
I love to watch figure skating, always have as far as I know.  I fell in love with it while watching G&G, Ekaterina Gordeeva & her husband, Sergei Grinkov.  While watching them skate, I met many other soon to be favorites, such as Kurt Browning, Jenni Meno & Todd Sand, Jamie Sale & David Pelletier & John Zimmerman (partner of Kyoko Ina). 

Me at an outdoor rink (taken by Christi):

Nothing like the sight of center ice!

(2003 tour) Alexei Yagudin & me:

(2003 tour) David Pelletier:

(2003 tour) Jenni Meno & me:

(2003 tour) John Zimmerman & Kyoko Ina:

(2003 tour) What a hot (& very nice) guy, John Zimmerman & me:

 (2003 tour) Katia & me:

(2003 tour) Katia & Todd Sand pose for me:

(2003 tour) Katia signing my My Sergei book:

(2003 tour) Me & Todd Eldridge:

(2003 tour) Me, Karen & Christi before the show:

(2003 tour) Me & Scott Hamilton:

(2003 tour) Mom, Scott Hamilton & Me:

(2003 tour) Todd Sand & Me:

(2003 tour) Todd Sand, Jenni Meno & Me:

These are 2 of my all-time favorite skaters.  They are beautiful on the ice & are some of the nicest people I've ever had the blessing to meet.  I hope every skating fan gets the opportunity to meet them, because I enjoy it every time!  Unfortunately, they are retiring from SOI full-time, so it will be more difficult to see them.  Thanks Jenni & Todd for some great memories!

(2003 tour) My family before the show (Me, my Mom, my sister Liz & brother-in-law, Tim):

That was our first year for on ice seats!  Man, were they cool!!

This is an old picture, from 2001 tour, with a college friend of mine:

Todd Sand, Jenni Meno & me the first time I ever met them; man was that awesome:

Update!!  Jenni & Todd had their son, Jack Henry, on December 1st, 2004.  Congratulations!!           

     Click here to see my skating autographs.

Click here to see pictures from the Stars seminar (Jan. 05) in Kirkwood.

Click here to see pictures from the 2004-2005 Stars On Ice tour in St. Louis.

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Click here to see pictures from the 2004-2005 Stars On Ice tour in Nashville.

NEW! NEW! Here's my pictures from the 2005-2006 SOI tour in St. Louis, MO.