Bruce Willis
My Favorite Actor
This is my page dedicated to Bruce Willis, the great actor in such movies as Die Hard, The Fifth Element, and 12 Monkeys.  I like him not only because he's good-looking, but because he's a very unique actor with personality.  Also, like most people, I tend to like people I relate to, and he is one of those people.  Anyway, he's been in a LOT of movies and here they are (I've put stars next to the ones I've seen and a ! next to the ones I own):
The Whole Ten Yards***!
Tears of the Sun(my birthday                         present)****
Hart's War***!
The Kid***!
The Whole Nine Yards****!
Franky Goes to Hollywood
The Story of Us**
The Sixth Sense*****!
Breakfast of Champions***!
The Siege**
Mercury Rising***
The Jackal****!
The Fifth Element*****!!
Bruno the Kid:  The Animated Movie
Beavis and Butt-head Do America*
Last Man Standing***!
Twelve Monkeys*****!
Four Rooms****
Die Hard With a Vengeance****!
Nobody's Fool
Pulp Fiction*****!
Color of Night****!
Striking Distance*
Loaded Weapon 1
Death Becomes Her*
The Player
The Last Boy Scout****!
Billy Bathgate**
Hudson Hawk****!
Mortal Thoughts***!
That's Adequate
Bonfire of the Vanities**
Look Who's Talking Too**
Die Hard 2****!
Look Who's Talking**
In Country*!
The Return of Bruno****!
Die Hard*****!!
Blind Date***!
Moonlighting (TV Series)****!
The Verdict*
The First Deadly Sin

I own 29 if you count both of my copies of Die Hard 1 and both copies of the Fifth Element.  The second copies are my Special Editions!  Anyway, I've seen 40 of his movies.  Most of the ones I haven't seen are rare or just not available at a nearby movie store.  I will eventually see them all, though.  I haven't had a Brunofest recently for the same reason.  My
first Brunofest was the best, and my second was fun too.  Bruce is a fun guy whom I enjoy watching as a fan.  Anyway, if you don't like him, you can go away; there are plenty of other pages on my website.  My point is, Bruce is awesome and is EVERY BIT AS COOL AS MEL GIBSON!!!
Dracula2005's home
Other Stuff about Bruce
My Favorite Bruce Pictures
Bald Guys are Cool
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