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    An intellectually driven character who is far more about brains than brawn. Her training is extensive, but her experience limited. As she begins to explore the universe in her first assignment beyond her government, she tackles many obstacles with great intelligence, but at the same time seems naive through her lack of experience. She finds several characters fascinating - Chrichton as he is from a species Sikozu is not familiar with, and also Scorpius and Grayza for their powerful minds. However, she does not look up to anyone, and can come across a little arrogant at times, but as with all the characters on Moya, there is always a weakness that makes them unique. Sikozu

    Perhaps her most unusual skill, one her species, the Kalish, possess, is that her limbs can be reattached, as long as they are replaced quickly after seperation, as first witnessed in the first episode of season 4, Crichton Kicks. This, as well as her knowledge, proves very useful in later episodes, and she becomes a valued member of the crew. However, the most interesting thing is the bond she forms with Scorpius.

    Admiring the power Scorpius possesses, she creates an alliance with the Scarren-Sebacean half breed to watch eachothers back on Moya, and as the season progresses, she spends more and more time with him. In fact, in the final episodes of the series, we see that Sikozu and Scorpius become more than just allies, forming an odd, but loving relationship between them.


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