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  • Dual Shock Controller:
    The old Dual Shock controller for the PSone, was certainly a fine piece of kit, boasting two fully analog joy sticks, 10 further digital action buttons, and the conventional 8 way D-pad. However, to keep with the trend of the PS2, the controller has been vastly improved. Now all buttons other than the Start and Select buttons are analog, allowing a full 255 registerable degrees per button! This will be used for controlling the strength of a punch, or the amount of braking.

    This function will be used first in games such as Gran Turismo 3. The actual shape, and general features of the controller have remained unchanged. This is certainly a good thing, because not only is the original design virtually flawless, but also, this will make the backwards compatabiliity options much easier to cope with, because the controls will remain identical.


    Memory Cards
    Your old memory card will work fine with your PS2 games as long as your only using PSone games. However, any sane PS2 owner will want to use some of the fine titles available. Those games will greatly benefit from Sony`s new 8mb memory cards. Though in appearence, the memory cards are virtually indistinguishable, underneath the new memory card lies a huge amount of saving space, which until the Harddrive arrives in a year or so, will be vital for saving your progress on your games. This is a must buy piece of kit for your PS2!


    It is pretty weird to find a new system with only 2 controller ports, but Sony has decided to do just that. There are a few main reasons that the PS2 only has two controller ports.
    • 1. The architecture of the motherboard only left room for two controller inputs.
    • 2. Sony plans to develop controllers that plug in through the PS2�s USB ports, allowing for up to four controllers.
    • 3. PS2 is very easily networkable, so you�d be able to plug in a bunch of PS2s together (once the right hardware is released) and play head-to-head games between lots more than just 4 players.

    However, there is a brand new multi-tap available, which will work perfectly for games such as Tekken Tag, DOA2, and TimeSplitters. However, you might want to wait until the USB port adaptors are available. If you look carefully at the picture, you`ll notice that unlike the old multi-tap, this one connects through both the memory card slot and the controller slot. This is most likely due to the complex nature of the new memory cards.


    Sound Station 2
    Do you want better sound for your PS2 games and DVDs? Well, if you don`t want to spend huge sums of money, then these are the speakers to go for. They can be bought for �45 which is much cheaper than a huge surround sound set up. Obviously the quality isn`t anywhere near surround sound, but it is great for what it is. With powerful bass accompanying the two speakers, its a fine little package.


    PS2 Remotes
    This may seem like an unnecessary extra, but it does in fact have a lot going for it. Not only does the remote work as expected, i.e. without a cable, from a distance, but it also comes with new software for your DVD player. You upload this from a disc supplied with the remote, and you then get several new functions including slow motion, and also some help in preventing lip sync problems.
    PS2 Stands
    There are both vertical and horizontal stands available, though the horizontal version is only used to improve the look of the console, rather than to give it support. However, the vertical stand is certainly worth looking into, because when you turn your beautiful PS2 into the vertical position, it becomes even more stunning, though in this case, the console will also need further stability, which is sorted out by a sleek blue/black platform that allows the machine to nestle neatly inside.


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