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    Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
    Number Of Players:2
    Developer:Lucas Arts
    Genre:Shoot 'em up

    Full Review:
    Two of the coolest things in Star Wars are the starfighters, and the jedi. So, how do you make a really good Star Wars game? Simply put a jedi in the cockpit of a Starfighter - perfect! Activision have taken their original game, Starfighter, a giant leap forward and created Jedi Starfighter, and it looks set to be one of PS2's biggest hits for early 2002.
    The basic controls are similar to the original - shoulder buttons controlling thrust, analog buttons for direction, and the other buttons for attack and the various commands. However, every action has been improved to make you feel even more at home in your starfighter. On top of that, the new jedi skills have been integrated into the package perfectly.

    Being a jedi (in this case Adi Gallia) means you're no longer restricted to simple weapons such as lasers and bombs, so now you'll be given the chance to use special force moves such as lightning attacks, time slow down and enhanced shielding. The lightning in particular is quite spectacular, and will come in useful in many battles.

    Spread across three acts the many varied missions are set above the surface of several planets, as well as in space, near several rather pretty astronomical phenomenons. The mission variety is great enough to make every mission feel fairly unique and fresh - its not always "blast 10 enemy ships". Every level is a satisfying size, and unless you really try hard its unlikely you'll find a boundary. This brings a great sense of freedom to the game, increasing the epic feel of each battle.

    Easily the most exciting multiplayer option available is the ability to play co-operatively, and this is something Jedi Starfighter pulls off superbly. Ever wanted to concentrate your fire on a big cruiser but been too tied up with the small ships? Now you and a friend can do both, making it brilliant fun.

    Another impressive 2-player mode is the dogfight between X-wings and TIE fighters. If you weren't a fan of the Episodes 1 and 2 ships, then this'll give you the chance to fly around in old favourites from the original movies. Other bonus options are also on the disc, and these include game trailers and other mini movies that are unlocked as you progress.

    Graphically, the game is superior to the original, though perhaps not by a huge amount. The charactersand ships are all improved, (Adi Gallia's fighter in particular looks very sharp), but the best improvement is the texture of the environments. Instead of endless brown or green, you are now treated to more moody textures of reds, browns and endless other colours depending on the location.

    If you're in a starfighter, its quite likely you'll want to be in complete control, and have the ability to go fast, really fast. That means its certainly a good thing the framerate is an improvement over the original, taking away those weird bouncing stops and unavoidable collisions. Whilst there are no major leaps in the look of the game, it certainly does everything better, making it a sleaker, highly tuned version of the original.

    No Star Wars game is complete without the classic music - perhaps some of the best known music in history. Unlike Super Bombad Racing, Starfighter sticks with the original compositions, and rightly so because its absolutely perfect when you're in the middle of a fire fight!

    Sound effects are similarly important in every game, and thankfully Jedi Starfighter passes with flying colours. The lasers, collisions and voices are all very clear and precise - timing is important especially with voices, and this time around, things are much better. Most impressively though is the TIE fighter noise (available in 2 player, and as one of the many bonus craft) which sounds exactly like it does in the movies.

    Whilst it may seem like a cheap way to make a sequel, it does feel like a very different game, mostly thanks to the new jedi techniques. If you like Star Wars, then this is an ideal game.
    Use the lasers, or the force! Better multiplayer as well.
    Same again, but slightly sharper, with more texture.
    Similar length, but slightly more to unlock.
    Lovely music again, some Episode 2 stuff as well.
    The name says it all. Ideal for Star Wars fans.
    You could also check out Bounty Hunter, for a different view of the Star Wars universe. Moving outside of the cockpit, and into the shoes of infamous bounty hunter Jango Fett, you take on your enemies face to face, armed to the teeth with amazing weapons.
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