"Why do you call yourself a SATANIST?"

I am often asked this question, or some variation of the below:

"Since you believe in many of the ancient Gods and Goddesses as living, transcendant beings, you're really a pagan, or a new-ager right?"

"Look, you talk about evolution and dedicating yourself to transforming your mind and spirit through studying and opening yourself - these are positive qualities, oriented toward becoming something greater than you are. Satan and Satanism - those are labels from another (false) religion meant to demonize, or at least convey negative qualities. That's not what you're really about, right?"

"Satanists are negative people, usually bitter loners or immature, self-indulgent losers. You're not like that. If you're about living life, why do you choose to label yourself after someone else's negative (and manipulative) stereotype?"

"You're really using the 'S-word' to shock and get attention, right?"

To which I reply:

"Satanism is about the liberation of the individual to express themselves freely and to achieve whatever it is they aspire to, without fear of moral condemnation or theocratic persecution. That�s what I believe, and that�s why I call myself a Satanist.

Originally the term Satan meant "one who opposes". I take the name to mean that I oppose the established order; I believe Satan exists as a force of nature and a manifestation of true human will, but not as a conscious being. But I do believe in Dark Goddesses and Gods (such as Lady Lilith, Lord Lucifer, and more) as transcendant beings who have evolved to a higher spiritual plane, because they had the desire together with the mental and spiritual will to do so. The expression of that will - the power of the Universe if you will - is Satan. Call that the true God if you must; but that 'truth of Satan' is the hidden secret that liberates your mind and soul.

"That is why I embrace the term

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