MIghty Kids
This is where we explore, share and pray in Jesus name, amen.
Entry for January 28, 2007

What every volunteer needs:

 Planting in the Vision Soil

Every volunteer needs to be planted in a fertile field of vision.

This is why we took a long time waiting for God’s vision for Mighty Kids. Once the vision was cast, we again waited on our Lord for the core values to support this vision. We prayed for God to send His workers and He did. We continue to pray for God’s direction and wisdom so that His will be done.

Growing Volunteers

Team members need growth opportunities that help them reach their God-given potential.

Everyone who has volunteered in Mighty Kids know that they have been blessed with God-given gifts. But they don’t know how God wants to use them. So as we rely on our faithful God, we do His will and trust that He will help us along as we walk with Him in obedience. Our gifts will be developed and enhanced over time as we seek our Lord with a spirit of excellence. There are plenty of opportunities to excel in Mighty Kids, hence the name.

The Fruit of a Volunteer’s Labor

Volunteers need to be encouraged by hearing about the fruit that God is producing in their ministry.
We need to take stock of what we do, from time to time and assess our effectiveness and efficiency. While we can easily measure in terms of numbers of attendees, we must also measure the biblical truths we have caused the kids to learn and also the fun factor. When we announce the results; whether good or bad, it helps to spur us to action and correction. If it is good, we do not rest on our laurels but aspire to attempt greater achievements to God’s glory. If it is bad, then we need to make corrective actions to get back on track again as provided for in the Vision and core values of Mighty Kids.

Giving Volunteers Leadership Roots

Volunteers need the stability and example of solid, growing leadership.

We can not just sit and wait for leaders to appear from nowhere. We are called to be the salt and light of this world. As leaders, we can help volunteers realize their full potential and assist them in their discovery by providing encouragement, training, support, mentoring and guidance. With a strong and consistent framework, the volunteers will be able to exercise their own character building and grow their leadership skills.

Please add on any comments and feedback to the above list as we prepare and  create training modules for our volunteers.

2007-01-29 07:01:46 GMT
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