3-D Main Menu

These Pictures and Images require you to have 3-D glasses of the red/blue (anaglyph) type. 

You can order them from sources here on this menu page. You may also be able to buy them

locally, like from a novelty store (if that's more convenient, you know) ...


Click on the hyperlinks below to go to the page of your choosing. You put your mouse pointer

on top of the name (as in "3-D Still Pictures") and the mouse pointer will turn into a hand

(unless you have played around with your icons and changed your default mouse images into

something else)...

3-D Still Pictures

3-D Moon Rocks

Mars 3-D Panorama

Animated 3-D Images

Websites dealing with 3D:

Studio 3-D

Mark Newbold's Stereo 3-D Stuff

Return to Mag PlanetMain Menu

Send email to SysOp Realm Master at [email protected] if you have questions or comments.

Page created on 7-26-2001.


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