OOC / IC Blog
This blog is for those who are directly involved with the Story Lines of my characters! Please dont post unless you are!
Bobby's Surgery (Cont.) 8/10
Bobby was taken into the surgery room in a big red wagon instead of a gurney!!! He LOVED It and smiled the whole way in!! They could not have been better equipped to handle young children! This place was the best!!!


The doctors used Nitrous to put Bobby to sleep, then gave him the IV and general anesthesia. He never once cried until after it was all over, he woke up, was brought back into his hospital room, and finally saw Mommy for the first time. The moment his eyes found me, it was water works for about two minutes, then all was well again!!! He just needed a cuddle!!!!


We're home now and all is great. He's been home all of 30 minutes and already he's on the X-box playing Lego Star Wars 2 !!!!!
2007-08-10 15:09:20 GMT

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