
�Why are you making me do this?� Michael complained. Maria sighed.

�Look, it�s a community thing. I promised my mom I�d rope in as many as I could.�

�But Grease?� Max piped up. �How cheesy can you get?�

�Who are you auditioning for?� Tess asked Liz.

�I don�t know.�

�You could be Rizzo,� Alex piped up.

�Liz Parker? As Rizzo? That I gotta see,� Kyle said with a grin.

�You can be a T-Bird. One of the really doofy ones,� Liz said sweetly to Kyle.

�I want to be Sandy,� Isabel said, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

�You could be the pig-tailed one,� Max teased.


�NEXT!� A voice from the stage called. Maria walked up to the stage to audition. As she took the stairs, she felt her foot catch the lip. She tumbled down the stairs, and felt the world dim �

@-}- @-}- @-}-

Maria stood with Michael on the beach, the waves crashing loudly upon the rocks. She gazed into his eyes.

�Michael, I�m going back to Australia on Friday, I might never see you again!� Whoa, back up, she thought. Since when did I live in Australia?

�Maria ��

He leant in to kiss her.

�Michael, is this the end?�

�NO, Maria. It�s only the beginning.�


Tess and Maria walked up the stairs to Roswell High. Maria looked around, to see everyone in 50�s clothing.

�I�m really nervous. This is nothing like my old school,� Maria admitted.

�Relax,� Tess soothed. �You�ll be fine.�


Liz drove her car into the school grounds, then parked it. She and Isabel climbed out of the car.

�Back at old� Roswell High,� Liz said.

�Except this time we�re seniors,� Isabel said happily.

�And we�re gonna rule the school!� Liz said. She and Isabel began to laugh.

�Let�s go get �em.�

They walked off, the insignia on the jackets there for all to see � Pink Ladies.

@-}- @-}- @-}-

Michael stood in front of the school. Kyle, Alex and Max walked over, Kyle and Alex being their usual idiot selves.

�Hey, it�s Michael! Hey Michael!�

�Hey,� Max greeted him.

�Didn�t see you all summer,� Alex said to Max.

�Had a job. Moving boxes.�

�For all the little old ladies,� Kyle snickered.

�At least I have cash, which is more than you morons can say. Saving up to buy me some wheels.�

�Where were you all summer, Michael?�

�Spent most of it down at the beach,� Michael said.

�So, how was the action down at the beach?� Max urged.

�Met one chick, she was sort of cool.�


Maria stood at the admin office. A woman in a long flowered dress walked past. Maria did a double take � Mrs Parker? Liz�s mother?

�Um hi, it�s my first day here, is there anything I have to do?� she asked.

�Fill out this form, dear,� Mrs Parker said, not recognising Maria. Then she left. Maria examined the forms. Realising she didn�t have a pen, she stopped a woman under the bench, looking for something.

�Do you have a pencil?� she asked the woman. Then she recoiled in shock. Her mother, Amy DeLuca! Amy pulled a pen out of her boofy bun.

�Uh, thanks.�

The bell rang, and Maria ran to homeroom. Past 2 guys in leather jackets. She froze in shock. Alex and Kyle?

�Every teacher I�ve got this semesters failed me at least once!� Alex complained. Maria sighed and ran into homeroom. She sat down next to Tess and heard Mrs Parker�s voice over the loudspeaker.

�We�ll be holding the national dance off here. The whole of America will be watching you on TV, god help us. It�s our chance to prove to the nation what fine, lovely, clean-cut � wholesome students we have here at Roswell.�

@-}- @-}-

Liz and Isabel sat down at the table, Isabel humming to herself.

�La la bamba, lalalalalala bamba!� Liz joined in, and they both dissolved into laughter. Tess and Maria walked over and sat down.

�Hey guys, this is Maria. She just moved here, from Sydney, Australia,� Tess informed them. Maria began to protest, but Liz interrupted.

�So how are things down under?� Liz said. Maria took a double take, again. Liz? Liz Parker? This was a Liz, but not her Liz. This Liz wore a tight black top, with her brown hair curled. She was smoking a cigarette.

�Fine thanks,� she found herself answering.

�Whoa, Pam Troy, headed this way,� Isabel warned.

�God, that girl is such a � hi!� Liz said.

�Hi girls! You will never guess whose up for Student Council Vice President!� Pam gushed.

�Who?� Liz asked in mock shock.

�Me! Isn�t that the most? Oh, you must think I�m a total ditz for not introducing myself to your friend! I�m Pam Troy,� she said to Maria.

�Maria DeLuca.�

�So, are you trying out for cheerleading. It�ll be oh so fun and we�ll get to be life long friends!�

Tess leant over to Liz and Isabel. �What do you guys think of Maria? Should we let her into the Pink Ladies?�

Liz scrutinised Maria�s long yellow skirt and polo shirt.

�She looks too pure to be pink.�


The T-birds stood up by the bleachers. All except Alex, who was lying under a bleacher looking up a girl�s skirt. Michael gave a loud whistle, and the girls ran off. Alex laughed and returned to the top of the bleachers.

�You�re a sick man, Alex,� Kyle said, pinging a rubber band at him.

�So Michael, tell us about the action down at the beach,� Max piped up.


Tess turned to Maria. �What did you do all summer, Maria?�

�I spent most of it down at the beach,� she said. �There was this boy.�

Liz put on a pair of sunglasses. �All your time at the beach for some guy? Sounds like a creep.�

�He wasn�t! He was really romantic,� said Maria dreamily.


�You don�t wanna hear all the horny details!� Michael protested, as the T-Birds egged him on. �Alright, okay okay okay!�

�Summer loving, had me a blast ��


�Summer loving, happened so fast��

Maria found herself singing a cheesy song. Oh no, she was stuck in a musical! I�m singing a love song about Mr Stonewall. What was the world coming to? She and the other girls began to dance around the quad, Liz sitting looking on sceptically. Finally, Maria stood still.

�Summer dreams, ripped at the seams � but � ah! The summer � nigh -hiiiiiiiiiiiiights!� Michael and Maria belted out.

�Tell me more � tell me moooooooorrre,� the entire student body chimed in. The bell rang and Tess, Liz, Isabel and Maria walked towards the building. �So what was this guys name?� Isabel asked.

�Michael. Michael Guerin.�

Isabel and Liz burst into laughter, and Tess looked uncomfortable.

�What?� Maria asked.

�Well, I think he sounds great, and if you believe in miracles, maybe Prince Charming will show up again someday. Someplace unexpected,� Liz said sweetly. �Toodles.� She and Isabel walked off, and Maria turned to Tess.

�You really think so, Tess?�

�Yeah. Come on, we gotta get to class.�

@-}- @-}- @-}-

�Do a flip, give a yell, here�s a cheer for old Roswell, way to go, let it show, gooooooo Roswell!�

Maria attempted a pretty pathetic cartwheel, and then ran off to sit with the other Cheerleaders. The football coach got up to speak. Maria sat in shock. Sheriff Valenti?

�Our game with Valley. We�re gonna rip �em, and slaughter em, and break em in half, and shred em into pieces, and slaughter em again, and when the slaughtering is over, we�re gonna ring that victory bell � and celebrate.� Maria saw Amy checking out Sheriff � well, Coach � Valenti. Oh god, even in a warped universe �

Maria walked over to where the Pink Ladies sat, looking intensely bored.

�Maria, your split was devine!� Tess gushed.

�We got a surprise for you,� Liz said. Isabel dragged her off to the parking lot, and all four of them headed off, Isabel fixing up Maria�s hair.


�Do a flip, give a yell, shake that tit for old� Roswell!� Alex and Kyle chanted. Michael saw the Pink Ladies heading over.

�Hey,� Liz said.

�Looking good,� Max said.

�Yourself,� she retorted.

�What do you want, Liz?� Michael asked.

�Got a surprise for ya, Guerin,� she said.

�Oh, yeah?� he challenged. �Surprise me.�

Isabel and Liz thrust a blonde cheerleader at him. He took a double � take.



�I thought you went back to Australia!�

�We had a change of plans,�

Suddenly he realised his cool exterior had been somewhat blown, Michael muttered �That�s � that�s cool baby.�

Maria stared in shock as he began to mutter something about rock and roll.

�You�re not the Michael Guerin I met at the beach!� she cried.

�Maybe it was my evil twin,� he joked, inwardly cringing. �Maybe there�s two of us, check the yellow pages.�

�Ooh! I wish I�d never laid eyes on you!� she yelled.

�Bet that�s not all she laid on ya, huh Michael?� Kyle said. Maria ran off, and Tess shot a dirty look at Michael before following her.

�Be seeing ya,� Liz told Max, smiling flirtatiously.


�Maria!� Tess called, running over to her.

�He was so nice to me over the summer,� Maria said, in tears. Inwardly, she wondered why she was crying. By now she was used to the stupid Spaceboys antics.

�Men are rats. No, men are fleas on rats. Worse than that, men are amoebas on fleas on rats. The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy,� Tess said soothingly. Maria�s stomach churned. She couldn�t even depend on her father, he�d left ages ago. But she wasn�t about to tell Tess that.

�You know what you need? A night with the girls,� Tess said. �We�re having a sleepover at my place. You should come.�

@-}- @-}- @-}-

�Brusha brusha brusha, get the new white pana, with the brand new flavour, it�s healthy for your teeth! Brusha brusha brusha, new enamel toothpaste, brusha brusha brusha, it kills those germs fast! Fast! Faster than before! I scrub�

Isabels imitation of the toothpaste commercial was interrupted by a pillow hitting her face, aimed by Liz. Maria shook her head in total amazement. What was next, the world was gonna explode? The day Isabel Evans imitates toothpaste commercials in pigtails, and Liz Parker acts like a hooker hell freezes over. Simple as that.

Over the course of the evening, Maria watched her self � control fly out the window. Tess, in full beauty queen mode, insisted on piercing her ears. Maria let her. Big big mistake. As Tess put the needle in her ear, she let out a high shriek, then Technicolor yawned all over Tess�s bathroom. Tess quickly went back into the bedroom. Maria started to clean up the mess.

�Uh, Maria?� Tess called, sticking her hand through the gap in the door. �Here your toothbrush.�

�Thanks Tess, sorry to cause so much trouble.�

Maria brushed her teeth, then peeked around the door to see Liz putting on a blonde wig. �That good two shoes makes me wanna barf,� she exclaimed.

Ouch, Maria thought. That stung. Then, for the 17th surprise that evening � Liz Parker started to sing. Oh joy.

�Look at me, Maria D. Lousy Ms Virginity. Won�t go to bed �til I�m legally wed. I can�t! I�m Maria D. Watch it! Hey, I�m Doris Daye. I was not brought up that way ��

Liz, Isabel and Tess danced around the room, all in blonde wigs. Liz danced her way over to the full-length poster of Ricky Martin.

�Ricky! Ricky! Let me be! Shake your bon-bon far from me! Just keep your cool, now you�re starting to droooooooool! Hey! I�m Maria D.�

Maria decided this had gone on far enough. She walked into the room.

�Making fun of me Liz?� she asked.

Guiltily, Liz, Isabel and Tess took off the wigs. Liz met Maria�s gaze.

�Some people are so touchy.�


�Maria, wherefore art thou Maria!� Alex yelled from where he stood in Maxs jeep, parked in Tess�s driveway. Michael pulled him down, obviously uncomfortable.

In the bedroom, Liz was putting on a sweater and jeans.

�What are you doing?� Tess squealed.

�I�m going to get my kicks � while I�m still young enough to get �em!� Liz said, shinning down the drainpipe.

�Hey Liz, ya doin� that without a net?� Kyle called. She walked over to them.

�None of you morons rushing over to help a lady,� Liz said.

�Lady? I don�t see a lady!� Alex said.

�Hey Liz,� Max said. Michael gave a disgusted snort and walked off.

�Hey Max,� she answered.

�Your chariot, my lady,� he said, helping her into the Jeep. �Push off, you two,� he said to Alex and Kyle. They got out, glaring at Max.

Driving off to Buckley Point, Maxs car was slightly less than G rated �

@-}- @-}- @-}-

The T-Birds examined Maxs jeep in the school workshop. Diane Evans stood there helping them.

�It�s a hunk of junk!� Alex protested.

�Hey, don�t see your wheels,� Max shot back.

�You�re looking at this from the wrong angle,� Michael said. �Why this car could be automatic.�

�Right on!� Kyle yelled.

�Could be systematic. Could be hydromatic. Why, it could be Greased Lightening!�

�Greased Lightening!� Max yelled.


Maria and a handsome jock sat at the booth at the Crashdown. The T-Birds sat at a different booth, Michael shooting longing looks at Maria. Liz walked past, took one look at where Michael�s gaze was headed, and smiled.

�Someone cheating on ya, Guerin?� she asked.

�Bite the weenie, Liz,� he snapped.

�With relish.�

Maria headed to the jukebox. Michael doubled around and stood next to her.

�Hi Maria,� he said.

�Hi,� she coldly replied.

�How�ve you been?�

�Fine thanks.�

�Listen, about what happened at the pep rally � you see it wasn�t me. I mean, it was me, but it wasn�t me, you know,� he said in a rush.

�No. That�s why I�m glad Rodneys such a simple person,� she said, waving at the jock.

Michael snorted. �Simple is right. Too bad his brains are in his biceps.�

She looked straight at him. �Jealous, are we?�

�NO! I mean, I could run rings around that guy,� he said.

It was Maria�s turn to snort. �I�ll believe that when I see it.�


Michael entered the school gym. Coach Valenti sized him up.

�First you�ll need to change,� he said.

�That�s why I�m here, you know, to change.�

�I meant your clothes.�



Maria sat in the bleachers with Rodney, watching Michael jumping hurdles. What was he doing? He caught her staring at him � and proceeded to fall over. She ran down to the field.


He stood up, brushed himself off and stood in stony silence. This she could handle. �Aren�t you gonna even talk to me?� she said. Still silent. �The least you could do is talk to me after the way you�ve treated me!�

�What? Maria, I said I was sorry �,�

�Ha! Gotcha talkin�.�

He sighed. �Do you wanna go to the dance off with me?�

�It all depends.�

�On what?�

�On you.�

@-}- @-}- @-}-

Michael led Maria to a table at the back of the Crashdown. They sat down, and a waitress wearing sparkly silver antenna came over. Maria took another double take � Agnes? Actually at work?

�What�ll it be kids?�

�Cherry cola and a Blast-Off Burger,� Michael said.

�Sounds good, I�ll have the same.�

Max and Liz came over, Liz sitting down next to Maria.

�Hey!� Max said.

Liz opened her compact and examined her neck. �I have so many hickeys, people will think I�m a leper.�

�Hey, it�s like a hallmark,� Max said. �We care enough to send the very best.�

�Hickey from Kenickie,� Maria added.

�His names Max,� Liz said, staring at Maria oddly.

Isabel, Alex, Tess and Kyle walked over.

�Tess, you�ll have to pay since you�re a working girl with income. I don�t get my allowance �til Friday,� Kyle said.

�You get an allowance?� Michael asked.

�When I�m a good boy I do.�

�Isabel, you wanna split an Alien Blast?� Alex asked. She shook her head. �You sure are a cheap date. Sorry, I didn�t mean��

�No, I understand.�

�Really? I always thought you were a very understanding person.�

�I am!�

�You got a date for the dance off?�


�You wanna go?�

�Yeah.� Isabel stood up and threw the napkin on the table. �I�ve been dieting all day. My mom�s apple pie is better than this stuff. You want a slice?�


Isabel and Alex left. Kyle glanced at Tess, wishing her goodbye as he left. Michael and Maria left quietly. Liz glared at Max. He put his burger down and glared back.

�What is with you tonight? You�ve got the personality of a wet mop,� he said.

�Don�t start with me!� she snapped.

�Oh yeah? How about I finish with you?�

�Finish this!� she yelled, throwing Kyle�s milkshake in Maxs face, partially soaking Tess. �Sorry, Tess.� She ran off, and so did Max. Agnes walked over and began to clear the table.

�No use crying over spilt milkshake. It�s nearly closing ti


�Do you mind if I hang out a little while longer?� �Sure.� Tess took off the towel on her head, and Agnes took in a sharp breath. She looked puzzled. �I hate to tell you this, but your hair looks like an Easter egg.�

�Oh yeah. I had a little trouble in tinting class. In fact, I had a little trouble in all my classes. Beauty School isn�t all it�s cracked up to be.�

�Nothing ever is.�

�Agnes? I dropped out. What do you think of waitressing?�

�You�re too young to know.�

�I wish I had a guardian angel, to tell me what to do.�

�If ya find him, give him my phone number.�

Suddenly, a bright light transfixed Tess. She made out a figure in the heavenly glow. She gasped � Joshua Jackson!

�Beauty School dropout, no graduation day for you

Beauty School dropout, missed your mid terms and flunked shampoo.�

�Wipe off that angel face and go back to high school.�

Tess sat, enjoying the spectacle. So this gorgeous creekster was her guardian angel. Stranger things have happened. Much stranger things.

@-}- @-}- @-}-

Maria and Michael walked into the gym, where all the students stood waiting for the dance off to begin. The room was tackily decorated in what looked like crepe paper.

Alex and Isabel walked into the gym, arm in arm.

�Did you bring the provisions?� she asked.

�Uh huh.�

Kyle and Tess walked in, Tess�s hair back to normal blonde. She wore a yellow dress. �How do I look?� she asked him.

�Like a beautiful blonde pineapple,� he replied. She looked puzzled.

�Well, Blondes do have more fun!�

Liz walked in with Tommy, a Scorpion. She looked over to see Max with a tall blonde girl. Max and the girl walked up to Michael and Maria.

�I�m Maria,� she said to the blonde girl.

�I�m Courtney. I�m the best dancer at St Bernadettes,� she boasted. Maria gazed. Ah, this was an almost unexpected surprise. Courtney? The beautiful blonde waitress who�s life ambition was to get in Michael�s pants? Alert the media, what a surprise.

�With the worst reputation,� Isabel said under her breath. Courtney shot her a death glare.

�Long time no see Michael,� Courtney cooed, smiling flirtatiously. Michael dragged Maria off.

�Who was that?� Maria asked.

�Uh, friend of the family.� What family, Maria thought, but pushed the thought aside as Coach Valenti grabbed the mike.

�Time for a little warm up number by Johnny Casino and the Gamblers!�

Michael grabbed Maria and twirled her round. She danced in shocked silence. Who was this person, and what had he done with Michael Guerin? The music soon stopped, and the Coach started talking again.

�Game rule #1: All couples must be boy/girl. Game rule #2: When you�re tapped on the shoulder, leave the floors immediately.� Mrs Parker grabbed the mike.

�Rule #3: Any vulgar or distasteful moves will be disqualified.� Liz grabbed Tommy. �That leaves us out!� she yelled.

The dance began, and as predicted, Liz and Tommy were almost immediately disqualified. Michael and Maria spun around. Suddenly, Max cut in, and whirled Maria away. Courtney grabbed Michael who began dancing with her. Maria watched on, disgusted. How could he? She ran off outside.

�We have our winners!� the judge yelled, pulling Michael and Courtney on the stage. �Names?�

�Michael and Courtney,� Courtney exclaimed.

�Let�s see our champs in a spotlight dance.�

Michael and Courtney began to slow dance.

�Blue moon ��

The spotlight hit 2 pale mooners, and the gym erupted with laughter.


Back in the woodshop class, Alex and Kyle were changing back into their clothes. The following announcement was heard over the loud speakers.

�Picture of you so called mooners were taken and just because they aren�t of your faces doesn�t mean we can�t identify you. The pictures are being sent to Washington where there are experts in this type of identification. If you confess now, you may escape a federal charge.�

@-}- @-}- @-}-

�Look, Maria. I said I was sorry on the phone,� Michael said as she sat next to him in the car at the drive-in. Maria sighed.

�I still think you and Courtney went together.�

�We did not go together, we just went together,� he protested.

�It�s the same thing!� Even in this wacky alt. Universe she�d slipped into, Michael Guerin never made sense. You�d think that there�d be a perfect Michael out there somewhere �


Ah, getting mad. This was a less than foreign concept. Michael pulled the silver ring off his finger and presented it to her. Maria gasped.

�Maria, I want you to wear my ring,� he stammered. She flung her arms around him.

�Oh Michael, this means so much to me! I know now that you respect me,� Maria gushed. She quickly put a mental clamp on her mouth. Pathetic, pathetic.


Liz and Isabel stood in the bathroom at the drive-in. Liz powdered her face. She took in a shaky drag of her cigarette, then threw it to the ground, stubbing it out with her toe. She took two pieces of gum out of her purse and chewed vigorously.

�Liz, what�s up?� Isabel asked finally. Liz paled.

�I skipped a period,� she admitted.

�OMG, you think you might be P.G?� Isabel squealed.

�Don�t say anything, okay?�

�Sure, Liz, I�ll take it to the grave.�

Isabel walked over to tell Alex, who told Kyle, who told Tess, who told Maria, who told Michael, who told Max who wandered over to where Liz was walking past.

�Liz, I heard about your, uh, situation,� Max said coolly.

�Good news travels fast.�

�Listen, I don�t run away from my mistakes.�

�Relax Max, it was someone else�s mistake.�

�Oh. If you need anything -,�

�I�ll be fine.�


Michael sat next to Maria. He leaned in to kiss her. She kissed him passionately for about half a minute, then broke off and glared at him.

�Get off me!� she screamed.


�How could you? Have this piece of tin back!� she yelled, throwing the ring on the floor. She ran off.

�Maria! You can�t walk out of a drive in!�

Maria ran out the gate. She was at home before she realised what she�d done. What was wrong with her? She loved to kiss Michael. He could be known as the best kisser in the flipping galaxy. All of a sudden Maria clicked. Grease. She was stuck in Grease. The musical she�d loved as a child. And now it had caused her to break up with Michael. What comes next, she asked herself. Car race, she thought dismally. A car race. Then the whole �

She smiled. Maybe this could be a good universe after all.


Michael sat on the swing, in front of a commercial advertising hot dogs. He felt awful. Maria had thrown the ring back in his face. Very bad feeling.

Alright, he told himself. I�m allowed 3 minutes of wallowing in self-pity. Then, all my energy goes to winning the race at Thunder Road. And fixing up Greased Lightening.

@-}- @-}- @-}-

Greased Lightening hooned out of the autoshop, and parked in front of it. Alex, Max, Michael, Kyle and Mrs Evans stood in front.

�Well, she�s finished,� Mrs Evans said. �And she�s as hot as the parts on it.�

�Hey!� Kyle protested. �Not all of it was stolen, some of it was donated.�

Michael took Max aside.

�Max, the guys at Thunder Road, they don�t fool around.�

�What, you want me to worm out?�

�No. Just � be careful, okay?�

�Michael, if anything happens, you drive.�



Liz stood behind the pillar, watching Max and Michael talking. She sighed, and held her books closer to her.

�There are worse things I could do

Than go with a boy or two

Even though the neighbourhood thinks I�m trashy and no good

I suppose it could be true

But there are worse things I could do�

�I could hurt someone like me

Out of spite or jealousy

I don�t steal and I don�t lie

But I can feel and I can cry

A fact I bet you never knew

But to cry in front of you

That�s the worst thing I could do�


Michael got into the car at Thunder Road. Max had taken a fall, and was now officially out cold. Michael saw Tommy yelling out the window of his car.

�The rules are there ain�t no rules. To the 2nd bridge and back. First back wins.�

Mrs Evans gave the car one last check. �If she were in any better condition, she would fly.�

Michael drove even with Tommy. Courtney let down her scarf, and they were off. Maria watched nervously from her perch on the hill. Finally the car race. Everything goes uphill from here, she told herself. Greased Lightening drove up to the first bridge � past the first bridge. Maria saw the other car wayyyy too close to Michael�s car � oh my god � spikes! Michael veered away. He passed the second bridge and turned around. The two cars drove back � and the other car got stuck in a huge water puddle. Maria felt her heart leap. YES!!!! He won. Even though you KNEW that was gonna happen, she told herself.

The whole gang down the bottom began to cheer and whoop. Maria sat lonely up the hill.

�Look at me, there has to be

Something more than what they see

Wholesome and Pure

Or so scared and unsure��

Tess ran over. �Michael won! Ain�t that great?�

�I guess.�

�What�s the matter? Aren�t ya happy?�

�NO, not really. But I know how I could be. Can I come around to your place?�


Tess ran down the hill, and Maria stood alone, watching Michael for a few minutes. She knew what was coming next.

�Maria, you must start anew

Don�t you know what you must do?

Hold your head high

Take a deep breath and sigh

Goodbye to Maria D.�

@-}- @-}- @-}-

�And as you graduate, among you young men may be a future Bill Clinton. A future Bill Gates. A future Pamela Anderson. A future Princess Diana. A future Whitney Houston. A future Brad Pitt. A future James Dean.�

Mrs Parker droned on and on. Isabel sat at her desk, twirling her hair around a pencil. Come on bell, she begged. Ring! Ring! Ring!

Ring!!!!!! �Whooooooooohoooooooo!�

The entire graduating class ran out into the graduation carnival. Isabel stood by the cotton candy stand, run by Amy DeLuca.

�How many?�


Alex and Kyle walked up to a booth.

Mrs Evans called out, �Give the teacher a pie in the face! It�s for an excellent cause � the teachers retirement fund!�

�Coach Valenti, how could you flunk the T-Birds?� Alex asked him, as he stood ready to fire a pie at said teacher.

�Don�t worry, you can make it up � in summer school!�

�Summer school?� Alex let the pie rip, and it hit Coach Valenti in the face. �Alright! This is almost as good as dodgeball!�

They walked off, and ran into Michael, who was wearing a Roswell High sports jacket.

�Whoa, where�d ya swipe this?� Kyle exclaimed. �What is this, Halloween?�

�I earnt it. In track,� Michael said quietly.

�You deserting us?� Alex asked.

�Come on guys, you can�t follow a leader all your lives. You guys are important to me, but Maria is too, and I�m gonna do anything I can to get her back.�

Just then, Alex let out a loud wolf-whistle. Michael looked over to see long legs clad in black. He looked up to see a head of blonde curls, and a girl sporting a sexy pout. He took a double take.


�Tell me about it, stud.�

Maria watched his reaction in complete amusement. He began to take off his jacket. She mentally helped him along � yes, take off your jacket. Now come over here and kiss me. But no, she remembered. First, he has to sing.

�I got chills! They�re multiplying

And I�m losing control

Cause the power you�re supplying

It�s electrifying.�

Maria walked up to him, took her cigarette out, and stubbed it out with the toe of her pink high heel shoe. Okay, so this dream ruled.

�You�re the one that I want! You are the one for me. Ooh ooh ooh, honey.

You�re the one that I want! You are the one for me. Ooh ooh ooh, honey.

The one I need, oh yes indeed!�


Liz sat on the Ferris wheel. Max yelled up at her from the bottom.

�Hey, Liz. What are you doing up there in your condition?�

�Forget it. It was a false alarm,� she yelled back, as the Ferris wheel hit the ground.



Max ran and grabbed her off the Ferris wheel. He spun her around, and they began to make out under the Ferris wheel. Suddenly, Tess grabbed them and dragged them out into the centre where everyone else was standing.

�Everyone! Liz ad Max made up! The whole gangs together,� Tess exclaimed in happiness.

�But what about after graduation?� Isabel said. �We might never see each other again.�

�Nah, that�ll never happen,� Michael said confidently.

�How do you know?� Max asked.

�We go together,� Maria said with a grin.

�We go together, like ramalamalama, didinky didinkdidop

Remember forever, like shoobop sho wadawada yippedi boom de boom

Chang chang changitychang chi bob, that�s the way it should be

Waaooooo yeah!�

Michael wrapped Maria up in a breath-taking kiss. The scene started to mist � and she could hear singing.

�We�ll always be together � we�ll always be together ��


�She�s waking up!� someone announced. Maria opened her eyes to see Michael�s worried face above her.

�Michael?� she asked fuzzily.

�Are you okay?� he asked, helping her sit up. She winced in pain as she moved her lower leg.

�I think I busted my leg,� she admitted. Michael picked her up and she saw everyone in the room � her mom, Max, Liz, Kyle, Tess, Alex, Isabel, Mrs Parker, Sheriff Valenti, Mrs Evans, Rodney, Tommy, Pam Troy and even Courtney.

�Let�s get you out of here,� Michael said. Maria smiled. He was being so sweet. Max, Liz, Tess, Kyle, Alex and Isabel all walked over.

�You okay Maria?� Max asked. �That was quite a fall.�

�How long was I out?� she asked.

�About an hour. The ambulance people didn�t want to move you. They said for us to keep an eye on you, and contact them in a day or two,� Liz explained. Maria noted her hair was back to long and straight, instead of tight curls.

�How�s your head?� Tess asked.


Soon they were all at Maria�s place. Maria lay on the sofa, and Isabel focused on fixing Maria�s leg. Maria felt the pain ease up. Isabel looked at her oddly.

�Maria, why are you imagining me imitating a toothpaste commercial?� she asked. Maria burst out laughing.

�I�ll tell you one day,� she said, grinning at the look Michael was giving her.

�Okay, so that was a serious bump on the head,� Alex muttered.

Alex, Isabel, Tess, Kyle, Max and Liz all left. Michael sat down next to Maria on the couch.

�How are you doing?� he asked.

�My head hurts,� she admitted.

�You scared me,� he accused.

�Sorry. Not my smartest move.�

�So ��


�The toothpaste.�

�You ever see Grease?�


�Brusha brusha brusha,� she began, earning a smirk from Michael.

�You have weird dreams,� he informed her, kissing her on the nose.

�Hmmmm, I know.�

He kissed her, and ran his fingers through her hair. She let out a sigh of happiness as the pain in her head vanished. He broke off and looked at her quizzically.


�Since when did you live in Australia?�


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