm a 15-year-old boy with normal needs and urges," Zac explained.

"I'm not your mother. It's your choice. I'm just curious," Shannon said.

"I'm 18 with stronger desires," Taylor whined. Shannon couldn't help but smile while Zac shook his head, pocketed the box, and left. "Alone at last," Taylor said, pulling Shannon into a hug.

"We aren't," Shannon said, hugging him, her face buried in his cotton shirt.

"Bobbie won't mind if we step out for a minute or twenty," Taylor insisted.

"Yeah she will," Shannon said, moving away and going to the couch. Taylor sat beside her and Bobbie sat between them, all watching Barney. The ringing of Taylor's cell phone pulled him away from the couch.

"Hello," he said quietly.

"Tay honey, it's me, Mom," Diana said into the phone. "Is Zac with you?"

"Not at the moment, but he is here," Taylor answered.

"Oh thank God," she whispered. "Now, you're 18 and I know you want to make your own decisions. You shouldn't have left like that though. We had to cancel concerts and shoots," Diana reprimanded. "I'm not saying you have to come back, but I want Zac back. I want him out here as soon as possible," she directed.

"I'll have him on a flight tomorrow," Taylor promised.

"Thank you," Diana said with a sigh. "Tell Shannon and Bobbie I said hello and so does your father and the little ones."

"Yes ma'am," Taylor accepted.

"Alright honey, bye," Diana said and hung up. Taylor hung up his phone and went back to the couch where Shannon and Bobbie were asleep. Taking Bobbie in his arms, he took her to and put her in her bed. He took off her shoes and socks, put her under the covers, and kissed her forehead. Going back to the couch, he leaned over Shannon, watching her sleep peacefully.

"Hey Shann," he said, hating to disturb her. "You wanna sleep out here or what?" Shannon's eyes fluttered open and she smiled slightly at the sight of him.

"I was having a sweet dream," she whispered, her eyes dreamily looking at Taylor.

"Oh really? Was I in it?" he asked, smiling at the serene expression on her face.

"Yeah," Shannon said, seeing him through fully-awakened eyes. A rosy color came to her cheeks and Taylor's eyebrows lifted in curiosity.

"And what was this dream about? What was going on?" Taylor asked, sitting next to Shannon on the couch. She leaned towards him so closely that her lips nearly brushed his ear, then whispered into it. Taylor's face changed from curiosity to complete and total amazement. "I like this dream," he said finally, a large smile on his face.

"Wanna try some of the ideas out?" Shannon asked, a grin on her face as her green eyes sparkled with excitement. Taylor didn't waste time with words, just pulled Shannon from the couch and into the bathroom…


Chapter 2

Zac looked down at the box of condoms in his hand and wondered why Shannon had them. "What’s going on around here? What’s with Shannon and Tay, and Bobbie calling Taylor Daddy?" he wondered to himself as he walked down the hall to the room Alexis said to meet her at. Reaching the door, he rang the bell and waited nervously, his palms sweating and sweat running down his back between his shoulder blades.

"Hey Zac!" Alexis said with a warm smile as she opened the door wider so he could enter. "I see you’ve come prepared," she said with a laugh.

"Yeah well," he said, not quite sure what to say.

"That’s good," she said, shutting the door and slowly making her way to him. Zac wiped his hands on his jeans and swallowed loudly as she made her approach.

"So, how are you?" he asked, backing away a step.

"Fine," Alexis said, walking her first two fingers up his chest and to his mouth where they traced his lips.

"Have you ever…um, well, had sex before?" Zac asked, swallowing again as his heart rate began to speed up.

"Yeah, haven’t you?" she asked, smiling at his ignorance and innocence.

"Well, no," he said, feeling insecure and wondering why he had come to meet her in the unused hotel room. "I wanted it to be special," he confided.

"Oh, it will," Alexis promised, her smile reassuring Zac. When she brought her lips to his, Zac lost any worry or apprehension he had had. Their lips melted together as they kissed and their hands traveled over each other’s bodies as their fingers explored. In a hurry, their clothes were discarded in a heap in a corner of the bedroom and they were on one of the double beds, their bodies fusing together in burning desire and hot passion. Hours later, after a lot of holding, kissing, and unbridled passion, they both fell asleep.

Zac woke to find the warm, orange sun shining its comforting rays on his face and sat up. After stretching and yawning, he noticed the bed empty besides himself. With a frown, he stood up and pulled on his rumpled light blue boxers. Walking into the living room/kitchen, he saw a piece of paper on the table.


Last night was nice. You were pretty good for a virgin. You have a lot of potential. Maybe one day when you’ve had more experience, we can try it again.  Then you might be a little more creative.  Sorry to leave like this, but I have to work and if anyone saw us together they might suspect something, so take care of yourself. Oh, and don’t worry, you’re only 15. You still have time to grow a lot.

 Love, Alexis

Zac read. As he did, his usually happy, vibrant brown eyes clouded with tears. Clutching the letter in his hand, he buried his face in his arm as he leaned against the wall. As the tears came, he sank to the floor and wept like a child feeling the burning pain of a scraped knee for the first time and having peroxide poured over it.

Unable to cry any longer, he brought his knees to his chest and leaned his chin on his knees. Staring out the window, he saw an endless blue sky with no clouds, nothing. Feeling along and used, like the discarded condom in the trash, his eyes moved back to the letter. Rereading it opened the wounds again and ‘insulted’ was added to his list of used and alone.

Finally, with a sigh, he made his way to his feet and found his clothes still in a pile, minus Alexis’s. Pulling on his jeans slowly, he got dressed and threw the letter in the trash. Walking out of the room, he pulled the door shut behind him and didn’t look back. He walked back to Shannon’s room, and was about to ring the bell, when the door opened.

"Zac, where have you been? It’s nearly 12:30," Taylor said, shocked, and took in Zac’s haggard appearance and quiet mood. He saw the sorrow that was reflected in his brown eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked, shutting the door and confronting his little brother.

"Yeah, great," Zac lied, and badly.

"Don’t lie Zac," Taylor said, leading him down the hallway and to the stairs. They went up and sat on the ledge around the roof. "What’s going on? What happened?" he asked, sympathy in his voice. Zac sighed and Taylor knew he was about to cave.

"God Tay, I feel so dumb! She was only using me and I didn’t even realize it until I read her letter," Zac choked out.

"What do you mean? You’re gonna have to elaborate a little for me," Taylor said, not sure if he was following or not.

"She only wanted me for sex!" Zac said, exasperated. "She didn’t care about me, then she insulted me in this letter. She wrote me a letter."

"But Zac, you were using her for sex too. You knew nothing about her except that you’d have sex if you went to meet her," Taylor said, confused. Zac thought about what his brother said and, to his horror, realized he was just as bad as Alexis. He knew no more than ten facts about her and one had been that he’d become a man if he met her.

"Some man I am," he whispered to himself, and turned away from Taylor. "Can you leave me alone for a while?" Zac asked, looking off into the skyline.

"Sure," Taylor said, knowing there was nothing he could do to help. Zac had compromised his morals and his world was on its head. "I’m here if you need to talk," Taylor said, and left the rooftop. The door closed behind Taylor and Zac lost control of the tears. No longer as angry at Alexis, he was ashamed of himself. He was a monster, an alien to himself.

"I’m no better than…than a rapist!" he choked out. Suddenly the world became a cold, uncaring place that Zac had never seen before.

"What’s going on?" Shannon asked, looking up from her book as Taylor came in looking anxious.

"I’m worried about Zac," he said quietly, all too aware of Bobbie, just feet away.

"He’s a big boy. He can take care of himself," Shannon said with a smile that quickly disappeared. "What happened?"

"He had s-e-x with your sister and feels like shit about it," Taylor said, anxiety and fear in his blue eyes. "He won’t talk to me."

"Maybe he just needs time," Shannon suggested, "some time to himself so he can concentrate on his problems."

"Maybe you could talk to him?" Taylor suggested, ignoring her last comment.

"How am I supposed to help?" Shannon asked, bewildered.

"I don’t know, just talk to him. Please?!" he pleaded.

"Where is he?" Shannon asked.

"The roof," Taylor said. "Thank you." He kissed her forehead and walked to the door with her. Shannon made her way to the roof and quietly approached Zac, who was staring off into the distance.

"Zac?" she asked, approaching him slowly. He didn’t turn his head or make any movement to let her know he had heard. "Zac, what are you doing out here?" she asked, sitting next to him on the ledge.

"Shannon, I kinda want to be alone right now," he said, quickly wiping his eyes.

"Zac, what’s wrong?" she persisted.

"Nothing. I’m fine. Go away!" he pleaded in a quiet voice.

"Sometimes it helps to talk," Shannon said, staring off into the distance too. "You know Zac, there’s always a silver lining if you look for it."

"Oh really? What about you? What’s the silver lining to being raped?" he asked, his bloodshot eyes meeting her surprised green ones. "How can anything good come from someone taking something as precious and irreplaceable as your virginity in such a manner?" he asked, demanding an answer.

"I guess you know," Shannon whispered. The sad tone in her voice made Zac wish he hadn’t mentioned it. "Zac, although I have to admit it was the most horrible thing that has ever happened to me, the people I care about most came out of it. My daughter, your mom, you, Taylor; you all are my world and I never would have met any of you without going through what happened. If I could go back and change it, I wouldn’t. I love you guys too much."

"But all the pain, the suffering, the loneliness, and shame," he said, once again looking out at the skyline. "Were they worth going through just to have a few more people in your life?"

"I believe so. Even if they weren’t, life is full of pain and suffering. You have to make it past all that to get the best things."

"Shannon, I slept with Alexis," he blurted out, raising his eyes to hers. "She used me. All she wanted was the sex. She doesn’t care about me, but what’s worse is that I knew that because I don’t care about her either. I just wanted to sleep with her, and it didn’t have to be her; I would have slept with anyone willing. I’m so ashamed of myself," he cried, leaning his head on Shannon’s shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him. "I’m a monster," he sobbed, and the tears came again.

"Shh," Shannon said soothingly as they rocked back and forth. "You’re not a monster. You said it yourself: you would have slept with anyone willing. A monster would have slept with anyone. Zac, you’re 15 and you’re just a little curious, that’s all. You made a mistake and you know it. How many people can say that?" she asked, brushing her hair out of her face.

"I don’t know," he mumbled. "I’m still working on what the silver lining is."

"That depends upon you," Shannon said. "You could look at it as a turning point in your life. Maybe from now on you’ll take things slow and think of the consequences of your actions."

"Nah, I’m gonna think of it as today being my first day as a man and from now on I’m gonna act like one. No more immaturity when it comes to my life."

"That works," Shannon said with a smile as Zac sat up straight.

"And my first manly act is to stop feeling sorry for myself and acting like a baby," he announced.

"And number two?" Shannon asked.

"Face my mom. She’s gonna have a fit when I come back. I never told her where I was going."

"Zac!" Shannon exclaimed, shocked. "Your poor mother!"

"Yeah, and soon it’ll be poor me," he said, his old smile trying to return.

"Well you’re a man now, deal with it like a man," Shannon said, standing up.

"Great, you’re gonna hold that over me now," he said with a smile.

"Yup!" Shannon said. Zac laughed and stood up. "So shall we see what Tay and Bobbie are up to?"

"Do we really want to know?" Zac asked, draping his arm over her shoulder and heading to the door and stairs beyond.

"Probably not," Shannon said with a laugh. "So what’s going on?" she asked, walking in with Zac.

"Zac, you feeling better?" Taylor asked, his concern showing as he approached the two of them.

"Yeah," Zac said. "I’m even going to go back to face everyone."

"Mom called for you. She wants you to go back," Taylor said, remembering the phone call.

"Are you going back?" Zac asked, dropping his arm from Shannon’s shoulder, his face void of emotion as he tried to act like a man should. Taylor looked at Shannon, then Zac, and back at Shannon.

"Yeah, we’ll go back together," Taylor said, his eyes glued to Shannon, watching her reaction. Shannon simply smiled.

"It’s about time you got back to your work," she said. "Your fans must be quite disappointed." Taylor smiled and nodded.

"Look!" Bobbie cried, coming out of the bedroom. She turned to model her new outfit and makeover. She wore a hot pink, polka-dot skirt, navy blue socks, red, shiny shoes, and a green turtleneck. Her hair was in a pair of messy ponytails and she had hot pink lipstick smeared around her lips, wore too much blush, and also blue eye shadow.

"Told you we didn’t want to come back," Zac said with a hidden smile.

"Daddy helped me," Bobbie said, proud of her appearance.

"Well you look beautiful," Shannon said, picking Bobbie up and spinning her around. Bobbie laughed happily. "Did Tay help you with your hair? You make-up? Your clothes?" she asked, her forehead pressed to Bobbie’s.

"Daddy did," Bobbie said smiling, her brown, chocolate-colored eyes dancing.

"Well do you think Daddy should wash it off?" Shannon asked.

"No! I like it," Bobbie said with her bottom lip trembling as her eyes filled with water.

"All right," Shannon agreed. "Do you think we should give Daddy a make-over?" Shannon asked, looking over at Taylor, who was shaking his head ‘no’ as Zac nodded ‘yes.’

"Yeah!" Bobbie said, squirming out of Shannon’s arms. "Can we?" she asked, looking up at him through long lashes.

"Yeah Tay, please?" Zac asked, giving him a puppy-dog face. Taylor looked at Shannon, who just leaned back against the couch, waiting for his answer.

"Sure, why not. I can always wash it off," Taylor agreed. He sat on the floor in front of the couch and facing the TV. Shannon went into the bedroom and gathered her make-up, a hairbrush, and some hair ties.

"Me and Bobbie wanna work on his make-up," Zac announced when Shannon came back. Shannon handed Zac the make-up and he set it on the coffee table in front of Taylor. Rubbing his hands together, Zac looked at all the choices with an evil grin.

"You know, I’m having second thoughts about this. I don’t think I wanna go through with it," Taylor said, and started to get up. Shannon sat behind him and put her arms around his neck, her fingers tickling his chest, and pushed him back down.

"You already said you would," she whispered, her face next to his.

"You two look kinda cute together," Zac said, looking at the two of them.

"Hear that? We look cute together," Taylor said, turning his head.

"That’s good," Shannon said, smiling as she breathed in the scent of him.

"So what do you suggest? Blue or pink?" Zac asked, holding up eye shadow.

"Blue," Shannon said, sitting up and playing with Taylor’s hair. Skillfully, she parted his hair down the middle and had each side braided in a French braid. "What do you think?" Zac looked at Taylor’s hair and his finished, make-up-enhanced face and laughed.

"Tay man, you are so hot!" Zac told him, winking at him.

"Daddy looks like a girl," Bobbie whispered to Shannon. Zac started to laugh and Taylor stood up.

"Oh wow," Shannon whispered, seeing Taylor’s face and suppressing her laughter. Taylor ran into the bathroom.

"Zac!" he yelled, turning on the water. Zac laughed even harder, this time Shannon joining in. The doorbell rang and Shannon stood up, still smiling, to answer it. Pulling open the door, her smile faded.

"Hello Shannon," her father said, standing there in the hallway with a single red rose in his hand. He turned the corners of his mouth up in a smile and held the flower out to Shannon. Shannon took the rose gingerly, as if she was afraid it was all a dream and it would fade away. "I missed you, honey," he said, stepping forward as if to hug Shannon.

"Daddy," Shannon whispered, tears in her eyes as she stepped into the hug. They supported each other as old memories and emotions flooded back to them.

"Shann-" Taylor said, stopping when he saw Shannon and Frank hugging. Shannon broke away from her father and wiped her eyes.

"Tay, Zac, this is my father, Frank," Shannon introduced. Taylor smiled and shook Frank’s hand.

"Hi," Zac said with a wave from the doorway to the bathroom, where he was taking off Bobbie’s make-up. Frank nodded to Zac and looked at Shannon, seeing his little girl all grown up.

"Shannon, you’re so grown up," he said, amazed.

"Time will do that to a person," Shannon said, not noticing Taylor standing behind her, looking her father over as he and Shannon exchanged words.

"Look Mommy! All clean!" Bobbie said happily as she ran to Shannon, stopping and looking at Frank when she got to her. Shannon smiled at her daughter and saw her father look down at the suddenly shy child.

"This is my grandbaby?" Frank asked with a smile. He looked up at Shannon with tears in his eyes and she nodded slightly. "She’s beautiful," he whispered and knelt down so he was at Bobbie’s level. "Hello," he said.

"Hi," Bobbie whispered, hiding from him. She was not a fan of strangers.

"Do you know who I am?" Frank asked, taking Bobbie’s hand. She shook her head and looked up at Shannon. "I’m your granddad," he said with a warm smile.

"Who?" Bobbie asked, looking up at both Shannon and Frank.

"Your grandfather. Your mommy’s daddy," Frank tried to explain.

"You have a daddy?" Bobbie asked, looking up at Shannon as Zac came over to the small group.

"Of course," Shannon said, picking up the child with a smile. "Do you have a daddy? Yes, so do I. Everybody has a daddy and a mommy," she explained.

"Oh Shannon, I missed you," Frank again told his daughter. Shannon tried to smile, noticing the ‘I’ and not a ‘we’ or ‘your mother and I.’

"Where’s Mom-mom?" Bobbie asked, looking at Frank.

"Who?" Frank asked, looking from Bobbie to Shannon.

"Daddy’s mommy. Mom-mom," Bobbie said, looking at Taylor.

"Daddy?" Frank asked, looking at Shannon. "Can you elaborate for me, please?"

"Yeah Tay, what’s with the ‘Dad’ role?" Zac asked. "You’re not, Ike is." Bobbie started to cry and clung to Shannon.

"Ike?" Frank asked, looking around at the four other people in the room.

"Zac, for your information, we’re getting married," Taylor shot back, then tried to soothe Bobbie.

"Who’s Ike?" Frank asked, still on his question.

"Me and Tay’s older brother," Zac answered.

"So he’s her uncle?" Frank asked. Zac nodded. "You’re going to marry the brother of your daughter’s father? I never would have thought you would become a whore. Who’s next? Your father-in-law, Zac over there? Taylor? Or have you already slept with all of them?"

"Get out," Taylor said quietly, his eyes blue fire. Frank looked at him, his mouth open to speak. Closing it, he ran out of the room. Shannon handed Bobbie to Taylor and went into the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind her.

"What’s going on?" Zac asked, trying to assess the situation.

"Here," Taylor said, and handed Bobbie to Zac. Knocking softly on the door, Taylor waited for an answer. Hearing none, he opened the door and went in. "Shannon," he said quietly, sitting on the bed next to where she was laying. Shannon looked up at him with tears in her red eyes. "Never told them what happened?"

"They wouldn’t listen to me," Shannon whispered.

"I’m sorry," Taylor whispered, wrapping his arms around her as she sat up and rested her head on his shoulder. Taylor sung low in her ear and saw Zac open the door slightly. Shannon pulled away from Taylor and wiped her eyes. "Sorry," she whispered.

"Don’t be," Taylor said as Zac closed the door. "What else am I here for?"

"I don’t know," Shannon said with a small smile. "Certainly wasn’t last night."

"Geez, just insult me why don’t you," Taylor said, falling to the bed on his back as if wounded.

"Well there are some things we need to work on," Shannon said, leaning down, her hair falling down, the ends barely touching Taylor’s face.

"Is that a promise?" Taylor asked.

"You’re crazy," Shannon said with a shake of her head.

"About you," Taylor said, pulling her down on him, their lips meeting.

"Don’t you have to get back to your fans?" Shannon asked, her lips leaving kisses on his neck.

"Do you really want me to leave?" Taylor asked, sitting up some and pulling off his shirt. Shannon considered it for a moment, her fingers running over his arms and chest. "Well?" Taylor asked, waiting for an answer.

"Give me a minute. I’m thinking," Shannon said. Taylor crossed his arms over his chest and looked at her. "Okay, okay, I guess you don’t have to go right this minute, right?" she asked, sitting up.

"Right," Taylor said, getting off the bed and locking the door. Shannon shook her head, smiling, and watched Taylor come back to where she was sitting. "Let me help you with that," he said, pulling on the bottom of her shirt. Lifting it over her head, he tossed it onto the floor. "Wow," he whispered, standing up and looking at her.

"What?" Shannon asked, confused.

"You are so beautiful! Are you sure you want to marry me?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah. I’ll prove it too. Set a date and I’ll be there," she promised, leaning back on her hands, looking up at him.

"I love you so much," Taylor said, still staring at Shannon. Their eyes locked together.

"I love you too," Shannon said, her heart telling her it was true. "You really should get packing, your poor mother." Taylor picked up Shannon’s shirt and handed it to her. She put hers on and Taylor put his on. "Ready?"

"Yeah," Taylor said, kissing her cheek and opening the door. "Zac, we’ve gotta go," he said, seeing Zac and Bobbie watching TV. "Mom’s waiting for us."

"All right," Zac said, standing up and leaving Bobbie on the couch. "When are we leaving?"

"As soon as we’re packed," Taylor said, moving around the apartment, packing up his things.

"All ready," Zac said, holding up everything he brought with him.

"Me too," Taylor said, coming out of the bedroom. "I guess we’ll be going," he said, a sigh at the end of his statement.

"Well, see ya Shannon, or should I call you ‘sis’ now?" Zac asked, giving her a hug.

"Funny Zac," Taylor said, rolling his eyes. "Now get away from her." Zac smiled and backed away, only to have Taylor take his place. "I’m going to miss you," he said, squeezing her tightly.

‘You make it sound like I’m never going to see you again," Shannon said, feeling Taylor’s chest muscles tighten.

"Well, you never know," Taylor said.

"Tay, are you feeling all right?" Shannon asked, her hands on either side of his face. Taylor looked into her eyes.

"I’m having second thoughts about leaving," Taylor said, still lost in the living jungle of Shannon’s eyes.

"Well, you’ve gotta go," Shannon said with a smile.

"Make it sound like you want to get away from me why don’t you?" Taylor said, his expression sad.

"I’m only thinking of your poor mother. How would you feel if one day your son just left, not saying where he was going?" she asked. Taylor considered what she said and sighed.

"You’re right," Taylor said. "She is worried, and I guess I’d be worried too."

"Good boy," Shannon said with a smile, and laughed as Taylor picked her up, swung her in a circle, and hugged her.

"Can’t you and Bobbie come with us? I’m sure my parents miss you two," Taylor pleaded, holding her close.

"And what about him?" Shannon asked. "Your life’s screwed up enough without me adding to it."

"Don’t say that," Taylor commanded. Shannon smiled.

"I meant right now," she explained.

"All right, I’ve got to go," Taylor said, pulling himself away from her. Picking up his bag, he went to the door and left.

"Tay, since when are you engaged?" Zac asked, walking with his brother to the hotel lobby.

"Since I asked Shannon and she said yes," Taylor said, hailing a taxi when they reached the pavement.

"Is she pregnant or something?" Zac asked, sliding into the backseat with Taylor.

"I don’t think so," Taylor said, suddenly scared. "Oh God, this is turning out to be a terrible day."

"What do you mean you don’t know?!" Zac asked, looking at Taylor.

"I mean, I don’t know. She could be, I guess. Do you think she could be?" Taylor asked, looking at his little brother.

"What are you asking me for?" Zac asked, caught off guard. "How would I know?"

"No, do you think she could be pregnant? I mean, it was only our first time. You don’t think so, do you?" Taylor asked, his eyes wide and fearful.

"Well it happened before, didn’t it?" Zac asked. Taylor sighed and covered his face with his hands. The taxi pulled up to the airport and both Taylor and Zac stepped out.

"Boys! Thank God you’re all right!" Diana said, answering the door to her hotel room. Hugging both her children, Diana pulled them into the room and looked them over. "Taylor, what’s wrong? Are you sick? You don’t look well," she said, concerned and feeling his face. "You’re not warm."

"I’m fine, Mom," Taylor said, pulling away from his overly concerned mother. "I just want to get some sleep." Taylor went into the bedroom he and Zac had been sharing before they left.

"Is he all right?" Diana asked Zac.

"I guess," Zac said with a shrug. Walking over to the fridge, he nearly ran into Isaac.

"Hey Zacky," Isaac said cheerfully. Zac nodded and shut the door without taking anything out. "What’s going on? What’d I do?" Zac went over to the TV and found the remote on the small coffee table. Zac turned on the TV, and Isaac looked at his mom and shrugged as Walker walked in with the rest of the children.

"Zac!" Mackie yelled, running over to Zac on the couch. Zac picked up his little brother and set him on his lap.

"He’s home?" Walker asked Diana, setting Zoë on the floor.

"They both are. Taylor’s in his room. Maybe you should talk to him. He seems…distant," Diana told her husband. Walker looked at her, worried about his son.

"Sure, I’ll be back," he said. Giving her a kiss on the cheek, he left to go into Taylor’s room.

Taylor looked up from his notebook to see his dad shutting the door behind him. Closing the book he was writing in, he smiled and set his pen down next to the book on the desk. "Hey Dad," he said.

"Hey Tay. How are you?" Walker asked, sitting on one of the double beds.

"I guess fine. Mom send you in?" Taylor asked, watching his dad.

‘Yeah. She’s worried about you. Is anything wrong? I know it’s none of my business, well actually it is, but why did you leave like that? You have an obligation to your family and brothers. You can’t just leave, people were depending on you Taylor, and you let them down. What the hell were you thinking?" Walker demanded, looking at Taylor and waiting for an answer.

"I was thinking a friend needed me and that was more important than some stupid fans!" Taylor said testily.

"And you put your career on the line because of a friend?" Walker asked, his hands clenching the edge of the desk.

"Sounds like you’re more interested in my money than me. If you care about the fans so much, why don’t you go out there and join Ike and Zac?" Taylor asked, his blue eyes cold steel.

"Taylor, you know that’s not true!" Walker pleaded, losing his battle.

"Isn’t it? I’m not so sure anymore," Taylor said, walking to the door.

"Taylor?" Diana called, stopping her son before he could leave the hotel, knowing that if he left he may never return. "Taylor honey, what’s wrong?" she asked, managing to direct him away from the door. "Tell me what’s bothering you. Momma will make it all better," she said, enfolding him in a hug.

"That’s what’s wrong. I’m not a little kid anymore. I want a life outside of music, outside of the house. I want a normal life. I’m 18 years old. I know I’m not completely grown up, but I’m pretty damn near and I don’t even get a say in what gigs we play, when we go on tour, nothing! I’m sick of it," Taylor said, moving away from his mother. "I want to have a girlfriend, a family of my own, but I can’t. I’m never in the same country long enough."

"Is this how you really feel?" Walker asked, standing with Diana and Isaac across from him.

"I want to have a say in my life," Taylor said simply, standing his ground.

"I do too," Zac said, standing next to his brother. "I don’t want my life lived for me."

"So you two want out of the band?" Walker asked, looking at his two sons.

"That’s not exactly what I said. I want a say. This entire tour, I was told to be here. No one asked me if I wanted to be here, no one asked me if I wanted to leave my friends, or if I wanted to be gone for so long," Taylor said, his voice remaining level.

"Do you want out?" Walker asked once again. "Just answer yes or no."

"Let’s calm down. I think we should finish the tour and the scheduled concerts, then decide what we should do," Diana said, trying to forestall the argument.

"No, now is the time to discuss this!" Walker said, refusing to leave the issue unresolved.

"Then at least discuss it calmly and without the children listening," Diana said, looking at the smaller children.

"Fine. We’ll wait until they go to sleep," Walker agreed. "I don’t want you leaving the hotel room," he said, looking at Taylor. Taylor stormed into the guys’ practice room and slammed the door shut behind him. Zac stormed into the room he shared with Taylor and collapsed onto his bed. Isaac looked around the room and finally left it, then the hotel.

"What’s wrong with my family?" Diana whispered, sitting at the table and staring at the wall. Walker went into the living room area and sat on the couch to watch TV with his children. Taylor sat behind his keyboard, his fingers running gently over the keys.

"Taylor, I need to talk to you," Walker said, walking into the room. Taylor looked up from the keys. "I’m sorry for yelling. I realize you’re young and you have things you want to do. I truly do. But I thought you liked being in the band."

"I do love being in music, but I’ve been doing it for so long that it’s a job instead of being fun. At one time it was fun. I want it to be fun again," Taylor said sadly. Walker nodded.

"I understand," he said.

"Dad," Taylor said as walker stood by the door, listening. "I don’t want out, I don’t think, but I need a break. A long break." Walker nodded and walked out of the room, leaving Taylor alone to stare at the white keys once more. A few weeks later, the whole Hanson clan packed up their bags and left for London, England. "Mom, I’m hungry," Mackie whined as they unpacked in their new hotel rooms.

"I don’t have any food," Diana told the child. "Do you want to go to the store with me?" she asked, feeling hungry herself. Mackie nodded and, after quick ‘byes,’ they were off.

"Cookies, chips, and milk," Mackie said, picking up a bag of animal cookies as they walked down the aisle.

"No, healthy food," Diana directed, leading the way to the fruits and vegetables.

"Grapes?" Mackie asked.

"Yes, and apples," Diana said, picking up some apples while Mackie found the grapes. Getting a few more ‘health-conscious’ foods, Diana lead the way to the express lane.

"Mom, look. It’s Tay," Mackie said, looking at the tabloids.

"Where?" Diana asked, looking around the store.

"Here," Mackie said, holding the Enquirer out to her. Diana read the headline: "The Middle Hanson. Are Wedding Bells in His Future?" and her mouth dropped.

"Taylor!" she yelled when she walked into the hotel room, and held the magazine out to Walker as he walked over to her. 

Chapter 3

"Taylor, come on!" Diana called up the stairs in their Tulsa home after two weeks of a vacation. "The plane’s leaving with or without us, so hurry!"

"I’m coming," Taylor called, running down the stairs with a suitcase in one hand and his shoes in the other. Diana held the door open for him and locked it once he was through the doorway.

"Ike, take the kids in the van. Dad, Taylor, and I will go in the car," Diana told Isaac. He nodded and got in the driver’s seat of the large family van. Taylor swallowed around the nervous lump in his throat and got in the car with his parents, who were still shocked by the whole wedding thing.

"Taylor, explain this to me once more," Walker asked Taylor as they lead the way to the airport.

"What is there to explain? I asked her to marry me and she said yes," Taylor said, leaning back in the seat. He knew that the entire car ride would be like this.

"But why? You’re only 18, you don’t know what you’re getting into!" Walker bluntly told his son. Taylor shook his head.

"I may not know everything there is to know, but I never said I did. I don’t care if I don’t know, it’s my life."

"And I won’t just stand by and watch you ruin it," Walker said, his voice rising.

"I’m not ruining my life," Taylor said, his words just going over Walker’s head.

"You barely even know her," Walker informed Taylor.

"I know her dad. She’s my best friend. I know her better than anyone else, almost as well as I know myself."

"Taylor, we just don’t want you to rush into anything," Diana said, trying to hold on to the peace.

"I’m not rushing. It’s not like I’m getting married tomorrow or something. I’ve given this a lot of thought," Taylor informed both of his disbelieving parents.

"Could’ve fooled me," Walker muttered under his breath.

"I have. I’m not asking for your permission. I’m 18, and I am going to do what I want to!"

"Taylor honey, I’m sorry, but this just sounds like a temper tantrum. As if you want to be thought of as an adult. This isn’t the way," Diana said, twisting in her seat to look at him.

"You’re too young to have a two, almost three-year-old child, and on top of that, it’s not even yours," Walker added, unable to keep his opinion to himself.

"So if Bobbie were my daughter it would be okay to marry Shannon?" Taylor asked, insulted.

"That’s not what your father is trying to say, sweetheart," Diana said, trying to calm Taylor. "We just don’t want to see you over-burdened with a small child. It’s just not fair."

"Fair for who? I love Bobbie as if she were my own daughter. I don’t see it as a burden. Is it fair to Shannon to have all of that on her shoulders with no help, emotionally? I was your son, don’t forget, that did that to her. It wasn’t fair to her and it’s not fair to Bobbie to grow up without a father!" Taylor was shaking with anger by the end of his outburst and opened his window to let in the cold December air.

"So you see it as unfair to Shannon and now you’re going to marry her? I get the idea that you are doing this to make up for your brother’s mistakes. I don’t want my 18-year-old son to get married out of pity for some girl," Walker said, looking at Taylor in the rearview mirror.

"All you keep saying is ‘my 18-year-old son’ or ‘I don’t want to see.’ Well I don’t care! I’m not a little boy anymore. I’m marrying her with or without your permission. I hoped you would be happy for me and wish me happiness. If you don’t like it, don’t come to the wedding!" Taylor yelled, his hands balled up into fists.

"Taylor honey, please don’t be like this," Diana pleaded.

"Be like what? I found something that makes me happy and you’re telling me to give it up. I won’t! I love her!" he stated firmly, and jumped out of the car as it stopped outside of the airport.

"Tay, wait!" Zac called, running after his brother. Taylor turned around and waited for Zac to reach him. "What’d they say?"

"The usual, that I’m stupid, immature, and this will be the biggest mistake of my life," Taylor said, walking into the building. He didn’t care who had to take his luggage, but he refused to spend more time with his father than he had to.

"That’s what I figured. So what are you going to do?" Zac asked.

"What do you think I should do?" Taylor asked, his head in a jumble of thoughts, half of which made no sense to him.

"It’s your life Tay, I don’t know. I can’t tell you how to live your life," Zac said, surprised that Taylor wanted his advice. It was a switch from the usual; it was always Taylor who knew what to do.

"But I want to know what you think I should do," Taylor said, his eyes pleading for Zac’s advice.

"I don’t know. What’s in your heart? Do you want to marry her? Do you love her?" Zac asked, giving him the best advice he could. Taylor handed the stewardess his ticket and boarded the plane, all the while thinking about what Zac had asked him.

"Yes," he finally said as Zac took the seat next to him.

"Yes what? You love her or want to marry her?" Zac asked, confused.

"Both," Taylor said, smiling brightly; something Zac hadn’t seen from him in the past few months.

"Then marry her," Zac said, smiling too.

"I’m going to," Taylor said matter-of-factly.

"I’m glad," Zac said, still smiling. "You’re so much happier when you are with her. I wish you both well. I know you’ll make it last." Taylor looked out the window as the plane took off and smiled as he fell asleep into a peaceful dream of none other than Shannon. "Tay. Tay, wake up. The plane landed. Come on, we have to get off," Zac said, nudging his half-awake brother. Taylor opened his eyes and looked around at the nearly deserted plane.

"Guess I fell asleep," Taylor said with a smile and yawn as he stood up. Leaving the plane, Zac and Taylor found that they were the last ones off, and were greeted with unhappy looks from their family as they found their way to them.

"Where are we staying?" Zac asked to take the pressure off of them as they walked out of the building.

"The Regent Hotel," Diana told him as they all got into the large rental car Walker was driving. Zac groaned quietly, not looking forward to meeting Alexis any time soon.

"The Regent?" Taylor asked, his spirit lifting immensely. "Seriously?"

"Yes," Walker said in an irritated tone. "Why are you so excited? We’ve never stayed there before."

"Do we have to? Can’t we go somewhere else?" Zac asked. Taylor felt bad, knowing why Zac didn’t want to go, but his happiness soon overshadowed his sympathy.

"Well we’re getting these rooms free," Walker said, as if that solved everything.

"But…" Zac began.

"Why are we getting them for free?" Isaac asked, interrupting Zac.

"You’re playing in that hotel for the reception, so they gave us rooms," Diana told her son.

"Can’t you go any faster?" Taylor asked from the back of the van.

"What’s with you? Why do you want to get to the hotel so badly?" Isaac asked, looking at Taylor.

"Because I know people in New York and I want to look them up," Taylor said, forgetting he didn’t talk to Isaac unless he had to.

"Really? Who? Anyone I might know?" Isaac asked, not wanting to be alone and bored during their stay.

"Yeah, but you can’t come," Taylor said, growing irritated with Isaac’s endless questions.

"Taylor!" Diana warned, looking at him. "If you want to go out, you will have to take Isaac and Zac. I don’t want you boys wandering around this town alone at night."

"That’s so unfair," Taylor whined. "I’m 18, not a baby."

"Taylor, do you want to go out at all?" Walker asked, stopping in front of the hotel.

"Yes," Taylor grumbled, and ran into the lobby of the hotel. "Alexis, is Shannon around?" he asked, seeing Alexis at the front desk.

"She’s gone," Alexis said, looking around him to watch Isaac and Zac walking in and standing beside Taylor. "Hey Zacky, how are you?"

"Fine, you?" Zac asked, looking down at the floor so he didn’t have to make eye contact.

"Where’d she go?" Taylor asked, irritated. Alexis winked at Zac and had to be asked again before she heard.

"I’m not sure, hold on. I’ll ask Marti," Alexis said, disappearing into a back room. Marti and Alexis came out of the back together, Alexis going to take care of Mr. And Mrs. Hanson as Marti came over to Taylor.

"Taylor, how have you been? It’s been so long," Marti asked, giving him a hug. Taylor hugged her back.

"Fine, you?" he asked, enjoying Marti’s always good humor.

"I’m doing okay," Marti said, stepping back and giving him the once-over. "You look good."

"Thanks, so do you," he said, blushing. "So where’d Shannon go?" he asked, changing the subject.

"She’s out with Bobby," Marti told him. "She’s helping him find the perfect wedding present."

"Oh," he said, somewhat relieved that she was at least coming back. "When do you expect them back? And where’s Bobbie?"

"I’m not sure, anytime I guess. Bobbie’s actually coloring in the back room. Do you want me to get her? I know she misses you. She’s always talking about you," Marti said, causing Taylor to again blush. He shrugged, then nodded, and Marti disappeared into the back room.

"Taylor, what are you waiting for? We’ve got our rooms," Isaac said, coming over and tapping him on the shoulder.

"Where are they? I’ll meet you there," Taylor said, irritated as Bobbie came out of the back slowly, curious as to who was there to see her.

"Daddy!" she cried, running to him, her arms out in front of her so he could pick her up. After the shock wore off, she saw Isaac and wrapped her arms tighter around Taylor’s neck. Isaac didn’t say anything, just stood there looking at Bobbie. He was entranced, knowing that it was his daughter, that she wanted Taylor to be her father, and that she was terrified of him, her real father. Taylor noticed Bobbie tensing and attempted to soothe her.

"It’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid. I’m right here," he said in a soft voice, rubbing her back in a circular motion. Isaac shook himself from his trance and handed Taylor his key.

"I’ll be up in the room," he said, and headed for the elevator.

"Please don’t leave," Bobbie whispered to Taylor, her brown eyes begging him to stay with her and Shannon forever.

"I’ll try not to," he promised, and took her over to a couch off to one side of the lobby. "So what have you been up to?"

"Aunt Marti and I color," Bobbie said proudly.

"What about Mommy?" he asked.

"She works," Bobbie said, tears in her eyes. She was not used to being separated from her mother for a long time.

"Really, what does she do?" Taylor asked, curious because Shannon never mentioned her job. Bobbie shrugged. "Do you miss her when she’s gone?"

"Yes," she said with a vigorous nod of her head.

"I don’t blame you. I miss her too when I’m at work, and you," Taylor said, giving Bobbie a squeeze. She smiled at him, her eyes shimmering in the light with happiness.

"Bobbie, Taylor," Shannon said as she walked into the hotel and saw the two of them. "What are you doing here?" she asked Taylor when she reached the sofa they were sitting on.

"I have a gig in New York and we’re, much to my delight, staying here. So did you find anything?" Taylor asked, standing in front of her, holding Bobbie.

"Yeah, come on up. I’ll tell you about it," she said after giving him a hug. Taylor put his arm around her waist, pulled her closer to him, and they began walking to the elevator.

"So are you and your parents talking yet?" Taylor asked.

"Not really," Shannon said, a touch of sadness in her voice. Taylor gave her another hug and the doors opened to reveal Zac. "Zac," Shannon said with a smile.

"I was wondering how long it would be before you two got back together," Zac said with a soft laugh.

"Haha," Taylor said, unamused.

"So what are you up to?" Shannon asked Zac.

"I was sent to get Tay actually," Zac said. "My parents are afraid he’s going to run off and elope with you."

"Zac!" Taylor said, giving him a look that said "shut up or I’ll make you."

"I guess I’ll see you later," Shannon said, stepping out of the elevator and taking Bobbie from Taylor.

"Why don’t you come with? I’m sure they’ll find out you’re here and they’ll want to talk to you anyway. Besides, Isaac already saw Bobbie and he’ll tell them," Taylor said, coming out of the elevator and putting his hands around her waist. Zac shook his head, his smile unable to be suppressed. Taylor directed Shannon down the hall toward his parents’ room, which was not too far from Shannon’s, while he softly kissed her neck.

"Tay," Shannon said softly, stepping away from him. "Stop."

"But I don’t wanna," Taylor whined, running around and stopping in front of her. Shannon smiled and looked at Bobbie.

"He’s crazy," she whispered in Bobbie’s ear, her eyes remaining locked on Taylor’s. Zac stopped in front of a door and looked back at them. Opening the door, he walked in and left Taylor, Shannon, and Bobbie alone in the hallway.

"Where’s Taylor?" Diana asked, watching Zac come in the room.

"He’s coming," Zac said, going over to the couch and flopping down. Walker and Diana looked at each other, both wondering what was keeping Taylor and bothering Zac.

"Taylor?" Walker called to his son from the doorway. Taylor took Shannon’s hand and together they went to face Diana and Walker.

"Shannon?" Diana said, surprised. Shannon smiled and set Bobbie down as Taylor shut the door.

"Since I figured you were still on the ‘you’re too young’ kick, I brought Shannon. Maybe she can convince you I’m not crazy," Taylor said, explaining Shannon’s presence.

"Hey Bobbie, wanna go for a walk with me?" Zac asked, getting up from the couch. Bobbie nodded and went over to Shannon.

"Can I?" she asked, her eyes big and full of hope. Shannon smiled and picked her up.

"Do you really want to go?" Shannon asked, already knowing her answer would be yes.

"Yes," Bobbie nodded. Shannon looked at Zac, who stood next to her, ready to take Bobbie from her. Shannon took her key from her pocket and handed it to him.

"If you go out, make sure she’s dressed warm, otherwise you can stay in the room and hang if you want. Thank you, have fun," Shannon said, handing Bobbie to Zac. Zac nodded and the two left the room.

"He’s growing up," Diana observed when Zac left the room.

"I noticed," Walker commented, his attention on Shannon and Taylor. "Why don’t you both sit down?" Shannon looked at Taylor and suddenly realized he was right about his parents’ reactions.

"I just want to say something before this starts," Shannon said, forestalling the lecture.

"What?" Walker asked, irritated.

"I know it is a surprise, but I honestly love Taylor, with all my heart. I believe he loves me too." Shannon paused to look at Taylor. He nodded and she continued. "We are young, but that doesn’t mean we’re not in love, and we’re not getting married in the near future."

"What about your daughter? Can you honestly say you love my son and you’re not just saying yes so you will have a father for Bobbie? Is it the money that you love? You must know he has a considerable amount. The fame? What is your motive?" Walker asked, suspicious of her.

"Motive?" Shannon asked, growing confused. "I don’t have a motive. I don’t want anything from Taylor that he doesn’t want to give me. I’m not using him, I love him." No matter how many times he heard Shannon say those words, Taylor felt shivers go up his spine whenever she did.

"I don’t believe you. I think you want something from my son. What is it that you want to stay away from him? More money? A music career? What?" Walker demanded of Shannon.

"I don’t want anything!" Shannon shouted in frustration.

"Why don’t you leave her alone?" Taylor asked, his mind wondering about the ‘more money’ comment.

"Taylor, stay out of this," Walker told him, his eyes locked on Shannon’s.

"No," Taylor said flatly.

"Jordan Hanson, stay out of this," Walker said, his eyes moving from Shannon to Taylor. "What do you mean you love my son?" He said "love" with so much sarcasm that Shannon hardly recognized it. Taylor closed his mouth and looked at his mother, who was also quiet.

"I mean I love him," Shannon said, unsure of what type of answer he wanted from her.

"You love him? You mean you love fucking him," Walker said. Shannon’s eyes turned to an icy blue.

"You know what?! Nothing I say is going to be good enough. Nothing Tay says will be good enough. You don’t have to believe that I love him or that he loves me, but it is true. In a few months, I’ll be 18, and if we choose—"

"When," Taylor interrupted, knowing what she was getting at.

"When we choose to get married, you can either come and bless us or stay here and complain. Whatever you choose to do is up to you, but what I choose to do is my decision, so stay out of it!" Shannon said, emphasizing her point by standing up at the end and walking to the door. Pulling it open, she found Isaac standing there, about to come in, and he was carrying Bobbie. "What the hell do you think you’re doing with my daughter?" she asked, pulling Bobbie out of his grasp, his hand coming away from her mouth. Now that she was with Shannon, Bobbie’s once muffled cries were somewhat pacified.

"She’s my daughter too, I want to spend time with her," Isaac defended himself, his hands reaching to take Bobbie back.

"Can’t you see she doesn’t want you near her?" Taylor asked, pushing Isaac away from Shannon and Bobbie. "Don’t you have any decency? You haven’t given a damn for this long and suddenly you think you can just come and be the father you should have been from the beginning? I’m more her father than you! Except for conception, I am her father! Don’t ever come near Bobbie or Shannon or I will, I swear to God, kill you."

"Yeah Tay, big man now huh? Cleaning up after everyone else now, are you? I always knew you looked up to me, but this is pathetic. You feel the need to make my trash yours. How sad, but don’t worry, you’ll get tired of her quickly," Isaac assured Taylor, patting his shoulder.

"Don’t talk about them like that," Taylor warned, roughly pushing Isaac’s hand away from his shoulder.

"What are you going to do?" Isaac asked, pinching Taylor’s cheek.

"Stop it," Taylor said, once again pushing Isaac’s hand away.

"Aw, poor Tay," Isaac cooed, pinching his cheek again. Taylor pushed Isaac hard. He landed against the wall and charged at Taylor. The two fell over the back of the couch and onto the floor, hitting, scratching, kicking, and punching.

"Taylor, stop it now," Walker commanded, finally getting involved in the fight. Diana just sat at the table as if she was unable to comprehend what was going on.

"Jordan Taylor Hanson, you leave your brother alone and go to your room this minute. You’re grounded!" Walker told Taylor when he and Isaac finally stopped fighting.

"You can’t be serious," Taylor said in disbelief. "Why do you always take his side?"

"Go to your room, now!" Walker yelled, pointing toward Taylor’s room.

"I’m 18! Screw you!" Taylor told his father. Gently pushing Shannon and Bobbie out the door, the three left the room. "Let’s go to your room," Taylor said, wiping the tears from his eyes. Shannon nodded, but stopped when they reached her door. The door was open and the TV was on.

"What’s going on? Where’s Zac? Why wasn’t he watching Bobbie?" Shannon asked, a lump coming to her throat and a knot forming in her stomach. Tay, where’s Zac?"

"I don’t…" Taylor began, but stopped when he heard a noise coming from the bedroom. "Zac?" he called, running in without thinking. Taylor saw Zac on the floor, slowly regaining consciousness. There was a trail of dried blood on the side of his head and his brown eyes were staring at Taylor, unable to focus.

"What’s…Oh my god! Zac!" Shannon cried, falling to her knees by his side. "Zac, can you hear me?" she asked. Zac nodded slightly, careful not to move his head too much.

"Zac? What happened?" Taylor asked, afraid to see his brother in this situation. Zac’s eyes came into focus and he tried to sit up, but two sets of hands and his clouding vision stopped him.

"Ike came in. He wanted Bobbie. I said no and he hit me with something. Bobbie, is she..?" Zac asked, unable to finish his question.

"She’s fine," Shannon said. "Thank you for trying to stop him. Are you okay? Do you need an ambulance or something?"

"No," Zac managed to say. "I just need a few minutes to regain control over my body," Zac assured her.

"Shannon, can I have a few minutes alone with my brother?" Taylor asked, his eyes pleading with her to just go without question. She took the hint and left, shutting the door behind her. Zac looked at Taylor as he attempted to sit up once again. With Taylor’s help, a slightly disoriented Zac managed to sit up on the bed by himself.

"What?" Zac asked, looking at Taylor, who was now pacing.

"I think I’m going to quit the band. I want you to hear me out before you get mad at me," Taylor said, looking at Zac seriously. Zac nodded. "I can’t stand all the traveling. I want to stay in one place long enough to make friends. I can’t stand Ike. He’s always provoking me and taunting me. Dad always taking his side, mom trying to hold the family together. I want to be away from it all. It’s driving me crazy. I want to be with Shannon and Bobbie."

"Sounds like your mind’s made up. What do you need my consent for?" Zac asked, confused.

"I want to know if you’ll be okay. I’m not going back to Oklahoma," Taylor said, his blue eyes drilling into Zac’s brown ones.

"I’ll be fine," Zac said. "Besides, I’ll always be able to come stay with you and Shannon," he said with an impish grin.

"Whenever you need us, we, or at least I, will be here," Taylor promised, feeling guilty for abandoning his brother.

"Are you going to do that wedding?" Zac asked, not sure if he even wanted to do their last gig.

"I guess we sort of have to. One final jam, you and me, and that asshole," Taylor said, his voice turning to a sad note.

"Tay, I’m gonna miss it," Zac said, his tone matching Taylor’s. Taylor nodded and stood up.

"I will too, but I’m glad to be done with it," he stated with sureness.

"I feel relieved, I think. I’m getting out before I totally hate it," Zac said, joining Taylor at the door. Taylor smiled, then they left the room to rejoin Shannon and Bobbie.

"Hey, can Zac stay here tonight? I don’t want him near Isaac any more than he has to be," Taylor asked, walking over to Shannon and putting his arms around her waist, their foreheads touching.

"Sure," Shannon agreed, looking into Taylor’s blue eyes. "What about you?" Taylor smiled, his fingers tracing her lips.

"I have some things I need to discuss with my parents. I’ll be back if you want me to," he said, moving closer to her. Their bodies were pressed tightly together.

"I don’t know, maybe you should knock first, just in case," Shannon teased. Taylor’s face changed to one full of jealousy.

"What do you mean? Should I not leave Zac here?" Taylor asked, eying Zac and trying to decide if he could be trusted.

"I’m only teasing," Shannon said, "relax." She turned her head slightly and kissed Taylor’s moist lips. "I’ll give you a key," she said, taking a step back from Taylor. Zac, without a word, handed Shannon the key to the room.

"All right, will you three be all right?" Taylor asked, taking the key from Shannon.

"Yes, we’ll probably just get some supper and go checking out all the hot guys," Shannon said, smiling so Taylor knew she was only joking with him.

"Well I’m gonna check out the girls," Zac added. Taylor kissed Shannon on the cheek and left, heading for his family’s rooms.

"Mommy, I’m hungry," Bobbie said, coming over to Shannon and Zac.

"Well then we’ll just have to get food," Shannon said, handing Bobbie her coat. Shannon put on her own coat and helped Bobbie with hers. "Are you coming Zac?" He nodded.

Returning an hour or so later, Shannon gave Bobbie a bath and put her PJs on her. "I don’t wanna go to bed," Bobbie whined when she was in her frilly nightgown with Barbie in the middle of it.

"You don’t have to go to bed, just get your PJs on. Now you can go watch TV or play," Shannon said, standing up. Bobbie ran out of the bathroom and jumped onto the couch.

"Hey you, what are you watching?" Zac asked, coming in from the kitchen area. Bobbie shrugged, her eyes fixed on the TV screen as a giant fly-type of creature tried to step on a car full of people.

"What are you doing? Are you still hungry?" Shannon asked Zac, coming out of the bathroom. Zac blushed and shrugged.

"I’m a growing boy," he said. Shannon shook her head and smiled.

"You’re one in a million Zac, one in a million," she whispered to herself.

"Shannon? Where can I sleep?" Zac asked after finishing his food.

"Pick a bed," Shannon said. Picking up Bobbie’s sleeping form from the couch, she led the way to the bedroom. "Which would you like?" Zac flopped down onto the bed closest to the windows and closed his eyes. Carefully, Shannon laid Bobbie onto the other bed and pulled the covers up over her. "Goodnight," she whispered to both, and turned out the light as she shut the door. Laying down on the couch, she quickly fell asleep herself.

Taylor opened the unlocked door. After shutting and locking it, he made his way in. "Shannon," he whispered, kneeling in front of the couch.

"Hmm?" Shannon mumbled, opening her eyes slightly.

"Hey, how is everything?" he asked. Shannon looked at him without answering for a few minutes.

"You woke me up," she said simply with no emotion, just giving him a statement of fact.

"I know, sorry," he apologized. Shannon shrugged.

"How’d everything go?" she asked. Taylor shrugged.

"Just as I expected. They don’t think I should quit the band. They think it’s just an act to look grown up, rather than something I want to do. Everything I do has some sort of deeper meaning to them. I can’t stand it anymore," he said, burying his face in the couch by Shannon’s face.

"You’re quitting the band? Are you sure that’s what you want?" Shannon asked, running her hands through his silky hair. Taylor nodded. Moving his head, he looked up at her, his eyes pleading for her to understand. "Then I think you should do it. If that’s what you really want, and you’ll be happy," she said, kissing his forehead.

"Thank you," he whispered. Shannon smiled and moved over on the couch so Taylor could join her. "’Night," he said, and they soon fell asleep.

Early in the morning, Shannon woke up. Careful not to disturb Taylor, she got up and went into the kitchen. Making a bowl of cereal for herself, she sat at the table. A soft knock sounded on the door.

"Shannon honey, it’s mom and dad," Vivian Renalds called to her daughter. Shannon unlocked the door and held it open for her parents.

"Hope it’s not too early," Frank said, shutting the door. Shannon shrugged. After placing her uneaten bowl of cereal on the counter, she took a seat at the table across from her parents.

"What do you want?" she asked simply, looking them in the eyes and not blinking.

"We are sorry for how we’ve been acting. If you want to get married, that’s your business," Frank began. "We just want you to be happy." Vivian smiled as she held Frank’s hand. Shannon looked from one to the other, curious of their acceptance. Before she could say anything the doorbell rang, and she got up to answer it.

"Shannon, we’re not disturbing you, are we?" Diana asked, standing in the hallway with Walker and Isaac. Shannon held the door open and they all walked by her. "Hello, I’m Diana," she greeted both of Shannon’s parents.

"Vivian, my husband Frank," Vivian greeted, both her and Frank extending their hands to Walker and Diana.

"Walker, our son Isaac," Walker said, shaking hands.

"Did the doorbell…" Zac said, coming out of the bedroom and stopping. "What’s going on? Where’s Tay?"

"Zachary Walker Hanson, what are you doing here? Go home right now!" Diana exclaimed, surprised to see her son. Zac shook his head.

"No," he said, looking at them. "I’m not going anywhere near him." He pointed toward Isaac and backed away toward the bedroom.

"Diana, worry about that later," Walker said calmly, giving Zac one last look. "We came to talk about this wedding thing and the band issue."

"Where’s Taylor?" Diana asked, looking at Shannon. Taylor groaned and rolled off the couch.

"Ow!" he said, rubbing his head as he stood up and was greeted by everyone’s stares. "What’s going on?"

"Are you Taylor? The guy my daughter wants to marry?" Vivian asked.

"Yeah, that’s him," Frank confirmed.

"He’s skinny isn’t he?" Vivian asked her husband, not bothering to hush her voice. "Do they feed him?"

"There is nothing wrong with his size. My son is perfectly healthy!" Diana shot back at Vivian.

"Well he doesn’t look it. Do you even know how to take care of your child?" Vivian asked, looking Taylor up and down.

"Yes, I know how to take care of my children! It’s you who doesn’t, shipping your kid off to another state so you don’t have to deal with the problems she has." Shannon looked at Taylor, her eyes wide with terror. Taylor put his arms around her and prayed that their mothers wouldn’t kill each other.

"Mom-mom! Poppy!" Bobbie cried, running out of the bedroom and into their arms.

"Hey honey, did you just get up?" Diana as Bobbie sat on her lap. Bobbie nodded and yawned.

"Are you mad?" she asked, her brown eyes wide. Diana looked at Bobbie, then turned to her husband, then over the table to Vivian.

"Would you excuse me and the other adults?" Diana asked, setting Bobbie on the ground.

"Bobbie can I have a hug?" Isaac asked, moving closer to the child.

"No!" Bobbie cried, moving away as quickly as she could. "Mommy! Daddy!" she screamed, hiding behind Shannon and Taylor. Isaac approached the three of them, his face distorted with anger.

"Leave her alone," Taylor said, his voice low and his teeth clenched.

"Why should I? She’s my daughter," Isaac said smiling like a snake. "What are you gonna do Tay? Hit me? In front of everyone?" he asked, poking Taylor’s chest.

"Don’t push me Isaac. You may be older, but that doesn’t mean you’re stronger," Taylor said, standing up straight.

"Oh really?" Isaac asked as he drew back and let his fist fly, connecting loudly with Taylor’s face. Taylor retaliated by tackling Isaac. Bobbie cried and clung to Shannon.

"Taylor, get off your brother," Walker directed. Taylor, pinned underneath Isaac, couldn’t move and couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

"Asshole, get the fuck off me!" Taylor yelled, pushing Isaac off of him. Isaac stood up and stormed out of the hotel room.

"Get back to our rooms young man," Walker directed Taylor.

"No! I’m tired of you taking his side; telling me what to do. You’ve been trying to run my life since I can remember, and it’s time to stop! For once, would you listen to me? What I want? What I have to say? How I feel?" Taylor demanded, standing and leaning against the couch, his nose and lip bleeding and one eye swollen.

"Taylor, stop it. You’re acting childish," Walker said, grabbing his arm and pulling him toward the door.

"Dad, let go!" Taylor yelled, trying to pull free. Walker continued to the door.

"Zac, Diana," Walker said as he opened the door.

"Walker, let him go," Diana said, standing. She walked over to her husband and placed her hand on his upper arm. "Please." Walker looked at his wife, and the pleading look in her eyes, and let go of Taylor. "Tay, we’ll talk tomorrow," Diana promised. Taylor moved back to Shannon and watched his parents leave. For the first time, he realized how tired his father looked; how his hair was slowly graying at the temples and the heaviness in his step.

"We should go too," Vivian said, going to the door. Shannon watched them go. Bobbie, still teary-eyed, clung to Shannon and Taylor.

"Come on," Shannon said, taking Taylor’s hand. "You look horrible, again." Zac picked up Bobbie, wiped her tear-stained face, and took her over to the couch where they started a tea party. "Tay, are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine," he said, sitting on the counter next to the sink.

"What’s wrong?" Shannon asked, standing in front of him. "Please, just talk to me." Taylor looked at the ceiling. "Taylor," she pleaded.

"What money have you been getting from my family?" he asked.

"Money? That’s all? When you asked me what kind of life Bobbie would have, your mom was curious too. She offered me money, but I wouldn’t accept. Then she offered a different solution: that I go to school, get a good job, and pay back any and all the money I had borrowed. I have all the money I owe them; I just haven’t seen them, until today, to give it back. That’s all," Shannon said. "I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think you needed to know. It’s just a loan."

"So what kind of job do you have that’s allowing you to pay them back?" Taylor asked.

"Well, remember when I met that designer? Well he said he was a designer," Shannon asked. Taylor nodded. "He really is one and he gave me a job. Actually, he gave me a bunch of paperwork to read first. Anyway, he gave me a job."

"Doing what?"

"What would you say to having a fiancé who is a fashion model?"

"I think I might like it," Taylor said with a slight smile. Shannon wet a washrag and gently cleaned off his face. "I wonder what’s going to happen. Our parents can’t seem to get along and I swear my dad hates me."

"Hey, my parents can’t stand me, so I guess we’re even," Shannon said with a smile. Taylor laughed and jumped down from the counter.

"I suppose you’re right," he said, setting her on the counter. "Who cares what they think? We’re the ones that matter. As long as we’re happy everything’s fine. Are you happy?" Taylor asked, his blue eyes waiting.


"Depends? Depends on what?"

"Are you gonna kiss me?" Taylor smiled and kissed her. "Now I’m happy." Taylor smiled, he always had a smile on his face when Shannon was nearby, and hugged her.

"Hey, are you two coming out any time soon?" Zac asked, timidly knocking on the door. Taylor laughed and opened it. "Sorry, I wasn’t sure what you two’d be up to."

"We’re not up to anything. What’s wrong?" Taylor asked.

"Bobbie wants Daddy to put her to bed." Taylor nodded and left the room. "So what were you and Tay doing behind closed doors?"

"Zac!" Shannon said, surprised. "What do you think we are?"

"Hey, I know what Taylor is. He’s a horny 18-year-old. I’m just not sure about you," Zac said, smiling evilly.

"So what are you two talking about?" Taylor asked, coming out of the bedroom. Shannon shrugged and gave Zac a wink. "What?"

"We were talking about you," Zac said aloof. "Wonder if there are any good movies on tonight?" He picked up the remote and flipped through the channels.

"What about me?" Taylor asked, growing self-conscious. Shannon smiled and sat on the couch at one end, leaving the middle for Taylor. "Tell me!" he demanded, sitting next to Shannon. Shannon shook her head, laughing softly.

"We were talking about what was going on in the bathroom. Shannon asked what I thought you two were and I said I know what you are. You’re horny, but I don’t know about Shannon," Zac said. "That’s what we were talking about."

"Is that what you think of me too? That I’m horny?" Taylor asked, looking at Shannon with an adorable facial expression.

"Yes," Shannon said as Taylor frowned slightly. "But," she added, "I like it." Taylor beamed, smiling from ear to ear, so to speak.

"You guys are perfect for each other," Zac said, shaking his head and going back to the bedroom to go to bed. Taylor smiled, alone with Shannon.

"Tay," Shannon warned, shaking her head with a smile. "Your little brother and my daughter."

"Our daughter," Taylor corrected, kissing her softly.

"I like the sound of that," Shannon said. "Your brother and our daughter are in the next room."

"Then we’d better be quiet," Taylor said with a mischievous smile as he kissed her neck.

"Tay!" Shannon giggled. "We can’t."

"I know," Taylor relented. "I guess I’ll just get a shower and go to sleep."

"Good idea," Shannon said, sounding breathless. "Go take a shower."

"Wanna wash my back?" Taylor asked, raising his eyebrows. "You wash my back and I’ll wash yours. It’ll be fun. Hot, steamy water, you, me, a locked door, and no interruptions. What do you say?"

"Probably shouldn’t, but…" Shannon paused, "…God yeah." She stood and Taylor smiled. Hand in hand, they went into the bathroom. Taylor turned on the shower as Shannon locked the door. Taylor turned around and found Shannon watching him.

"Should I even bother with the shower?" he asked, recognizing the lust in the eyes that he loved so much. Shannon shook her head and pulled her shirt over her head. Taylor left the water running and went to Shannon. He stood in front of her, kissing her and undoing the button on her jeans. "And you said I was horny."

‘You are," Shannon said, already stripping him of everything but his boxers. "I just never mentioned I was too."

"I’ll say," Taylor said, finally getting her jeans off. "But man, do I like it!" he said, thanking his lucky stars she was.

"Taylor, have you ever thought of us ever having kids?" Shannon asked as they laid on the couch, Taylor’s arms around her.

"Maybe sometime. Why? Are you…" Taylor asked, turning her face toward him. Shannon shook her head no. Taylor sighed with relief. "I think, for now at least, one’s enough."

"Good," Shannon smiled. "That’s how I feel too. I just wanted to know what you thought." Taylor smiled in the moonlight and closed his eyes. "’Night Tay."

"’Night," he whispered, kissing her cheek before they both fell asleep.

The doorbell rang around 10:30, and Zac and Bobbie, who were awake, answered it. Diana and Walker came in, without an invite, and looked around for Taylor and Shannon.

"Where’s Taylor?" Walker asked.

"Daddy?" Bobbie asked, and ran around the couch. "Daddy, Poppy wants you!" she said, jumping between Shannon and Taylor. Taylor sat up immediately, shocked by the sudden appearance of Bobbie. Shannon stretched as she sat next to Taylor, not ready to wake up yet.

"Taylor, Shannon, can we talk to the two of you?" Diana asked.

"Alone," Walker added. Shannon and Taylor looked at each other, then at Zac. Zac nodded, knowing they wanted him to watch Bobbie. Walker and Diana led them down the hall to their rooms and Walker motioned for them to sit at the table. The room was quiet and they took seats.

"Is this going to be another one of those lectures about not getting married?" Taylor asked, brushing his hair from his face.

"Taylor, honey," Diana said, taking a seat next to him, "we’re your parents. We don’t want you, either of you, to make such a large mistake. But," she said, forestalling any arguments, "we’ve talked, and both feel you’re sincere in your feelings for each other."

"Thanks," Taylor said sarcastically. "I’m glad you agree on how I feel."

"Taylor, listen," Walker said, his eyes tired and stern. "We support you and whatever you choose to do. It’s your lives. We’re here if you need us, but are you sure about quitting the band and getting married? It’s a lot to take on. Suddenly having a two-year-old? How are you going to support them?"

"I have money," Taylor said. "I’ll get a job, I don’t care what kind. I’ll provide for them."

"But Taylor, what can you do? You haven’t had a college education and all you really know is music. All we want is for you to think about everything before jumping into marriage."

"And," Diana added to her husband’s words, "we’re not saying ‘don’t get married,’ just…wait. Wait until you’re ready; when you can support yourselves."

"But you give your blessing?" Taylor asked, trying to hide his happiness. Diana nodded, tears in her eyes as she hugged Taylor. "Thank you," he whispered. "It means the world to me."

"I’m so happy for you two. I can see how much you mean to each other," Diana said, giving Shannon a hug.

"Diana," Shannon said, clearing her throat. "You’ve been there for me when I needed you the most, helped me when no one else would, supported me and my daughter. I promised to pay you back, and, here," she said, giving Diana an envelope full of money.

"Shannon!" Diana said in surprise.

"It’s all there. You can count it if you want," Shannon said, inviting Diana to check for herself. Diana shook her head ‘no’ and sat back at the table.

"I know what that’ll be used for," Walker said with a smile. Taylor and Shannon looked at Walker and Diana, who seemed to be on cloud nine, then at each other.

"What’s going on?" Taylor asked, feeling left out of a secret.

"Tay, Shannon, we haven’t told anyone," Diana said, holding Walker’s hand, "so you’ll be the first. We’re gonna have another baby." Shannon smiled, knowing how much joy a new baby would bring Diana and Walker.

"Really?" Taylor asked. Diana nodded. "Wow."

"That’s wonderful news. When’s the baby due?" Shannon asked.

"July," Diana said, glowing with the famous motherly gleam. "I’m so excited. Just think, a new baby; another Hanson to love and care for."

"Well, I wish you luck and happiness," Shannon said, standing. "But I’d better rescue Zac from Bobbie."

"And I’ll help," Taylor said, joining her. Walker saw them to the door and shut it behind them. "Ew, my parents are still having sex. Not the best wake-up call."

"I think it’s sweet. After so many years of marriage, they’re not tired of each other’s touch," Shannon said, defending Diana and Walker’s actions.

"Will you get tired of my touch?" Taylor asked, putting his arms around her and burying his face in her neck.

"I don’t think it’s possible," Shannon said. As he touched her, the same tingles running through her body that were there the first day they met. "Zac?!?" she called, not hearing anything or anyone when she and Taylor entered their room. Taylor handed her a note.

"Shannon & Tay,

Bobbie, Marti, Bobby, and I went out.

Marti came to see if you wanted to go out to

lunch. She said she’d talk to you later. Be

back around noon.


"Oh my god," Shannon whispered. "I thought something had happened." Taylor hugged her.

"Don’t worry," Taylor soothed. "They’re safe, and," he added with a grin. "We’re alone." Shannon smiled and laughed softly.

"Yes, for a couple hours. Whatever shall we do?" she asked, looking around as if in search of something to occupy their time. Taylor pondered the question with a thoughtful look on his face, but the door opened and Shannon’s parents came in.

"Shannon, we need to talk," Vivian said, not asking to come in or if she was intruding. She took a seat at the table and waited for the others to do the same.

"So what did you want to say?" Shannon asked, waiting to hear it before she sat down.

"This marriage. Are you pregnant? Is that why you’re getting married?" Vivian asked.

"What does it matter? Does everyone have to have an ulterior motive? Can’t it be as simple as we love each other and want to get married?" Shannon demanded.

"You are, aren’t you?" Frank asked. Out of frustration, Shannon screamed.

"Get out! Just get out," she told her parents. Frank and Vivian left, closing the door behind them. "They’re driving me crazy. I totally need to get an apartment."

"Shannon?" Taylor said softly. "Why didn’t you tell your parents ‘no’ when they asked if you were pregnant?" He stood in front of her, looking pathetic with his lanky body and bruised face.

"Does that hurt?" she asked, touching his face gently. Taylor stopped her hand by softly grabbing it with one of his.

"Are you pregnant?" Taylor pleaded with her to just answer. "Just tell me, please!" Shannon looked at the floor, tears filling her eyes with water. Taylor cupped her chin in his hand and raised her face toward his. "You are? We’re gonna have a baby?"

"I’m sorry," she whispered.

"Why didn’t you tell me?"

"I wanted you to hear it in person, and you said you didn’t want any more kids. I’m sorry," she said, whispering the end.

"Don’t be," Taylor said happily. "I said not right now. The baby won’t be here for a while. Shannon, I’m so happy," he said, picking her up and spinning her around.

"Are you? You’re not just saying that?"

"No, I’m serious. Just listen to the sound of ‘we’re going to have a baby.’ Doesn’t it sound good?" Taylor asked. Shannon nodded, smiling brightly. "So how long have you known?"

"Well, not really long. I mean, you were just hear a couple months ago. Would you be mad if I said you weren’t exactly the first to know?" she asked, biting her bottom lip.

"Depends," Taylor said, still smiling. "Who did you tell?"

"Marti," Shannon said, anticipated his response. Taylor shrugged.

"Marti’s cool, I don’t care. It would have been nice to be the first," Taylor said, pouting. Shannon smiled, her arms around his neck.

"Poor Tay," she cooed. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" she asked.

"Well…" Taylor said with a sly smile. "I’m sure there’s something you can do to make it up to me." Shannon smiled, sure he would think of something. "In the mean time…" he said with his a grin, his hands on her hips.

"In the mean time?" Shannon questioned. Taylor’s blue eyes, filled with love, desire, and happiness, watched her closely. Shannon stood on tip-toe and kissed him. The door opened softly, revealing Zac, Bobbie, and Marti in the hallway. With second thoughts, they shut the door, leaving Shannon and Taylor alone.

"It was Marti, Zac, and Bobbie," Shannon said. Taylor nodded, waiting to see what she was going to do. "Want to go find them, or…?" Taylor pondered his options. Without answering her question, he picked her up, carrying her to the bedroom. "Can I take that as a no?" Taylor smiled, shutting the door and setting her on the bed.

"Shannon, is this all right? I mean, for the baby and all?" Taylor asked, pausing.

"That was one of my questions to my doctor. She said it’s perfectly fine. I mean, as long as it’s nothing too straining on my stomach," Shannon said.

"’Kay," Taylor said, not wasting time with more questions.

"Shannon," Marti gushed, "I can’t believe you’re moving into your own apartment." Shannon continued to pack as Bobbie slept and Marti helped.

"I know, but I’m glad. My parents are getting on my nerves. I just wish Tay didn’t have to go back home."

"He only went to pack up his things," Marti said. Shannon nodded and closed the box she had just finished packing. "You really miss him, don’t you?" Shannon nodded.

"Yeah, I do. I feel sorta selfish because I want him all to myself, but I don’t care. I just want him here, with me."

"Where I belong," Taylor said, coming in the hotel room. Shannon turned around and stood up. She rushed to his waiting arms and he closed her in a hug.

"Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back today?" Shannon asked, stepping back slightly.

"Wanted to surprise you," Taylor said with an innocent smile. "Besides, I wasn’t supposed to be back for a few more days. Since our gig was cancelled, I came here to spend my time with you and Bobbie."

"So does that mean you plan on staying at my apartment?" Shannon asked with amusement twinkling in her eyes. Taylor wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"Would you have it any other way?" he asked, his forehead pressed to hers.

"Nope," Shannon said with a smile as their lips met. Taylor held her close for a few more seconds before releasing her. "Wanna help pack, or make a lunch run?"

"I’ll get lunch," Taylor said. "You guys want anything in particular?" Marti shook her head as Shannon did the same. "Then I’ll pick," Taylor said as he walked to the door, his coat still on.

"Daddy?!?" Bobbie called, running to him and throwing her arms around him. "I can come?" she asked, her hair tousled from the position she slept in. Taylor looked at Shannon, who nodded, and handed Bobbie her coat. Hand-in-hand, they walked out of the hotel room and went to the elevator.

"So what’s been happening?" Taylor asked as they walked into a deli. He ordered three hoagies, figuring Bobbie could share with him or Shannon.

"Mommy went to the doctor," Bobbie said from where she stood watching the man making their food. "She was crying."

"What?" Taylor asked, suddenly paralyzed with fear. ‘What’s wrong? Is something wrong with the baby? With Shannon herself? Why’d she look so happy then?’ he kept thinking.

"Sir?" the man behind the counter said, breaking into Taylor’s thoughts. "Sir, your hoagies." Taylor looked at him, still distracted, took the hoagies, paid, and left with Bobbie. He hurried back to the hotel and up to Shannon’s room.

"Shannon?" he said, looking around when he and Bobbie walked into the room. Shannon and Marti came out of the bedroom.

"What’s wrong?" Shannon asked, seeing Taylor’s face so pale that he looked sick. Taylor took her hand and led her into the hallway so they were relatively alone. "What’s wrong Tay?" she repeated her question.

"Shannon, are you all right? Did something happen to the baby?" he asked, holding onto her shoulders as if he was afraid someone was going to came along and take her from him.

"Everything’s fine. Tay, what’s going on? You’re scaring me. Are you all right?" Shannon asked, touching his pale face gently with her fingertips.

"Bobbie said you were at the doctor’s and crying," Taylor said, waiting for her to elaborate for him.

"Oh," Shannon said, relieved. "That’s nothing to worry about. The doctor said we could be having twins, but it isn’t certain. I was so happy I started to cry. I didn’t want to tell you until I was sure," she explained. Taylor looked at her for a few minutes as if trying to figure out when the bad news was coming.

"Really? Twins?" he asked, color returning to his face as he realized everything was all right.

"It’s not positive, but yeah, I think so," Shannon said smiling.

"God I love you," Taylor said, pulling her to him so he could hug her and kiss her, alternating back and forth.

"I love you too Tay," Shannon said, her cheek pressed against his hard chest. They walked back into the room, where Marti and Bobbie were readying the sandwiches together. The food was eaten with pleasant conversation. When everyone was finished, Marti left to get a luggage cart, and Shannon, with the help of Taylor and Bobbie, finished packing.

"Bye Shannon, see ya tomorrow," Marti said, and shut the taxi’s door. Shannon gave the driver an address and waved to her friend and future sister-in-law. Together, Shannon and Taylor unpacked and put everything away while Bobbie played in her new room.

"Where’d you get the furniture?" Taylor asked, looking around the furnished apartment.

"I ordered it. You didn’t think I’d move into an unfurnished apartment, did you? Where would Bobbie sleep?" Shannon asked.

"Guess I never thought about it," Taylor said with a shrug. "So what do you want to do now?" he asked, the unpacking finished. The twinkle in his eyes told Shannon what he wanted to do.

"What about Bobbie?" she asked. Taylor pulled her into the master bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind them.

"She’ll never know we’re gone," he said, smiling mischievously. Shannon shook her head to deny what he said, but allowed him to pull her into his arms. They made their way to the bed, locked together in a tight embrace.

"Tay, phone," Shannon said, handing him the phone. Shannon had been in her new apartment for almost a month, Taylor back and forth between the apartment and his parents’ home in Oklahoma. With all of his belongings that he needed or wanted in the apartment, he’d officially moved in with Shannon and Bobbie.

"Hello?" Taylor answered.

"Tay," Zac said and stopped, unsure how to continue.

"What’s up man?"

"Before you say no, hear me out, ‘kay?" Zac asked, pausing for Taylor’s quick ‘yeah’ before taking a deep breath. "’Kay. There’s this school that I really want to go to. It’s for musical protégés. Mom and Dad said they’d let me go if you’ll let me stay with you. They’ll pay tuition and give you money for my room and board, but they won’t let me live on my own or on campus. They want me to be with family. So, what I’m trying to say is…Can I come and live with you?" He stopped talking to wait for what Taylor would say. "Tay?" he asked when no answer came.

"Zac, I don’t know. I mean, I’d love you to come and stay with me, but I’m living with Shannon, so…" Taylor trailed off, not sure what else to say.

"I understand," Zac said, disappointed, but trying to hide it.

"Wait, let me see what I can do," Taylor said. "Shannon?" he asked, looking in the kitchen door, his voice carrying to the phone loud enough for Zac to hear their conversation.

"Hmm?" Shannon asked, looking up from the cookies she was making.

"Can I ask you a huge favor?" he asked, his face already pleading, and he hadn’t told her yet what he wanted. She shrugged, waiting. "Can Zac move in with us? I know it’s a lot to ask, but—"

"Sure," Shannon said, interrupting him. "I mean, it’s Zac. He practically lives with us anyway, why not make it official?" Taylor smiled and went back to the phone. "But," she said, standing by Taylor. He looked up, waiting. "We’ll have to get a bigger place; something with a pool maybe. What do you think Zac?"

"Pool’s good," Zac told Taylor.

"All right, it’s okay with us," Taylor told Zac. "Just make sure it’s all all right with Mom and Dad still, and keep us up to date on when you’re coming."

"Thank you!" Zac said, and got off the phone.

"Thank you," Taylor said, looking at Shannon. "You didn’t have to do that."

"I know," she said, and accepted the kiss he placed on her lips.

"I love you," he murmured for her, and only her, to hear.

"I know," Shannon said. "I love you too."



"Wake up, Mrs. Hanson," Taylor whispered huskily into Shannon’s ear, his breath warm and moist. "I love the way that sounds: Shannon Hanson. God I love you." He watched as she stretched, sleepily, seductively, and his blue eyes took on a new light. He saw where her belly was swollen, creating a safe cushion for his children, and pride swelled within him.

"Is it time to get up already?" Shannon asked, still sleepy.

"No," Taylor told her as he kissed her tenderly. "My mistake. It is, however, time to perform our matrimonial duties." Shannon smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Sorry Tay," she said, declining his ever-ready invitation. Still smiling, she got out of their bed. "Bobbie will be up soon and there’s breakfast to make."

"All of which Zac can easily handle," Taylor said as he got up and joined her where she was standing in front of a floor-length mirror. "I love you," he whispered, putting his arms around her, resting his hands over her belly. One or both of the babies kicked, and Shannon turned her face to look at Taylor.

"Did you feel that?" she asked, her eyes shimmering with happiness and amazement.

"Yes," he answered, his voice full of wonder. "Thank you for having my sons," he said, kissing her smiling lips.

"Sons, huh?" Shannon asked, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"Yeah, sons. Why? Think they’re girls?"

"I don’t know," she admitted. "Bobbie’s in agreement with you though. That’s what she wants. Would you be disappointed if they’re girls?" Taylor turned Shannon to face him and shook his head.

"Whatever they are, I’ll love them. I love them already. And before you ask, I won’t love them any more or less than Bobbie. I couldn’t love her any more if she were mine," he said, sincerity filling his eyes.

"Thank you," Shannon whispered, hugging him. "I love you!" Taylor smiled, his arms tightening around her so she was pressed closer to him.

"Shannon! Phone!" Zac yelled up the stairs. Taylor sighed, not wanting to let her go, but did.

"Hello?" Shannon answered after picking up the phone.

"Shannon, it’s Isaac. What did you want?"

"Well," Shannon said slowly as Taylor left the room to get a shower or breakfast. "You said you wanted to talk with Tay. If you seriously want to make up with him, today would be the best day to do it."

"Do you mean it?" Isaac asked, sounding excited. He actually missed his brother, actually, both Tay and Zac, and wanted desperately to mend the hurt feelings and wrongdoings that were between them.

"Yeah," Shannon said. "If you get Tay on your side, Zac might come around after a little while."

"Thanks," Isaac said. "You don’t know how much this means to me."

"Isaac, I’m not doing this for you. It’s for Tay. No matter what, he says he loves his family and this is tearing him apart," Shannon quickly clarified.

"Why ever you’re doing it, thanks," he said, and they both hung up their phones. Quickly, Shannon dressed, brushed her long hair, and went down to the first floor.

"Good morning," Zac said when he saw her. Zac and Bobbie were sitting at the table eating cereal while playing Go Fish.

"Mornin’ Mommy," Bobbie said, giving Shannon a bright smile before taking her turn. "Guess what?"

"What?" Shannon asked, taking a seat at the table. Resting her head on her hand, which was propped up by her elbow, she wasn’t feeling too well. She wanted to go back to bed and sleep, but she had too much to do.

"I’m winning," Bobbie announced proudly. Zac stuck his tongue out at Bobbie, causing her to giggle and spit her milk back into her bowl.

"I’m going to beat you," Zac told his niece, and the game resumed. Shannon watched the two play for a little while longer, then went to get started on the housework she wanted to have finished by the time Isaac arrived.

"I won!" Bobbie cried, running into the living room, where Shannon was straightening up. "Mommy I won!"

"You beat uncle Zac?" Shannon asked with a smile. Bobbie nodded her curly blonde head, a smile lighting her entire face. Behind her, Zac stood and smiled at Shannon and Bobbie.

"Need any help?" he asked, seeing that Shannon was cleaning.

"Not really," Shannon said. "I think this is the only room that needs to be cleaned. At least today."

"’Kay. I’m going to meet some friends. I’ll be back for supper," Zac said, and started down the hall.

"Have fun," Shannon called after him. Zac waved and disappeared out the front door.

"How’s my lovely little wife?" Taylor asked, coming into the living room wearing blue jeans, no shirt, and his hair still slightly wet, hanging down by his shoulders. Shannon sighed contently as Taylor’s arms pulled her to him. "And how’s the most beautiful little girl I know?" he asked, scooping Bobbie into his strong arms and kissing her cheek.

"Fine," Bobbie said, hugging Taylor. The doorbell rang and Bobbie squirmed to get down, out of Taylor’s grasp. "I’ll get it," she said, racing to the door.

"Guess she wanted to get the door," Taylor said with a smile. His smile faded when he heard Bobbie yelling and the door slamming shut.

"Bobbie?" Shannon called, worried as she and Taylor raced to the hall. Bobbie ran to them and flung her arms around Taylor’s legs.

"He’s not my daddy!" Bobbie cried, her eyes filled with tears. Taylor looked at Bobbie, confused, then looked at the door. He transferred Bobbie to Shannon and opened the front door. Immediately, his cheeks flushed in anger when he saw who was standing on the doorstep.

"What are you doing here?!?" Taylor asked, through gritted teeth. Isaac looked at him blankly for a second.

"I…Didn’t Shannon tell you I was coming?" he finally managed to ask. Taylor stared at him, not believing what he’d heard.

"Isaac, come in," Shannon said, coming to Taylor’s side. She gestured toward the kitchen. "Could you wait in the kitchen?" Isaac complied. Taylor glared at his back until he was hidden behind a bend in the hall.

"What are you thinking?" Taylor asked, angry and upset. "You invited him into our home? Why?"

"Tay, I know you’re upset, but think about it. This is your brother; your only older sibling," Shannon said, trying to get him to see things her way.

"So?" Taylor spat back. "I don’t care. I don’t want anything to do with him!"

"Listen to yourself," Shannon said, sounding frustrated and tired. "You love your family more than anything, and, like it or not, Isaac is your brother. I know you want to smooth things over."

"Do not." He sulked because, in his heart, he knew she was right. He missed being at peace with his brother, but he couldn’t forgive him.

"Tay," Shannon said, sounding like a scolding mother. "Please, for me, talk to him. Make your peace." Taylor looked at her, his wife, his love, his life, and knew he couldn’t deny her request.

"Fine, but I won’t forgive him," he relented.

"Yes you will," Shannon informed him. "Because you’re holding a grudge against him that you shouldn’t be. He didn’t do anything to you but beat you up, years ago."

"That’s not all! I can’t forgive him for what he did to you," he said softly. Looking down at her, he was more away than normal of how much he loved her.

"Did you hear what you just said? What he did to me concerns me, not you. Let it go. Get on with your life and be happy. Please," she pleaded.

"You really want me to talk to him?" Taylor asked with a sigh of defeat. Shannon nodded. "All right. I’ll make peace. I can’t promise more than that."

"Thank you," Shannon said with a smile. She took Bobbie’s hand and the two went into the living room so Isaac and Taylor could be alone. For a long time, almost an hour, Isaac and Taylor talked in the kitchen. They had finally come to a truce when Taylor heard Shannon call his name. Immediately, he knew something was wrong.

"Shannon?" he asked, looking for her. Almost afraid to find her, he saw her in the living room. She looked at him with her beautiful jewel-like eyes, which were full of fear.

"I’m…I’m…bleeding," she whispered, holding up her hand, which had blood on it.

"Shann?" Taylor cried, quickly catching her as she fainted. "Oh God," he sobbed, holding her in his arms. He knew she was hemorrhaging and was in so much shock he couldn’t move.

"Tay?" Taylor looked up at Isaac, his eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. "Come on, we have to get her to the hospital," Isaac said, taking charge. Somehow he sensed that his little brother couldn’t do any of what had to be done on his own.

Isaac helped Taylor get Shannon to his car and drove to the hospital. Left in the waiting room, Taylor paced back and forth as he tried to comfort Bobbie. As Isaac watched the pair, such love between them, he knew he’d missed out on the greatest even that had taken place in his life: fatherhood. He’d blown it. He’d had the chance to be the father his daughter needed, but had been too selfish. His only consolation was that Taylor had been. That Taylor had been there through it all was the only thing he was glad of.

"Daddy, is Mommy going to be all right?" Bobbie asked, looking at Taylor with innocence in her big, brown eyes.

"I don’t know," Taylor answered truthfully.

"I want Mommy back," the child cried as she clung to Taylor’s neck tightly. Taylor smoothed her hair in a soothing gesture.

"I know honey. So do I," he said softly; gently.

"I’m sorry Daddy," she cried. Her tears came even faster and harder. "It’s all my fault. I wished the babies would go back to wherever they came from. I didn’t know it would hurt Mommy."

"Ssh," Taylor said gently, all the while pacing back and forth. "It’s not your fault."

"It’s not?" she asked, confused. She’d been so sure it had been her fault. "Who’s fault was it then?"

"Mine," Taylor said, more to himself than to anyone else. "When you were morn, nothing bad happened to Mommy," he explained. "So it has to be my fault."

"No it’s not!" Bobbie denied vehemently. "You wanted the babies. It’s my fault!" Taylor shook his head and soothed the crying, confused child.

"Don’t worry about that," Taylor said. "We can’t change it now. Now we can pray for everything to be okay." Bobbie brightened a little at what he said.

"Mom-mom said prayers make everything better. I’ll pray really hard and Mommy’ll be better! Right?" she asked, biting her bottom lip, which quivered slightly as she waited for his answer.

"Has your Mom-mom ever lied to you before?" Isaac asked, suddenly standing next to Taylor. Bobbie looked at Taylor, and sensing his mood, she began to relax where Isaac was concerned. She shook her head slightly. "There, see? Why would she tell you something if it weren’t true?" he asked. "Come on, I’ll take you to the hospital’s chapel where we can pray together." Isaac caught Taylor’s eye and nodded slightly toward the door. Taylor looked and saw a doctor standing there.

"That’s a good idea," Taylor said, trying to get Bobbie to go with Isaac. He didn’t want her around if it was bad news. "Why don’t you go with Isaac and pray for Mommy and the babies?" Bobbie sensed that he wanted her to go, so she kissed his cheek and went with Isaac, the man she’d feared consciously and unconsciously her entire life.

"Please tell me it’s not as bad as I imagine," Taylor begged of the doctor when Isaac and Bobbie were on their way down the hall.

"I’m sorry Taylor," the doctor, the same doctor that had been monitoring the pregnancy and saying everything was fine, said as he shook his head. "I know what you must be going through—"

"How do you know?" Taylor demanded. "You haven’t even told me!"

"I’m sorry Taylor. She didn’t make it," the doctor said softly. Taylor looked at him, afraid he’d heard the man right. His head was spinning and he felt like he was falling.

"The twins?" he managed to choke out. The doctor shook his head sadly. "What were they?" he whispered. For some reason, he needed to know, but he already had a feeling he knew.

"Two little boys," the doctor said. Taylor collapsed onto the floor and wept. The doctor left him, and, with his head hanging, a flood of tears fell upon the tile floor. His world had died and he knew he’d never get over the loss. Inside, he was glad that he’d gotten to have Shannon in his life. She was like a shooting star that burns bright as you make a wish upon it then fades away; beautiful and irreplaceable. Part of him died with her, but part of her lived in Bobbie. Silently, he vowed to take the absolute best care of that precious child as he could; in doing so, keeping part of Shannon safe as well.




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