The Badly Colored Status Page

04/10/07 - I've updated the code of the website so that it fulfills the basic requirements for an xhtml document.

01/30/07 - Also, I did a little housekeeping in terms of file organization. If any picture links are broken, I hope that any potential viewer of the site may report them.

01/30/07 - Once again it has been quite some time since the last update. However, according to the ever depressing Geocities statistics, there hasn't been anybody to notice. Even so, I devote as much time as I can to updating my beloved web site. This time I have added two new encounters.

09/15/06 - It's been over a year since my last update :( However, I spent a good portion of this week digging up this juicy new encounter. Also noticed a broken link but couln't fix it. Also updated the cameo page with new info.

07/12/05 - Sorry for the lack of updates, for those who pay attention, but finding evil schemes is harder than it looks. I added a new link to a very "interesting" article dealing with what seems to be a Big Ben related incident.

04/23/05 - I corrected/updated a broken link and made all of my links open in new windows(I personally hate losing the site I was at when I go on a link) Also added a new encounter - for the fans :-P

11/08/04 - Added a link that I forgot to add last month. Nothing new other than the fact that I can't think of any uber-cool updates :(

10/31/04 - In the traditions that I try my best to keep, I added Big Ben's evil Halloween plot to this page. I also converted the link section to a table and added a link with info on me, your lovable author ;)

10/07/04 - Amazingly, I managed to get an updated encounter up exactly one month after the last one! Enjoy the newest example of Big Ben's evil.

09/07/04 - I updated the encounter section with 2 new encounters as well as a related link on the links page. For those of you with lower connections, I put most of my older pictures by link so the encounter page won't take as long to load.

07/27/04 - It has been quite some time since an update due to some webmaster's block, random bouts of depression, and laziness. However, I got one of my planned updates on, and may get another on if I can find the right pictures.(one encounter and one cameo done)

03/16/04 - Due to sleep trouble, I decided to do at least one update that I've been planning to do for well over a week. This one is in the cameo section. At least two more updates are on their way this month (preferably this week).

02/15/04 - I'm a little late on the update, but it was worth it. Big Ben does indeed have a Valentine.

02/10/04 - I almost went a month without and update!! However, I got quite a bit added today. There is a new cameo and encounter, as well as a news flash on the index (first one) This means that I should update this page around Saturday as well. Oh well, being creative is hard sometimes. . .

01/11/04 - Well, for the first update of the new year, I added Big Ben's new years plans, changed the background back to black, and added a cameo. I was going to add another cameo, but I forgot what it was. . . :(

12/21/03 - I fixed up the picture in my newest encounter and touched up on the grammar/spelling, since that update was done while I was half asleep.

12/21/03 - Well, about another month has gone by and much has happened, except in the area of updates. I added an apology to the cameo section and an exclusive encounter. My lack of updates may be naughty, but I hope Santa thinks I'm nice (maybe not after that joke . . ).

11/24/03 - I got a cool idea for a new section, so I decided to create it - it's the Cameo section. This section links other works of art to Big Ben. However, I'm not sure whether the purple text will work out or not...

11/18/03 - Finally found the time for some updates, as well as ideas . . I added a link on the links page, and made the encounters page have the newest encounter at the top, which I also just added. Also, I made the colors a little less horrible

11/06/03 - I forgot to update the line that says when the page was last updated, so I did it today ;)

11/01/03 - Halloween is over, and the world has failed to fall to Big Ben. I was able to see one of Big Ben's minions myself, but had no camera with me. Just picture a zombie pimp - pretty scary, right? On a lighter note, I finally made note of the release of Willard on video/dvd, which has been out for about a month. . .

10/23/03 - Big Ben's Halloween prank has been revealed! Also, I temporarily changed the main page background color to orange (for Halloween, duh), and added the last update date below the title, for those who pay attention.

10/14/03 - This update brings information about why I haven't found much new information on Big Ben as well as a link about an old evil plot that is still active.

9/27/03 - I have now added a chat simulation with Big Ben, in the case that you may actually run into him.

7/22/03 - I have added a new encounter and two new links.

7/13/03 - The links page has been created, links have been added, and a new encounter has appeared. In the link page I used something I just leaned today, how to make links open in a new window.

7/09/03 - The Encounter and this page have been created, although nobody will view this stuff anyways. Hopefully, I will get a decent photo editing program so the page can have a little more visual flair, and maybe I'll use frames for navigation. I would put the date I made the site, but I forgot what it was :(

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