Those pets who abide, And watch at your side,

Your cause to befriend, Your will to attend.

Your arts to approve, Your ills to remove,

Must serve and be mute, But give them delight

By learning with care

The names that they bear;




Ninkip the Cat


the Mouse


Leppin the Rat

Malop the Dog


Ninx the Fish

Sylog the Snail


Crope is the Mole

  Oxpitus the Owl


Lurit the Finch

Scridee the Sparrow


Runipia the Fowl

Yim the Possum


Jalp the Pig

 Iltorep the Bear


Proncaspo the Dear

Ircis the Otter


Jubbin the Toad

Wix is the Bat


Morling the Frog

Smeth is the Fly


Sordoxo the Stoat

Quist is the Beetle


Galosty the Lamb

Hurathixet the goat


Address them as these

If there ears you would please!







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