Following the February membership meeting Bill Rapai sent us a photo and a brief description of the Cuban Almiqui below. Here's his note.

Attached is a photo of the representation of the Cuban Almiqui in the Museum of Natural History in Havana. The Almiqui is known elsewhere as the Cuban Solenodon. It's a mammal, of course, but it's unusual in that it has venomous saliva.

It is 16-22 inches long and resembles a rat. But it is very rarely seen since it is strictly nocturnal and lives underground. The animal so rare that fewer than 40 have ever been captured by humans. And as I said last night, this is a critter that apparently lacks a sense of humor. When it is disturbed it goes into a frenzy and bites and attacks everything in sight.

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,


Cuban Almiqui

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