Too or Enough (2)

*/ Match the letters with the numbers:

[Use The Mouse To Move The Phrases On The Right]
  1. The words are not big enough to read.
  2. The quiz is too difficult.
  3. The village is not near enough for me to go on foot.
  4. These boys are too nasty to be accepted.
  5. They are not hard working enough to go to work.
  6. They are too unfriendly to make friends.
  7. They are not happy enough to enjoy the party.
  8. The manager is too busy to talk to you.
  9. This quiz is too long to do quickly.
  10. The microbe is too small to see.
  • a. It is too far
  • b. They are not friendly enough.
  • c. They are too small
  • d. He is not free enough.
  • e. It is not big enough.
  • f. They are too sad.
  • g. They are not nice enough.
  • h. They are too lazy.
  • i. It is not easy enough.
  • j. It is not short enough.


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