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The coming and going of the World's brutalist band:


It was over in less than three months, and yet the now legendary band Brutal had achieved so much. It start in early April 2004 when guitarist

and vocalist Father Time recorded the Fukin' Brutal demo. At this point Brutal wasn't really a band, but Time wanted to change this, so he recruited

fellow mad man Brutal Dave.


Together they laid down the demo Bombs over Hollywood, which was a highly political and really was a land mark

recording for the band. It featured vocals for the first time and had a classic version of the Brutal theme song 'Legacy' on it.


After the BOHW demo Brutal got master of low frequencies; Thor to join and they put down the arse kicking "Whats that fucking Noise" demo, once

again this was a land mark recording not only for the band but for the whole music world. The style was slightly different, leaning more to a Metal direction

than the previous grind attacks.


Soon after WTFN the band attempted to record a live album but was hindered by appalling sound quality and only two songs were used on the publication,

Anti Goth, which reflected the bands believes and the all time classic I love People (Pie).


Guts'n'Roses came next which fans considered to be the best Brutal release ever, a definite classic in every way, it featured the pounding riffs of 'Cheesehole'

And the heart filled lyrics of 'I dropped my can of Coke' which Time described as "A song which was straight from my heart right to the listeners man, this was a deep,

Meaningful song, it is about a very difficult time in my life, and it really helped me get over dropping my can of coke in the dirt"


The next release "Shageggdog" had a mixed response with the fans; some said it was the greatest, while others thought the band had lost touch of its original roots. The band did agree that it was less extreme than previous efforts but songs like 'You're My Russian Mail Order Girl" had their insane moments. It was a short demo but the fans and the band agreed that if it was any longer it would have been ruined.


The final release "The Shocking Truth Behind Tom Piper's Braised Steak and Onion" prompted the departure for long time bass man Thor to leave the band, after he

was poisoned by a women’s group in retaliation for the song "Slip the bitch a Mickey". Thor's official statement was "Wow man, don't get me wrong, we had some ace times in Brutal but I just can't do it anymore. I'm not leaving just because of the incident with the poison, but of a combination of things, my body can't take the

Strain of playing in such a crazy band"


After Thor’s departure the line up fell apart with Father Time and Brutal Dave announcing that they were both leaving the band. Brutal was gone but there was some fine music made on their behalf.


Shortly after the break up the band released the "Greatest Hits Anthology" to give new fans and people who hadn't been there in their prime a feeling of what the band was about.


Although the band was around for a short time, they left a permanent stain on the music world.


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