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I am Mark Monnin and THIS is my website.  (Yeah Toast!         )
This is my favorite Senior Pic of myself
Travis's Page
Kyle's Page
Mandy's Page
Links to my friends' pages
If you want to know more about me here's some info:
I am 5' 11", 175 lbs., and have my picture above.  My eyes are green.  My favorite color is green, number is 13, and food is actually drink (Peanut Butter Creamer but I hate coffee). I worked at Wal-Mart last summer.  It was
enjoyable but the hours weren't good at all.  In school I am a freshman at the University of Cincinnati in Computer Engineering staying in Daniels 411.  It's awesome down here, I can't believe how many friends I have.  My fraternity is Theta Tau. Oh by the way, if you're wondering about toast... it's a song from Bob and Tom.  It's so awesome cuz somebody made a song about toast.  Hilarious!  I'll sing it for ya if ya like.  I did 4 times at Steubenville.  So now my name is Toast.  But online I'm Toastor:  the Toastifyer. Hehe runoff of Trogdor from H*R.  Check it out.   Especially the fish one. Anyway, Look around, have fun, and maybe I'll update soon.  Add me in your contacts. 
MSN - [email protected]  AOL - markmonnin
Here's my guestbook.
For conversation,
Because some people say I look like Danny from Pearl Harbor the movie, if anyone wants make a comparison, here is Josh Hartnett's picture from Mandy's Page as well as a picture of me trying to be like Josh.
, or
<- Pick his nose to find something weird!
(My famous video)
Horse Quartet!
Link's Cool Links
The End of The World
Mainstream Rock
Great Translations
The Greatest Hero Ever Created
    is known simply as Link.  I chose this name to represent me in Halo and other video games
Insanity Test
Big version of my AIM icon
Link Background from
Double D's Page
This picture comes from Al Yankovic's UHF movie
Sweet Pictures - SciFi section
Daily Updates of Cool Games, Weird News, Etc.
My Live Journal
Flashes, etc.
My Creations
My Favorite Music
Entertaining Sites
My Pictures Page
What I would do for you
Does the order of letters in a word matter?
Computer Rap - Steven Hawking (MC Hawking)
Women and Men
My dating advise to my little sister
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