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"Shirley's Garden"


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Aloha! Welcome to my "Posie's Page"!  I love flowers and plants, so I have made a page of some of my violets I  currently have as well as other flowers and plants that I have or plan to get in the near future. Some pictures were taken off the net.  If you see one of your pictures on here and don't want it on my page let me know and it will be removed.

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My African violet's:

Before moving to the Big Island I had around 150 named violets but I just picked my most favorite ones (45 plants) to bring with me .  I had to remove alot of the leaves from my big violets in order to mail them over to the Big Island from Maui.  They are just now coming back to bloom and growth.  Here are some of the named violets I grow.

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"Flash Back"

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"Lady Hisaku"

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"Music Box Dancer"

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"Pirate's Treasure"

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These are some of my violets from our home on Maui.


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My orchids:

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This picture was taken at our home on Maui.

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This picture was taken at my desk at our home on Maui.


I have more orchids outside our yard and will post pictures of them on my "Photo's Page" of my website when I have time.

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Some time last year I was surfing the net and came across this beautiful picture of a Christmas Cactus. I fell in love with it and went out and purchased two small plants of the Christmas Cactus.

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"Christmas Cactus"

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Here are the plants we have in our yard in Mountain View that we brought over with us from Maui.

green ti leaf

red ti leaf

white ginger

blue ginger

Japanese poinsettia

red hibiscus






tree fern

hono hono orchid

dendrobium orchids(all colors)

minature roses( pink and yellow)

Moses plant (Hilo neighbor)


plants we are planning on getting:


hybrid roses

fruit trees

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Well, that pretty much sums up what I have in my garden for now.  I will be updating this page at some point..Aloha Y'all come back you here!!

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