This page is managed by Maidstone Mulenga.

Quick facts on Zambia

Zambia's Coat of Arms

·  Official Name: The Republic of Zambia

·  President: Levy Mwanawasa

·  Vice President: Enock Kavindele

·  Size: 752,618 sq km. or 290,586 sq m.

·  Population: 9,100,000 - 12 per sq km

·  Largest cities:

  • Lusaka
  • Kitwe
  • Ndola

·  Monetary unit: Kwacha - Ngwee

·  Languages: English and 73 indigenous languages.




Comment by Maidstone Mulenga – July 22, 2002


It’s time to start all over again in Zambia. Let’s start with President Levy Mwanawasa.  There is enough circumstantial evidence to cast a pall on the legitimacy of his election victory.


 Even his statement that he could pardon his predecessor, Frederick Chiluba’s, if he brought back the money he allegedly stole, taints his good name. He should resign and call new elections now. Let’s start on a new slate, a complete new slate.


  1. There should be no hangovers. Anybody who has served in all past three governments should not run for the presidency. Let’s have a new president without any political links to the Kaunda, Chiluba or Mwanawasa governments. There are enough able Zambians to fill the position. To make it easier for the new president to function without political affiliations, there shouldn’t be any need to have a political party backing for anyone to stand for the presidency. The winner should come into office without having any political debts to settle.
  2. Let’s separate the legislature from the executive. Cabinet Ministers should not be members of Parliament. By removing Cabinet Ministers from the National Assembly, the president would have a broader choice for selecting the prospective ministers. He should not be limited to the 150 or so who are members of Parliament. Ministries should be run by professionals and not by politicians. Zambia has an abundant supply of qualified and trained professionals who should be running the ministries. The president would then nominate the Cabinet for approval by Members of Parliament. The ministers would only appear in Parliament to answer the members’ questions if need arises. Let the members of Parliament make the laws and let the Cabinet execute those laws. This would also improve the job market in Zambia. The idea of having someone hold two jobs (as an MP and as a minister) is unfair. It is common knowledge that MPs who become Cabinet ministers tend to neglect their constituencies. So let politicians be MPs and let professionals be ministers.
  3. As for Chiluba’s case, let’s expedite it by:

a)      Releasing Xavier Chungu from his secrecy oath (let him say where his instructions were coming from and why he allowed those payments);

b)      Give immunity to Xavier Chungu. He is only one who can provide information to convict Chiluba. Anyway, releasing him from his oath of secrecy is tantamount to giving him immunity from prosecution.

c)      Turn Stella Chibanda into a state witness. She too was closer enough to the trail of money to give valuable information but I am sure would not like to speak if the information incriminates her.

d)      In short, forget the about the small fry, go for the big fish!