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    Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge
    Number Of Players:1
    Developer:Bizarre Creations
    Genre:Fluff 'em up

    Full Review:
    Fittingly, this game was developed by "Bizarre Creations", and invloves stuffed animals in a massive adventure trying to save their babies. Sound odd? Well, it is, and it doesn't stop there. From the second you start the game, you realise just how mad the whole experience is. Its down to you, controlling a collection of furry animals, the Fur Fighters, to thwart the eeeevil General Viggo.
    This third person perspective game is an insane shooting experience that has the unusual quality that it doesn't need blood and gore to be exciting and fun. After shooting a stuffed enemy bear with the shotgun and watching as the remaining stuffing flutters gently to the ground, you`ll be completely hooked to its highly amusing gameplay. On top of that, its got such a high level of puzzle variety that it never ceases to be fun throughout its rather admirable length.

    The usual basic elements are all there - boss battles, exploration and item collection puzzles, all putting in place the basis for this kind of game, but what makes this one special is the added genius involved in the level design and puzzle layout. In levels such as the museum, a massive archive of all sorts of objects, there are rooms that you walk into, and notice something subtle in the background that leads you onto a much grander puzzle. As you follow it to its roots, you begin to realise how big the game is, and this gives you immense satisfaction when you finally solve a problem.

    Its not just the gameplay that has that fun feel about it, the look of the game is also very "joyful". It isn't a silly cartoon designed only for children, but instead a Simpsonesque style allowing people of all ages to enjoy its visuals. Children will enjoy the more obvious things such as funny looks the characters have on their faces, whilst adults and older children will take note of more subtle touches such as puzzles that gradually reveal themselves to you, firmly planting a wry smile on your face when you reach the source.

    The environment and characters are cell-shaded in style, with slightly over the top colours and curves that show its true colours - its a cartoon, but at the same time a part of reality. While cell-shaded games aren't too common at the moment (watch out for Auto Modellista next year) they are an advanced graphical method, and as a result give Fur Fighters a unique and pleasing visual style.

    What better way to complete the package than to take a load of over the top voices, combine them with maniacal sentences and other insane sound effects? For example, the voice of General Viggo is hysterical, and the sound of a shotgun being fired at a bag of fluff is equally amusing. They might not be as accurate as say for example the engine noises in Gran Turismo 3, but they make up for it in the fun department.
    Its not like real life, and its not ground breaking, but it is excellent fun, and requires some though every so often, which makes it a worthwhile purchase in the games of today. If you want a few laughs and a nice game to play for a month, then Fur Fighters is a good choice.
    Lots to do, but an odd camera from time to time.
    Nice characters and colours, not much texture though.
    Plenty of challenge, but not much replay value.
    Funny voices and good music, but odd lip-sync.
    Great fun to play, with decent multiplayer, though strange!
    You could also check out Metal Gear Solid 2, one of the greatest games on PS2, and probably the best 3rd person adventure around. In contrast to Fur Fighters, its more about stealth than shooting, but the two go together nicely to give your PS2 plenty of variety.
    Thanks for visiting my Playstation 2 Section
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