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Site News & Updates

Final Update
Unfortunatly, this site will no longer be updated. I realize I have not added anything nor updated this page in almost 2 years, and I apologize to all of you who continued to check the site out once in awhile. The truth is that Gundam SEED made me almost completely lose interest in the Gundam Universe. The fact that I am also a college student now means I have absolutely no time to dedicate to maintaining a website about a subject which I have lost contact with. No longer am I aware of all the goings on in the Gundam Universe, therefore I am of no use in providing you all wwith that information. I'll probably take the site down evventually, but it'll be a long time until I do. There is always the chance I will return, with that domain I've been promising all of you the past 5 or 6 years...but don't get your hopes up. Again, thanks to all of you that showed interest in the site and signed my guestbook, etc. It was a lot of fun while it lasted. CYA!!!

-Webmaster Duo - LUNA II GUNDAM

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