My Eulogy for Stephen Paul Allseits

Stephen P. Allseits

"Que Ser�, Ser�"
Music by Jay Livingston - Lyrics by Ray Evans
*** Midi (sera_.mid) obtained from: ***

If you asked me to use only one word to describe Steve,
I would have to say "cavalier".  The saying: "Rules were
made to be broken." comes to mind when thinking of Steve.
But moreover, it was Steve's carefree, non-chalant attitude
that made me choose that word.  "Don't sweat the little
things in life."  "Que ser�, ser�: whatever will be, will be."
That was the way Steve lived his life.  He once told me 
that he felt that "attitude" to be a flaw.  I told him it
was one thing about him that I admired the most.

Steve was the best debater I have ever known.  I always
admired the way he could debate any topic regardless of
whether or not it was his belief.  He would often take the
opposite viewpoint in a discussion just for the sake of 
debate.  An evening spent with Steve was always enlightening
to say the least.  You were never bored around Steve.  There 
was always a topic for discussion, and you could be assured
that it was always an intelligent one.

I never heard Steve speak badly about anyone.  If he had 
something to say about someone, it was always positive.  I 
have no negative memories regarding Steve - only positive, 
enjoyable ones.  Memories that will live in my heart forever.

Steve had a magnetic personal charm unequaled by anyone else I
have ever met.  This magnetism was felt by most children, too.
However, when I would mention this quality to him, he would 
respond, "No way!"  Yes, he was a very humble man.

He was referred to as "Dude" by many - a childhood nickname
gotten during a neighborhood hockey game.  My children referred
to Steve as "Uncle Dude".

My children loved their "Uncle Dude".  When I asked my youngest 
daughter, Pat, if she had a special memory of her Uncle Dude, she
shook her head, smiled, and said, "Yes, I always remember how he
used to ride us all over the house on his back giving us horsie 

One of our fondest memories is of Steve arriving at our house
during one of his military leaves.  Upon answering the door, 
our oldest daughter, Angela, then not quite 18 months old, 
screeched "Uncle Dude", and ran to the refrigerator returning 
with a beer bottle lifting it into the air to Steve as he 
entered our apartment.  On another occasion that Steve came
to visit, he had arrived when I was at the playground with both
my children.  Angela had been on a swing when she saw her Uncle
Dude rounding the corner a few blocks away.  She jumped off the 
swing while it was in mid-air and ran with open arms screaming,
"Uncle Dude" over and over again until she reached Steve, who 
scooped her up into a huge hug, with my youngest daughter, Pat,
and I following close behind for our hugs.

Steve loved serving his country.  This is another thing that I
always admired about Steve.  It has always been my impression
that Steve was a great leader and that he did this without strict
authority but with discipline and fairness which gained him the
respect of those he was leading.

There were many years that Steve was away from the area whether
it be for college or his military duties.  He was always missed
dearly during those times.  All of us, including our children, 
always looked forward to those homecomings with Steve.  He was 
what many of us referred to as "a constant in life".  Someone you 
could always count on to "bounce back" and "land on his feet".
As one friend described, "it was as if he was a cat with nine
lives."  We always knew he would come home.  Never in a million
years did we think this day would come.

Now it is Steve's turn to wait for our homecoming.  But I can rest
assured that when I meet him again, it will be with open arms and
a warm hug.

I found a poem that I felt described what Steve would say to all
of us if he could:

When Death Shall Win This Fight...
Written by: Sara

When death shall win this fight and take me away,
Then let no person weep, for my memories will stay.
Let it not be said that I yielded with a sigh,
Let it not be to those who know me, a good-bye.
Sorrow has followed me wither I go,
But to the world only a smile have I tried to show.
Let not my passing be sadness in an already tragic place,
But I lived life through God's glorious grace.
If in some small way I have touched a heart,
Then I pray that it will be a touch for an amazing start.
For the people I have been privileged and blessed to have known,
Then my life was not in vain for the love that they have shown.
So for myself please do not weep or mourn,
For I have prepared for my death since the day I was born.

Steve, thank you for being such a good friend.  You were loved 
by many and you will be sorely missed, but you will be forever 
in our hearts.

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