Lookup Add-On for OpenBiblio 0.6.0 - Patch Version -------------------------------------------------- This is a release of Fred LaPlante's lookup add-on for Openbiblio. This version is based on Fred's 2007-07-10 distribution. It is essentially the same except it is installed mostly as a patch to openbiblio which eliminates some of the manual steps of Fred's installaton process. This may be more convenient for linux users where applying 'patches' to software is somewhat common. Fred's original installation instructions are included below for reference. However, in my testing it seemed that the biblio author was sometimes returned in a field id of 100a and sometimes 700a and sometimes both. Fred's code assumes the author is always returned in 100a and did not work properly when the author was retuned in 700a only. I added a workaround for this which is included as part of this patch. This change has been submitted to Fred and has been added to his codebase. My workaround may not be the best solution to this but at least the issue has been identified. Before using this add-on, you will have to activate the PHP YAZ module. See item #8 in Fred's installation instructions for more information. 1. Unzip and apply the patch. unzip lookup_2007-07-10.zip cd openbiblio patch -p1 < ../lookup_2007-07-10.diff where it is assumed the lookup patch is located one directory level above your openbiblio install. You can first test the patch with patch -p1 --dry-run < ../lookup_2007-07-10.diff to make sure the patch will apply cleanly. 2. Create the cutter table in the database. mysql --user=obiblio_user --password=obiblio_password OpenBiblio < lookup/lookup.sql where obiblio_user is your database username, obiblio_password is the corresponding password, and OpenBiblio is your openbiblio database. 3. If you would like to have the "new copy" form automatically appear when finished adding new bibliographic data, locate the line if (0) { // change to 1 to have... in the file catalog/biblio_new.php and change it to if (1) { // change to 1 to have... This is optional, equivalent to Fred's item #7. 4. See items #8, #9, and #10 in Fred's installation instructions. Matt Boytim maboytim at yahoo dot com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Below are Fred LaPlante's original installation instructions from his lookup_2007-07-10 distribution included here for reference only. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** ** WARNING ************ WARNING *************************************** *********************************************************************** ** users of versions prior to 1 July 2005 ***************************** *********************************************************************** ** You must restore biblio_new_form.php to its original condition ***** *********************************************************************** ** see item #3 ******************************************************** *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Before using this add-on, you will have to activate the PHP YAZ module. See item #8 below. 1. Extract all *.php files and the lookup.js file to the openbiblio\catalog directory. 2. Extract the 'cutter.MYD', 'cutter.frm', and 'cutter.MYI' files to your openbiblio MySQL data directory. 3. Users of versions prior to 1 July 2005 only!!! You must restore biblio_new_form.php a. remove the following line: b. change the following lines: if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["lookupVal"]) && !isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["srchBy"])) { $focus_form_name = "lookupform"; $focus_form_field = "lookupVal"; } else { $focus_form_name = "newbiblioform"; $focus_form_field = "materialCd"; } c. to be: $focus_form_name = "newbiblioform"; $focus_form_field = "materialCd"; 4. Add the following to the end of file ..\locale\en\cataloging.php #**************************************************************************** #* Translation text for page lookup_form.php #**************************************************************************** $trans["lookupZ3950Search"] = "\$text = 'Z39.50 search';"; $trans["lookupISBN"] = "\$text = 'ISBN';"; $trans["lookupISSN"] = "\$text = 'ISSN';"; $trans["lookupLCCN"] = "\$text = 'LCCN';"; $trans["lookupTitle"] = "\$text = 'Title';"; $trans["lookupAuthor"] = "\$text = 'Author';"; $trans["lookupKeyword"] = "\$text = 'Keyword anywhere';"; $trans["lookupPublisher"] = "\$text = 'Name of Publisher';"; $trans["lookupPubLoc"] = "\$text = 'Place of Publication';"; $trans["lookupPubDate"] = "\$text = 'Date of Publication';"; $trans["lookupSearch"] = "\$text = 'Search';"; $trans["lookupRepository"] = "\$text = 'Repository';"; $trans["lookup_yaz_setup_failed"] = "\$text = 'yaz setup failed for host: !';"; $trans["lookup_badQuery"] = "\$text = 'Bad Query';"; $trans["lookup_YAZerror"] = "\$text = 'Lookup YAZ Error: ';"; $trans["lookup_NothingFound"] = "\$text = 'Nothing found for ';"; $trans["lookup_TooManyHits"] = "\$text = 'Too many hits to display, ';"; $trans["lookup_RefineSearch"] = "\$text = 'Please refine the search and try again.';"; $trans["lookup_Success"] = "\$text = 'Success! Z39.50 search data is shown below!';"; $trans["lookup_hits"] = "\$text = ' hits, please select one.';"; $trans["lookup_callNmbrType"] = "\$text = 'Your my_callNmbrType is invalid!';"; #**************************************************************************** 5. Add the following to the end of ..\locale\en\navbars.php, just ahead of the '?>' line. #**************************************************************************** #* Translation text for page lookup_form.php #**************************************************************************** $trans["z3950search"] = "\$text = 'Z39.50 Search';"; 6. Change the end of file ..\navbars\cataloging.php to read: » getText("Upload Marc Data");?>
getText("Upload Marc Data");?>
» getText("z3950search");?>