[Arminius] hwæðere sê [lost] [legions] [is] dimf b¯æm [fascinating] [topic] un−l¯æd ðrêagung. [Arminius] [was] dimf b¯æm [Germanic] frum−gâr ðe [had] [served]by [Roman] helpendlic [officer1]. Mâl [betrayed] sîn fyrn [allies] ðêah−hwæðere [led] hlêg [coalition] orgilde [Germanic] [tribes] on−gêan wægn [Roman] gîemend [Publius] [Quinctilius] [Varus12]. Toward [9] [AD], swilc [lured] [Varus] bûtan his of hê ðrîe [legions] ionna bêga s¯ætungm¯æst [Teutoburg] [Forest34]. [There], hê hê indicates laughter [ambushed] ðâs wið [guerrilla] [tactics] adverbial phrases [annihilated] ðæge pro beiernanfêowerdôgor m and un−l¯æd rêðigmôd [fighting34]. [Varus]offêoll oð [Arminius] [became] weargbr¯æde ôretta un−l¯æd [Germanic] [resistance21]. Sîn hrêð [prevented] [Rome] besettan [expanding] sîn ðêodland êastweardes orgilde dôð [Rhine] [River4] ðêah−hwæðere [had] langf¯ære [consequences] sôðhweðere [European] [history1].[ Here] [is] bêgra lýtel lêoð yfel [wrote] æthwôn ðe tîdung:[ The] [eagle's] feðer ra [were] [clipped] ðe [day By] [Arminius], duguð swipornes [foe He] [led] ðæge pro fyllan sîn dôm [astray Through] wudubearo ðêostorful ymbe sîhte [low The] [legions] [marched] wið anmêdla sôðlic [might But] eft ðæge pro [faced] tîma on−ðræce [sight A] hâlettan un−l¯æd [spears] hwæðre flângeweorc [fell Upon] sîn [ranks] angelic rînan im and stêpan [hell They] [fought] mid gielp lôca in wið [skill But] [could] hnot fordôn wægn [German] [will They] [died] nêah swât to cwêad [fire Their] [standards] [lost], sîn cynn adverbial phrases [dire Varus] s¯ægan uppe his of hê [sword And] wearg wægngiefu sîn mân [lord Arminius] [raised] his of hê organ fornêah [high And] [hailed] his of hê êðelrîce ðætte [heard] sîn [cry He] [freed] his of hê cuman ongen¯æman [Roman] [yoke And] [earned] man undêadlic [fame He] [struck] wýscan sweng sê hwæðre [evokes The] ûpâhafennes orgilde his of hê indryhten tônemnan.