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Quick facts on Zambia

Zambia's Coat of Arms

·  Official Name: The Republic of Zambia

·  President: Levy Mwanawasa

·  Vice President: Enock Kavindele

·  Size: 752,618 sq km. or 290,586 sq m.

·  Population: 9,100,000 - 12 per sq km

·  Largest cities:

  • Lusaka
  • Kitwe
  • Ndola

·  Monetary unit: Kwacha - Ngwee

·  Languages: English and 73 indigenous languages.




History was made in the Zambian Parliament on Tuesday (July 16, 2002) when members voted to lift former President Frederick Chiluba’s immunity from prosecution.


The unanimous vote paves way for Chiluba to stand trial on charges of corruption and abuse of power.


Chiluba’s successor, President Levy Mwanawasa,, stunned the country last week  when he  disclosed allegations of corruption and abuse of office against the man, who handpicked him to succeed him after 10 years in office.


The speaker of parliament, Amusaa Mwanamwambwa, said the vote meant Chiluba ``may now face criminal charges for offences he may have committed while he was still president.''


After the vote, members of parliament shouted ``victory, victory,'' while waving their clenched fists in the air.


And outside parliament, hundreds of Zambians, who had protested during the debate, broke into cheers.


Mwanawasa, viewed as a puppet of Chiluba after he retired last year, has launched the country's biggest crackdown on corruption since independence from Britain in 1964.


Vice President Enoch Kavindele presented the motion to lift Chiluba's immunity to parliament.


``It's a very difficult motion as it involves a man who served the country for 10 years to the best of his ability,” Kavindele, who also served as Chiluba’s vice president.


Mwanawasa last week listed in parliament a series of what he alleged were questionable or corrupt deals ordered or approved by Chiluba, who ousted liberation hero Kenneth Kaunda in polls in 1991.


The allegations of questionable payments have led to the resignation of Zambia's foreign minister, chief justice, and its ambassador to Washington was arrested in Lusaka last week.


Analysts say the crackdown is aimed at winning over foreign donors and Zambians who did not vote for Mwanawasa, who won a December election criticized by foreign observers as flawed.


Chiluba on Sunday denied the allegations of corruption and said he was the victim of a political witchhunt.




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