tricia: i was just reading this thing that says 94% of guys would love you if you sent them flowers Auto response from mark: I'll be right back. tricia: what do you think? tricia: lol mark: well i think that would be interesting... tricia: lol tricia: something to think about like hmmmmmmmmm mark: i think if a girl sent me flowers, it's an obvious uh... whatever you call it, and so if i thought she was worth dating, i'd ask her out tricia: lol tricia: it also says 89% of gusy want you to make the first move mark: well it would make things a hell of a lot easier! tricia: lol mark: just think... we've been through a lot of rejection before we found you... so if you're interested, just kiss us, i'm sure that any guy who asks you on a date thinks you're kissable tricia: lol tricia: yeah but there are some guys who don't like that mark: lol but if you're shy or we want to take things a little bit faster, i tend to try to pick up signals and such... make little tests to see if she's interested in me, and if so, then i go in for the kiss... mark: but first... always... the holding hands tricia: that always has to be first? tricia: this is good stuff tricia: like it is a sign if he holds your hand mark: lol well it's like one of the tests... holding hands is a sign of affection, but a rejected hand is not as tough as a rejected kiss mark: so it's easier to try to hold a girl's hand than to kiss them tricia: wow tricia: that is so true tricia: i like it mark: a lot of times i find myself doing crazy or weird things where i get to touch them, like pushing them lightly or something... before i even go for the hand tricia: but if the hand is taken, even affecionately is is still hard to make the next move mark: lol big brother mark: the source of dating knowledge tricia: i'll just let the guy do it tricia: lol i love you mark: yeah, it is still hard to make the next move, but then you know you have a chance... tricia: yeah you know that they at least want to be enar you mark: so you get the door to drop her off, or you drive her home and just before she gets out, the guy gets the phone number, a sign of interest (though it might just be so that your feelings don't get hurt) mark: at this time, you lean closer to her mark: *the guy leans tricia: m mmm hmmm tricia: and then and then? mark: so that the girl gets the signal (after all, all guys are just sex hounds, right?) and so if she would accept or want a kiss, she either doesn't move, or moves closer tricia: oooooooo mark: moving closer expresses definite interest tricia: definite tricia: what if you move closer and it turns out he wasn't trying to move closer? mark: else it's like "well let's see how he kisses" or something like that... of course i suppose it could mean the girl is so nervous she can't move.. mark: well... you can tell if he's moving closer... the guy will be looking at the girl, right in the eye tricia: oooooooooooo mark: not like one of those unclick the seatbelt and learn over to release movements. if he's within a foot of you and looking you in the eye, and neither of you are saying a word, it's because something else is supposed to be happening with the lips ;-) tricia: oooooooooooooooooooo tricia: i love this stuff mark: lol