Mrs. Bousman's Social Studies Units

The First Three Units in Fifth Grade

emancipation Westward Wagon Model T


Westward Expansion

Industrial Revolution




5th Grade Summary

United States Studies: 1865 to Present

Students continue their study of the history of the United States in grade five, beginning with Reconstruction and continuing to the present day. They learn about the renewal of the country after the Civil War, the continued westward expansion, the rise of the United States as a world power, the nation�s involvement in world affairs in the twentieth century, and nation�s leadership role after World War II. They also learn about the growing pains of the country as its citizens dealt with industrialization, the issues of women�s suffrage and civil rights for all Americans, the Jim Crow laws, economic depression and recovery, and challenges in foreign diplomacy.

Students will be instructed in the elements of social studies literacy: the tools, strategies, and perspectives necessary for understanding the four disciplines addressed in this subject area.

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