We of the People's Republic of Magic understand that you may have questions that need to be answered. Until our hotline becomes availible (Coming April 03) we have included a number of commonly asked question with prepared answers. We hope you find them useful, and remember, Darth Bob loves you, and wants you to be happy.
What can the People's Republic do for me?
Who are the Shotgun Council?
The Shotgun Council are responsible for the day to day running of the PRM.
They will ensure that, while the common people work themselves to the bone, a priviliged few will benefit beyond your wildest dreams.
More than you ever thought possible. Through a policy of low taxation, slave labour and poor wages, we promise relentless misery throughout your mercyfully short life
Does the People's Republic want to take over just a small area of Essex, or is it bent on world domination?
Why Does Darth Bob not show his face?
His Sheer excellance would paralyse the average human mind. We do not want a paralysed workforce. Its bad for the economy.
A little of both. Obviously, the only place really worth ruling is Essex. However, we must be realistic. Can Essex provide everything we need to live a life of luxury? Probably not. For this reason, Darth Bob has felt it sensible to invest in a Death Star, which will ensure our security for years to come.
Does Darth Bob have a girlfriend?
He does. However, like all great leaders he regularly sleeps with young vunerable women. Fortunatly, any complications are avoided by destroying these women's reputations completely if they threaten to go to the Press.
Who Is Darth Bob?
He is all.
Can I book an appointment to meet with Darth Bob?
Are you all insane? Don't you realise that a stable democracy is the only why to run a society in the 21st Century?
You are not worthy to be in his presence. His grandeur is such that to meet him is likely to overload your puny peasent brain.

Has anyone ever been removed from the Shotgun Council?
No. Do not ask that question again.
Who loves Darth Bob?
Yes. There was a member of Shotgun Council called Richard, who's pompous ways became to much for the other's to cope with. Richard escaped justice, and one of SOCO's major tasks is to hunt him down.
Norman says 'In Albania, I am loved'
"I do! For he is all."
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