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Tessa's Corner

Hi! My name is Tessa Skye. I was born December 13, 2001 at 8:56 am and weighed 8 lbs. 5 ozs. I was so happy to meet Mama and Daddy and my big brother William and they were (and still are!!) just thrilled with me! I am nearly 4 months by now but this picture is my very first formal portrait while I was still in the hospital and Mama doesn't have any more recent digital pictures to show you but we just love this one so we thought we'd share. She says I just get cuter everyday anyway!

If you want some kid-friendly sites, see my big brother's page,
William's Corner. I will post it here when William gets his Thomas the Tank Engine page up and running but if you love trains as much as he does, do visit William's Corner for some fun Thomas links to tide us over until we can make our own!!

I am trying to grow up so I can tell Mama what I'm interested in and she can help me make my own webpage about that but in the meantime---here's (below) some things Mama knows about being a Mama that might give you some ideas....

Kids' Crafts

What a GREAT way to promote family togetherness! If your family are anything like ours, you will LOVE spending time together making COOL STUFF! I can't wait until I am old enough to join in with Mama and William!

William and Mama Crafts

Love and Logic

My mama has had the privilege of benefitting, as a parent and a teacher, from the practical wisdom of Jim Fay, Dr. Betsy Geddes and Dr. Charles Fay. Empathy and natural consequences are the key to effective management and discipline for parents and teachers alike. If you would like to discuss their techniques and philosophy, feel free to contact Mama at:

[email protected]


Check out the website for

Love & Logic Institute

for a wealth of information, products and articles on how to train your kids to be cooperative, responsible, respectful and a joy to be around! :o)

Parenting and Families at

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Mama and William Crafts

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