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At the dawn of the new century
I stands on the brink of the world.
As I holds each inhabitant gently in my palm
I welcomes you to my ever changing world.

I smile comforts the migrants
I songs of hope and love
Bring them to my new home.

Each person is a friend, and a familiar face
I takes strength in your acceptance.
As I faces a new horizon
Leaving behind all uncertainty and doubt.

What does the new millenium hold for me? Is to soon find out.
As I takes the first steps
Towards my goal.

Let us all join me on this journey,
For my dreams will soon be a reality.
Portals have opened up in my world
And you shall be witnesses to my success.
As I merges the portals into one

harming Libra - the seventh sign of the zodiac. Libra stands for harmony, fairness, equality, and balance. You are considered to be the most civilized and polite member of the zodiac, because you always display an even-tempered and composed attitude.

Your ruler Venus - the planet of love, sex, and beauty - influences you to strive to create harmony, to express and show affection, and to accommodate and please others. Its romantic, sensual, and seductive energy makes you a suave and relationship-oriented person.

Libra is the second of the air signs, giving you the ability to stand back and look impartially at all matters, always seeing and considering both sides before arriving at a decision. You are sociable, tactful, and have great empathy for others, which makes you a much sought-after mate, especially since you are so refreshingly energetic, loving, and honest.

Your sign rules the seventh house of the horoscope, the sector associated with other people who act as your mirror. Therefore, it describes the nature of your relationships, both business and personal, as well as your experiences with marriage and partnerships.

Your sign's mode is cardinal, meaning that you actively try to improve and work on your relationships by reaching out, making compromises, and inspiring trust in them.

Your strengths, dear Libra, lie in your diplomatic approach to dealing with others. Your strong sense of fairness makes you the perfect mediator and peacemaker, because you always manage to stay objective and consider all points of view before making a decision.

But even you have weaknesses, dear charming Libra! For example, you can be frivolous and decadent, and place value on the superficial. Sometimes, especially when you are indecisive, you can be vague, shallow, and insincere. In certain situations, you are tempted to define "fairness" to your own advantage.





The Flower Four (F4)


 ~~ Warm Thoughts of You ~~

can warm like sunshine
cheer like bright
bouquets of flowers...
can cross the miles
and touch a day
with happy hours...
can bring back places,
faces, friends,
and fun times, too...
can do all that and more
when they're thoughts
of me and you.


Personality :
The Dog's loyalty and sense of smell make him a sure friend with brilliant intuition. You are very human and warm and people count on that. You advance in life with a logic that is materialistic and you have a high sense of honor. Injustice makes your fur stand on end and you fight to the end against dishonesty and oppression. Those who get in your way should be careful: your bite is deep and your bark thunderous. Willfully incisive, your cynicism is sharp and constantly fed by your pessimistic nature. This lucid realism allows you to rise quickly from your gloom. Nothing surprises you and certainly not worst case scenarios. Your confidence in the goodness of men is relative and you have a tendency to distrust people that you don't know. But if someone conquers your heart, you are a great friend. You love to frolic in the countryside, spend an evening by the fire, and have your nose in a book. A philosopher and discreet, you don't think that you can change society. To protect yourself from disappointment, you choose your close friends with care after having tested them in the smallest details. In this closed universe where affection reigns, you gladly show yourself as a nutty, eccentric companion that is fun to be around. Your fault: As an introverted Dog, you are on the defensive a little too much.



Work :
Honest and conscientious, you don't work with passion but are consistent and courageous. Appreciated for your realism and sense of smell, you have a tendency to see things in black, but this pessimism allows you to see the worst case scenario and to anticipate possible solutions in a crunch. A Dog never lets himself be caught off guard. Altruistic and devoted, you let the interest of the community come before your own and this attitude assures you the friendship of your colleagues. You excel in the domains of justice, teaching, and any kind of social work.



Money :
You have no talent for speculation but the idea of not having money terrifies you. It's not that you are a spendthrift, but you want very much to assure the comfort and happiness of your home. Happily, you know how to sniff out good deals and find the truffles under the trees. If a business deal is honest, you know how to bring it to a close and harvest the fruit. If not, you prefer to tighten your belt rather than be in bad company.


Love :
When you love it is for life. But you have a hard time finding the right person right away and can easily wander the streets alone like a beaten down dog. After looking for a long time you may find the love you have so desperately been looking for - you get what you want by never letting up on your pursuit, showering those you love with presents and giving lots of licks! You know how to make someone attached to you. You are made for family life. You are faithful, helpful and your pessimism often brings you surprises. To seduce you, the person in your life should caress you in the direction of your fur and Speak of the eternal love they have for you


In the Year of the Goat the Dog Needs Independence

Dog is loyal, and loves to come home at night, where Dog feels safe and can regroup. In 2003, which is the Year of the Goat, Dog is asked to be less dependent on the tried and true, and to find safety in other ways. From February 1, 2003 to January 21, 2004 , Dog is asked to be willing to go into the craggy rocks of life alone, and to be willing to live on a few blades of dried grasses, just as Goat can do. To the luxury-loving Dog, this is very bad news indeed, worse, nearly, than an infestation of fleas! Dog prefers to have a clear leader, or to be the leader of the pack. Goat insists, however, that Dog learn to do without others to such an intense degree, and to use intuition and receptivity to learn how to be a true scout in the woods of life. This is a Water Goat year, inviting the Dog to be more in tune with the Universal Tao than with self. Dog, however, will rise to the occasion and thrive during the Year of the Goat, if Dog can be less needy with love partners especially. Dog must allow significant others to have total freedom, and must learn not to insist with whining and rolling of eyes that the partner cater to Dog needs. The result is a more loving partner, if Dog can just learn to stay in the background. In business and money matters, Dog is to make solo decisions and act on them, with no one's approval except her own conscience. Accomplishing this independence creates good money karma


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