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Quick facts on Zambia

Zambia's Coat of Arms
  • Official Name: The Republic of Zambia
  • President: Frederick T. J. Chiluba
  • Vice President: Gen. Christon Tembo
  • Size: 752,618 sq km. or 290,586 sq m.
  • Population: 9,100,000 - 12 per sq km
  • Largest cities:
    • Lusaka
    • Kitwe
    • Ndola
  • Monetary unit: Kwacha - Ngwee
  • Languages: English and 73 indigenous languages.


    Despite questions about the legitimacy of his victory in the Dec. 27 elections, Levy Mwanawasa is enshrined in history as Zambia's third president. He took oath of office on Jan. 2, 2002.

    2001 -

    Levy Patrick Mwanawasa was born on Sept. 3, 1948 in Mufulira, Zambia. He was the 2nd born child in a family of 10.

    He holds a law degree from the University of Zambia. He worked in private law firms from 1974 until 1978 when he formed his own firm Mwanawasa & Company. In 1985, Mwanawasa served as Solicitor General of the Republic of Zambia but went back to private practice the following year. He worked as senior partner in this firm until March 1992 when he was named as Vice President of Zambia in December 1991.

    On Dec. 8, 1991, Mwanawasa while on duty was involved in a nasty road traffic accident in which his aide died on the spot. He suffered multiple body injuries and was flown to Johannesburg South Africa for medical treatment. He remained in hospital for 3 months.

    Mwanawasa served as Vice President of Zambia from 1991 until 1994 when he resigned citing gross abuse of office and corruption by some leaders and insubordination to him by some colleagues. In 1996, he contested presidency of MMD and lost. He retired from active politics again.

    In August this year, the National Executive Committee elected Mwanawasa as its presidential candidate for the 2001 elections.

    Mwanawasa is married to Maureen and they have four children � Chipokota, Matolo, Lubona and Ntembe. He also has two other children Miriam and Patrick from his first marriage. His wife is a baptized member of the Jehovah�s Witnesses.

    Mwanawasa owns three farms.
