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Quick facts on Zambia

Zambia's Coat of Arms
  • Official Name: The Republic of Zambia
  • President: Frederick T. J. Chiluba
  • Vice President: Gen. Christon Tembo
  • Size: 752,618 sq km. or 290,586 sq m.
  • Population: 9,100,000 - 12 per sq km
  • Largest cities:
    • Lusaka
    • Kitwe
    • Ndola
  • Monetary unit: Kwacha - Ngwee
  • Languages: English and 73 indigenous languages.


    1978 - 1981

    Daniel Muchiwa Lisulo, a Zambian lawyer and politician, was born on December 6 1930 in Mongu. He married Mary Mambo in 1968; she died in 1976. He has two daughters and three sons.

    He went to school at Loyola College of Madras University. He was named the first Director of the Bank of Zambia in 1964, serving until 1977.

    He was elected to the National Assembly 1977- 1983 and was named Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General in 1978.

    In the same year, he was elevated to Prime Minister, serving until 1981. He later served as Member of Central Committee in various positions before returning to private law practice.
