An American Werewolf in Paris
All of the good stuff in this movie happens to a secondary character, Chris, played by cutie extrodinaire Vince Vieluf (right). Three friends, Chris among them, go on a trip around Europe to collect "daredevil points" (a plot contrivance that thankfully vaporizes as the film moves along). There are some werewolves, one of the threesome dies and in the mean time, Chris gets himself into trouble.
First, Chris tries to break his friend's werewolf girlfriend out of the cell that she's in to keep her from wreaking havoc. She tricks him and Chris ends up in the cage. To get the key hanging on the opposite wall, Chris decides to make a rope out of his clothes. So, he takes them off, gets the key and gets dressed. The next morning, Chris, in a tank top, gets grabbed by one of the evil French werewolves (yes, French werewolves). The next time we see Chris, he is in an underground vault, shitless and shackled to the ceiling. They ask his friend (who has become a werewolf himself in the meantime) to kill him. He declines and a fight ensues and Chris gets forgotten in the scuffle and is left with the evil French werewolves.
That night, the evil French werewolves give a party so that they can eat some Americans (apperantly, we taste good). At the party, Chris is
crucified. He struggles and breaks the cross, which in turn falls over.
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
Well, Vince is really good looking. The movie would be worth it even if he didn't end up in a cell, chained up and crucified. His body is incredible and he looks spectacluar in the vault scene. When he breaks down the cross, he does this wave thing with his torso that's pretty neat. There's also the nice hand-gag scene when he gets caught by the evil French werewolves.
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
He's not the main character. The scenes he's in are short and don't focus on him. Other than crucifing him, they really don't do too much to him. But, what's there is great.
Overall rating: 17
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