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    Gran Turismo 3
    Number Of Players:2
    I-link/Internet:i-link (1-6 players)
    Developer:Polyphony Digital

    Full Review:
    Gran Turismo 3 is amongst the most talked about games on Playstation 2 - the hype surrounding this game is incredible. The waiting is finally over, and we can now experience the third instalment in �The Real Driving Simulator�. Polyphony Digital are back, with the most realistic racing game ever.
    There are two main modes of play, Arcade and Gran Turismo. Arcade is many people�s starting location, as it is all about racing, rather than focusing on buying cars and tuning them. You simply choose a car from one of four speed classes (there is also a class for rallies, and one for your Gran Turismo mode home garage), and then select a course. There are in excess of 30 tracks once unlocked, and three main modes of difficulty to race in. In addition, there is a two-player mode, with a similar selection of tracks and cars. Finally, there is a Time Attack option, which incorporates 10 time challenges.

    Gran Turismo mode is where the heart of the game lies. You start with 18,000 credits, and basically must race to earn money. In order to race, you must first buy a car, and earn a licence. As you progress, the races get harder, and you must upgrade your car with numerous tuning parts, or simply buy a newer, more powerful car. With 6 licences, 100 or more tournaments, and at least 170 cars (from numerous countries and companies), there is a huge amount to do here. In the latter stages of the game, there are even F1 cars to win, at least 9 in all, though nobody yet seems sure how many. With this volume of races and challenges to win, you can expect at least 100 hours or more playing this game, of which every second is pure enjoyment!

    Graphically, the game is as expected � a masterpiece. The visuals are almost completely flawless. It is widely accepted that the most important part of a game is the gameplay, however, this game is worth buying just to see its undeniably gorgeous realism. Each car took between two weeks and a month to construct, so the level of detail is breathtaking. Every tiny logo, symbol, mud-flap, tyre rim, exhaust pipe and bumper is modelled in such detail that they are almost indistinguishable from their real-life counterparts.

    The courses are equally impressive, with road surfaces that look like the real thing, trees that have visibly individual leaves, buildings that look like they could be lived in, and other background features that look better than ever before. On the rally courses, the dust trails are awesome. Most impressive though are the suns � each one is unique, and makes you react as if they were real. Ranging from moody red balls of fire in the evening, to glaring spheres of light at midday that actually make you look away, these are quite remarkable. Similarly outstanding are the wet courses, accessible in both arcade and gran turismo modes. The glistening water reflects the scenery with mouth-watering realism, and adds exciting twists to the race!

    To complete the realism of the cars though, it isn�t just about the looks. In addition, each engine noise sounds exactly right, modelled faithfully on the real cars themselves. Everything from the powerful growl of the Viper GTS to the excited screech of the Mazda 787B is perfect. Other sound effect features such as the tyres losing grip, or sliding in the rain are given the same treatment, and make you physically worry that you�re about to slide off and crash!

    As with previous Gran Turismo games, there is a powerful sound track to accompany your driving. This time its provided by popular bands such as Feeder, who seem to be able to provide music that suits the kind of solid, powerful racing found in this game. You are able to select which tracks you would like, and also allow replays to �react� to the music, making for quite spectacular videos.

    This is quite possibly the best looking game to date - visually, its like watching television. It is also one of the most rewarding games around, making you feel great every time you win a nice new car or complete a big championship.If you have a PS2, then buy this game. You won�t regret it.
    Fantastic handling, and great fun to play, though similar after time.
    Tiny, impossible to see pop-up, but otherwise faultless.
    Loads of championships to win, and long races to complete.
    Good music, and excellent engine noises.
    It was worth the wait, its racing perfection.
    You could also check out Burnout 2, for a more arcade feel. Instead of concentrating on the exact racing method, the the precise settings of the suspension, Burnout 2 just takes you through cities whilst you hold your breath and try to hang on, allowing you no time to worry about how the car is setup.
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